VOL. XXXVII. No. 134
KELLOGG TAKES FIRMI Federal Radio Commission Takes Underl
Advisement Large Testimonial Record1
An TD K Av[ i ne -
Characterizing the Piuni Indians BL O F i'jITiii'NOUS
as the real aristocrats of the Amer-C
!can aborigines, Laurence D. Kitchell,
well known American traveler, speak-
Fu rher DissensionI Threatens China
When Nationalist Chief Breaks
With Hankow Government
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON*, April 1.--A firm
stand of the Washington government
to use means necessary to protect
Americans in China, was reiterated1
today in a formal statement by Sec-
retary Kellogg.
"The United States government is
taking necessary steps to protect the
lives and property of Americans in!
China," Secretary Kellogg said.
Ile added that no orders for Amer-
ican evacuation of Shanghai had
been issued from Washington, and
that only those Americans located at
points in China where protectionf
could not be afforded have been ad-I
vised to withdraw by Minister Mac-
Murray at Peking.I
Kellogg Answers Criticism
Mr. Kellogg's statement was
prompted by published criticismj
among Americans at Shanghai, in-
cluding certain officials of the muni-
cipal council, which governs the in-
ternational city, charging lack ofj
firmness in Washington in dealing
with the crisis and failure to co-
operate with other western powers.
"American diplomats and military
representatives in China are cooperat-
ing fully with other foreign repre-
sentatives when faced with a joint
problem such as protection of the
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, April 1-Conclud-
ing four days of public hearings at
which scones of representatives of
radio interests appeared, the federal
radio commission tonight took under1
advisement a voluminous record of{
testimony out of which it hopes to.
bring a semblance of order to the
present chaotic radio situation. A mul-
titude of proposals to remedy the con-
gestion resulting from 732 stations us-
ing 95 available wave lengths was of-
fered, and these the commission is at
liberty to use in reaching a starting
point for re-licensing stations after
April 24 when the 60 day respite al-
lowed by law expires.
Out of the mass of suggestions
came several large scale plans which,
if adopted, would revolutionize pres-
ent broadcasting by wholesale reduc-
tions of the number of stations; al-
most general opposition to revision of
the present broadcast band or other
physical changes, on the ground that
existing equipment would have to be
scrapped, and less drastic formulas
for numerical curtailment of stations.
While no announcement was madeI
by the commission, the prevailing;
opinion among competent observers,
was that the control body would not
adopt any station reduction plan for
general application to the country as
a whole, but rather would settle its
admittedly difficult problem in a grad-
ual manner by eliminating only those
- - - -
j '
stations which from time to time are
proven useless from a public serviceI
One proposal put forward today,
which is expected to have some weight
with the commission, was that of S. B.
Davis. solicitor of the commerce de-
partment, who is considered an ex-
pert on radio matters. He proposed
that the commission consider each ap-
plication for a license on its merits
from a public service standpoint,
classifying them by wave lengths de-
sired and go down the line for all
available wave lengths which woul(l
make possible at least a tentative rul-
ing as to which stations shall use at
particular broadcast channel.
He realized that under this pro-
cedure there must be some stations
eliminated, but declared the commis-'
sion should not "shut its eyes to that
Shows How Washington, Lincoln, And
Wilson Were Subjects To Rid- i
ieule During Lifetimes
(By Associated Press)
PHILADELPHIA, April 1-Intoler-
ance is widespread in America and
whether "we can support free institu-
tions is problematical," Dr. Alexander
Meiklejohn, former president of Am-
herst college, and now associated with
the University of Wisconsin, asserted
today before the educators attending
Schoolmen's week.?
Many outstanding Americans in-f
cluding Washington, Lincoln, and Wil-
son had to bear the sting of ridicule
during their lives before their opin-
ions differed from the rank and file,1
Dr. Meiklejohn said.
"I am not sure America can support
free courts, a free press, free litera-
ture, a free theater and a free life,"
he added. "Russia and Italy have tried
and failed. I wonder if America will
fail too."
The colonial ambitions of a Euro-
pean nation in the Mediterranean area
threatens the world's peace, Prof.
Hugh C. Wendell of New York univer-
sity told the conference. Control of
the waterways of the Red sea and the
Mediterranean is coveted by all the
great powers, he said.
"So long as Great Britain and
France pursue a friendly policy peace
in the Mediterranean will be maintain-
ed," Dr. Wendell asserted. "A seriousI
divergence of vital interests over col-
onial possessions, however, will re-
sult in conflicts which will involve
the whole of paragraphs."
ing last night in Natural Science audi-
torium on the subject of "Moun- PITTSBURGH
taineering with the Pikuni in Glacier ! WILLO )P
National Park," declared that their IAS
mode of living has changed very little
with the onslaught of civilization into
the majority of the remaining Indian WORKERS
tribes in this country.
Mr. Kitchell showed, using slides President I oe
Rclief That :Motor 3lagnate's Injury
Was Due To Purely Accidental
Causes increases
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, April 1-An amazing
lucrative field of endeavor was held!
up to view at the $1,000,000 libel suit
against Henry Ford today as Sen.
James A. Reed revealed the activities
of Aaron Sapiro, organizer of farm-:
er's cooperative associations.
A story of fees from organizations
in all parts of the United States was1
unfolded so rapidly that it soundedt
more like a fable than testimony in a1
federal court.
Almost $20,000 was collected by the
Chicago attorney for obtaining loans
.for associations he had aided in form-
ing. He represented 13 cooperatives
before the war finance corporation at
Washington in the fall of 1921, and
collected fees from ten. This trip to
the capitol, Sapiro testified, only took
"a few days."
Suffered Failure Also
The path of the man who claims
Ford's Dearborn Independent injured
his reputation by a series of articles
JohnL . Lewis
President of the Mine Workers of
America, who firmly upholds the
laborers claim for wage rates under
the Jacksonville agreement.
"No Difference Between Civilized Men
And Barbarians Except In Amount
Of Culture"-Gould
I .
Guest Is Present Attorney General
State; Was Graduated From
Law Class Of 1895
. .... .. .
s Not Intend To Enter
1VJG1, u
lives and property of their nationals," 3 William W. Potter, '95L, attorney
Mr. Kellogg said. general of the State will attend thee
The same resentment of miscon- Gridiron Knights' banquet, Tuesday,
structions placed on official announce- April '5, in the Union, according to
ments in Washington as they are ci' word received yesterday by Wilton
culated at Shanghai was disclosed in Simpson, '27, chairman. Mr. Potter
Shanghai. It was indicated that in practiced for several years in
the future the views of President Cool- hastpracticd for active in State
idge in connection with day-to-day de- Hastings and has been active in
velopments in China might not be politicalaffairs. He is now residing,
made available as freely as in recentn Other guests include Sen. Thomas
weeks. Reed of the State legislature; Ernest
Will Await Further Orders I de Selincourt, guest lecturer; Robert
As to the movement of additional i Frost, poet; F. C. Matthaei, of the
marines to San Diego, beside the American Metal Products company of
force already en route there to em- Detroit; Roscoe Huston, member of
bark on the transport Henderson for the Board of Governors of the Uni-
Shanghai, it was said that the Presi- versity of Michigan club of Detroit;
(lent does not expect these to be sent Ira M. Smith, registrar; Shirley W.
to China unless they are called for Smith, secretary; O. O. McLeish, sec-
by Admiral Williams. retary of the Chamber of Commerce
The movement is a precautionary ,of Ann Arbor; Regent Jomes O. Mur-1
one, it was explained at the navy de-fit, Regent Walter H. Sawyer; Dean
partment, and in live with Admiral John R. Effinger of the literary col-
Williams' call for reinforcements re-'g Dean Edmund Day of the School
ceived a week ago when the situation of Business Adminstration.
at Shanghai appeared critical. The A number of newspaper men on
admiral asked for 1,500 additional different papers throughout the State
men then, and recommended that an- will attend the traditional "razzfest."
other 1,500 e prepared for quick Most of these are Michigan graduates.
movement if nMeeded later. Sen. James A. Reed, Democrat, Mis-
S souri, will attend the affair as pre-
SHANGHAI, April 1.-War torn a ybt viously Annucedng now engaged
China~ already divided by a retcvlI'iuyanonebng-n
was not all roses, however. He ad- "Physically and psychologically,
mitted he had been dismissed as coun- there is no difference between the
sel for three cotton associations, al- civilized man and the barbarian," de-
though two had later reinstated him. lared Prof. J. S. Gould, of the socio-
tennessee, Alabama, and North Caro- logy departmentsof Toledo univer-
lina cotton growers dispealsed with sity, in his address on "Racial Superi-
his services but he regained the good ority and Inferiority" yesterday, "ex-
graces of the latter two. cept for the fact that the one has a
Senator Reed, chief Ford counsel, in greater accumulation of culture.
his cross examination, fine-combed "People judge races by their
the cooperative field and spent most achievements, and when they consider
of his time on the cotton associations, culture, they tacitly consider the
His questions, as he went from one western culture and civilization as
satte to another, were identical: "Did the criteria." In the opinion of Pro-,
you help form this organization? You fessor Gould, although the black race
made speeches urging farmers to join, has been long in existence, yet it has
telling them of the many benefits? achieved nothing. It has built up no
What fees did you get?" culture, nor has it contributed any-
Sapiro Answers Rapidly thing to civilization.
Sapiro answered him readily and Declines Popular Conception ,
rapidly, too rapidly for the senator "Personally," continued Dr. Gould,
who was taking notes as well as con- "I do not believe that race superiority
ducting the questioning. or inferiority depends upon achieve-
Reed and Sapiro continued the! ment. The fact that a race has so far
wrangling that characterized the two remained inactive does not mean that
previous days of testimony, and fi- it has no potentialities. The Greeks,
nally drew a rebuke from Judge Fred who considered the Romans barbarians,
M. Raymond. I were at one time considered an in-
ferior people by the Egyptians. The
DETROIT, April 1 -Amidst the Romans later could not use the Eng-
quiet, peaceful surroundings of his lish as slaves, because they were too
home, Henry Ford tonight impatiently ( inferior to work in the houses of in-
obeyed the instructions of his per- telligent people. Now the English
sonal physician that he remain flat on consider their civilization as the cri-
his back in bed as the quickest and I terlon.
surest means of recovering from in- "Many tests of race superiority have
juries received last Sunday night, been devised, but they were all insuffl--
when the little coupe in which lie was cient, inadequate, and unfair. No
riding was forced from the road. matter how much we know about the,
Meanwhile, the statements and ru- worth of races," declared Professor
mors describing the accident as a re- Gould, "we can never pick the su-
sult of a deliberate attempt to kill Mr. perior one on the bases of intelligence, I
Ford, dwindled to an expression of anthropology, or sociology.
belief that it actually was an accident, E Great Race Similarity
possibly unknown to the driver who "There is a great deal of variety in
caused it. The possibility of further i groups, but comparatively little he-
official investigation virtually had van- tween groups. We forget the tre-
ished. mendous similarity between races.
"A chart can be made for each
POETRY OF JOHN 1goup, from the lowest person to the
MILTON+ IL BE genius. Mathematically, this chart
IL TON WVILL BE may be perfectly correct, but from
GRIERSON'S TOPIC the standpoint of actual reality, an
absurdity. We have, for many years,
been thinking in terms of types, rath-,
-erbert J. C. Grierson, professor of er than of individuals, separate from;
rhetoric and English literature at the race and have not been giving one
Edinburgh university, will lecture on credit for his accomplishments as an
"The Poetry of John Milton" at 11 individual. That is the problem of
and motion pictures, how the prim- Into Any Action At This Time;
tive tribal characteristics, -- lan- Lewis Is Firm
guage, customs, and superstitions,--
are still to be found in practically (By Associated Press) '
their original state. le spent some CHICAGO, April 1 - Pittsburgh
time in a demonstration of the sign mine operators struck the first blow
method employed by these Indians for in the bitumnious coal field wage
inter-tribal communication. war today. The Pittsburgh Terminal
"Women do almost all the manual Coal corporation announced that its
labor necessary in., the tribe and it is seven mines, employing 3,000 men, will
considered very undignified for a war- be operated as non-union.
rior of the tribe to lift his hand in Almost at the same time that no-
labor of any sort," declared Mr. # tices were posted in the Terminal
Kitchell in showing further evidences corporation's property stating it
of how old customs still prevail would be "suicidal for the company to
among the Indians of that particular continue working under the Jackson-
tribe. Moving pictures showed that ville agreement," John L. Lewis,
the old tradition of smoking a "pipe s president of the Mine Workers of
of peace" on certain occasions, as America, declared at Taylorville, Ill.,
well as the traditional games, are that "this is no time to talk about a
still observed frequently. j wage reduction for miners."
With widely diverging attitudes in-
FfhINALD HIPfl dicating how far apart the operators
and miners are President Coolidge at
Washington let it be known that he
expects to refrain from taking any ac-
tion at this time.
Corporation Disagres
T'he Pittsburgh Terminal corpora-
Prince Carol Refuses To See Callers tion through I-. F. Baker, its pres-,
Who Bear Jews Of His Father's ident, announced its failure to agree
t Serious Condition ' with union representatives over
wages, and its decisions to offer a
lower scale than that provided by the
COMMUNICATIONS HALTED Jacksonville agreement, the agreement
below which the union has said it
(By Associated Press) will not go.
PARIS, April 1.-Reports that King j The new scale proposed provides
Ferdinand of Roumania, who has been $5.50 a day for inside labor and $4.50
suffering from an intestinal disorder a day for outside labor. The minimum
for some time, is on the point of day rate under the Jacksonville
death, tonight held the forefront of agreement is $7.50.
Balkan news. "A wage scale that the company can
Although direct news from Bucha- live under is just as necessary for
rest merely stated that the king's; success as a good wage for the work-
condition has taken a serious 'turn ers," said the Baker announcement.
for the worse, the cutting of com- Scale Termed Ridiculous
munications between Bucharest and Th'e proposed scale, however, was
Vienna and other points has caused termed "ridiculous" by Thomas Ken'-
intense anxiety to the Roumanian nedy, national secretary treasurer of
colony in Paris. the United Mine Workers.
Late today it was reported from The Pittsburgh Terminal corpora-
Vienna that the king had died, but tion which made profits under the
this was taken with a grain of salt; "Jacksonville agreement," Kennedy
in Paris. Dispatches to Vienna tonight said, "will not succeed in this attempt
from Bucharest wrens reported to Ito work at reduced wages because the
show evidence of censorship.- mine workers will not permit it.."
Prince Carol remained at his home I President Lewis at Taylorville said
in Neuilly tonight and refused to re- operators have refused to come half
ceiVe callers bearing news on his way towards an effort toward mak-
father's condition. So far as could ing new wage agreements. The min-
be learned he made no preparations ers, he said, intend to "stand firmly
ot hurry to the king's bedside. ! on the policy laid down by the policy
Still Maintain Guard committee at Indianapolis," which pro-
A French secret service guard still! vided that no low wage agreement be
is maintained outside the residence of accepted unless it calls for wages
the former Crown Prince, who has at least equal to those under the
given his word of honor to the Paris Jacksonville agreement which' ex-
prefect of police not to leave Neuilly pired at midnight, March 31.
without giving advance word of his ; Iri U isi r nDmands
intentions andrdestination.
onflict bten the North-and-South,' tne Ford-Sapiro libel suit in ie-!
conflict between theNorth and South, troit. It was stated yesterday that
tonight appeared threatened with fur- plans for the affair are now coni- }
ther dissension arising wi~iin the pln o h faraenwcI
Canrtonssesamp betweengte tina- pleted. The program of speeches and
Cantonese camp between the Nationl specialties will be announced tomor..
i s t commander-In-chief, General
Chang Kai-Shek, and the Hankow It was further stated that accept-
government.d ances could still be mailed in, al-
Reportm ee o trustworthy ough these must be in the hand of
Report from usuallytru"Anathema", 1037 Baldwin avenue, by
sources indicated today that General Monday.
Chang had been dismissed as gener- - _i
alissimo of the Nationalist forces by
the Hankow government. iw COUZENS BEGS DOLLAR
There was every indication, it was
stated, that General Chang, whose (By Associated Press)
military victories have placed the en- WASHINGTON, April 1.-Senator
tire Yangtze valley under Nationalist Couzens of ,Michigan, who is a mil-
control is no contemplating his lionaire, was forced today to borrow
strength in the Shanghai district to a dollar from Senator Borah of Idaho
defy his dismissal. j before he could eat lunch.
Whatever the outcome of the po- The Michigan senator had forgotten
litical struggle believed to be in pro- that the Senate restaurant, where
gress between the military and more senators have charge accounts, had
moderate wing of the Cantonese closed and he was faced with either
regime and the civil government at going- hungry or raising some money.
Ilankow,, the foreign powers in China He met Senator Borah outside of the
Ann Arbor will be the next meet-]
ing place of the Michigan Authors I
association, which is scheduled for a
dinner session April 28, at the Union.,
At this meeting Prof. Herbert Mallory'
of the rhetoric department will speak
on "The Creative Process," making'
an analysis of creative literature in
terms of the newer developments in!
JProf. George Sprau of Western
State Normal, author of a recent vol-
ume entitled "The Meaning of Litera-
ture" will talk on "Literature and the
Pedagogue." The officers of the as-
sociation are all alumni of the Uni-
versity, Arnold Mulder, '09, Holland,
president; Lawrence H. Conrad, 23,
vice-president; and George N. Fuller,
'05, Lansing, secretary-treasurer.
(By Associated Press)
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April 1-In-
diana's impeachment trial of a cir-
cuit court judge came to an end to-
day with the Senate acquitting Clar-
ence W. Dearth of Muncie on charges
of corruption and other high crimes.
Analysis of the roll calls of the
seven counts on which the jurist was
tried, however, shows that the Senate
as a whole did not consider the jurist
entirely innocent.
intentions and destination-.
The sudden stoppage last night of
communicationf- from Bucharest to
neighboring countries was the first
indication that the condition of King
Ferdinand had become worse and the
Roumanian legation in Paris today
had merely the three days old news
that the king was suffering from an
attack of girippe.
It is known that Queen Marie of
Jugo Slavia, daughter of King Fer-
dinand, took a train for Bucharest at
11 o'clock last night. It was learned
also in Paris that Dr. Sluirs, the Bel
gium radium expert, who recently
gave the king radium treatments, had
gone to Bucharest.I
"The operators are entitled to a
fair profit from their mines,"' Lewis
said, "but the men who work i the
mines also need a living wage and
they are going to get it."
- All union miners in bpth bituminous
and anthracite fields were idle today,
it being "J'ohn Mitchell" day or the
anniversary of the first eight-hour
day legislation. It was not possible
therefore, to determine how effective
the suspension may be in ,the soft
coal fields.
Both miners and operators are
agreed that although many smaller
mines will continue operation under
a "work pending agreement" arrange-
ment, the number of miners thus .em-
ployed will not be large.
today continued their operations to
protect their nationals from aiti-for-
eign activities.
Within a short time, United States
warships will be on duty along the
Chinese coast from Canton in the
South to Tientsin in the North, guard-
ing American citiens. The destroyer
Pillsbury is on its way to Tsingtao,
Shantung province, and the cruiser
Ashville has been ordered to Tient-
sin, which was used in the Boxer ye-
hellion in 1900 as a base for the for-
capitol and ' explained he had left his1
pocketbook at home and needed a
o'clock today in Natural Science au-
ditorium. Professor Grierson is in
America as visiting professor at Cor-]
nell, and his present trip to the Mid-
die West includes visits to the Uni-
versity of Toronto and the University
of Illinois.
English critics have declared Pro-
fessor Grierson to be one of the most
distinguished scholars in English lit-'
erature today. His special field is in
the 17th century. Among the works;
which he has edited is a two volume
edition of "The Poems of John Mil-(
ton",' which is particularly relevant I
to the lecture he will give today. He
is also known for his work, the stanid-
ard edition of "The Poems of John
Donne" The lecture is open to the
general public.
CARLTON -Freshmen have the zation of the nation's prohibition en-__
right to remove the button from their. forcement machinery became effective Michigan's Varsity band will pre-
pots if they defeat the sophomores in today simultaneously with the develop- sent their annual formal spring con-
the' baseball game held every spring. ment that Mrs. Mable Walker Wille- cert at 8 o'clock Wednesday in Hill
brandt, assistant attorney general in auditorium, with Norman J. Larson
MINNESOTA--A professor is con- i charge of prohibition cases, was op- directing his first spring program in
ducting an experiment to determine posed to the change on the ground that the capacity of leader of the Var-
whether learning can be acquired it would be inimicable to enforcement1 sity organization. The program, pri-
while sleeping. of the law. marily for the students, will include
numbers appropriate for the Easter
LAW STUDENTS CREASE TROUSERS I season. This is in accordance witlX
! Robert A. Campbell's plan for two con-
TO DANCE AFTER YEAR OF SAVING certs for the student body each year,
o to precede the Christmas and spring
B. A b *i.R., n -'recesses.
race sui
the solu
cluded t
he speaker. (By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, April 1-Reorgani-
periority and inferiority andI
tion is consideration of in-
rather than of type," con-
yL3 APau a ococo
By Timothy Hay
Miss Artesian Spring wins the gold!
dunce can for the best April Fool
scurrying across the campus in spring
finery and a snow storm. Advertise-
Well, the law students finally man-
aged to scrape up enough money to
have their trousers pressed and had
their Crease dance formal last night
experience with chairmen leads us to
doubt all statements made by them,
especially about favors. Regarding fa-
vors, the committee pulled a good one
Wednesday night's program wil in-
clude not only marches and'" selec-
tions from operas, but several special-
ty numbers, Marshall Burn, Grad.,
will present a cornet solo. Among the
ole~~in at-"u tniel. °T Gow