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May 18, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-18

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VOL. XL ATNN ARBOR, M\ICH.. ST~iR:AY, MAY 1, 1901 No. 171
.Our Special Line of.... CHICAGO MEET I'EAY weitlion,(.t(ry bin esecaly A ROUND OF TRIUNWPHS
{.______ lttfic1 5i ll in tlroinig tiue hammliert,.fo
Foreign and omestic v-Mle hsiSatrecodt Of 121; feet. -
and DoiesticSomne ExiiegcCntests Exp eted--lftlil Oo('of the fetursii' of the ti rnooli Yesterdays May Festial (1Cfcrts
FABR~'~IC Mie the Feature-Returns Ftm rihthe retillitof te'cotiel- Were Grad Sucess s-Lstt.0
Fi DI ICi nell-Miciigan Gaise Iliriga m ~aie iby ililllgs. Te mIleet Niht Was a Reord
will 1no tart ill ,1:4o p. Itn. and(1 sill hi'
]F R. PRING at Reent's Field Itool ieth 111al Iposible seet. Breaker
11(1ay is tle first holeo that C(licaot Preparatiens Fr Co aley Day-Regent The sluecesof he first concert in tiso
hs aririved and isisto- ihas binoepresented b aitt' 5 (tslnt ute iW lSeakei T p reset \Ist1etialsa 1tes 555( re-
ranlge d for insiection. t-'is blW op ag Wt elted it tle concert yeseday
Wehaeth arn towni with Is basebalill Iment 1(01Meris Lwe"te tt 110(11te]ue iois bt'iivlidet be-
We hv h ags s 'iii'oi ' 111(1 i i gllitilms'f - -to (enithtilt'olini~s Mr. Albert loch-
sortmlent i the city' urs I tc liter i Tit o esfi ti iito t Asthet ie drictaws four fill tilly 5 ((Ii;and 'r. to ilm i Ile, 1l l t
expess hinirsclt as '-t liflile a(5toi tieoll e T ray Itiee ebtctits illchitersili ~ et t'hc (010 - le cl~ con- eieto
11esults ofII t~o afterinoon emt, li oiseat er110(0 ((011(11ifipsitiove'nit. liii'1(11 lt) 1requires itIlitiicdtr ait at a itilian t
IL O i t iiou tfte.' t eagt olispirii C o i-t Ita ot Ic i lt tad1c1'ImtO- ieraasl l its a tlttilt'l5lt ill'
mlH..iti (I f iit(,.Iltli'ihias11e11 11nit1's i Ieko ortl~efill.,(,1 1 st il' ii l o (('iili te r'It 'lliert; of thelgl
Ch na P in infilel i ltto blo. Mh aldit led Ittiten ,( nlea 0,ho forpa ttcprmiti
¢ ¢ Ntt,-r hull'in (s it i 115 11( ttod ti 'I ( t innlIt '10 ii ' tsl il--t i ' I s ild(t' iiti<( hoof('it ' I 1 1 i' It ctO tle tltll t'1'
____________sts'___M ateria________o_____hr__e. tW er in .to t iltr ls ci gilII( 1titl 111 ttcI l i (1-ti' 1(1setati'ti ilt'asit rtliatti aw ill
Complete______ Line_____ or___m______to_______l t i is itoti t Wisi-i t-lee 'alit- ac h', i l r ' isit'l ho itlictyl the titt i htts te'out of t mi mrthi w a als
hat h veben mtio ' in isfieiointb rit s t o +c'tI1i, i ,iiy a ipiiii t is o'1apet'lii e t s ((Iit ile sntrntl}
~~ J 0 LvI.4YS he rce o not h ilits i si it'I 'thu Pilha ih bjc ll tt bestw'ilttl a iiltl 'i'lll]ii i l'P 101alete imot s'ths'gihti
(liI' t Fred'' A1 . ttiilio1Ny iir t iithItt iiht fas t il itha. i't o isstill l i e itt it; fr Iih ik. (If t ie I ei'ti'i am'istiltoe-
liiiti tlt is to r -tl i' s-illhitisutrbaly V t'. lt' u l r oisi. I t lleld is it isil toIt e woy - i eta It f fito rt-tk icta s top l h i
ti( hstI nlt st a nitth n'st Illtnn ln ilofthe ort a .c itpa lit- I s- arthi ls-s's-er. ut n-th
andI i 'I 1iI.J II o fhut eisAi test 'rscnt n ft( loentn e 111cany eiiihIbis-,ltrs'lrth e stithitormy 'ap lase letsi fo
lan i td leit' forr ieatiig t on. i it hi Smmer choeasl in hefMisdualn e f ol tr'h ittl e lsetit rir athseon
OItieotw huirleatil l(,elogittIll l x teapfurH s ln iow ,u e h wso o n eme.li
Ix tlcuigo. Fred A o o y lltm l aill isoY r.B lt partuno ll vrienntnd Im i, 1011'tu ittitttrist' eilul'of h e
A iiegrett pecthut- lest reois haitt thtis ove lilt ' e mp o-ayh . hti ot ''hiiwr' o rttuostihlt lt he st hi frtt
'i lsl andgtnte ios's' halltt N tfrhte b- Iti i frot sitntdtti rsligh f l't i u th Ie it in t'litonttseitt'ich.and t l lt
Alt)lane tsed n to sa qesio w i - teari'gentrls'invsiilldto t tend thMi full itogo tetnt osatf oltiioll t otn
[lii tne i tl P1 t l it'u . ~vy v ,asf rm o e sil erit i's 4es 1. uii sttiit'dtii~ utt siltm s otn htive tap s hirlligon tt tl tages. o
[,/~L'Ift~~hui7 ~S ritliout shimill mli' i sltetow aii'sonte Cillay. toit.hi.precedet't bliI'l1'shd Thti'oote cstiwas oet nedtii y' te gratutl
'JYU k K J h1 h 115 les N i2 o ugl~ di t t i'il.f it-il list Isy ser, t the s-ts tsa illtt't hd. -ill on oft ] ei' I tisr li lt' Sirnot overtt~tt'-
C h clNsW fs titi \t'0ttts. 'll s ii ti-si's ii's' i'atsl o'l o 1(ins td ofi t ttuune, mi u'" tiiuunlwhich theeeii'-ts
AT liitliuttt r-Hail1111"il l ti w o it y -Wgtheiat.ehnhon.sill cotasses woillihosus-tit li d iti i fthe otil lii fr ahitspromi-t
FOR THE A.ii lolon0 iIttitillgos inito thest eay's it, iedeitait daui t i t u's'thel lat- tyi ro ugtfrt.T enfnstpr
R IG H DR I KS bt ithe saysout hereWillbe ianett-ti in~itwas.Stowillritdongist-it.
la ad BukIllor' gill',an F Smmr o ruol isnithei li Med iiicli-the irs(lt tt~t i i l 1imet n ro tthiis'cot
this loIis Msoh lonyal alytuhs'tihu-r. It'h4u n(toti 'If ind '" e sill'V lt f th
yis Iill tu megoite illutfilthe is- Thuirs ~sli-uime' sesionttlof lthe 11111' suInth jutli thimpli' (stile thet
NDtin lt ose tlti 3sco .c ltdepartmet-i illuu ' ooittondy, Largo with h atl'i 111 iflE ngtlisiu5lh hr
D+A ihe IIiluuc i d e hetuti- wil isli fgutll ti'1hilt'aldtolll t in(I uthu ghutill oloAusit'wed11 thei- s t'iri li t ii till' 1of
L o n y D Iei 1he01h u'lileir' huih'.taet ocp-Fiay Agi Tetyisonel --r u m the w ais ec'''tuitttion T e grtu de"
~~ tams, 1V'.:u-s-ut' l and'uuul-t s. ss'itstweliessubissstaeI (fiii' lhcs
lftoits 1 1 til1.sad e tiris ul egiluut.ICo c o l atill tur etu' Ii (1 shi liii' sit peit1,titi (or'niii1,Isitottt-a' tiitiS' lod rnitil'11 ' -1(
frt ltim tt heyhill metlutdoor itlsy oist r i ch si t anudu t il' eol Ira 5''01101' 1' sit-s tpr irahiT-I ooh~i
ince l tuh t'est-ill htti' lls grti tit s tud'i'ts, for' sshch 11(1 1 cedit w ll u'uu u tcus-u'u-- - rve t C n
O R liltii hit Oltilt (It itoth lus', it-ttu i ar il l-lired it W06 hup11(11 etotih' i' I hus lhfuor.tu li' h
t a rsb e d h u ito h nI a o iion tt e- uiti hufgc t -I-mnlt iulta itt. suofhuh't at ss I 'tuitt
d, -f((III ohMoloneisillll-' i'i'iceIt lust-i tiltagut-u it' NI NIuc (" O'NCE-ih t uT , hihut
thetu uto t iuork ua Ij tiiit we tl t a ni lhlu'uch're it-t-11ub' 'Sn
hu t I'hl gl stt uuouuut huu - - o Noll'tutowance foruuhthiou t'riulohut 'iio heo cet lutulueu' i st' ut i l ll'
ap i te(1111 N t futhis ittt set' il hto11 r l -thu "uuuouhu'uui-sf-u-'flu ulia li Ill'tlist 51
A. 'Vferniice ectio al dBo k- .ltsheyuu l'l taruii tt t therss'ithh e iiior orkdon ini'lsu't-n. i-i. sa g by igt t I u tu tu-.
CAseP Specially S tEd, oset utu-tuheufsteu a tier tey i gt .Ati-u t Shol fM si c ale ndare hrttros- c ut' art. t ulhe-1ilyt ''Hall totte
S grows with t e library, eas ye t he fgu' r su e r1111 (lthe i' 'htllihulittf liii' u i n ctlut lu'i f fb tii eUulsiu's t oint-' si lts luiit tuseople lth o race
oa er oy moved.osios.eaeiiyoitsan pue rchasedt oaton
eas o Itck Mt. ~ ~ riafl iatllilt~ottI it Cht'luts h Ifsl'ileut . 'py ti te -u I Madamghiit ue use'tlt Ie tfiyii ls torl S
anfat.- or irs nhaliso o iteirdes ndort hisaiuis noo, lk la, t itt 'i'liihtzih'tamtn \yoas Iiau Tymfhuicoe' " byhup
Frih pi n oit tthe o ser iglhe to nilti-(, t o s-i nlef- i fiestr rCuu'uutuu euutuug ttarch 'luauk towhiht," h lbiles ear tu

I811o«'s. h soInto gilt' ethWsitht thle -soutludbe intte hitnttdsof evtry tttttsi- fitte iotllutof flowsero us ii's -lit(I
X A IIR S basebaull fi'utttt. Clieltg1o huts sotue goo(] i l stetlt hhte ciuttily. [Cotttiued ott Second saI'-C
Chicago= Michigan. Track Meet This'Afternoon--3 o'clock sharp=-Soc admission

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