uf ltl* vo. 1.-Na. 16. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, TMAY 21, 18S92. THE PROHIBITION CONVENTION. Forty Michigan College Men in At- tendance. U. of M. Annual Field Day. University Minstrels. Th'le following are the 'Warsity FieldIl Mlay a2l. ... I ''hle _11 ihalum Inter -(Colleg iteo ,~s~ P'rahilsitiin cnvntonbenits ses ic ioowrillash. sions at Newhoiry Iliii, yesteriayiv 20 afternoonan't 330, wtiii'inad rss j_1.t of welcis yA V.Aii s-i I iSfew sis Thiss O'iris lone, aofi1,11is' is i toboai n Mle u~ln.s' s'ssass swas iios n tjt he ell uc i i liO 'orostiss'. hi ilsiic tedofi i fiis the i gets sc sioe"Ilan isli Issssl lowed antiiimistlof ss iisssisis tha t pos t ats i i eit wo ; slil poliicaiispiitics cannserthrt-i "sar "usia 1AI tic thie lisltiioI IIafic.s tic '(lnIAne1; Te sw iti his iwondsserful cia lpcureit Isy Bust. (ros ill io iheocanvss.I IPisf.Cooley; 1 sos s hush iscoodilssly siss 5 ol tos E letlee; '('tie itteinditlie resomaiin sessioiis of tiiijIPrf.IlDinisoi; convsentiona this fosreo'isoin ainsls- Ni J I.I~ penially use hIter-Collegiate Ora tosiriSociety,'' hy foal roistest at a o'clock iiiis aftier-~ relmt noon, Nenwberry' Sall. '1"lie Sasphoni ''1"lie Juiiior,' Jefferson vs. Webster. i "'Thle Seiior,' 'T'he second of tine neries of do- The m bating contents between these 'IThis month'; law literary societies still he held nmakes its initia Monday evening in thst lawv lectore "Base-Ball at room, and promises to be a very Geo. Y. Codd, interestinsg event. The progranm will hensive sketch be as follows: Tromhone solo, Mr. game here bet C. WV. Jones; debate: "Resolved, and 1892, and That capital punishment should be source is ofc abolished." Affirmative, for Jeffer- and value. sonian Society, Messrs. N. J. Mc- our, health"i Guire, C. 0. Holly aud A. J. Davis. story, which Negative, foy' Webster' Society, to be "continu Messrs. H. A. Smith, S. T. Mears, number contain and G. E. Morgan. Piano solo,; but these are o Nigs Minnie Davis. the issue a cem toe. Ile. tu ent for'iss15 The'lifirst inus Xrbosr 'appteairanie 01.1' Say, Satuisda~y , (if the [ iiscisit iIunsti its oicurirei list evesniii the opsri iltises. lirge 'aidiesnce hadissssiiits~to iosiisilmissteis tosthe tprograiiiiiidIthe 1lis I I 150 aqiittedl tieislsolin aii maninse5 300 indicaitingsosoetaileint iind consider- 000 i bepatc. Toe itticismusanis 2 o rd. liurdle i msc fthet~Fist Inutbero iere par. RC Il-ikc . 1t l s ely ipss'ssing, espieciallys' ' S i StiisillitjumpiCia-esi atuter,"sadsiA'aI' si 1,1-1t «e l 't i r tessicl's iss' in bytheliii ts sts, s is ostlitis cci ills use pasit isisciompniediio i SI itu o es 'it msics'howedrci srea:sil lec- isotlisin' Itser-K I'si s, Tossis I, TtiS. (OF YOUR'- SOII BLG 5Mailed to Ycou TtinooiglsYour o HAP.TEIR Upon ' APPLICATION. 1liil t : i i5c c;('iFis Yti DETROIT, - - MlICH. ttls . : isi ssits lt ii i Si r ed l 1ists first li ec m s'eiii. '~i:e~a c s1taseS ssisil 5 ii silo it e ssrs as It « Aai Binnuos fEni ait the ale l- will isocrs i i's' los ross- ostsi t stissi'l laI ltc exptse to'i atcs t e the lprafs sssesoa i( worki'. Tlii foil- siberessispondelto laer"byPesisdeist In isnieersOfc ne;t"he sirnk," y "ifting,"'by Piiof. Va'usnisins'inut,"by Th isTfechnits"by 'eli"Te I' ssiieersiu- Ali. W. S.Jonos; is b l r. ii Ailich;i ore, by Xli IBattin; hby"11i.lBaldwsii; by Aiii Dairow. Way Inlander. j is issoe of the Inlander .l nunmher a history of tthe U. of M.," by ' 91. It is a conmpre- of the history of the tween the years 1863 coming from such a considerableiterest 'We went abroad for is a cleverly written like Codd's article is zed in our next." This ins. only three articles, Ahigh merit and make litable one. tiand ieaor ri s I ut 'ui tiiseaise essilissi is st usmtisPerliar- si'i ts". lwerets '"acro''tic tea s