April 02, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 133) • Page Image 1
…of s- 2;, tIr iwr 4hr A- 4 at AO [JAY AIND N ' ~SER' -~1 ) T ,. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1920. PRICE _._.,.. - -- ----- n .. ... )VER WINS ON TWO TICKE __ I CAILISTS ISEATS IN IR HOS OF ASSEIWBLYMEN )WS 24 HOUR DEBRATE TRAITOROUS, ES COMMITTEE Introduced Against Po- 'ganizations with . Members 1 1.-The five Socialist e state assembly, Lewis August Claessons of nuel DeWitt and Sam- oe Bronx, and- Charles ings cou...…