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April 02, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-04-02

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No. 128.



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imasters Thresh Out Question of
Faulty English Teaching
in Schools

Michigan students yesterday felt the
effects .of the fifty-eighth meeting of
the Schoolmasters' club when they
went to numerous classes to find that
the professor had "bolted" in favor of
the departmental programs .held at
various places about the campup. The
meeting which opened officially Thurs-
day morning closed with the business,
session and addresses at the meeting
of the "Michigan Society for the Pro-
motion of Agricultural. Teaching" in
the Law lecture room last night.
Prof. Thleme Lectures
At :a meeting of the Modern Lan-
guages conference yesterday afternoon
an address was given by Prof. H. P.
Thieme, of the French department, on
"The High School Preparation of Stu-
dents in French from the University's
Standpoint". He outlined the com-
plaints of college students on the fail-
ure of their high school preparation
and'showed the necessity for a better
co-ordination of readings and, oral
work. Mr. George Murdock, principal
of the Nordstrom high school of De-
troit, contended that part of the trou-
ble 'comes from lack of preparation
on the part of the teachers and ig-
norance of conditions in thcountry
whose langage they are teaching.
Latin Living Tongue
Sessions of the Michigan Academy
of Science ended with a general as-
sembly at 1:30 o'clock.
The predominant thought of the sev-
eral papers read at the Classical in-
stitute meeting in the Upper room of
Alumni Memorial hall yesterday aft-
ernoon was of the close relationship
of Latin and English. Mrs. A. C. Fisch-
er, of Olivet college, stated that Jiatin
should not be studied for the sake of
Latin but for the sake of English.
"Latin is not a dead language but a
part of our living language," said Mrs.
H.sS. Denison, olf Davidson, Mich. Oth-
ers gave talks along the. same line.
Following the conference, Prof. G. H.
Chase, of Harvard, gave an illustrated
lecture on the recent work on the
Faults of English Teaching
Under the direction of G. S. Lash-
er, instructor in the rhetoric depart-'
ment, various phases of the subject
"What Is Wrong with the English in
the High Schools?" was discussed in
the meeting of English teachers in
Pattengill auditorium yesterday after-
G. J. Dresback, '24, opened the pro-
gram with his viewpoint as a college
freshman. Dresback urged that a
sound basis of the-mechanics of com-
position be incorporated in the high
school English course, that the 'neth-
ods of teaching literature be stand-
ardized, and that great stress be plac-
ed on oral English.
Other speakers on the program were
Principal F. L. Bliss, of the Jackson
high school, J. C. Christensen, assist-
ant secretary of the University, R. W.
Hamilton, of Albion college, Miss F.
B. Roberts, librarian in the Kalamazoo
high school, and Prof. J. W. School,
of the romance department of the Uni-

(By Associated Press)
Washington, April 1. - Definite an-
nouncement of the selection of Col.
George Harvey, of New York, to be
ambassador to Great Britain was made
today at the White House.
The choice, which is understood to
have been determined upon some time,
was made formally as an incident!
to Colonel IHarvey's visit here today
to coner with the President. It was
understood that he had been smmon-
ed by President Harding to talk over
his mission at the court of St. James.
.~ ..
Four Teams Fight This Morning for
Chance to Compete in
Finals Tonight
St. Joseph, Lake Linden, Farming-
ton and Carson City, by virtue of their
wins yesterday in the preliminary
games of the Interscholastic Basket-
ball tournament, won the right to
compete in the semi-final round of the
tournament ths mornng in Water-
man gymnasium. -
The semi-final round will begin at
10 o'clock this morning in Water-
man gymnasium. The two winners
will meet at 8 o'clock this evening to
decide the class "B" high school chain-
pionship of Michigan. This afternoon
the visiting athletes are to be the
gues'ts, of the Union at "Top o' th'
St. Joseph met Greenville this morn-
ing at 10 o'clock in a fast contest that
,resulted in a 32 to 9 win for the for-
mer. Playing a fast game featured by
accurate passing and good basket
shooting, St.Joseph was never in dan-
ger. Werley and Grieger tied for first,
honors in scoring for the winners,
each getting four baskets 'from the
field. Greenville lost many chances
to score from the foul line that would
have' helped the total they were ale
to accumulate; in 11 chances only 3
were turned into points. Fowler and
Huntley starred for the losers.
Lake Linden Wins
: Lake Linden met Midland in a hot
contest. Lake Linden came from be-
hind in the second half and won 18
to 9. The Midland team was unable
to stop the Rose-Weisenuer combina-
tion and these two men score'd almost
at will during the second half. Wil-
cox, the Midland center, played a good
game but was not able to turn the
tide. Lake Linden showed up well un-
der the basket and Rse proved him-
self to be a dangerous man at close
Carson City defeated Mlan by a
score of 27-18. Tis was the- fastest
contest that was staged yesterday. Car-
son City, playing its first game of the
tournament, opened up an offensive
that left a man free under the basket
and Van up 27 points before substi-
tutes were sent into the game. Bauer,
the fast Carson City forward, was re-1
sponsible for 17 of his team's 27
points. He was all over the Wloor and
gave the Milan guards a'lot of trou-
ble. Draper, at forward for Milan, was
responsible for 12 of his team's 18
points. Five of these were register-

ed from the foul line. Button gave
the best exhibition of floor work for
the Milan team.
Famington's Victor
Farmington continued its winning
streak by defeating Harbor Springs
19 to 3. The Springs team was com-
pletely outclassed by -their opponents
but lost many opportunities to en-
large their score from the foul line.
They turned but one of the nine fouls
called on the Farmington team into
points. D. Harger, H. Catherman, and
R. Catherman divided the scoring for
the winners. Martindale and Thomp-
son put up a good fight for Harbor
Springs and lost many trys at the
hoop by inches.
Onaway almost upset the dope
(Continued on Page Six)

[ . S. of Post Civil War Days Com-
pared With Present War Torn
(By Associated Press)
London, April- 1.-Despite the un-
compromising tone of the recent note
of Secretary of State Hughes in reply-
ing to representation by Russia for
the opening of trade relations with the
United States, the principal object of
the Russia Soviet government's policy
is, and will continue to be, the estab-
lishment of relations with the United
States according to Leonid Krafin, the
Bolsheviki representative here. He
refuses to recognize the attitude of
Washington as an insurmountable dif-
ficulty to the establishment of rela-
tions with the United States whereby
trade would be possible.
Must Get Recoghitioi
Mr. Krafin gave these views when
interviewed by' the Associated Press
today. He stated that the admission
to America of Russian commercial
representatives was the first require-
ment; the initial transaction would
then be carried out by means of cash
payment with the question of credit,
naturally, arising later.
No predictions or promises of any
great volume of trade were made. He
expected the immediate difficulty
would be transports. Concentration
of the Russian people's ' energy for
three years on defensive warfare has
reduced production to a minimum, and
the only remedy, he declared, was the
opening of relations with foreign na-
Compares With U. S.
Surveying present day Russia he
compared it with the United States
after the Civil war. A great undevel-
oped country surpassingly rich in na-
tural resources, he said, America forg-
ed ahead; Russi, saddled by the
Czarist regime to a vicious landlord
system, which the Bolsheviki revolu-
tion had absolutely destroyed, only
now was able to make progress, but
seven years of war had left the coun-
try needing every kind of machine
which the western nations make. In
conclusion, reference was made to the
Soviet propaganda, which he said was
the only means for Russian inter-
course abroad as long as it was un-
able to establish normal relatiol-

Hilarity of Friday Night Opera
Audience Belies Formal Attire
(By M. B. Stahl) encored, especially "In My Arithme-
A formal audience at "Top o' th' j tic", which kept in the lead only
Mornin'" last night just couldn't re- ahead of "Satan Put a Devil in the
main formal except in dress. Hilarity Irish".
reigned almost from the rise of the Rosenthal, Ramusey Funiiakers


curtain when the show girls appeared,
but the full dressed opera attenders
sustaining their first real shock
when Peggy O'Dare, the beautiful and!
effeminate appearing colleen, broke
into a masculine voice.
From real musical comedy tunes
such as "A Paradise for Micks" andl
the jazz "Paris Green Blues" to the]
refined music of "Honey" and "When
You Love", the song numbers were of
wide variety. The chorus dances
which supported them were repeatedly
Bartelme and Baseball Mentor \Con-
firm Rumors of Proffered
Final action as to whether Derrill
Pratt, baseball coach, will be permit-t
ted to resign his position here to join
the Boston Red Sox, will be decidedr
tonight at a meeting of the Board inE
Control of Athletics.
A large salary has been offered tot
the Michigan mentor by Harry Fra-
zee, of the Boston team, to join his,
club, for several trades have hit his
team hard, and Frazee is in great
need of a capable second baseman. A
number of previous offers have been7
turned down by Pratt, but with each
refusal Frazee has redoubled his ef-
forts and increased the salary, until,
it is thought that Pratt will now lose
several thousand dollars each year by
remaining. here.
Action Tonight Final
Yesterday Athletic Director P. G.
Bartelme admitted that there was a
possibility of Pratt's leaving, and
when questioned at ball practice in
the afternoon, the coach said that ac-
tion of the board tonight would be
final. g
Rumors of Pratt's resignation havet
been quite current, but there have'
leen as many denials. During the
time that he has had the ball team
under his direction, the coach has de-
veloped a combination which looks
like a possible championship nines and
his tutelage has resulted in instituting
big league methods of play.
Members of the Varsity have been
aware of the many offers that Coach
Pratt has had, and although they re-
gret the possibility of his leaving, they
have all expressed their disappoint-
ment that the coach would have to
make such a sacrifice to remain. In
the event of his leaving, it would leave
the Michigan nine at a disadvantage,
although in his short time here he has
moulded a smooth machine.
Boston Offers'Coach.
Boston is reported to have offered.
to secure a man to take his place, and
several capable and well known play-
ers have been mentioned. It is also
said that Pratt would return in the
fall and remain here as assistant
coach of basketball and football, and
help in the development of baseball
until the spring season began in 1922.
No time has been specified as to when
Pratt would leave, but it would prob
ably riot be until after the Southern
training trip.
k J
Livery Plans To
Open Riding Hall1

Hilliard Rosenthal as Miltiades Fitz-
gerald, the negro body servant, was
the center of humor, and his new lines
last night almost atoned for the omis-
sion of the already famous letter
from his girl. Bowlegged Terrence
Mulvaney, otherwise known as How-
ard Ramsey, and his wife, George
Duffield, who flourished a rolling pin4
right handily, ke'pt the audience
guessing as to what next to expect
from these Irish roles.
Marlowe Stevens carried well his
part as sweet Irish coquette, and
Kemp Keena, the other lead, was per-.
fectly at ease in his natural role. Two
others who must not be forgotten be-
cause of their clever song and dance
are George Schemm and Buckley Rob-
bins, who were called back repeat-
Catchy Dancing
To Phil Ringer and Earl Powers
must go first honors for best danc-
ing, in duet and chorus numbeid.)
Their specialty with Hilliard Rosen-
Phal was perhaps as catchy as any.







Leads Parade in
Send.of of Michil


Under the glare of blazing
and to the triumphant strains
Victors," the Varsity track te
gi-,'en a royal send-off last nig
left for an invasion of the We
Shorcly after 11:42 o'clock t
pulled into the station and a
thrilling music of" the Varsi
intermingled with an avala
cheers, the 15 picked men clip
board and went steaming away
West, where, one week fron
thz. compete against the not

It is seldom that scenery itself is,
given applause, but there was a spon-
taneous outburst when the curtain
was drawn for the second act, and the,
magnificent mountain scenery appear-
ed, lending itself well to purple light-E
ing. The transformation scene, when
the fountain turned green, was a ver-
itable spectacle, and formed a climax1
which held everyone during the con-I

versity of California team at
: :'acUcally without excep
the plans for the send-off we
)ut to perfection. Shortly
,clock the Varsity. band forrr
Hill auditorium and the few
students assembled there at
'reased until a fairly large c

cludiug chorus. Icollected. Led by the band, I
In point of music, this years opera went through the campus b
may be said to be the best. Perhaps
no song hits 'will remain, but the gen- ceeding to the station. Gc
eral level is higher than before. The State street at 11:15 o'clock
opening overture, composed by F. B.I ade picked up occasional 1
Thomas, '22, has recognized merit. - _ tudents here and there. B


Decrease Noted
In German Study
Figures on the status of modern
languages in high schools and col-j
leges of the country are contained in I
an article in a recent number of
School and Society, a magazine de-
voted to educational problems, based
on questionnaires sent out to 310 in-
stitutions. An extraordinary decrease
in the number of courses offered in
German was discovered, together with]
a slight decline in French in recent'
years and a marked increase in
In many cities German has been
completely dropped from high schooJ
curricula, while everywhere there has'
been a falling.off to slightly more than
one-fifth of .the pre-war number. Inf
universities the total decrease in en-
rollment has been more than 70 per
cent since 1914, offset by a slight re-
vival since 1918. That it will event-
ually return to something like its
former status is assured by the re-'
quirement of some elementary German
preparation Jby most large universi-
The interesting point is the great
increase in Spanish enrollment,
amounting to more than 600 percent.
since '1914 and bringing a total en-
rollment greater than French and
German 'combined. Interest in the
language is increasing continually, as
is evidenced by an increase of nearly
20 per cent since 1918.

the procession reached the .
Sestimated that nearly
dents were in line.
fUnder the leadership of
bert, '21E, Va'rsity cheer-lei
had climbed op the roof oI
tion, a "locomotive" and se'
er yells were given.



Irving K. Pond, architect of the
Union, Dean Henry M. Bates, of the
Law school, and Marguerite Clark,
'21, will present ,different phases of
the proposed women's building at the
Women's Annual luncheon at 12:30
o'clock today in Barbour gymnasium.
The Girls' Glee club will furnish addi-
tional entertainment.
The luncheon will be prepared by
the women of the Congregational
church, who served the senior supper
held last month. An appetizing menu
of home cooked food has been arrang-
ed. Classes will sit at separate ta-
bles decorated with their own colors
and flowers. Senior women are to
wear their caps and gowns.

(By Associated Press)
Vienna, April 1.-Austria has
ed a safe conduct to former En
Charles to go to Switzerland.
British, French and Italian mix
called upon Chancellor Mayr
morning and presented the prot
the powers against a Hapsburg
While the attitude of the E
has been known the incident
garded here as being mea:
strengthen the hand of the gc
ment In case of unlooked for eve
Over night developments pri
an early curtain on the last act
drama of Steinamanger, and th
is all prepared for the former e
or's departure. Reports from
political sources in Budapest in
that persons who compromised
selves in the adventure alread:
seeking a way out. The firm a
of the Entente and the manner
military powers of Czecho-Slo
Jugo-Slavia and Roumania are s
have brought even the madest
archist to sanity. . Although n
tarily impotent Austria's unco
mising attitude showed that
could look for no aid here.

Science Papers Read
he final meeting of the biologi-
ction of the Michigan Academy
ence on Friday morning Prof. G.
Rue, of the zoology department,
t paper on the parasites of lake
g. Carl L. Hubbs, curator of
(Continued on Page Six)

or laws were elected to the
e Coif, inter-collegiate sen-
Zorary society, yesterday at
.culty luncheon. The fol-
a are to be the new mem-
fo V. mt-f --nrv T -' " L

Prof. Henry F. Adams, of the psy-
chology department, addressed a pub-
lic meeting last night at Grand Rapids
on the subject, "Character Analysis".
Prof. R. T. Crane, of the political sci-
ence department, delivered a lecture
on "Pan America" yesterday afternoon
before the Lansing Woman's club.
Prof. Rene Talamon, of the French
department, spoke before members of
the Alliance Francois last night at
Grand Rapids.
The lectures were given under the
auspices of the U7niversity Extension

Because of the increased popularity
of horseback riding, Guy L. Mullisonj
plans to open an indoor riding acad-
emy , shortly after spring vacation.
Weinberg's coliseum where skating
reigned supreme this winter has been
leased for the purpose.
Mr. Mullison plans to have a riding
instructor who will teach women,
either individually or in groups of 10
or more; the correct way to ride
horseback. The building will be ready
for use soon, but a formal opening
will be held after spring vacation.
Dressing rooms for girls and musical
rides once or twice a week will be
popular features,

in Natural Science auditorium, failed
to appear. According to Prof. Claude
H. Van Tyne, of the history depart-
ment, the only possible explanation
for his absence lies in the fact that
letters written 10 days ago to Profes-
sor Andrew's residence failed to reach
him before his departure, the latter
being engaged on an extensive lec-
ture trip.
The lecture will be held at 4 o'clock .
this afternoon if Professor Andrews
arrives, as it is expected he will.

'Junior Laws Nominate Councilmen
Archie MacDonald and C. H. Daley
were nominated for Student council-
ment at a meeting of the junior law
class yesterday at 1 o'clock in room

'I 1

Several vitally impor
ters to the University a
are expected to be vo
the meeting of the Boa:
trol of Athletics tonig

Prof. Charles M. Andrews, of Yale.
university, who was to lecture on "Re-
flections on the American Revolu-
tion" at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon


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