Not on Varsity
>r Annual
Campu s
L Given Winners
Cosmopolitan club's "Armenian Night"
at Harris hall, 7:30 o'clock.
Chess and Checker club meets at Un-
ion, 7::10 o'clock.
Membership dance at Union, 9:00
Fresh lit dance in Barbour gymnasium,
2:00 o'clock.
"Dub" track meet, Waterman gym,
3:00 o'clock.
Will Take Position Vacated by George
3lc~lahon, and Play Opposite
Grinstead in Coming
Vnion Opera
Special Michigan Daily Supplement
Slated to Appear
Michigan Representative Earns Right
to Speak for This State in
Central Group Meet
at Ripon College
"Idea of Peace Thrl' Internationalism"
May Be Realized," States
Winner's Conclusion
N. .E. Pinney, '16, Michigan's repre-
sentative, won the State Peace contest
held iqs University hall last night, thus
successfully completing for the uni-
* **** *** **K*s*9 *****
These men will vote today, di-
rectly or indirectly, as to wheth-
er Michigan shall continue to let
her baseball athletes swear
falsehoods in making out eligi-
bility blanks. It is the so-called
summer baseball issue.
Prof. A.. S. Whitney
Prof. Ralph Aigler
Philip G. Bartelme
Prof. G. W. Patterson
Prof. R. W. Bunting'
James Duffy
Judge J. 0. Murfin
John D. Hibbard
Walter Emmons
Edward Saier
H. Beach Carpenter
Besides Action upon Question of
Aamateurism, Letters for Dr
Meet Will Be Voted on
Will Also Map Out Varsity Dian
and Gridiron Schedules for
This Year
he second annual "Dub"
man gym closed yester-
149 men having enroll-
-t in the second e~venit of
held at Michigan. The
led for 3:00 o'clock this,
t which will hold the great-
est of onlookers will
ole vault, which is ox-
2 a grade higher in the qual-
petition than the other di-
the program. The winners
t three places will be the
n the "Dub" meet to receive
>r their efforts.
most perfect "Dub" aprize
f candy is to be given. in
alify for this prize the win-
ave entered more than three
etual competition and must
to win a prize in each of
man who wins the most
also receive a box of can-
phies will be given for the
3h, five for the 40-yard low
d three each for the shot
r mile, half mile, mile,
oad jump and running high
o prizes each are to be
r the rope climbing contest,
intest and pole vault. One
ven for the standing high
ing contest and 40-yard
Mr. Willard 1. Beehan speaks on,
"Watchman, Tell Us of the Night,"
at the Union, 3:00 o'clock.
Doctor Frank W. Gunsaulus speaks in
Hill auditorium, 7:00 o'clock.
Noted Spe'aker Believes Northern Ter-
ritory Destined to Add
Star to Flag
Glenn M. Sooy, '16, has been chosen
from a field of about five contestants
to take the place vacated by George
P. McMahon, who was to play the part
* * *
of Dick. Sooy is said to have a fine versity, the first step towards the Na- * * **
* * * * * * * * * * *
rack team will
lay as starter
or Rowe as
ges and assist-
by Local
In a spectacular lobby which lasted
until 11:45 o'clock Wednesday night,
a committee of 58 local business men,
university professors and students
waged a word battle before the liquor
committee of the state legislature. The
lobby was to create sentiment in favor
of the Stevens bill.for thie prohibition
of liquor within a five mile radius of
all state educational institutions.
The local delegation which expected
to present their case at a morning ses-
sion of the committee were forced by
the committee, on account of press of
other business, to postpone their pre-
sentation until early evening, and
when at length the committee was free
to hear arguments pro and con on the
bill, the Ann Arbor delegation com-
pleted what was in the words of one
of the professors who was present on
the trip, "absolutely the most sane
and convincing arguments he had ever
heard in favor of prohibition.."
Registrar A. G. Hall was the first
speaker who addressed the committee
in favor of the bill and he was follow-
ed by W. W. Schroeder, '16L, who was
the first to present the case to the
committee on behalf of the students.
Two representatives of the Ypsilanti
State Normal college then spoke brief-
ly in' favor of the proposed measure
and they were followed by two Detroit
men who were part of a delegation
which had journeyed to Lansing to
lobby against the adoption of the bill.
C. C. Webber, '15, spoke in favor of an
"arid zone," and he was followed by
Prof. Horace L. Wilgus, of the law
School, who summed up the argument
for the local delegation, and in acd1-
tion presented some of the legal as-
pects involved in the provisions of the
proposed law.
The bill will be considered in com-
mittee next Wednesday.
"In the not far distant future, I look
to see Alaska add one more star to our
national flag," said Mr. Asa C. Baldwin
in his illustrated lecture on, "The
Survey of the Alaskan Boundary," at
Hill auditorium last night. "Most of
us erroneously think of Alaska as being
a huge ice-box of land so cold and so
far away that the ordinary pursuits of
life cannot be followed."
About 2,000 people attended the lec-
ture, and at all times the speaker held
the audience by his skillful enter-
taining power. During the course
of the speech Mr. Baldwin recited the
famous poem entitled, "The Spell of
the Yukon" written by the Canadian
poet, W. Serviss. A group of pictures
he had taken were used to illustrate
the poem and seemed to fit the thought
which the author had in mind when he
wrote it.
Perhaps the most interesting part
of the lecture was when he described'
the ascent up Mt. St. Elias, which was
one of the most difficult climbes neces-
sary to complete the survey. The
party of which Mr. Baldwin was chief,
was composed of two Canadians and
our Americans. The atmospheric con-
ditions forced three of the party to
make their descent, while the remain-
der of the party continued the climb.
All through the lecture Mr. Baldwin
gave especial praise to the pack-
horse, without which he claimed the
survey could never have been com-
The first part of the lecture was de-
voted to Alaska in general, in which,
by means of slides and photographs,
he described the life and customs of
the natives of the north. Then a ser-
ies of pictures followed, illustrating
the various industrial activities. Mr.
Baldwin also said Alaska can be self-
supporting from its soil, but agricu
ture will always be of secondary im-
portance. Mining and the salmon in-
dustry are the main sources of wealth.
"Monuments mark the boundary be-
tween the two nations. They are sep-
arated by a distance of about three
miles and are about three feet high;
on its sides are inscribed, the United
States and Canada."
In conclusion, Mr. Baldwin remark-
ed that these g eat surveying prob-
lems which have been worked out in
a peaceful manner have in reality
protected the United States and that
monuments that mark our boundary
line stand as the sentries of peace."
Fresh Engineers Hold Initial Banquet
Fresh engineers held their first class
dinner at the Michigan Union last
night. George H. Sisler, '15E, acted as
toastmaster for the occasion, and Prof.
J. R. Allen and Prof. J.C. Hildner were
the faculty speakers. A talk was also
given by Harry F. Dake, president of
the class.
Announce Chaperons for Union Affair
Chaperons for tonight's weekly Un-
ion membership dance will be Mr. and
Mrs. E. F. ilughitt and Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Bassett. The banjorine, which
proved a decided success at last week's
lrty, will be introduced again as the
feature of the affair. Practically all
of the tickets had been sold last night.
baritone voice. He will play opposite
Grinstead in the leading male role.
'Members of the cast, chorus and or-
chestra will hold a rehearsal at the
Union at 1:00 o'clock this afternoon,
and General Chairman Baxter wishes
that every man in the orchestra be
present, as today's practice is to take
the place of the one scheduled for
Any member of the Union who has
not secured a slip entitling him to get
seats for the opera, may obtain them
at the Union today. All members of
the orchestra may also get slips al-
lowing them to purchase seats at the
advance sale which begins today at
Hill auditorium box office for the cast,
chorus, members of the orchestra and
An opera supplement published by
The Michigan Daily, devoted almost
entirely to news concerning the opera,
cast, chorus, etc., will appear Monday
morning at the usual time. Several
cuts will be included in the number,
among them being those of the writers.
of the music and the book, and a few
cuts of the chorus practicing, the cast
and the 1915 committeemen.
Director Sanger is holding daily re-
hearsals for the cast and chorus, the
latter group sometimes being required
to attend two practices a day, as a per-
fect chorus is one aim which the op-
era management has in view.
About 30,000 Copies of University Bill-
letins to Be Sent Out
to Alumni
Campus News Notes, third of a se-
ries of university bulletins is nearing
completion in the hands of E. W. Hals-
lip, '14L, who is editor of the publica-
tion. About 30,000 copies are to come
from the press by April 1, when they
will be mailed to alumni and former
Illustrations in the pamphlet will in-
clude a full page picture of the propos-
ed Michigan Union clubhouse, as it
would appear with the alterations re-
cently suggested by Architect I. K.
Pond. Another full page cut will show
the Martha Cook residence hall now
nearing completion as a women's dor-
Articles and editorials will be those
of general interest to students and
alumni, and will aim to keep the alum-
ni in closer touch with the Michigan
campus and student body. A general
story of the proposed Union clubhouse'
and stories of other Union activities,;
the work of the Y.. M. C. A. and
other news will be contained in
the 16 page booklet. The manage-
tional Peace contest honors. Pinney
has now the right to speak for the
state of Michigan in the Central Group
contest, which will be staged at Ripon
college, Wisconsin, about April 23, and
in which Michigan, Wsconsin, Illinois,
Indiana and Ohio will participate.
Arthur A. Metcalf, of Michigan State
Normal, secured second place, while
Burr M. Berry, of Albion, was given
third. Both of these schools were rep-
resented by enthusiastic supporters
who did not fail to show confidence in
their orators.
"In every age of the world man has
been moved by the desire for con-
quest," said Pinney, ins opening his
address on, "The American Conquest of
the World." "This desire has often
expressed itself in warfare. But there
is a conquest greater than the con-
quest of arms. It is the conquest of
a great idea,-the only conquest which
can ever be permanent. There is an
idea which has developed with the
history of America that shall conquer
the world, and the nations are being
prepared'for its reception by the great
conlict now raging in Europe."
After reviewing the past course of
United States history, Pinney contrast-
ed the opposing theories of, interna-
tionalism and individualism which
seem to exist even today as a heritage
of the formative period of our country.
Then turning to a consideration of the
resent European conflict, Pinney said:
"Let us think clearly on this subject
that our judgment may be sound," he
continued, "If the relations between
peoples are such as to lead nations
into conflict, the world must recon-
struct its ideals. This is America's
opportunity,-to free herself from the
menace of jingoism and extend to the
family of nations those. principles
which keep our states at peace with
one another. To this end let there
be established a United States of the
World in which the nations shall live
side by side in peace. Let the nations
catch the vision of American democra-
cy. To their spirit of national indi-
vidualism let them add the principle of
internationalism. As a result of the
harmonious working of these two forc-
?s, the millions of soldiery will be turn-
ed to peaceful pursuits. The neutrality
of small governments will be respect-
ed. Then all nations will turn from
destruction to construction, and Amer-
ica, instead of following the world,.
may lead the world in the conqpest of
peace and the ideals of democracy."
Having shown the necessity for great
statesmen in this, America's greatest
national crisis, and having urged the
policyof gradual disarmament, Pinney
closed with the following appeal:
"No power on earth can stop the
1915 Dents Felled by Lawyer Squad
Which Ha's Own Way
Throughout .,
Walking over the senior dents with
ease the senior laws last night won
their way into the finals of the inter-
class basketball play, scoring 23 points'
to the dental students' nine. The
second game of the evening's sched-
ule at Waterman gym was a 27 to 20
victory for the soph lits who came
from behind in the second half and de-
feated the fresh engineers.
The dents started out with a handi-
cap failing to strike their stride until
the second half when they added eight
points to the one garnered in the first
period. The laws had everything their
own way from the start, scoring 12
points in the first half and one less
than that in the final division. Gold-
stick and McClellan, the legal for-
wards proved too fast for the dental
guards to handle, the former chalking
up one of the laws' field baskets while
the latter counted five. The lineups
and summaries follow:
Senior laws (2) Senior dents (9)
McClellan.. . R.F.......Melvin
Goldstick.. . L.F......Campbel
Carlson....... ..C James, Bond
Kerwin ........R.G........ Sherry
Goals from field-McClellan 5, Ker-
win 2, Sherry 2, Melvin, Campbell,.
Goldstick. Baskets from fouls-Mel-
vin, Goldstick 7. Score end first half
--laws 12, dents,1. Final score-laws
23, dents 9.
The soph lits did their usual act
when they started in the secon: half
to overcome a.lead, the score ianding
17 to 13 against them. In th half
the offensive work of Bradbeer and
Perry, coupled with the stroft; de-
fense of the lit guards proved too much
for the fresh engineers who scored on-
ly three counts while the under dogs
chalked up 14 credits to their score
and emerged on top by a margin of
seven at the end of the game. The
lineups and summaries follow:
Soph lits (27 Fresh eng. (20))
Perry..........R.F. Doty, Johnson
Milroy. .........L.F.........Ginn
Bradbeer........C. . .. Corbin
Van Aken, St. Clair R.G Hough,laskins
Talbot, Cohen.....L.G... Byster,
Goals from field-Perry 6, Brad-
beer 5, Ginn 4, Byster 2, Corbin 2, Do-
ty, Milroy. Baskets from fouls-Perry
3, Doty 2. Score end of first half-
soph lits 13, fresh engineers 17. Final
score-soph lits 27, fresh engineers 20.
Waldo M. Abbott, '12L, of 924 Oak4
land street, will go to Toledo today to
recover property amounting- to $475,
which was stolen by Esther McLave a
"domestic formerly employed in his
Last Friday when Mr. and Mrs. Ab-
bott went to Detroit for the afternoon,
the maid packed her trunk taking
with her many valuables and departed
for Toledo.
Chief of Police John Kenny traced
the McLave woman and Thursday re-
turned with her from Toledo. At her
hearing yesterday,, she pleaded guilty
and was held to the circuit court in
lieu of $1000 bail.
I Il
Whether Michigan shall take the
itial step in developing a new amate
ism by allowing her athletes to p
summer baseball is one of the seve
questions which will be considered
the meeting of the board in control
athletics at its meeting this afterni
and evening.
The awarding of the track "Mv
be another problem which the bo
will tackle today. In a resolut
adopted by the board of directors
was recommended that the board
control vote the Varsity track "M"
men on the team competing at
Drake relays, provided the team wi
For the past few years interest
boating has been becoming more m,
ifest and thetboard will probablyto
some action today on what will bet
attitude of the athletic association
wards the new sport. It is improba
that crews will be established, but 1
sport may be ranked with basketb
and the other large class sports.
Besides the questions of sumr
baseball and the awarding of the tra
"M" to the men on a winning team
Des Moines, the board will take
for consideration the baseball schE
ule for this year's Varsity. The sch<
ule for the football team this fall w
also be a topic which the board w
be called upon to consider.
Although Coach
what uncertain, th
yesterday afternoo
transfer the Varsit
the gym to Ferry
next week.
This shift is dep
on the weather ma
part of
of rest f
thea coa
the Syracuse meet, the trac
felt that not only had his me
ed a rest, but that the major
really be benefited by a ch
an absence from the gym.
A few of the athletes who
curred th'e "habit" have been
up for practice, but no strenu
of any character has been I
Captain Smith has not donn
since the team returned fron
and in all probabilities will .
until the squad reports for
work. The captain worked
the two weeks preceding the
meet, and consequently, w
trained when the Wolverines
Orange aggregation. The c
forbidden "Hal" from doing
any character as far as trac
cerned, and the sprinter has bi
ment will also feature the Union op- onward movement of a , righteous
era, the meeting of the Schoolmasters' cause. The idea of peace through the
club and spring athletics. dominance of internationalism, to be
realized needs but to be set free. Al-
PHI LAMBDA UPSILON INITIATES ready it forms the cornerstone of the
democracy of equal states within Am-
Chemie Society Takes in 11 Neophytee erica. Send it forth into the world by
Last Night
Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary chem-
ical society, initiated to active memi-
bership last night the following: 0. A.
Brines, '15P, E. C. Britton, grad., E. V.
Fishburn, '15E, R. B. Harvey, '15P, #
E. Madison, grad., R. M. McCormick,
grad., S. M. Pinkerton, '16E, S. Shap-
pirio., '15E, C. F. Smart, '16E, J. D.
Todd, '16E, F. C. Vibrans, grad.
Prof. J. O. Schlotterbeck, dean of the
College of Pharmacy, has also recently
become an honorary member of the
national organization.
The initiation of active members was
given at the chemistry building. A
banquet to the new men will be held
in Detroit, jointly with the alumni
chapter there, on Saturday, March 27.
the beginnings of disarmament; and
as its meaning dawns upon the minds
of men it will grow and gather force,
and, spreading to ever widening cir-
cles of human relationship, will find
its victory in the democracy of equal
Alpha Nu Debate Tryouts Meet Tonight
Tryouts for the Alpha Nu Freshman
cup debating team, that will debate
with a team of Adelphi men, will be
held at 7:00 o'clock tonight. The ques-
tion for debate will be, "Resolved, that
the Federal Government Should Own
and Operate a Merchant Marine." The
date for the annual Alpha Nu banquet
has been decided upon and will be
held on Thursday, March 25.
ern trip, whmcn provea too mu
consequently the night of the bi
found him overworked and not
Max Robinson has already c
longer distances than he has bE
customed to, during his few a
ances in the gym, thus followi
Coach Farrell's plan to develop
mile relay team for the Drake n
well as a four-mile quartet, if p
The coach has promised to e
squad over the, shorter route
of the squad show sufficient spe
(Continued on page 4,)