March 02, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 103) • Page Image 1
…The i 0iDal =,\ \ AhBO,- R, ii' -tGAls', \hhIIN\ESDAhYV, ARICHi 2 .1. Vol'. XX. UNION OPENS CAMPAIGN I FOR $500,000 CLUB HOUSE Plans for Half-Million Dollar Home for Michigan's Sole Representative Organization Are Complete---3 Active Campaign for Funds Soon to Begin in Earnest. REBUKES UNAPPRECIATION N I"hh soulirt H I FI Thinks Negro Athlete Failed to Re- flilxs are ne arly a 'asplcclxif,) ceive Just Treatment. lxx sac t(>xe 'uilt itstixc...…