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April 02, 1925 - Image 1

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VOL XXXV. No. 138





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Loafing More Injurious Than
Athletics, Aigler Maintains



"Thlnking in A Dcmocracy" Is Subject
of Amherst Ex-President's
Speech Tomorrow
Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn, of New
York, ex-president of Amherst college
and prominent educator, will deliver
the main address at the annual con-
vention of the Michigan Schoolmas-
ters' club, which meets here today, to-
morrow and Saturday. Dr. Meiklejohn 1
will speak at 11 o'clock tomorrow, at
Hi auditorium, on "Thinking in a
The convention, which is the six-
tieth annual meeting of the club, will
open this afternoon, with conferences
of the various departments. The del-
egates have practically all arrived in
Ann Arbor, and have registered at the
headquarters of the convention in Uni-
versity hall.
Among the more important confer-
ences this afternoon, will be that in
E ,nglish, which meets at 2:30 o'clock
in .Pattingil auditorium of the Ann
Arbor high school., Prof. Charles C.
Fries, of the English department, will'
Gpreside. There will be a round table
discussion of the problem of correct
English, and Professor Fries will
speak on "The Rules of Formal Gram-
Conferences will also be held in
mathematics, biology, library work,
public speaking, and geography.
Among the members of the faculty of
the University who will take part in
the discussions are Shirley E. Field,
of the mathematics department, who
will speak on the work of University
freshmen in mathematics, and Prof.
Preston E. James, of the geography
department, who is secretary of the
geogaphy conference.
The ntire convention will gather
at the Union at 5:45 o'clock for the
speechless" reception and dinner,
After the dnner, the delegates may at-
tend a complimentary performance of
"The Mikado," presented by students
of the Ann Arbor high school, at the
Masonic Temple
A full program for tomorrow, i-
cluding a business meeting at 9:301
o'clock in the morning, the speech by
Dr. Meiklejohn, and meetings of all the
department conferences, has been
planned by the club, of which Frank
A. Jeffers, of Plainesdale, Michigan,
is president.
Applications for approximately 200
tickets to the 1925 Military Ball, which'
will be held April 24 in Waterman
and Barbour gymnasiums, are still
available and may be procured this
afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock at the
Vnion. Applications may also be ob-
tiined in the main office of the R. O.
T. C. building, and from' Ralph R.
Graichen, '25E, chairman of the tickets
committee, at 416 Benjamin street.
Orders have been filled fr all the
campus military organizations and for
service and ex-service men, and the
remaining quota of tickets will be
available for the general campus and
faculty. The tickets will be placed on
sale Wednesday, April 8, in the Union.

Speaking in defense of intercol-
legiate athletics, which have been
strenuously assailed recently for the
part they play in American university
life, Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, chairman
of the Board in Control of Athletics,
remarked that the harm done by them
is almost as nothing when compared
'to the evil caused by common loafing.
"The greatest vice in American Col-I
lege life today," he asserted, "is loaf-
ing. There is no doubt that this far
overshadows the 'harm created by in-
tercollegiate athletics.
"No one," Professor Aigler contin-
ued, "would be more pleased than I to
4 see a Phi Betta Kappa man receive as
much recognition by the public as do
our leading athletes. But such a con-
dition would be contrary to human
nature. Intellectual attainments do
not make such an appeal, and that is
why athletics are so prominent in
colleges and universities today. That

this should be the case is truly un-
fortunate, but how can it be altered?"
In commenting upon the recent an-
nual report of Dr. Henry S. Pritchett,
president ofathe Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching, in
which he deplored the present col-
legiate athletic situation, Professor
Aigler said, "I agree with Dr. Prit-
chett that outside activities over-
shadow and sometimes run counter to
the intellectual life of the college, but
athletics are not nearly as great an
inroad on time as are social activities,
for instance.
"It must be borne in mind that ath-
letics are simply one part of the Uni-
versity's life. The intellectual fea-
tures must always -be -considered
dominant. I strdpgly believe that
there are dangers existing in intercol-
legiate athletics. This whole matter
must be most carefully supervised and
directed, for it is not difficult to let
it slip out of hand."

Favor Beginning Task By Excluding
Points On Which Agreement
Seems Difficult
Geneva, April 1. (By A. P.)-German'
neutrality in war times came up in-
directly today during the inaugural
1 session of the conference of world
jurists gathered to study the progres-
sive codification of international law.
George W. Wickersham, former
United States attorney-general, offered

That the 1925 Senior ball will be
held Friday, May 22, was announced
at a senior class meeting yesterday
afternoon in Newberry hall. Richard
ILaurence, class president, also declar-
ed that in accordance with the cus-
tom of past years, the dance will be
restricted to members of the class.
The official day for seniors to ap-
pear in their gaps and gowns will
probably fall upon each Wednesday
following Swing-Out, the chairman of
this committee announced. The op-
portunity to order the garments ended
yesterday, lie added. Senior sings
have been scheduled for May 13 and
Inasmuch as orders will be sent to
the printers Saturday, the invitations
committee will accept no orders for
invitations after tomorrow.
Mrs. Dean W. Meyers, representa-
tive of the American Association of
College Women, told the class that ar-
rangements have been made for the
appearance and address here of Mrs.


Members of the senior engine-
ering class will hold a regular
meeting at nine o'clock this
morning in room 348 of the West
Engineering building. Wilfred
Shaw, 04, will give an address
on the Alumni association.
Newton Baker May Discuss Collegians'
Influence at 8 O'Clock in



iCHO L cocret sugestons s tohow o po-( Aurela H. Reinhardt, president of the Auditorium I
ceed to the task. He was followed byorganization, at 3 o'clock Saturday in --
Professor Schuecking, German jurist, the Union ball room. ON ORATORICAL SERIES
who emphaszedhis happiness in pa- IO R T RC LSRE
ticipating in the league codification, !-
E despite th fact that Germany is not "The Influence of College-Bred Men
ANNUALqEETtHERMEETeA D N E mr taofGer-uHe. VAUDEVILEin Public Affairs," has been announced
----tnn ,ndBor m y fsone of featue of as the probable subject of Newton D.
perintendants and Board Members ore Than 500 Attend Annual Aff a n Germanys memoranda to the powers Baker's address at 8 o'clock tonight in
A Open Meeting Aigler Discusses Purposes of of the council during the earlier ex- VOVBE E IT H Hill auditorium. Dean Henry M, +
At Lane Hall OrganizationIchange oftviews gnGermanysadh 1 - Bates of the Law school, a personalt
eefriend of the former secretary of war,
ATTEND BANQUET LIVINGSTON SPEAKS linked in the German mind with Ber- Popular Parts OJuGiveno on s' ay will introduce the speaker.
a member of the League, she would Night Although Mr. Baker has been in-
School superintendants and school Fraternity men representing almost contribute to actions against an ag active in public life since his position
ard members of the Michigan State every house on the campus met last gressive state. INCLUDES C in Wis ainet his
eachers' association opened their . Professor Scheuking favored begin- LPresident isons ca ,
inual conference yesterday afternoon night at the Union for the fist annual es e f e b secretaryship was preceded by various
Lane hall, when Pres. Leslie A. interfraternity council banquet. Moreexcluding those points of law on which Acts and specialties for thie benefit activities as a member of the Demo-
Itler, superintendent of Grand Rap- than 500 attended the affair, which an agreement seemed difficult for the performance which will be given at cratic presidential campaign. Prior to
s schools, spoke on the advance . was held in the assembly hall, with moment, and contemplated on matters 8 o'clock Monday in Hill auditorium his appointment under the Wilson ad-i
ado in the state during the last year overflow tables set in the main dining on which unanimity appeared assured. have been announced in full, showing miinistration, Mr. Baker was mayor of
ong educational lines. This in great measure was also Mr. on the program a dance orchestra, Cleveland for, two terms, from 1912
Dr. Charles L. Spain, deputy super- room. Wickersham's plan. He suggested that popular portions of the recent Junior to 1916.
tendent of Detroit schools, gave the Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law the jurists might profit by the ex- Girls' play, a noted baritone, clog Mr. Baker is credited with having,
amn address at a banquet of the school and James Duane Livingston ample of the American Law institute dancers, and a novelty performer. made several changes which brought
nvntion last night at the Union, the toastmaster in drafting certain accepted princi- Phil Diamond and his "Six of Dia- I about immediate improvement in the
eaking on "Obstacles to Educational e roples of common law, and having them monds" orchestra will present an act department. There is especially at-
rogress." as the speakers of the evening. Pro- stand for the guidance of the tribunal, which will include the unusual ar- tributed to the former secretary the
Among the points emphasized at fessor Aigler, after some mention of leaving upon those who do not accept rangements which this organization plans by which the industrial affairs
ie session yesterday afterr on at the growth of fraternities nationally these principles, in any case, the bur- has developed for its public appear- were more closely centralized, the in-
ane hall were mare rigid require- and on the campus, devoted his ad- den of proving that the law thus pre- ances. The members of the band are 1 sistence upon the selective draft, and
aents for certificates for teaching, sented is not a fair or exact state- Phil Diamond, Fred Zeier, Ollie Math- the prevention of interference with the
mgher salaries, and the passing se mnt. ewson, Jimmy Drego, Howard House, conduct of the war through politics.
ie appropriation bill by the state and uses of fraternities. He stressed S, in international law, Mr. Wicker- and James Kelly. Several years ago Mr. Baker ad-
gslature. The main speakers in- the vast opportunities for good or evil sham hopes that the compilation ofI After special permission had been dressed members of the Coif, national
uded Pres. D. 13. Waldo, of the West- influence resting in the hands of cob- principles will le accepted gradually secured, the selections from the Jun- honorary law fraternity, upon the in-
n State Normal school, ,Prof. Clif- lege fraternity men, outlining the by the governments, and especially 1 ior Girls' play which proved of ex- vitation of Dean Bates, speaking on
rd Woody, of the school of educa- workings of such groups in cooera- serve as the basic law of the world of I ceptional popularity during their re- the subject, "Municipal Reforms." Fol-
on, who is chairman of the M. S. T. tion with the University. The question justice. cent run at the Whitney theatre, were lowing the lecture, which was open to
. salary committee, and the Hon T of student government and its ulti- added to the program. The song, the public, members of the fraternity
Johnson, state superintendent of mate success or failure with relation "Love Only Thinks of Today," will be were further favored with a sketch
ublic instruction. to fraternity activities also held a u Mpresentedwith the six leads from the of Robert Browning's life, presented
President Wadlo criticized Michi- prominent place in his talk. T RNIJE SIUIU ILV production: Dorothy Waldo, Mary Van by Mr. Baker, which, to quote a promi-
an's low standard of rquirements for Mr. Livingston devoted the greater 'BIBST Buren, Dorothy Ogborn, Margaret Wil- nent member of the law faculty,
achers in comparison with those of part of his speech to an outline of the DisIusIUNIbfl kins, Mary Lou Miller, and Edythe "would have done credit to any pro-
ther states. He declared that within rise of college fraternities and of the UIUU IURhinevault. The "Little Co-ed Dan- fessor in the English department."
wo years he expected to see two years origin and development of the national - cer," from the first act, will be pres- Mr. Baker is speaking under the
f professional training required for interfraternity conference, of which Prof. W. Lash Miller of Toronto un- eted by Dorothy Krause and Ch auspices of the Oratorical association
teacher's certificate. A law requir- he has been president. Beginning with ty tabk on "Bios" a 8 ' lotte O'Brien. From the second act, aid was procured through the com-
ng one year will go into effect n its conception in 1909, he traced its I the Spanish tango dance, which drew bined efforts of the late President
eptember, 1926. influence and aims through the years clock tonight in the Chemical ampi- numerous encores in the original run, Burton, Dean Bates, and Cleveland
Following President Waldo's speech, wilb efre yWlaBlelar utn enBts n lvln
brie rport of its existence. He urged that fra-theater. will be performed by Willa Belle ar- alumni. Mr. Baker is one of the most
.a Johnson gave abriefn report o ternities strive to overcome all petty I Mr. Miller has gained prominence per and Charlotte O'Brien. prominent men that have been repre-
eo educationalenlegislationbnowbefore
he state legislature, which includes jealousy and to work together for the in America and Europe by his in- For the novelty part of the program, sented'on the Oratorical program for
new a ry egscltu , cnus good of the University and of them- terpretation of the thermodynamic George Westcott, '26, will produce several years and a large audience
f alls aoo chl and, as selves theory of J. W. Gibbs, in whose mem- music from a saw and a tin dipper. is anticipated. Single admission tick-
fi all school children, and the rater- Musical numbers, feature dances ory the Gibbs medal is awarded an- Those who have heard Westcott an-
vty andospoke at the banquet last and a professional act supplied enter- nually. This theory deals with phen- nounce that the quality of music he t
ight, gave an illustrated lecture an tainst ent during the meal. omena fundamental to metallurgical procures from these instruments is
Prstig Beauty in School Arehi-t ghresearch, and is therefore important amazing.IPROMINENT MEN
PctreeringBeatyin nhonnAchi - to steel manufacture. According to Howard Visel, '25, and Stanley Lewy,T
etturea OUNDIENDS Prof. W. G. Smeaton of the chemistry '26, will dance arrangements which ITO GA TI1ER FO ?
A discussion of recent school tax in- U L UU department "the Toronto chemist has they have worked up for public per- N
ormation, dandrtonttheteplacenoofhethe has
eveathon, and hthes ie ro- tspent his life interpretating this the- formances. Lewy's clog dancing is ANNUAL RAZZING
seventh and eighth grades ln the pres- RUNs dnOMOsRmuW aIGHn well-known on the campus and to
nt school organization, will come be- dlJjIIIhUV llil ry, and has done as much as any welkonoIh apsadt __
orethe ch onvaniatody, Pof. C.- ryliving chemist in correctly interpert- followers of the Union Opera, in which Patterned after the original Gridiron
ore theconventiohe took part. anqut held in the nation's capital
). Davis, of the se ool of Education, ing it." h okpr.bnuthl ntento' aia i la4h icsinontelte oeycu rsne h is m ti nyrcnl httespae tfnKzkvcaRsinBr-ec er h hr nulMcia
.dh ladi, the dscssion on teucattei Cmdycu reetdthis am gI is. yeenl that the speaker IStefan Kozakevich, a Russian bani- each year, the third annual Michigan
husn hC ysts - s rnd h entin to an analysis tone who has excited a great deal of Gridiron Knight's banquet, which will
opic. The meeting will open at 10 ateur performance of Sutton Vane'sIls turned his atenti tancanlys-!favorable comment in Detroit, has also dA
)'clock tis mornig, at LfavorableIocomment hinh Detroittahasnealso-be held in the Union April 7, will take
'clock this morning, at Lane hall. play, "Outward Bound," last niglt at( o teos, whosayeastIe pu- been secured. The selections which the form of a 'razz fest.' Prominent
e Whitney theater and will repe sary to the grot y he will give have not been yet an- I faculty men, newspaper men, and men
lish his first article on this subject nounced. in the public eye will be present and
NILL SHOW MOIIES O[ it for the last time tomorrow night. in a 1923 issue of "Nature. correct a misunderstanding re- e e will be eet
This is the 41st annual production of Since then he has done much orig- To r t ase ri r each of them: wi be made the butt
I ialwrko ths substance, and hisi garding the scale of prices for the( fitting jokes.
TIHTRe club, which is the oldest of its I benefit, the committee in charge has The Gridiron Knight's banquet was
M kind on the canmpus.research is doing much to make cler announced that only the reserved por- inaugurated in Washington, D. C.
In the absence of Prof. J. Raleigh I the nature of the vitamines. tion of the main floor and the first y
I his address this evening is given ifour rows of the balcony will have Ibout six years ago, and since tha
T rereso moin pcue ilu-Nelson, who has directed the annualIfo r rw ofte b lo y w l haeiim it as ec e on of he ot
Three reels of motion picturesultd plays for the past several years , the under the auspices Of the Michigan tickets priced at 75 cents, the prices impoijtant national ocial function
rets a cl esroduction of insulated play has been produced under the sue branch of the American Chemical so- l for the remainder of the auditorium at that city.
wpnd cables will be shown under pevaysion of Daniel Quirk and Paul ciety and the University. being 50 cents. The banquet, which was inaugurat
the auspices of the student branch'sSpensondc of the Ypsil tTickets may be procured at book never been known to be absent fro
hhAencn ItPlayers.te Engineersjstores, at Lane hall, and from stu- the event, and all of the cabinet em
at 7:30 o'clock tonight inNatural lyers.L I dent who will reach every house on bers and a number of celebrities o
Science auditorium. The picture is Althe campus. All proceeds will go to Congress are regular attendants. Al
entitled "The Single Ridge," and Is AIiview of "Outward Bound [Te campus Student Friendship fund. men of prominence receive the ex
offered by the Okonite company of will be found in the Music and I1pected roasting.
Fe York. - . Iluftro Daa ou ofhssu I'The President of the United States ha
TFive steps in the manufacture of ADrama column of this issue, -will maik theopeningpr-1IN FINAL ed here two years ago by Sigma Delt
wires and cables will be shown, start- Ipage four. ToiihjiIiak hIpeigIL-Chi, national professional journalisti
inwith the tapping of rubber trees I'formance of the Ann Ar bor Playmak, rtriywl batnddymn
and coagulation and smoking of theII ers' production, "The Clearing House" prominent men. The principal a
rubber by natives of the upper Amazon esecure ahe bo a three act play written by two memn dress will be given by Edwin L. De
regioniSouth America. s by '96L, who wired hs acceptan
Therewill be no admission charge, of the Whitney theater todOsborn and Walter Donnelly. The Courses may be dropped until the several days ago. Numbers of nove
the picture is open to the public. Hill auditorium tomorrow. The prices play will also be presented tomorrow start of the spring recess, it was an- ists, editors of leading newspaper
for seats are $2 for the forward seats and Saturday nights, all performances nounced yesterday, and after that date and political celebrities will be pr
Lansing, April 1.-The proposal that of the orchestra and the trst four being held in the Playmakers' work- may be dropped only with a grade of sent.
a fifth state normal college be estab- ows of the balcony; $1.50 for the op on Spring street. "E." However, the circumstances of I Invitations have also been sent t
lished in the northern part of the low- remaining seats in the orchestra and so nSrn tet
ored bhouhnt oth raging temnsetourrs i th hes band Included in the cast of the produc- individual caes are considered, and a carefully selected faculty and st
eninsuaa brought out a raging bal tion are Lawrence Conrad, of the only vhen tie student is working sat- dent list, and many acceptances ha
r * tI and $1 for the remaining balcony ,1htoriv dnertment: Ray L. Alexand- ifactnrily in his other work is per- h n eceive.d Annnnnenment ha hee

Academists Will Hear Public Service
Head and Toronto Chemist
Tracing the history of "American
Botany During the Colonial Period,"
Prof. Harley H. Bartlett of the botany
department delivered his presidential
address before the thirtieth annual
meeting of the Michigan Academy of
Science, Arts and Letters, which open-
ed yesterday, In Natural Science audi-
torium. With a review of early botan-
ical studies carried on in the colonies
by both foreigners and Americans,
Professor Bartlett outlined the im-
portant steps which were made in the
advancement of the science.
Following the presidential address,
members of the academy were enter-
tained at a smoker given by the Re-
search club of the University in the
University club rooms in Alumni Mem-
orial hall. More than 100 persons were
entertained. It is thought that nearly
300 members of the society will be in
Ann Arbor for the general sectional
meetings today and tomorrow,
There will be two addresses deliv-
ered before general meetings of the
academy tomorrow. Dr. Edward Fran-
cis of the United States public health
service will talk upon "Tularaemia,"
a newly discovered disease which. he
has been stpdying, at 4:15 o'clock in
Natural Science auditorium. Prof. W.
Lash Miller of the University of To-
ronto will speak upon "Bios." This
lecture will 'be given under the au-
spices of the University of Michigan
section of the American Chemical so-
Prof. L. A. Kenoyer of the Western
State Normal school in Kalamazoo
gave an illustrated lecture yesterday
afternoon on "Botanizing in the Himi-
layas." He showed pictures of native
villages and cities, of the country and
channels of the upper Ganges river,
of native farmer women, and of the
forests In peninsular India. Methods
of farming and threshing grain were
also described.
Professor Kenoyer gave a vivid des-
cription of botanical trips which he
took during his six years of residence
in India. He showed pictures of the
gorgeous colored foliage which is pre-
valent in the winter, and told of the
leafless condition of the trees during
the summer. Due to the extreme heat,
which averages about 115 degrees in
the summer, Professor Kenoyer was
forced to spend this season of th'e year
in the foothills.
"The Tanager Expedition of 1923 to
Johnston and Wake Islands in the
North Tropical Pacific and its Botani-
cal Results" was the subject of an
illustrated lecture by Prof. James B.
Pollock of the botany departmenft.
Pictures were shown of the island
vegetation and wild life, wh'ich Pro-
fessor Pollock described.
A paper was presented by Prof.
W. J. Hussey for the astronomy depart-
ment upon "American Astronomical
Expeditions to the Southern Hemi-
sphere." In this he described the
difficulties which have been encount-
ered in studies of the southern hea-
vens, and told of the establishment of
many observatories in this region.
Prof. Ernest A. Bessy of the botany
department at Michigan Agriculture
college read a paper on "William
James Beal,. 1833-1924," who was the
first president of the society.
The program for sectional meetings
tomorrow is as follows:
The section of anthropology meets
f at 2 o'clock in room F214, Natural
Science building. The following papers
will be presented: "The natural sci-
ence of the Australian native," by
t E. F. Greenman; "The influence of
t tales of the marvelous on Spanish
s exploration in America," by A. 8.
Aiton; "Recent advances in prehis-
- toric anthropology and archaeology,"
.1 by E. C. Case; "The heredity of head

i- form," by H. H. Bartlett; "Religion at
f the Algonquian level," by W. 1. Hins-
1 dale; "Thee protective power ib red,"
- by H. A. Kenyon; "Notice of Dr. Hin-
sdale's 'Primitive man in Michigan',"
s by E. F. Greenman; "Longevity and
a rejuvenation in Greek and Raman
ci folklore," by E. S. McCartney.
Ly The morning session of the bota!Aical
- section will meet jointly with the zo-
- ological section at 9. o'clock in r
e G217 Natural Science building.
1- following papers will be presented:
s, "Variations and mutations in Pesta-
e- lozzia guipina," by Carl D. LaRue;
"The proportion of exceptions in the
to offspring of exceptional females from
u- r-ray treatment of Drosophila," by
ve E. G. Anderson; "A dominant brown
n nericarn color in maize," hbyE G.

OWeather Man
- t





-says: fair and somewhat warmer to-


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