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May 21, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-05-21

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vo. 1.-Na. 16.


Forty Michigan College Men in At-

U. of M. Annual Field Day.

University Minstrels.

Th'le following are
the 'Warsity FieldIl
Mlay a2l.

... I

''hle _11 ihalum Inter -(Colleg iteo ,~s~
P'rahilsitiin cnvntonbenits ses ic ioowrillash.
sions at Newhoiry Iliii, yesteriayiv 20
afternoonan't 330, wtiii'inad rss j_1.t
of welcis yA V.Aii s-i I iS<o
(lent softithe niverasits' lauliusiisus msieran.
C11t1h. j(. sart IL'thors tresidentI mhuil a.
ofi the Inoter-(Collogia te \ssai itic)i i yrdl hardl
respsioddwihharyasucscri tin<tsgisot.
hoth so sis t 51' o 1A. risititisiis Is assn', hlls-ra
I lists anl thesosp~itablse citt/esiSotf isuisiin' highlt
hiss )alIi I~eitleth o f clh015S0tate 'sin sis Iissit
S iio i iLs tc e, tei rc a w l e iC
liiiactassti sosli olintwich het ito 5i in aci
SttiC f w I t ol ii i ais Isheo sC is 0 . 1.
'1.5 isin, Ar o iiion itisiri oii 'lsi it (son is iti
1 -1 t, Afte a brif re s uitd the i Ohtis s o I
repti ofsi i i 'ssi sshi la cics'ove tlin
wa~s a otisstiltert iasied byi teconri Annos
isisan iii itoswas'in strodstlicedsby ii>few sis Thiss O'iris
lone, aofi1,11is' is i toboai n
Mle u~ln.s' s'ssass swas iios n tjt he ell uc i i liO
'orostiss'. hi ilsiic tedofi i fiis the i gets sc
sioe"Ilan isli Issssl lowed antiiimistlof
ss iisssisis tha t pos t ats i i eit wo ;
slil poliicaiispiitics cannserthrt-i "sar "usia 1AI
tic thie lisltiioI IIafic.s tic '(lnIAne1; Te
sw iti his iwondsserful cia lpcureit Isy Bust. (ros
ill io iheocanvss.I IPisf.Cooley;
1 sos s hush iscoodilssly siss 5 ol tos E letlee; '('tie
itteinditlie resomaiin sessioiis of tiiijIPrf.IlDinisoi;
convsentiona this fosreo'isoin ainsls- Ni J I.I~
penially use hIter-Collegiate Ora tosiriSociety,'' hy
foal roistest at a o'clock iiiis aftier-~ relmt
noon, Nenwberry' Sall. '1"lie Sasphoni
''1"lie Juiiior,'
Jefferson vs. Webster. i "'Thle Seiior,'
'T'he second of tine neries of do- The m
bating contents between these 'IThis month';
law literary societies still he held nmakes its initia
Monday evening in thst lawv lectore "Base-Ball at
room, and promises to be a very Geo. Y. Codd,
interestinsg event. The progranm will hensive sketch
be as follows: Tromhone solo, Mr. game here bet
C. WV. Jones; debate: "Resolved, and 1892, and
That capital punishment should be source is ofc
abolished." Affirmative, for Jeffer- and value.
sonian Society, Messrs. N. J. Mc- our, health"i
Guire, C. 0. Holly aud A. J. Davis. story, which
Negative, foy' Webster' Society, to be "continu
Messrs. H. A. Smith, S. T. Mears, number contain
and G. E. Morgan. Piano solo,; but these are o
Nigs Minnie Davis. the issue a cem


tu ent for'iss15 The'lifirst inus Xrbosr 'appteairanie 01.1'
Say, Satuisda~y , (if the [ iiscisit iIunsti its oicurirei
list evesniii the opsri iltises.
lirge 'aidiesnce hadissssiiits~to
iosiisilmissteis tosthe tprograiiiiiidIthe 1lis I I
150 aqiittedl tieislsolin aii maninse5
300 indicaitingsosoetaileint iind consider-
000 i bepatc. Toe itticismusanis
2 o rd. liurdle i msc fthet~Fist Inutbero iere par. RC
Il-ikc . 1t l s ely ipss'ssing, espieciallys' ' S i
StiisillitjumpiCia-esi atuter,"sadsiA'aI' si
1,1-1t «e l 't i r tessicl's iss' in bytheliii ts sts, s
is ostlitis cci ills use pasit isisciompniediio i
SI itu o es 'it msics'howedrci srea:sil lec-
isotlisin' Itser-K

I'si s, Tossis I, TtiS.
5Mailed to Ycou
Upon '
1liil t : i i5c c;('iFis Yti

ttls .
: isi ssits

lt ii i Si r ed l
1ists first li ec m
s'eiii. '~i:e~a c
s1taseS ssisil 5 ii silo
it e ssrs as It «
Aai Binnuos fEni
ait the ale l-
will isocrs i i's' los ross-
ostsi t stissi'l laI ltc
exptse to'i atcs t e
the lprafs sssesoa
i( worki'. Tlii foil-
In isnieersOfc
ne;t"he sirnk," y
"ifting,"'by Piiof.
Th isTfechnits"by
'eli"Te I' ssiieersiu-
Ali. W. S.Jonos;
is b l r. ii Ailich;i
ore, by Xli IBattin;
by Aiii Dairow.
Way Inlander. j
is issoe of the Inlander
.l nunmher a history of
tthe U. of M.," by
' 91. It is a conmpre-
of the history of the
tween the years 1863
coming from such a
'We went abroad for
is a cleverly written
like Codd's article is
zed in our next." This
ins. only three articles,
Ahigh merit and make
litable one.

tiand ieaor ri s I ut 'ui
tiiseaise essilissi is st usmtisPerliar-
si'i ts". lwerets '"acro''tic tea s <t'its
ti 1 ti i pa or a m iii is
Tihe Gri-n ethodaist Uisity.'.
5555 vil the csilY' last Of stscisc-,
the tiso 1itoiis sit 551 b eta lihe
i)yth ellta ii i t siyto's'
tiesc. isso s l ctis iii 11it cn o~-
heopenedcito isiudes. t i el
posst grsadua'teswork shoisy, andIilsi
be sssc tideitspoeciai 5iitiOiSttis sif
Blishiops hirst,wliiistansiusiast ste
lioado of the eniterpirise. Dinuite
sctisoistiowardlits rstsstslisiost trill
be takacisby ste raoiferienelduring
the piresenst sessions.
To' the VI. of M. D 0.11s.
A good iaany cooninicalioiis
haive teen made on the actioii of the
janitors in sellinsg chairs. at the lastI
concert in 'University] Hall. As the
full seating capacity of the hail can-
not be utilized owing to the exten-
sion of the platform, would it not be
a good idea for the managemsent to
see that a row or two of seats are
placed in time rear part of the gal-
lery for the next concert? These
Iwould be desirable seats, and at the
same time obviate the necessity of
occupying the aisles, which is cer-
tainly; a practice to be condemned.
The first installnsent of the- senior
caps has arrived.

II l
t n si i isisi s Issis l t ssiirc:- l'lsihsiii i-siles
Isiiis i ptiosend 51 or iCi't's iitoss s ,rs
11.I:I'k If, ICH.
jfttehrnonG{ Slraigh± Q at.
(J1 -51 tt ihh llo i se ts l
ii'sss is hn their rief"h
f g s -5~' SPals BRlANDsupenrior In
an ' J Theai md nS tih tel St'arts
Ct No n(J-hirneltt emi bmade rter it-
esr ingt esl lateflvoeand bserir list u
Gld euaeeron iinVirgnen.sTrry isltheaOld
Ot tho Amer ices'.Tobaicci Co.,
sleanfcer , ots iticliond. 'Virginia
Ninth AMainStr1et1
Ti the C. it M. DAILY:
W~hy istould not 'thteco-eds base a
yell of their own?- Thoy need one
for many festive occasions, such 2s
the Freshman spread and Women'
League meetings. Let us hear from
the co-eds?
Mis.Susan B.A nthony speaks be-
fore the Wonen's League; ,n New-
berry Hall, Monday evening..

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