- 4,
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April Gargoyle 'P \r QPT|I QTAI AW Heavy Selling Causes Stock
LULIiLO, LULLU Is Travel Issue LIL OLIJIU flLULL 111 Slump As Call Rate Climbs
This Month's Edition To Appear Declines Reduced In Brisk Rally broker's loan statement which
mlr S.eiOnCamps DivlliDg Dn inajshowed a decline ot only $144,000,-
W S N CR1C li ia Tomorrow Salourro Capu Trading 00110gista icese $6,
CL~ G 11 111W..L-I bL___000,000 the week before,
b hI L rSaeO CapsI flU IM Developing In Final 1000 as against an increase of $166 Tooro ETOI . IHour Of Trading 0000tewe eoe
ASatiizing revolutions as they are l (Bv Associated Press) W. C. Durant, a member of the
conducted in Ann Arbor and de- NEW YORK, April 1.-Call money so-called "big ten" group of stock-
picting travel as seen through the M !went up and stock prices went market operators who have man-i
eyes of a college humorist, Gar- down today as a fresh wave of aged some of the biggest pools in
goyle, campus humor monthly, will hysteria swept through Wall street the recent "bull" market, sent a
EXPECT FIGHT TO CONCLUDE place its Ap, il issue on sale on. the EVANS ANNOUNCES MEETING VOTE IS CLINCHED IN SECOND as a result of unfavorable credit telegram to 100 leading business
NORTHERN CAMPAIGN OR campus tomorrow. TONIGHT TO COMPLETE WARD WHERE MAYOR POLLS developments over the three day executives today attacking the fed-
END REVOLUTION "The Family Motors" and "The DETAILS 519 TO 265 VOTES stock exchange holiday. eral reserve board for giving the
Origin of the Guide Book" together - Extreme declines in the active impression "that our best securities
INSURGENTS HOLD CITY with "Desire at the Dance" and FLY SHIP SUCCESSFULLY BEND ISSUE IS PASSED issues ranged from $6 to $22.50 a are selling above their value" and
Revolution" constitute the lager share, but many of these were ma- stating that the recent credit policy
-s , articles of the April Gargoyle. College Delegates At Conferenc New Reservoir Wil. Be Built To terially reduced in brisk rally which of the board is threatening the
Troos, Prepares For Attack A clever editorial carton by In Detroit Will Witness Iid Six Million Gallons developed in the last hour of trad- -t
ps 'Lichty depicting the oncoming ing. Final quotations showed a Censure Reserve Board
On City Of LaCruz stife between the Washtenaw and monstration long list of net losses ranging fromgeneral feeling current
State street machines,' a music P f $2 to $13.50 a share. Despite a among members of the exchange..
(By Associated Press> Plans for the immediate con- Repeatmg his previous feat of dthat the federal reserve board is
MXC CIY Api 1.Tepage by Charles S.Monroe, '30, and rte taysra fbyn n
MEXICOreview of Sinclair Lewis' "Dods- struction of two more ships will be turning the tables on a communityr s ting dand tth f overstepping its reser ba s
a revnciaew RepublicanLewayoroEd- selling orders, the days ,sales were I vrtpigispowers in usingf
Federal andat the garmes battled "Wurth" by Lawrence R. Klein, '30, made tonight at a meeting of all wrd ly teblr fayhis w. only 4,162,830 shares, or slightly arbitrary powers of controlling the 1
toda inebe whate the G.ov rmentun be-e duin
lieved was likely to be the crisis of complete the features of the members of the Glider section in O. P. opponent, Justice Carlos A. more than one-half of last Tues- rediscount rate during peace times.
n campaign and per- month, room 348 of the West Engineering Reading by -a majority of more day's record breaking session. According to the interpretation of!
the northern - Diagonal Slants, a regular section th 500 t t of le Prices Rise With Call Rate the stock market speculators, these
hzaps even the end of the revolu- inaeetise, osntapa
hins building, it was announced yes- tn 50 ote, on es thn Curiously, the best prices of the powers were delegated to the board f
tithis month. Campus - Talk, and terday by Robert B. Evans, '30, cit election yesterday. day were recorded in many in- for use only in event of necessity
artlon and ifle fire which be- - ciyeeto<etedy ~ 't
gan at one o'clock just south of the Chokes and Gargles, two other chairman of the section. Staebler carried the first five stances after the call money rate of controlling the interest rate dur-
city of Jiminez, Chihuahua, con- special sections, are included, how- The eighty members of the sec- wards, while, as was expected had been marked to 15 percent ing a war or in circumstances
tinued throughout the day. Federal ever and serve, with many shorter tion will be divided into eight Reading polled majorities in the after renewing at 10 percent, just where drastic action is necessary
t u mring 10,0 and c- bits, to make up the contents of the groups under the direction of an sixth ward, casting 311 votes for as Tuesday's recovery reached its to prevent I crisis ani the conse-
nanded by General' Jan A. month. - experienced man to work on the their candidate, as opposed to only peak following the advance in call quent nation-wide depression.
Almazan stormed positions held by new ships at a specified time dur- 195 for Staebler. The mayor clinch- money to '0 percent.
rebel defenders whose number was y 1 ing the week. Those who took a ed the election deisively , in the Week End Sales Heavy t
restiated a 5,000. numberwi prominent part in the construc- second ward, however, when he The heavy accumulation of week I mmilN
sMtmN d at L,.tion of the section's first home- polled 519 votes to an opposi end selling, which resulted in sev-
Battle On Pacific Looms mua "bnce ordrs of opposin tou.~u flI
," made glider will be in charge of total of 265. eral "bunched orders" of 5,000 to
Meanwhile another battle of the various shop groups. To Repair Water System 12,000 shares in the opening deal- h
major proportions was impending N Start Work On Ship A measure which will authorize ings, was attributed to the follow-
pn the Pacific coast where Lazaro mg factors: Senator Kings pro- [
Cardenas with a column of 8,000 Theu nex hip tatthe section the salenof$325,00 in nbonds for posed investigation of stock specu-
feerl ws rwigclset tewill build will be another~ schooling an extensive revamping of the ltinadhesuggestion in other
"ederals was. drawing close to the andthe'townosglider, Evans intimated, using the icity's water system was passed by c ionad te o n ote
north of Maatran, bt was mes- Prominent Orchestra Secured For undamaged Fuselage of the Glider, the voters by a strong majority of ngressional quarters of legisla- Noted Philosopher Laid To Rest
mated that about 400 insurgents Military Affair To Be Held Inc. ship that was cracked up when more than 600 votes, the total for tion to prohibit federal reserve At Forest HillsV Cemetery
under gha ao St an d April 26 it broke away from its moorings the city being reported at 2 463 in member banks from loanng funds Yesterday Afternoon
under generals Ramon S. Iturb and to margin speculators; revived agi- it
Roberto Cruz had concentrated +n a gale that swept Barton pond. avor of the bond issue 1,848tan for an increase in federal
there and were prepared to make a MUSIC TO BE BROADCAST The third ship may be a secondary opposing it. reserve rediscount rates, coincident LITTLE IS PALL-BEARER o
stand. The federal advance guard glider with an enclosed fuselage year a similar bond issue with the beginning of conferences ---
came in contact with enemy out- Featured by Ross Gorman and and increased wing-spread to per- o $500,000 was defeated at the of the governors of the 12 federal With bitter jost-March winds
mi ipesaig olls, but was resubmitted this reeB ak;tecnrvryoe weig overteopnarave thed
posts at several points today and his Orchestra, with the versatile reserve banks; the controversy over sweeping over the open
drove them back after brief skirm- Gorman himself at the head, the After spring vacation the present spring by the Water Board, with e action of Charles B. Mitchell, body of Prof. Robert Ma k Wenley
ishes. annual Military ball will be held ship and the new ones as they are call for a new reservoir of 6,000000 president of the National City Michigan's great and beloved phi-
Secreta-y of War Plutarco Elias on the night of Friday, April 26, at ready will be flown every day that gallons apacity ew trunk-line n supplying funds on cal in losopher, who died suddenly last
the weather is suitable. All mem-i aln vpctle tukln Tuesdaycrs;th diapn-
Calles, from his headquarters at the Union ballroom, it was an- hers of the section will be given a water mains almost circling the ment over the federal reserve l Friday, was laid in its final resting
Bermejillo 100 miles south eat of nounced by B. P. Sherwood, '29, city and connection of dead-end t hy yes-
.Ichance at the controls once a week'tryafeno.Uirsyn-
Jiminez; reported to the Chapulte- chairman of the affair this year. h mains on the outskirts of the city, terday afternoon. University no-
pec Castle that the struggle for the- Tickets are now on sale at the. R. O. under the supervision of the ex- IT
posesionofJiine ws poced T.C.offce wichissitatd perienced pilots with whom they designed to prevent :stagnation of 'SALE OF DETRO I tables, students, and townpeoplesI
possession "of Jiminez was proceed- w T. C. office, which is situated in I water in the smaller pipes. F M R H stood with heads bared to pay
ing along a two mile front with the middle of the campus near the are assigned to work in the shop. Opposition to a coun law de- their final respects to this great
cavalry, infantry, artillery and air Economics building and the ,Engi- Completed Glider Is Flown signed to prohibit hunting on Sun- TICKETS S T A R T S teacher. A procession of some
forces engaged. neering school, and may also be: During the past week the sec- day failed to materialize in Ann thty cars followed the hearse
Rebels Hold Trenches i bought from members of Scabbard tion's completed ship has been Arbor, when 2,435 votes favored the Tickets Are Obtainable In Room 21 which was banked with flowers
The federals had found the in- and Blade, honorary military so- flown successfully over the terrain law, and 1,707 opposed it. Passage Of Alumni Memorial I sent by Professor Wenley's host of
surgents strongly entrenched about iety n the campus. Inorth of the Huron river at the of the measure in the city assured Building
Sherwood has appointed his junction of Geddes and the River! it of being listed in the legal rolls, The services held at St, Andrews
a mile south of Jiminez, their lines fcomitttee chairmen, and prep- road. Snapped off the brow of a when the city electors added their Tickets for the Detroit perfor- Episcopal church were marked by
describing a semi-circle around the arations for the ball are already 75-foot knoll with an elastic shock- support to that already assured in imnce of "Forward March", the simple yet impressive solemnity.
southern approaches of the city. under way. John Langen, '30, has 'cord, the plane has attained an al- the rural districts. 25th annual Junior Girls' Play, are Several hymns, including "Our
Federal artillery was -slung into been named chairman in charge of'titude of about 100 feet -and has1
plac an begn abomardmnt f ; ayn ElctedJusicenow on sale in the Alumnae office, !vMaster Leadeth Us," were sung byb
lace andr bean a bombardment of tickets, Thurman M. Rogers, 31, is covered distances up t 500yar s Payne Elected Justice tte co ad
the enemy's trenches at one o'clock chairman of decorations, W. H. At the request of the National Competition for the office of jus- eRoom A, Alumni Memorial hall. In theemois anr congregation. The
this morning. The infantry and Alman is publicity head, and Cyrus Glider association's Detroit office, us of the peace, left open when Grinnell's music house on sWood Rev. Henry Lewis r codct and by
cavaly got into action soon after- H. Fraser,'30E, will head the favors s Justice C. A. Reading decided not byr house HnWo, -r Rev HenrcLeisrector, and be
ward, but despite constant fight- committee this ship will be used to demon- to run for reelection, set Jay H. ward and at Orchestra Hall, where the associate rector, the Rev.
ing, the federals had made anote- hrwd mhsstrate the art and sport of gliding Payne firmly on the bench with the play is to be presented Friday Harris. s
worthy advance at only one point ticket salehsised that the for the benefit of delegates to the 2,765 votes against 1,870 for John night.P
at the end of the afternoone - cket sale, nnd en al - Intercollegiate Aviation conference W. Conlin, Democrat. Conlin poll- Forward March' is being taken to an organization consisting of fac-
atteedo h feno, campus sale, and wished to eor-!iWColnDeortColnpl-(uymnwth hm Pofsri
That was o the right flank of rect the impression that only Ii Detroit during spring vacation. ed a large vote considering the fact Detroit this year on the nvitation ulty men with whom Professor
the enemy, which at one place was members of the R. O. T. C. may It will probably be flown over the that he has been practicing law for of the Detroit alumnae group. This Wenley was intimately associated, Ie
pushed back into the city itself purchase tickets. Tickets are priced same terrain used during the past only two years. Both nominees for is the fifth time that the class served as pall bearers for the fu-|t
where street fighting followed. at $4.50. The dance will be for- week. According to present plans the office are graduates of the Uni- play has been taken out of town. neral. The active pall beaers v
Judging from the report of Gen- mal, he announced. invitations will be extended to the versity, Conlin receiving his degree In 1916, the Junior Girls Play was were President Clarence Cook Lit- s
eral Calles, however, a small body The music from the dance will glider clubs of Detroit University in 1927. The defeated candidate presented in Toledo, and in 1919, te, Prof. Frederick G. Novy, Prof. i
of troops succeeded in skirting the be broadcast over WJR, the Rich- and the Aviation Development cor- for mayor is likewise a graduate of 1922, and 1927 in Detroit. The Albert M. Barrett, Dean Carl G.
rebel position and destroyed double ards Oakland company's station in poration to use the flying facilities the Michigan law school, graduat- ast play prented i Detroit Huber, P of. Ulrich B. Phillips, and
rail-oad bridges to the north and :Detroit, it was given out. This admns of the loal clb mg fr 1907. directed by Phyllis Loughton, 28, Dean Alexander G. Rutheven. a
on the road to Chalhuahua City, makes the second campus dance to I Judge George W. Sample, a i Professor Wenley, whose death t
cutting th means ofretreat o who isedirecting verFthat satMarchhi tiProfwheisodiWenleygFwhose Mdeath
cutting the means of retreat of the be broadcast over that station this fourth major candidate who re- It was at a Detroit performance occurred unexpectedly last Friday d
insurgents. year, -the J-Hop having been I ceived his legal training here, was that the Junior Girls' Play was afternoon following a heart attack, i
No mention of casualties was broadcast. Flint Division Taken unopposed for a third term as- cir- opened for the first time to the had been director of the Univer- t
made by General Calles, but he Much praise has ben elicited O B y cuit judge. Fred C. Perry, Repub- general public. Before that the sity philosophy department since a
claimed that a rebel captain and from campus critics over the se- Over Short VYQ lican, added another victory to the guene a b eoe thats te- 186 sity phils depatentince
83 men had surrendered. curing of Gorman to play for the - S list of his party when he won over tirely of women The following known as a student and teacher s
affair. Gorman first got his start Merging the Ann Arbor-Flint Bradley F. Grangr for city clerk. n Th n
Y ;radey . raner or it clrk.'ear in Ann Arbor the lay was of high rank and influence. Con-Ii
Final Warrants Served On Cabot,
Little, Abbott, Burke, And
Lehman Last Night
Double arrests held the city hall
force in suspense for several min-
sites last night when two policemen
were arrested, brought to the office
of Chief of Police Thomas O'Brien
and in turn arrested the chief. Of-
ficers Tilley and Simons, of the Su-
preme Court police department of
Sigma Delta Chi's Grid-banquet,
were picked up in front of the local
branch -of the Detroit News by
Patrolmen Thomas Foley and Har-
old Gee, and because the Court of-
ficers wore the official uniforms,
hey were charged with imperson.
ating officers.
On being shoved into the office
of the chief for a grilling, the offi-
ers promptly served a warrant on
Chief O'Brien and' did not leave
until they had made sure that he
would appear Wednesday night.
Spicy evidence and stirring argu-
ments by widely known attorneys
will bring beads of cold sweat to
he brows of the several defgnd-
ants in the trial of the loquacious
Passes to the Supreme Court
of the University which will be
in session at the Grid-iron Ban-
quet at 6:30 o'clock Wednesday
night in the assembly room of
the Union may be obtained to--
day and tomorrow at the ticket
booth in the Union. The booth
will be kept open from 3 until 5
o'clock both afternoons, or until
the tickets have all been sold.
There are approximately 150
left. Subpoenas must be pres-
entedatethe time of application
for tickets. '
Cubricator to be heard in Judge
".larence Cook Little's Supreme
court of the University, to be held
ut the seventh annualGrid-iron
anquet Wednesday night at the
Union, Morris Quinn, '29, general
hairman of the affair. George
Burke, one of the most prominent
attorneys in this section of the
tate, has been selected to prose-
ute the case for the University.
Charges Are Preferred
Charges have already been enter.
d with Waldo M. Abbot, clerk of
he court, against at least five men
who heretofore have maintained
potless records so far as the court
s concerned.
Although approximately 550 sub-
poenas were mailed or delivered-
about two weeks ago, not more
han 400 persons can be accommo-
lated in the court room even after
t has been remodeled, according
o Charles S. Monroe, '30, retained
us engineer for the court. A few
more than 250 tickets had been
ent out yesterday, and the remain-
ng 150 will be disposed of today
when he played with Paul White- ivision with their Toledo-Ann A
f1man as first sax man. In addition, bor route, the Short Way Lines be- oee
ALP A wen e payd wth aulWhte-rviionwit teirToldo-nnAr- opened to men as well as women. ing after 30 years of association a
[P/IAoman s WILLr als recognised as gan operation of through service M any Means Of Farm Almost the entire cast of "For- with the University, Professor i
Gheo s eraly eadgmed isn from Toledo to Flint yesterday, it Rle e ward March" will make the trip to Wenley's death was a profound a
h Relief Are Suggested Detroit on Friday. The only sub- shock to faculty, students, and O
the country, performing on more was announced. stitutions that are being made are alumni. Those who have been
F I NAL1 1lL i J than 5 different hastruments Extra service to Toledo, Adrian, Hyde To Appear Tomorrow Before in the choruses, and the play will fortunate enough to enjoy the
with editose Hf E a s Vean- ba Fline fos thewing annuc Senate And H o u s e ,tbe presented in substantially the pleasure of his association all feel
with dEarl Carrol's Van- by that line for the sprig vaca-; Committees same form as it was given two deeply the loss caused by his death.
Candidates From Any School May ities as a featured star, and has tion exodus next Friday. The tak- ;weeks ago at the Whitney theater. h
Try Out For Debating ;made records for both Columbia ing over of the Flint route gives the (By Associated e- p Tickets for the Detroit perfor- s
- Society and Victor. He has played at: Short Way Lines an extensive route' (PSIIN O Asoiate mran-Tces or he Dtroid t eo-meni.
_____emost of the larger colleges in the throughout this section of Mich- HINGTON, April A pro mances are being so ckets foth e IU L
Trot'o lpaN ilb South. gan and Northern Ohio. -cession of witnesses with sugges- prcsa;eetetikt o h IL
Tryouts for Alpha Nu will be s for the a local performances. The prices
given their last chance to give tions for solving the farm problem localgefrma$. Th bo i
speeches this semester at the so- REEVES CITES HERRICK AS PERFECT hosse committees tdaay andding seats r
ciety's meeting at 7:45 tonight in. ________ L.'II!i~
the society room on the fourth floor; AMERICAN AMBASSADOR TO FRANCE teir testimones tobthe already
of Angell hall. Those eligible to bin e cttes Schedule Annual Debate With 1
try- out may be from any school on Professor Declares Late Diplomat jamin Franklin. He heartily agreed mittees. k
the campus, irrespective of class. Was Best Representative with their sentiments. Mng while m e werEpe AFr aTo We
inldn h u-Since Franklin I"It is certain," said Prof. Reeves, ling forward to the appearance After _ Vaato
All Freshmen, including the su- I Wednesday of Secretary Hyde of 1 For the purpose of acquainting h
Icessful -tryouts will be given an op- - "that no American ambassador the agricultural department before ( Episcopal students with one an- All freshmen who did not try out .
portunity to try out for the team; "A perfect ambassador-perfect since Franklin has so imbued him- the Senate committee and his later l other and with the student func- for the debating team of the Adel- I
to debate the Adelphi team in the in temperament, training, and ex- self with the spirit of the people appearance before the House tions that constitute the yearly phi house of representatives last h
near future, in accordance with perience," said Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of France. Nor has anyone so en- appern brfgrmt Hoe tatHarris bhll -student week will be reuired to make theirh
ind tomorrow at the ticket booth
n the Union, according to Alex-
ender K. Gage, Jr., '29,- custodian
f the passes.
Many Answer Summons
Prominent faculty members, state
egislators, well-known citizens of
Ann Arbor, and active students
iave been among the first to an-
wer the summons.
Final warrants were served last
night by officers of the Supreme
Court. Those who were appre-
iended were Horatio J. Abbott,
George Burke, Carl A. Lehman,
Dean Hugh Cabot, and President
.larence Cook Little. Although the
atter will act as judge, his pres-
nce was insured by the serving of
writ of mandamus which requires
im to hear the case
It is expected that Coach Field-
ng H. Yost will be taken to court
ometime today to give bond for
is appearance Wednesday night,
plans to be announced at the meet- 'of the political science department deared himself to their hearts." I1Most of the farm leaders at the
ing tonight. -of Myron T. Herrick, United States Her.ick's life was one of great Capital are of the opinion that
The regular program of the ambassador to France, who died activity in affairs of finance and Hyde will stick closely to the gen-
meeting tonight will consist of ex- yesterday. -public welfare. He was born in eral principles of farm relief as laid!
temporaneous talks by the mem- "He was one of the best men in Huntington, Ohio, in 1854. He at- down by the republican platform
bers of the society on any current the d i p 1 o in a t i c service," Prof. tended Oberlin College and Ohio and the campaign speeches of
headquarters maintained by the try-out speeches at the meeting of
I church at the corner of State and I the house at 7:30 o'clock tonight in ( Ot iahr
Huron streets, a banquet will be ; the Adelphi room on the fourth
given Wednesday, April 23, in the , floor ,of Angell hall. The team must
I Union to which all Episcopal stu-|be picked tonight, as the annual
dents are invited. debate with Alpha Nu will be held