March 20, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 119) • Page Image 1
….ots X. N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 0910. No ig. VOL. X1. SYRACUSE CRUSHED BY IYIC IGAN TRACK TEAMI 'W olverines Defeat Eastern A ggregation 65 to 1 -K k M a e 4 0 Y rd D s in: 2 4 5 Seconds and Breaks Record--Homner is Indi- vidual Point Winner. i '; DIAMOND ARTISTS PLAY SNAPPY GAME R ckey Sends T«o o Nines Against Each Othier=Newv Material Promiscs Strong Team. Enouora cd by the apperanct of rea: 1 it u os wth so-i-' steedy bhos...…