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May 18, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

… I 4, I ' E E 1 (, i , ': , I , . '', .,,. i; ,, j JF r 1 Fu-' " , '- ~ f., u, v J . rioz y ~f 77. s J \ nr v _ '/ f f !1 r 1 i } t } ;. , f t 1 ; : ' ' M .- r 'f; 1 Z;,, 1 M. . -1 a+ _ L .:r ""' n U _ . " v;,, = .- e 'f' .. :. '., .., . .y . , . , V 'J .;, ay r.r vi 5. .. _ 'j i 'J .,-+ 1 V i- G f, of J ^) ~, I, ~ .f - f. ^( 'f. T /" .'+ r, t. a a 4 4 b U e e " O a z - - F _ f l 77- f, J l ,.. v i eye .77 tL J cr M J f v 'f F J v ...…

May 18, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 163) • Page Image 2

… THER MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Comfpany MERCHIANT TAILORS : Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Meniom, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole, Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Comberland, LChester, 0rtent, Pet- ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, FederalEnmpire, Raeborn, Irish Boating 4Tweed, sod Landon Wors- teds. Please come early and have your Suit reserved. G...…

May 18, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY __________________ Shave Thyself Gillette Safety t New Process Blades ' AT Quarry's Money Loaned On Watchesiaonsids, taw Books, or other personl ooperty. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargaino in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 331 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Horas s: t 13ea. In..IIto 4:30 and?7 to 9p~. so. JOSEPH C. WATTS THE FARM[RS AND ME[CHANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREE3TS Capital $50,000 Surplas and Prfits $9000...…

May 18, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 163) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ti111,A R l-ITIC D)ECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THEl.:L116ST1A:t) MOST UP-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE ANt) SILNS'.II-ELVIS, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VAR+NISMHJSS,}rtSII;S, (itASS WINDOW SH-ADES, ETC., ETC. Ouri specialty is fieIDecorating, such as Papzr-hanrging Paint- ing,,(inteim- antdilexti-or) 'Wall-tinting, Kalsomuining, Fresco- ing,etc.,itc. We employ only skilled workmen and guarantee our1 wiork. P 00 Is lD...…

May 18, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…o ) Ir I r C,, I I 77 1 I Cle Z7 i 4 I Z, 7, 77~~ _ - Z: Z, 0-4 _ r _ 1 r r_ - r ( A I C.. RJ zI _ % , '/, f: r ! ,..f i '-'' I : , ;-: _t r ; :/ !' ., M fs J Tom. 1nJ // E KJ T 1 '# r i ............... t }. , F ', : ' I i' ,F I 7- r- i5 - 7' 77 r 1 _ Y > l _ _ _ u _ ;77 71 C-4 …

May 18, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 166) • Page Image 2

…,r 14,F-MiitirtAPI )A U.Y New Sprilig WooIOIIs 1907 6. H. Wild Co. 311 South State Street Engraved Cards for Seniors graver, asuringlo u te latest Atvles as well as care- ful attenikon to the smllatest ganlce in engrvsedt wrk Price per 10 Cards, and Plate Script . $1.25 Roman . $2.00 ad $2.50 Old linglish $2.50 and $3.00 Aditonal Cars, at 75 tierl100 t1111 wtork Idonle witotldet-I lay, at SHEEHAN & CO.'S T StudlentsltBookstoe Banners and Pilo...…

May 18, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 166) • Page Image 3

…TI-TK MYCHYCAN TDATLY Collg randCt lothes B . R: _." . , " ? -, . M _ : t ~ ' t - - - f 77yy,, /r /y aC 11 ,I i ; w ? ; t f:GS ,r,., , rf.. ,. Are smart enuf to make their wearers look smart enuf for the degree of B3. S.-Bachelor of Style. Worn IN every college of the land, hot made so well that they're seidom WOR~N OUT, Extreme in style, NOT Price. A Fzi11 Line of Spring Vrmderwear Cooper spring needle porosknit garment, iwo- pieced and uni...…

May 18, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 166) • Page Image 4

…T1,F: MOC?1 1 .AN BAT ,Y UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 1AIALvfl CLOCKS: NOTICE The Summer - Quartrt1W7e, the undersigned livery. Ir ~ .'s JRNxedry Soremen, will accept 11o more credit. s . Ferms strictly cash from now on, and all bills must be paid by ROBtISON & CO. r crtsrOR A JA. Ft. WALKER. S204 South State Street W. H1. STARK. THE UNIVERSITY SF CHICAGO , 1IT IS NOT BY ACCIDENT I Lois of people_ never worry about style, just buy FOWNES...…

May 18, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…Th e Michigan Dil \NN ARBOR, MTIITGAN, FI VDAYNIMAYr8,yo6 ,FOL. XVI: No. 1(4 FRESH=SOPHCONTESTS BEGIN TIS4 AFTERNOON Tugsof=War Across the Huron River Occurs at Four O'clock-- Rock Contest Begins at Ibight-Student Council Warns the Spectators to Be CarefulI at Tug-of-War. BUNDSCHU IS CAPTURED! M. A. C. APPEARS ON TRACK TEAM LEAVES I, tii-lt wltl c'ccw asiial FERRY FIELD NEXT TODAY FOR DUAL MEET bau of:cIh ~idap~ d tlillthli.le State Champ...…

May 18, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 164) • Page Image 2

…j4 ItCi SAN bAttY G. H. WILD CO. THE LEADING Tailors EIMakers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. [ULLtDR[SS SUITS A SPEfCIATY 311 . State St. Ansn Arbor, Mh. A Little Early maybe, to talk of Com- mencement, ht it's not too early to remind you that books make by far the most desir- able gifts for such an occasion, and to remind you that an excellent line awaits your selec- tion Sbeehan & Co's ...…

May 18, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN IbAILV [or Art and Skill in Iailoring Call onx SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HURONY STREET Men's Fine Furnishings Allagodsinthis toeforwhich we stnd spons omust past~s as prominet teatures, Style. Qualitty sad Vailue.I e' Furnishings these (haractersticls are( particularly noticeable. Collars, Cxzffs, Neckties, Nelie Shirts Unaderwear, Hosiery, Hartdkerchiefs, Jewelry. In at the N...…

May 18, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIIGAN DAILY ilockinig Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotsomin Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32" Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING (Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. IBAILEY & EDMUNDS s6porting Goob'z 121 East Liberty Street....…

May 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…chigan D al VOL.. x v ANN ARBOR, MICH., THIURSDAY, DMAY iS. 1905. No. z63 DECEIVE MAROON ENTRIES HISTORICAL SERIES CLOSES! WILL PLAY TODAY. CHANGE AT OBSERVATORY Chicago Will Send Tleam of iwenty=- FlK Historical Recital (iven gyes Michigan and Illinois Baseball Teams Prof. William Hussey is Chosen to eight Men Saturday ilich- day Mjo!ern Program of Btrahms, 1 Me, tat 4:05 This Afteroon---No Succeed Prof. Hall as Profes- igan Team Selected. Li...…

May 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 163) • Page Image 2

…" ~THE MYICHIGAN DAILY. " + f +® *4 ,* **® THE 71 IT;H I GA N DAILY. Sprin g i . 1 > 1' i s iifhc A ['n1l ish d (~tivil~md v e oe tcd diiriingthei Managing lEditor, J. STANLEY BALEY. l iloring f.Bsns aae,*LUEA HMSN 1Athltics--- -- --- ---- ---Ci,y )uE L. lDpw 'lNw --------- ARTHURa . 1OUsD 12.1 inges .. . .... nJoeph Y. K(err SWomn . ... .Ida M. Bronrieg THE NEW SPRING WOOLENS ARE READY EIT (-iiIIIALS TAFF: A. I Grve HarryLH.Andrews 1. IVitie ...…

May 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. HA RT, ' sue as Yr rc otdy for Votl nspcato. r4 .,lothier, go. e Madn St.1 t MACK (a Con. Summer Shoes for Ladies j ~ DOROTHY DODD'S JANNESSMILLER'S Int all fa htonabittIeathIts r, black & coloredl $2.5(0 $3.00 $3.50 LUTZ 2171. 4. 1. + + + lio I ++++- ++++++-++++-' .+++++ t. ...Money Loaned,. On Watches., Diatottds., Jlrcty and alHigh Cl..r.('1.,.-; + and 4Collatral -at-ti. 104 4th Ave. (t C r H Tw o ot '1'tit.t Business St...…

May 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 163) • Page Image 4

…TH lE MICHIGAN DAILY. .1 I P H0T 0 G KA P H ER. I I .A ;M 3 + i k V w' t y t i Y1 " ARRIVED [INC1JI AND VAAX (AV X Tltlips or Plain Toes, Military Heels and on the , Very Latest Study with a Good Light F There is noi better ight than k THE WEL.SBACH READING LAMP F ALL SITYLES Al ALL PR ICES. , The Ann Arbor Gas Company. L A. G. SPalding & Bros. Larget 51'lan .tseir' in til, Wortld rt~ffitiasAtitetit' -Sipots ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKE...…

May 18, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…i~Daily VOL. XIV. YEAR1B00K A SUCCSS First Shipment Sold Out in Tw Hours Time. Praise for Board, Printers and Engravers. An- other Shipment Expected Today. T.ho fis shipmenof sthe u irbigan osis asierepacrdi o salei ysta 1morni1ng.and1(1he s 51dls lia thei first oporunity ofijudinig otheli meisof theiinow''Vrit y Yeari BoikI IrS iia lndtie seiireshsipmt ofti0 200 bookiils wisssold sitin as11511 and~ a hal. Mtsnagrs Jieiiey ati arge sle soil a...…

May 18, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 163) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY IG.H. Wild Comlpally L eading Merchant Tailors For Sis Top Coats and ITrousers. Full dress suits a especialty. Let us show you IKiloweus, Blarneys, H i Ilands, Edinburghs, Druin- toclity's, Mc~ngors, London and St. Andrew Flanntels, London Cassiuteres or Amr- icau Serges. Please call ad see THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY exmleo Michigan ight to the fina- is sii sone coulti ask for. Enee ats second -claso ia at the Asi The first half ...…

May 18, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY tKE A [OmOI( THIE GUYER $3 HaTS DRESS SUIT CASES ae At the Straight Front and Douhle du".+!'PilE LTOWl'tC'iil), MEDIIUMI AND FINEST MADE Breasted Varsity--Hart, Schaff= , 'The News' toe-2175 ian~St. +'< HNBGLASO TECPS ner & Marx Make. 'i[hey ale tes HNDAGGLDSONS#TLECOE of the snaiiest styles pited TUK iALSed NDSYE + this season, and many o tie' bestaTUKSI L IESADSYE " dre ssers like the doisle iseesiSed ALL MODERATELY PRItE...…

May 18, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 163) • Page Image 4

…H -T±MICHIGAN DAILY TXEPR4IY R rbae to y)ouresuore and( Drpu acrl to32S anSt\ dh e t,,lI for yoaront. A FIT GUARANTEED , AT GOOKIIOUSEBIL1AP HALb Fbd .-Unde Fl Usrew Illnag'inel 111I P ISl N -wHilliaird Oufit. to UU.II U;Cils gaivn god or ayawhre i ir h house. ,ord WIM oK Fre nc./ CLOTHIERS, .~ CLA H . atters and Furnishers. 11Forest Avene !Mat 1guxe Linen ladCUFF 109 ad 111 E. Washnoton Street ( Poulry,G(ame and rlisS in Seao A1jE THE BaES T ...…

May 18, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 165) • Page Image 2

…t ali Oi 0 zU 2 Z in1 lm 4 1541,Mcr;q _ III, -A-TV il 44H" , ,,, it' , . l t ; l {"j tl i ~ 1 ; t l t I t t 1 i ti r '+t . : ;; ' 1itt l i4 . i lt ! ;! 1 1 l i .° t l l '' l ,~ ! I + ; ; 1 ; ' S i t' ll 'Si ; \ t {i I : l 1 I ' i Church servi iI 1 M ' .' j ' . Engraved Visiting Cards .= pout o ne o t fsi Hi tropolit ttt el- 01 t '>. We tiLCr _ t ] l el newetst lit' i i11' till t7 II t rr S 1 ~ 1il S 1 i i:11 i,1li l'allll )' 1 ];1 i . .1i1 ,ll...…

May 18, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 165) • Page Image 3

…TUE MICIII(AN DAILY-NEWS Among the Smaller Things of Life+ ';(.I ( s )' 1olIii tCC1 I1i a I I ' 1X ' Illl s N 4oi il 1 o ii C; 1Z( t , ri t i { l ns r 0 st1 t !ir iI' } ac I i lIs rnin 1 I l l ,l rsor ma};1.1THIS STOR[ HEADQU ARTERS FOR MItS IR\ISII S. 2c I 0 COllie this W eek '(> r tty ts , I it, flatii I $.50, 2.00,$2,50 al.} 2.7. F )I' . an> 5,. i 00115 1, FilIt ,i:}1t1:I>, isi .luti+ ;it ' 1 00, 1(15011$2 ;111 iX$3 'N J- SOHANZ CHAS. DIETA...…

May 18, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 165) • Page Image 4

…THlE IICIIIGAN DAIL) _EWS I Better Than 1Geer, Better Stock, Btter Trim mis qa;, Better Workmanship, i A eyears ajuo the standard prict day oine can he ha THREE, L fully 1;uarateed particualar care o W A0iNEli L. TE -TSHAPES WSTIN, Five Dlulfars 's". fur a hat. To-~ d fur ~HAW S A fiat nade vv ith rparticular men.I Scale Ai gnts BLETTEfR THA1N EVER The SCHEEDNEf TMPORARYBIE -A 101) , aa " rl~kwGK IiIliard PdriOmsdndIBonnH( 707 N(t)R'I'H 'It'II...…

May 18, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XL ATNN ARBOR, M\ICH.. ST~iR:AY, MAY 1, 1901 No. 171 .Our Special Line of.... CHICAGO MEET I'EAY weitlion,(.t(ry bin esecaly A ROUND OF TRIUNWPHS {.______ lttfic1 5i ll in tlroinig tiue hammliert,.fo Foreign and omestic v-Mle hsiSatrecodt Of 121; feet. - and DoiesticSomne ExiiegcCntests Exp eted--lftlil Oo('of the fetursii' of the ti rnooli Yesterdays May Festial (1Cfcrts FABR~'~IC Mie the Feature-Returns Ftm rihthe retillitof te'cotiel- ...…

May 18, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 171) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILYi Published Daily (Mandays exceptedldurintg College tear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAIt OFFCEtmi rOtoseOt FEec Argut Bidg'. Maat St. 336 S. State Stteet. Bath 'Phoanes 13. New State 'Phoaae 182. The Wtiseatisini Carinal asks edi- toriallyt'that at scorlt'oard and score cardls he itingrated as a part of the arangentels at baseball g(aimes ill the xlttore at -iadisoll. The Itaily canditets the scoretboatrd a...…

May 18, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 171) • Page Image 3

…IBE UNIYEIISAY OF MI(F IGAN RAIL-Yt. 3 dE EE g E: :4 : . T lE UMVE RSY1Y OF M](F]GA F Z.: F:E':i~rrE' DAILY::. 3:EE f cr ca.ce:c!'e:mrrt-ar.ra.r. ra:r.rmt. l CL'!ZC 's 'sCL :aGS !@: 's Ce:irrc.i!ZS:rc ara'e'rre= s -z'z' A Pleased 11i YII W T 4M re" *o lksa c* a v ss'+* i C o try c i!^a f n a VJU 9 ii ii is' isy is ii ii ii ii ii pis of mighty good hat ads about the Knox, 'Varsity and Ha GOODSPFVED'S G 117 MAIN STREET 'p q1 e've a lot' e...…

May 18, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY O1 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 i 4J ej rsysHIGHI ART FitEFo A Prince TALRIG r% .TIOIGe have them on all kinds of AT PRICES within the reach of ordinary mortals combination of Cclos', ae alsou.uiloiks Lasr thenm to order for castans in Yu utt oriesr any colors selected1 with nuimer- als, letters or monogram at eloib And at a price lhat will save yon fronm rates. 5cont 9co Caps We also make class caps to order with any monogi am design...…

May 18, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…bc u A&:11 A-A *> at VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FIDIAY, MAY 18, 1900. No. 171. THREE RECORDS BROK Noto fott7tet 2oinchd ellsotane wtoBUGfeetSED Spring TREgEORSBRK ntssl or10 fet a2landellsomFeofeestt BDE SD behind hits opponent. The hamnmoer Al ~Annual Varsitqj Field Meet a ighl~Itrow oand bioatd jumtp were ttot run ff Regents Decide Salaries fior Next A~nnouncement Successful One. es tetts tt es ew entries Itese too Year.-Newt Entrance Re-...…

May 18, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 171) • Page Image 2

…2 T1HE UNI1VElt6IY01, j'MICHIGAN DAILY Gt~od Ripids Herald -Prof. Henry j.r Booming the Business Course. C. Adams, holding the chair in the Uni- ?ubIteedDaiy aitge ea. a terst of Michigan of political economy; PbihdDiy(Sundays exc-epteld)emn-theand fnnchos accepted thelienovitationit Coleg yer.uttendered tint by Superintendent of THE UNIVERSIIYOF MiCHiGAN. Schools Hathaway and will deliver the -oniienceino addreso before thc high BFaC: h a...…

May 18, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 171) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. a Have Yu See, OurNew Drcas boesALL NEW AND UP TO DATE S F W You SeQ Or Ne Dorcs Sb1s?9 SOUTH MAIN ST. MICHIGAN CENTRAL THE BEST MAKES OF 'The Niagara Falls Route." N 1Reutit cbber, the jphotograpber. M niln r CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Eet Apri 19, 1899. Guitars GIG AS.- -_j Detroit Night Sxprse ........ . 555 A. . FSch a Josephlttdsaan',Wanlbuai'sE'SAlni irc ........... Grtand Rapd4s Expres ........ .. ...…

May 18, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN~ DAILY GOLF If yciu want... . DRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, .,LEEKS, MILL IRONS, LOFT- .:ERS, .PUTTERS, CADDIE BAGS A0D GOLF BALLS..... roan find them at Nheehan's "W c-arry the largest assortment of all makes in the city. Our J.erks are np to date Golfers, and will gladly give yon any in- .formation desired in the pur- chnase of outfits. "We are Ann Arbor Agents for the following well-known clubs: -ILLIE DUNN, .cGREGGO...…

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