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March 20, 1910 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-03-20

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.ots X. N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 0910. No ig.

VOL. X1.

'W olverines Defeat Eastern A ggregation 65 to 1 -K k M a e 4 0 Y rd D s in: 2 4 5
Seconds and Breaks Record--Homner is Indi-
vidual Point Winner.

i ';

R ckey Sends T«o o Nines Against
Each Othier=Newv Material
Promiscs Strong Team.
Enouora cd by the apperanct of rea:
1 it u os wth so-i-' steedy bhose,-
)allin Ce clglia1m totae pityed ont
to fair 0-to -otds Satuortio ofterntotn.
cV O otf tie tote-'. t 1o atts t rhit-
:oftan toolie, tcrttsoct tittttodteo
teorlitto" tort-hie t'o nitttets ttttto wtfith
_lcoaedveti-l isitsquad.ti t itoeft
',adsomcha t ttrr o-theaot-

('ttereeordttts itroktettItwo rordot tiyoattdidttsittwheto tte ittbordit the tsotor n ien
trere tied oaof a r corinttta otntowettiptipodoolunodicr itfeeo e w i nt o; ptchl i 0 -0 d
the twco-lapt racetwa s st ttt Saturdaty'stntoddtiottte fttttsithttthowevr to lochit itieam--ott adtedi-t
itttoor track t etwtosettn titoigano otttotetttootk itotit ttrst attd seond, tf to 4
attdlSyrocutoe, ohithtMichiogao toont iorterfitttshittg 'lghlyin tftrontt u heeo l
655 to t2. 1Te c-tt ero dod ttotitonI Keloe foietd to c otte ut to exptee-hn oge not
a fifrst piace, foaroseondsiocontribtitoot tonstittttioplte-vautitfatlittg at 1 lto aprto
their totalntetootr of potitto. fort to ottclootafter btotht Iretoey atndlmttnttromootntont
Reck rootnitog a beittfuol racoett inte Koortsooatoolea red it. Koehtoe atstttttitOttOn0ntttt
440 -7-Otd toathibrokethe roridof 53 troubieiohisto lsptrttits It thelcostoiotyd thereforea
secondlos st ity ofters0lit yeto-o itoco1-of tot igoo'froithtle mtotintsteatd ot too discliose theor -
ph titinte ditsttteeintoo2 4-i.otnr r i oo thteoiarefotior as Ite hotd iecnt radofbs
tied hifs t onrocordof 01fott seootdosoact omttt.o Desoiteoaioptals frtoototh ito ltrttt in pttttOt
ito the 33-oytrdl dasht totiCraioti Oedthoe ottditottoo1a re ooooodidootottOttoae aycx-sot.t arNinovit l
marlk s0ct byHodgon too 905, antoo itedhiboitioneovoulotitoKernts tos'aresult bintg-icttitop pto o
by Gaorretstool97,to :t 2ltinohetooed t oo ttlatieintioet hldcotoen
4t-y-ard iloghohuorodles. The tate too teotof afarocuein'xlltstss
iHorntor wtoastoosotaitheiocdootsitdual thIoih jumpo totWtooer, ttotit Sot-1 sera' cr
poitofwio-foner,''otheringt"7poiotts ilte cuosecotry faiing too cicar thot bar t
fotur eventts tiotwhicit Itecomtedoaltoofiooetoofot otichocs, Hallor ato ornelorotC ampbetii i
bteintg ott oftofheouotr 0000000Itoihooitt taking"a toointoohooteett t0atheighot.St tout1 it ...
thoe relaoy vitlory too Micigantoo Cortoig0Iooor 10001tOthesootoa loostnco off6410Mi tohello1,..it
was0 sccondoltmoanttoo ttotoier of points10 foot 1 o-otoeches for ftrottopaittethto tMain too..
00000,to irotosotoakitog loottotal ten to toot een otN'Waito, losSyracuoseo(oo)-
poito.oIHoalsto rato last olteto-00p010onetotohIeavigotto-142 feel for second ori 1 itt t...t
relat. plaoe. I-ortoer wastcoceedattifrst ittBncootn000 f....
IFor SyrtoctoseoWNte, intoheocshot-t,00ta tocootastohelFcsOtteresterno tootoItt toot05 .....
hlire on theo otile, Fotgg,-tontthe 4400-,h0000000 1s 43 feet 8iinchtes. Wi'N thot.to ...
oard dalto nd eidaoi I- tht io oi 52 ll toold'taxtoto tooth firstotond sectod I lil]i f...it ..

t"olss 11111=,tfor otichl
00 1ilie, iythe tetore
to octo-roto ;eretoot
, 0,0ti. hot iay-~
1t Or'- ornthi eartots

ililie 4, hy Frenz o, by Silveersteito i.
Inntitogs pitched-by Withoeft 7, by
1illite , by SilversteinTo , by Proezo.
Bates ott balls-Off Wilkoeft ,,off
Sillife 6. Wild pitcho-Lillie.
Wo-itho fle boisterous-orators of thec
lIuroto dotted scith canoes all Salo.roloy
afternooo, wtol might tate been
terious accideootwsa averted by thot
)romtooo action of a couple of erporictoc-
te cantoeists. A junioor111tswith a tout
:aoty-comnpaniono sataavigatinog ft
rathoer swiff corretfnear Itoe omill. Sad
lenlytyheo light craft catught ott a suob
voerged hotogloatod turoted over. Thet
tattoo remaioted sopported above flot
touter, btothfle occoopatsscore comopell
dI too eliogt"to it kntee deep 0 il e ic,
Tao studentos, J. Thteron Sloort, 'to
it, atod W.',Lardnoer Ogden, '03 lit, orlc
itapperied by itn a similar craft, put ot
.o te rescue. The youag lady sca:
afely latoded on terra firma and a r; .
tornotfritowsatmade for bee companioot
It toosoitho conosidlerable difficulty float
thee 2000sa released from fhe oh
Second Presentation to be Gliven on
April Second.
'offer troteos of conosistenot rehtearsitog
tootder the diroction of Mr. Kentyonth fe
Sirot oroduoctiton of the juotior girls' play
-- 'lartiagot" trill be presented ott Marcht
at9. Thois ptrodouctiotn will be givent foorl
junioor atnd senifor girls tonly. Thte girls
oelatre thtat this lorodcltoo will suripass
tny of thecir previotos efforts. The soc-
anod Ipresenotationto till be givent SApril a,
ontto flenight of the W~omnt's Leagute
'Tickets of ionvifaticontbat-c beeto issuecd
too the seniors. f'Te jutoiors nat re-
cecivettheir tickets fromthelo folloowinog:
Virgiotia Ecltoofter, Kathoerine Anoder-
sont, Floretoce Marx, Jessie Hunoter,


e oolt 00 tCottpootlot
aioito 0They diltoit-
,;ub111 ::h as nil-
1d vc~r bad in ohr
to ovk00 tolhcshont
ad ilvs wo
toiIc tohule1 ofl ometo
root1'1111111,11 --telt- .



Junior Lits ti, (hoeaNovl Entcr-
lainmrent for Girls of Class
Mlonday Night.
If a lively fill dress rehearsal is any
itdicationo of a good minsfrel etertain
oett, the non of the itt lit may be
-oofideaf fbaatfther program for Mon
lay night at arbour gymnasim wil
lase fheir gurtts, who will e the
irls of Ihe class and a onumber of the
iterary faculy atod fheir wives, The
overtore for fle eveoing swill begin
)ronmptly at 750 50 thaI the curain
rillI rise exactly at 8 o'clock ott the
typical mitstrel circle it Harry Ham-
tootd as introcutor, and Riclard
Simmonos, Herbert Goetz, Max Bennett
td Chester . Staples oo the etds.
Following the succession of jokes
tud songs will1 come the olo, which in'
oues a numr of vaudeville "stunts"
hat are differett fron the conventional
rder. As a concuding feafure will
00000 "Tite Mosical Review" which is
lescribed as being "wiot reason or
too excuse" Datcing in the gynmna-
iunt parlors will complte the evening's
'esth vti s,
In ordr to permit members of the
class to secoure tickets and eats, the
5. L. A, ticket witdow in University
tall awill be open from 9 to to in the
foreoont and froomo1t o'clock to 4 in
thoc tafternooono
Thte program for the eveoing follows:
oettoP AsTe,
Openin tg Chorus, "Onoward, Men of
Micbigan" (L~awfon-Horner ..
Entire Circle
a"Whtat's thoe Matter with Father"..
......Herbert Goez
3. "Oh!t That We Two Were Maying"
... ... ... ... ... .. Orville W hite
4. "Thoe Dyiog Coon" (Lawton-Shar-
ky) ............... J. Fred Lawston
. "Oh tote a Day ito Spring".....
Burton Grim
o. "Mr. Johnoso--Good Night".....
........ ...Richard Simmons
7. "Twilight" .....,Frank . Behman
I. "How'd You Likte to be an Oxford
Chappie ?" (LawtonFiscer)..
............... Chester . Staples
9. Finoale, "loot a Goin' to Go to Yp
silatti" (Hass-Wuerthoer)....
.... ... ... ... ... Entire Circle
Selectiono.................. Orchestra
Italiano Street Musicians (Robert E.
Kuserer, E. J Walsh, Fay G Clark).
"Lasca" ,,..,,...Din Biroey
M''usical Fantaies .Joseph Homner, Jr.
Uhlel Wh~itface (. S. asher) and
Picks (fLouis OConnor, A, . Curtis,
E. J 'Wals).
\tdonologue.......Max Bennett
ooprsonatioos ......J. Fred Lawton
(a) Coacho Fieldinog I-I Yost "between
thoe halves"
(b) Robret Edesoonit his football
scene fromt "Stroglert."
(CotioueoneoPae 2)
I till ase a limited amount of origi-
tol allegrcti atd Martha Washington
hocolooes for Easter Give me, or
;hon}ota yr order early, Large line
f Gilbert's always in sock Tice's
)rug Siore, to7 So, Main sf. ot-o-o.


too fle eashoterr'stsore by takingoosec-
As only firs toond oecoondtp01c0000coutedo
tot cotritbute toto-hito hiteam00000
Syrauolstot Ilot a hac10 oontogo orde
raoce. lie owao runninotg eve-o toshoCratog
astoohveo, aclodthe hoc utrcdlo btotInotolr
cautoogislotbo atoo etto oollthoe doloor.
Although'i hto is oublotful of litoetoouildihave
taklent irst p01ate fromttoCraifgIt ouotld
ino all poaiityloohoato took-tooseondto
hlace 00n1teaol ofHbotrnetr.
'Tt' feohooro ratooof toe een'oing,al
thougho all tolheotruntto brougt itgreaot ex-
citemtocolfromtoto locIargo crowto-o eslore
owas thoc440 yatoolaoh. Kbceko heldbhbutt-
sel f toellototil theoaithlapo whentohoe
booted IRoss atod finishedoloardol tooObe
gotodinit record totoo. -tt hatt he to-to
somewhobat hoeldl boco by elfficuoty ini get-
hinog pasthiboothonimtte a'theoy oroteod
Captainto 'lat sowotdcthaitthbo tever
toas inobeoteor sitape boy easoly tainthbo
otile ruotofromtoAlgor OboehecracekoOrcange
twco-mtiler. Alirerutonoiog tootacoob
rato a gatome raoce at-hfootisiteod siroot gh
btlthoe'o'ovotin o e ltdr ,otthootfoot
itotoadaceboo be too totyoloonger otood
on bxlotheto oarob tntthetgoooobtimte of
4027 1-5.
Craig loot aohcite000to ploce inth be 35-

0105 formter footoshinog totnteexcellenot
tfooe of o2: oHal fionoshedoleostlytfoolr
tood inoroto Oof histtr0-,01t00000
ceoti0000wit loit I-ttgue'to aent
Fromtohisoowtootyrterdaybtobooite oolooksbt-
her tlit tooeottoatuuteof Miochigtots reit
resetahtves 000thet oistantce roots.Hohno-
sacelorootintoohochotlf-totie racoosomeroely
too Sobt10000e tool oroititd otOafter rutoo
nighoaIfofthoe doostanco000n0,00chraoct.
1Fromttohoe slight sorko-out boo tool:hoe
aobotoroteob toogotodtishapt.
Although so ethtong'0atonswotmarkiontthec
2;2-yarobohasloh t hto-ititraceC rot"
ovlii runnngotot"ht Idisttnceton toho0100s
eloos teamot Iblot ooarioSa't'orda'o nihtoo
cas -:28 boothhe tas onoh000betherthtnt
othtb - o e o ihtobotistrou00
Theo rolty oroota n o immooense
oomoountoof excitemnthfron theitcrowdo
tltblhoogh ohtotas Mochoogoto's race fromt
te start. Keels toutonitg first for Michoi-
toot secooredb a goodi ead fromt Leith:
tth coach ofthoe oloverine rouooters wntc
'olloorec, Ross, H~ornoer aond Craig, too-
led hoolis leaod. Al thc finoisb Craig woas
oquarter of a hap ahead of Reidptl.
be fitoal Syraocuso'roonner.
Woisnter, the best Oratoge urdler diid
toootoppetar intohiat eventh ott tccout o r
otoek of contditiool, cotentitog binself
ocithopperinog inth le bightjunop. Otobo
one0 hutrdleotraocewaorunthocsprit ovter
(Contnued ont Page x.)s

k.IL IPOfi. A. E. -sdice Adamtns. To secure those tickets
'o altbtr, they mu0sf pay floe regular juotior play
Nitoo ~ 0 fcc of 50cnts.
i'Myiers, tt-i iit.. . . . o o0 0 o 0 0
'oN tn o iib ....o o - 1 rSb \tiOR LITS LAST CHANCE
oott,,t,tt ...'i z 2 1 TO ORDER INYITATIO)NS.
b~~ro~ 0i
1 1ti11 f o 3 0 olthtotugha btundred nmore seoiorlift
'o'olsitc ..... orove00r too the Aluonni Associatioto
Lilie,1 0 T rotoosIFroday afteroonooloathed witho
Co0003 tt 0 i 0 0 z 000cointoo paytheioir class dtoes anoo orodcr
Bentminto00t0 00nvitationsosoomefifty otoeonbers of Oboe
Itt orohoc...... o I0 0class b-too yet to otake ftocir appoearanoce.
Irn, 0 do 0 z F1thoe special benoefit of a fcew strag-
glerosobwro h-teoet01yet paid their clues
4 3 2 14 ad orde red invitatioos, the treasurer
toro 00 0 000000'-dtoothtootontocononittee will resume
their lacoo ini Obe Alunitrootms ott
4 0 0 0 0 0This still be tbe last opporotnity to
Sumre:0 as isMthlorder tonvtatioots.
W'alsh. tlruooo Ly ~t~ofb
09001POTRS oRvoArozIo.
Steps for class organoizationo lar
FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH bteeto taketo by the 1900 Foresters an.
the followitog tenoporary officers wrer
cootNto, 50ito 000010)toot o tttttI:I', electehd at the meeting held Satoteda'
HENRKY 'oIL DhER4 IIOTE, d1ioisoer. afteroooon: Chtairnman, C. M.Jentninogs
--tecrehary, 0. C. Beech, . E.I. Poutoo
130-.000000 -Servce.anoociF. G. Clark wrere elected to repre
itt toersho Stooetts' Claoss, coot- sentf fle chats itn the ratificatioto of tho
duateoilbyo-Nit Fotoo.'fToipic: "Ioter- *proposed cotostitutioot for the Foreste'
naottol R14. ioos-the 'oar Againtst Cloob. "ononouncements Oh regard to
\Vao." further organization soillhe anntoune(t
x:0p m CYP. .Cmeectintg. ino te Daily,

Mr. lienT. urn r. V.0C. Vaughan
General Secretary of the Pittsburg Civic Commission

" Conditions in Pittsburg"

"The Evolution of the Superman"

McMillan Hall Sunday Evening, 6:30 O'clock March 20 MeoilCuc1fCrs,7:0P .SnaMrh2

Memorial Church of;Chrisf, 7:34 P. M.

Sunday, March 20


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