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May 18, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-05-18

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u A&:11 A-A


VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FIDIAY, MAY 18, 1900. No. 171.
THREE RECORDS BROK Noto fott7tet 2oinchd ellsotane wtoBUGfeetSED
Spring TREgEORSBRK ntssl or10 fet a2landellsomFeofeestt BDE SD
behind hits opponent. The hamnmoer
Al ~Annual Varsitqj Field Meet a ighl~Itrow oand bioatd jumtp were ttot run ff Regents Decide Salaries fior Next
A~nnouncement Successful One. es tetts tt es ew entries Itese too Year.-Newt Entrance Re-
Altioigt eeravrntrss ettcltstottt eet Ihad dragged outt to quirenments.
itn yesterday's track attd field iteet; they Mucho sort was tad ot of the The Rcgcts met yesterday foer teir
j- j wIIl ietre ontly those of te Michilgant 'Varsity haodcapisotrott race of 130 yards. regular -May mesetintg. Thtey transcted
G IW. y D C ott, ieieonsk e ser o stgtRobinson, runntsin g for Alpha Phih, a large amtounett of rotitnte hbusintess.
an henw aksst ee o a is otilcundtouibtedly leave wsnihad Thte busdget for net y ear was finally
,4ICI as htod bett looked for. The sceathoer hec sit stuimbled sear thte finish.orrainged stisfactorily attd cdopted.
waslagey esonsbl fr hi asa s t as l plled oute secoocd, A. cottmmtutnicationt woo received froto
We av jstrecivd arli e srottg ss-id bless froisi thee iorthiatod is Hoyes, for IKappa AlphaoThcta, succeed- the CalotunsstCounity :Medico1 society ito
of spring woolens fur mien'sits ing totpas inglistmLeibeesswithi Delta ss Ich th e Regentts sseas ent to ad-
ticldsevrtin ansanalso coolesnosigh toinkeepteeathletes Da Del as cioorbefibiht hsird.Theto eetericii latiets ito thse hosptialas it
wear. I nldseeyhn n fromsolooseing uptas tey itighot ott a tareleas cotmectobhoclisanoeateves n scte oedhoosersctecally tekegheeedtecaosdbuoetr
staples that are suitable and do- scartier day. The traick woas its good sswass ceate 050moreo less isters ct asstnesot of tie isotithse of theeptteicitng ploy-
sirable for the season. We eare cotiditionsasedsll teeperfrines wrosere Ioads en thegerneral enjoymlenit. s'eiasofthest ase.lilieys-koled eliot
alo hwigfulragsSino-the cassers5tosleeiththeose ssheoswssntadmision tointhe tnhoseitahoe limsiied to
alonoigfl agsi o- creditableronee. phladds becon e sivsetsetrto steow thscpose chasse fleeRegents received
clities, in quality and style to The ioyard dashtrouighee faeotthoss sortot ut toss ittack: athletics swilsensshse cunicatosd tptaced setsit file.
suit te mos exacing tste, arroy oftaenetesuchnashas never srint-hee}sheseteetotesenit seiors tease collceeI lietsooerd, Os RcgetisIcefer stated, are
consisting of Top Coats, Suit- e ntetaka eet'Fedbfr.1cei~ezlWsfl ue opwrest iciiae hycno
logs, Fancy Vests and Golf nte. an lteh sct d stichuFnosy ore all iseners sofriotsesiqe intthelsbiaalcotnditin of thor
I w thehatOee chn oscod essinotedt hysthe double cipher Bristre-ptitents aned st andyitWlo 5isiig to
Trouiserings. Wse invite you to fiat Leiblehrbesnug the swinnser itsbottehobaclIlayes, Boi lBanAm umtt herlsadrgltosl
call and inspect or line at intne.Ti stefrttm htsrn n vrkaea rsn uir;b ditd}hnvrteei om
WA3I J jmo~tisshatid Scisisisetd isill comsptlete toerinteeastesrsoon wsthle adoton of thee
'~~~' H I a ~1-5sine e istnisll did thee trieinisthe cottege cousetworeyss rsdeftrantJuinc; reromeneetdationonitheenerearof thee de-
~ J I,~1./ duat lmeet sssts Illitnis ill tb898. Before adRbnoSanissh, Leiblcc and teas ticet nf tetrsatresesnce atnd the
Vi estlthoutnsghi Boninierheld the Bucktley rankshas ftrehmten.iaits itt refereieeetentheeadtmiessoiiof stet-
18EW siigo St. rcrdat in seconids, teasvitig made itin ITher stititita oiesvets is 05 follow:dnsThmatrasbetieri-
10 E W sboinn zo as dcs liheIset seat, Leibltee,03 dcussion foesoetsite.Stuidetnt geachi-
tb b. Intsestirtiil head s}ihtiLestibl i sses}vn;Bre etetstaet,i , s ecois ;titeer ate s ftresm lthi schools laess appsitced foe
tools frostsBreitabachs tllnfourso itches to sdecsnds. Secotidcheat-Nufer, 'ooesdissieon.There'iteeel l prepared
We haveboughtot sowssed trio seconds to thee tismeisnd i}Ot'oi' .e tfal,00ooL.,secnd; titer to exctis t-osieone stside wsets tad toot
frcko Atut lnt e trmsaistere of thee fistis Leiblee 1 - ecotids. Feesa1scot-Leiblee swoti beenesiseetheeir eteerriulm.Te he'ty ssould
A.it te tc f ritNislet secendteitter tosecons.s bercontiosen1etchndhisveen tosediiusthi
Mateials frmleas t- tlosing ni-re liis lshoueder-aothnei file 22o yas asit h.-t Leeilee }sins stes h stim ssmaiege isle the"r condtions.
msse',s oak storee msighse poissibl aveesectsIktncedeloft seco;tis ister 05 sed s.eMansvof teebeststnd ltoe dtstiseiveesi-
Ill U Lials andthae adtit theeeares, t ie otsr ttpatth eirfite 440 s r un.'-TeI etort, 'onL.,sene tises or' aotntispetlais.ITie loliso-
is eeow ncoplete. isit. 7N tlr wsas a chose secnes he iels e , 1 scods.t b's sleetex lais te55an05r
oit Paints, china finli as lie scas attnsisir he220 'The+ afmlrun.-oresds oiniset eedeapinetelefsuelesy:
anid notert'ntereol- hassedr racerthsousgh s n i a siso5dseties.,s s econd; ti e2'iut ess10 4- The romm'itte spotine ne rereso-
o serwngtaPa titer seconds, lotielon sitfstepesee cis teeconsidesersentofanct
anedBuhsof alltim cmpraivtlrsehehudrdi
tieMiilesie ii2 irst i s ihe ltitti C d 'o- ir~cll es 50 cav to eomenetd
kins b~li rn il 2 seon ? fat.11. e lsar
ec()ild 11 c1 lR C s. third
tic 5 5ssss er ess -r stel t t i s e si tl.rsillts 2 S~ n si . ';J let J ste r
Wilder 's Pharmacy Windisthe ecodwl o usiltssi hae oss1enHesecid:sI es1 '03. thei seestsheeuilthese' seoft hiesle
senlhee.A t}a etelw ni 2110 h rl.- e an, 'odb } on; ii 515051}- r ene te ldrcci re-
rt E ~ ne eelesesis we nte onrlsy-3 ofasserconed -tosses theesank l 0 5c ur
TH oL beentlayinin a stonek toe tiese hatuade bHr odlssgssans ein 19. Haes 120 hig shestes he htLean wonIii i- ~ ;ZzMNS O nMsz
RELIABLE an Aflii 5 teeAd r Os I.CNCHES, Ct- got5secrnd seed ' isnt iiia5feeshihisswtee p 4-3crsso Clee esisrie'esr o isi
dla It 1 1t1p lli l5S50 cnf.'Ete o ; hoe A 111t eay on sbecstopur-
eAtsOOAUO tird. Bsrrertdprte e a h ostsnos, ns _t.serottdt; hesght, 6feet. ;uitrihIntio l~e-steaIifsirtperiodse a
P'zI- MS A s1 FoOAvmPY - ttinet sheiisonditionsdid ntiet-heai arired.wektrogod sh o er. The
R. . E J 0 L L Y nit"1' &lC Ctofinsh ith tte 1nchetall P eit.-Dintk ii- on eitseghtIfollosswitgsuethtstitlsttie preenrterd by'
stes o l ower ta lees ord setglltd 3sutier it-see' 'ics 3 tscours
gihih15smeSsrrns s l mte sestte t et. lt
..1e .,,rot 1,+ 1" ,",QeI 1tires11i(li 1 1s 5111 ('- S olt t it. selil l o titer 370 ac. 515; 0l }' ic,,tidies;Ii eter ddiicct.taes

Are you going
to Paris?
What about your Ko-
dak? NVouldn't it be
a good idea to pick
it ouit stoiwwhile there
is lots of time and let
us keep it for you?
In New Styles and Patterns

sued canisprobeablytohhibietter. Bliier tulsl- IDiscre thiriles.-Averey,'02, iwit;
edl iout5second tuoaeinthuelast 50 yarsseP raeear.02 1).second; diestancedd107
bsy tasssing Buteiy.Tiha ise wsithe et 2utahids,.rekigh r eord.
Woo notittmonthe sirstartersvIs tnt iniMasyes, 4 byrst, iesn;eRoson.i b yardsh.
pasirtulrly gosd sister. Osr rpetrisedetsecosnde;Leihihe rstatchituitd titter, I3
isis friends stid thense of Letvis tey de- 2-5 secesnds.
feating thse latter its thertior of 45 i -_______- _
--- Brookfield tonic. thee testis rout First Maq Festival Concert Scores a
D~owe,ishbunasteadefseatedseehIims. Stasn-Success.
clists swalkedl itsptineet forestbtet s teon-1 tViivesisy- Balil ii s-sbshier s-iishglsory,
diticniwsi-owssaid tireMarneInsoeusuchsasts evnintg is'irs tesntersof Dcc-
lo ice tut ehIoldt. tH e has the usaltinug ofthiosru's osverturer, Lee sure useredi
a sotercidh walkttereits timusndushoutnbei th tescpensin gconcerteof thesAla-lFetivalt.
sieagesauienilssed te haIt11ated usany
hseasedtfromsaber hisfIuStir s oef rol-t-asrely-conceret goeres sc-eseseftsancding
Irges orescousutletesd. ito tescorriors .asthur dosrissedctfeed
itleos ieassitncos innuer ini toths tht eeturer.
thezurles toug Roinsn ushd hm -1 so Sara Andierson, shenhusle eacdy
steteurstr, touh khli~~ittouohn madesstrmsusny frieseis i t nnArbior, sng
en good timues inithurhighthurdiets. Hl euconlyhsos o fecthuseeneitng. 'i luesz
did slur distaunce ini15 4-p secondcs. tiHeeniensider thsat .'hiss .Anudrsnissonen
hln tilhse preenut 'Varsity recd of up of the youniget concte siungers of Amsoerr-
o p uuod lst ea st eseautoual tel.ira,Iseitig ntel aout itenty- twdoyears
2-5 mdelas yarat heanualmet.of sign, use ste tetosteamoion therluttuie
Thor loss' huredles siren done 3-5sneesnd stehichs is before here. Her first song,
sloiver thou thenphevninues record. Arise," hifretdosur, itiesetuner," lenin
Thorhight jumip record ti-as inot tori- 'trinciate," brsoughet a great stisrmt of
mited o sandunaterd. rmsron iaplaueiromestthin audienser.-Miss .Ais-
ettetct n taid iiehtend Aiteetegelesnebootsed-thinapptlasinc ereaosedt.
roused it finit5 e fet so ichies te n aevici 'Wshent st setheechrmeeoieng sinterewas
G lent. Dvorak tins less fortunate Iointmade to feel that evere ler gracious ar-
ther tyne vauit. Hrelead to runteatnd taulhttknwlechgementu-ofteir las-or wtsihu-
agisttewind andesie a resuilt nor- suifficientsthoapupease thee desires of thee
agIns hemiusiic-lovineg audirece, sirstingonerof
eeech inleeahrritng thin bar onty at tO her Germasosngs wishhlave ten foe
feet7 inches swhere lee lud been expert- liere such great praise.
ed to do better thmit eleven anywavy. As The Lily N\ymsphi, a draimatic poeti, tsy
it is leetenet hightenughe Inobrnaktehe ,ArlhoBarnssoand see so museic hbsG. W.
record wheiche foriterly stood at to fret Chaduvirc, seas weell received atnd herteily
4 inhes msade lay Adamts, 'pp. appreciaterd. Miss Anedresone as thin Lily
Thur weights did itot 1)a0nouit as teth Nympthe, Me.HEoutn'Wiiaimes as Sir Al-
as seas expected either. Seigmnid teas 3 boencht, Mr. Giiye 'siles as thin Lake
feet belhendlis practice performncnes ie Spirit aind First KKnightr,and 'Me. G.
lienshtn putt, succeding oenhyin pumtting Leon Moore Os Secnd Knightl, vere flute
Iit 38 feet. Thle discas esordteent clowniC n solo anddconceert poets aindiacdmtirably
by a good nmargin, Avery' wtninig by a stilted to ihen workc.

es' es usilli tst ble is seiscsI seslesed
streetthe followsitt hist. '5These eight
untits n''st insluet is isssof esteres
in' FurCnedle it macen.e 'Thue aususxed
hosues idcaetes neof sulis for
breeh ;5 atny si: rnc, 2 or
4, teriI r4 ,I;il ieaiurte, i
-sect 5I, ad -3;rhurulstseri' ; botany.
I olgi ;bologs (a helfyesar of
hotan s aynecdo a iol'y;phsio~ grapthy, i.
Seince bisology-is 5misle supeo atnisy- a'sd
zooogy tit uses-tnt lie rosie hsy ci-
bine tio peset hibotny-do00 10-- Or-
Student'slt hosites nit toe iblecoueseease-
dudtbessI-elser etesdc;ra sofAl.'., -sihld
pr re e e s'' twounsts fGrerianuitforusets
oI Lain. Suents sviesithendctso berome
caidatitstes Isor the esgree'of b'it.B.
esicetituprsenuster eussies cclLsatin.
RegtisLaossisuestalest yesteraesy eta
the bosiesdis-uldchp1100 0 d5solsutineaueth-
lis,.-g tunh ssuesmenementeeof theroes-
strurtionsof bthe proposedh $250,000 sri-
resnc hall tehis Ifall. 'Diconse," said tee,
noct shu nutire builditng swill be started.
'lietroptosed tplen is to eret the bule-
tng sectiontboysscbious. yer by year, util
it i saltlerughut itt our huomougeeus
we . to T.lhe fioeundatin foe thee east
wiitg iibe tarisutIheis fall. Theis poetin
seillIce gie-enete Dr. Vauighian's labora-
toes'.IHis reuse ho the emost urent as it
hois ncesssary tierelict-c therowetcrote-
ditineof the totorotoec ino sheich his shu-
dentus see tniswworksing."
'They head no conning sessinelashtenight
on accounet of the netert. Buiss teill
lie rseserd.
Facultit Baseball Game.
'The faculty of thee Noreenal boos cheat-
henged thin faculty of the University to a
gate of tbasellh. Thnehlenge loon
brett accepted and shoe gone nill prob-
aebly be played next week. The place
ondt sate teill be ansnunced lotr.

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