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May 18, 1904 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-05-18

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First Shipment Sold Out in Tw
Hours Time. Praise for Board,
Printers and Engravers. An-
other Shipment Expected
T.ho fis shipmenof sthe u irbigan
osis asierepacrdi o salei ysta
1morni1ng.and1(1he s 51dls lia thei
first oporunity ofijudinig otheli
meisof theiinow''Vrit y Yeari BoikI
IrS iia lndtie seiireshsipmt ofti0
200 bookiils wisssold sitin as11511
and~ a hal. Mtsnagrs Jieiiey ati
arge sle soil as arsli wereona
hileiitonis anywereti r rsur oi ili
lullever(, expectrithat iioiter largi
ship mnitviiwillrive t olay anditheluy
suply alithots wo iiis tbuy. oi
on lf h ines evr pblihedi
Muictignit, also(1co1 pareisiverli tal-
oabluy wistiiarsi iosiege-seasi I i
inte'I'nited Sas. The Iidark luel-
tleather bindinigrisialydc rt
as iis , wsihuwoss "Mi'ilirhi-ii ( siso,
191it told ndt seiorg1r 0nca
anlolwnissiamp11(1d iin blak adswite
snd arsit yHall sod I ii ir n othe
bacorisounidiiis vsi-ias'rative.( ii'Oni
110'' 1(5l. On(tii it -- -r trO i
ii 0frr s stlsi oein go ldich help
to (iden t ' his' okas I l;c_ s r 1-1
eels baps lthemotapr ' l t e-t
igan il" draw0(01 n cIet iiiii I bsote
I liii ii I p b iss of cleg ithllit
ill-il i inbtios wigS i-isis ho
has uietofori been Is ; lsltd
aill C'haidler50Christy
The boot;'iiis deiciie- i to'ii'(I -il i- i'
ior-H. tLale, accompnied byilil fit- neo
cut (1(1aind ilOa'ltbiogap il I iii wilisn
fbi- nib11cloa'eis a secOidol' at-
tiailso(ills'r-ute10'ect s. This is Ithe
wor(k ths ('5-riiiieniali-litedlinlthiii
Yirhigtiii isisii.
The Iediors contihuehe li- ilorn iil-
ableidaIin iii-it hg bylast 1ar1s
IBoardlt iiofaming iide, covrsithI l
lThe liigssi i-O lhruS. otte ~
ar al' hi 1g clss;1it'y l'lliii1
tilteis iy I. I. Lchau-iuniandot-r
mmrof th(te Ciicot I l isitnt(,
who1(1hase-i- n gea anst o ma1(11(115(91(les
Ihs b no-l~t ilylaristicObt isi'sesy
book'inwhich(tey are laced.u'iss
te. softness oitoniii icisbtive50s
has sshointa i sas uwill (tils'n.
It.is ,, ark11ish1 brwln shad' adiilbii
it oes-notst srikesthliii e-t f1 isi
gancl i"e t" black, y'i 05(101 lii-
tinuels tilo(hksosvsr tiii' 11(1015i 0seems
to add11 a rihiness ani tneiiss his
whole sffectswhihiis i-oser tl'asig.
'rhe omltene~ss li thlb book is ap-
parent ftoin lbs fat thai amst dou1(-
bl he 111usoa nombroirganuossizios
0re0givenlsrepreOsnttionii. A comprel0-
bonsts's 10(100to lbseswholelontiiitst
ts tp0laeith lsrĀ£01111rlt his'book.t
Wright, Kay & CoI., wsoili(liitlb
stoel oengainlig wool, aoi' sentitdto I
ced''iit frtolleisatrartivss 1of l te
frtrntyoseas. No's sas, ill1man7
instancess.hays' b'enoci, making l
unifonm in siz. 'Thepriting ws
111100 hy the Chanmpin Prss (f Co
lumbuis 0011 the engaving tby to Pn
insular Engravi'ng CI. ofDetroi.

'Patios alt in alt it may br sail that
the Mbichiganensianof ~ 19114 is the
most creditahle Tear110111ev5550pubh-
tished at Michigan. Managing 1E111cr,
Ralph E. Jenney; Booiness Manager,
(Continued on page three.)


No. 163

oWill Play Michigan This Afternoon Glee Club Will Give a Home Concert New Building Devoted to School of
at 4:10---Boith Teans Will Try to May 27th in University Hall. Education opened. Girls Give a
Catueth RberEyeGives Interscholastic Men Country Fair. Chicago Wins
Captre te Ruher-yheChance to I-ear Mich- - Meet From Wisonsin.
May Pitch. igan Songs.
---- Chicago, May lit.
The.Chiago qua of aseall re:The exercises in connection with
Til Clisga utuas ofbasbal 00 the HissesMandoloin andi Banjoul cubs -tho dedication of the new School of
- Isis arrisveul 11Auti Arbusotissmorun- l icilose'thisesonuiswih a c" dun pnia gtethr aeEsotduticaiion,tosols place at Friday and
115 itheiMihl igiaseie siEachi goam i ~~osl ti u ~iiysIig aodY. Addresses were made by
huigisi euse, Eah tem kay 2t. Thes year as been tie msat president Haer,PrsdnDo ig
((50(1sgnusalesau ita siccsssillto0e the clubs have haul for hutomaei wooto ths' o h New York Normal College, and
'hsosirtull vl ome timeI, 11en Sconcrts have boo ,,sidento teno.CiaowlprblyI det Nicholas Murray Butler of
caeu[h sie ine ill) as seenl 1111hopes(5wi11h1the addhitionl atrepsui5o5uf cation of the new bolding another
t eaoSabutayb iiu1glueatecuutig'hneit h tt 0co grat andltimportant department was
hut ilouhat, ilieiaslul sit inanc11ial1recout as addeutuo C(hicago
1(0111foth irhst timhe ailt it all itob Tile concert,'hwlich is Ia be givnlIby gai /ost is a niguof wy. The ensnua-
manualts - ito theI lutwirling as weVI-s-thuuniquself wtya1.slTheti behonual
kitllianuiNaIgle' we re usediuthe 11s-l- cub 11My57 holdIl'1hetrinn 10iisonwas fosndedlmore
erussi es gilln-lis yearasmc ne than twntyyerag and has been
pe in action as thuo men11d111n1111 01- 01111i10andl many now mbers hav oreOms among its kind. The etc.
eeiu ill ~~bon adduedl since the Junilr Hoplscus- noltary asoaoyscoluneDr
nigt' batig pacic wa sapp adsot, seuatssiwi ll e stydcentsJohun Dewey, has been widely adve-
515(1' utilgh shlewstrayy011 uusateiter Uve s Athed and attracted much attention be-
Iiu'tsts',sliomusin tho nteschoasar cause of Dr. Deweysadctiess
('hitainreceiven sxclyan.htuatmu'e'nut-sueet wilt ue-admutlttossfreef hargo.. Ill the roation of chidren to educa-
- 00111 ro~ivet eru'hu'a oatsenu lut replyy is thecritcisnu of the ac- ioun., The nw biliding i euiu
'it hi'115iii- tle ns Ibe rip oAt tilfi the umusca rcubs in having ne sf stune and stands acing the
hiui gh unfot,0nasito'atlIllinoisNsoth- thir iIc'oe 1(0on ho ame lnight as ('he iwy
weisernl sas tatbuninto cmpwithuuuuday
i struggli' . Illthi Metuis amproducioof uult hohigh SholstColuedy
i~ ,, ml hdteiiuuu nston clb theuibMusia clbs maa-g'ment T'he wulld be jornaists of the
-huigsis muhut stuit 111 hus says-it"Iflonewillthbollisder that Iluversitau a aste ofprcia
luges nhi saf llth itme,uny tuu'objutuj rouf t1110erclatic000111 mee1~'t il'svtatr wirs ast week, Professora
lull'hitilb'eig uiudeuoffihus udelivi-oy.,isill it esitiuoheiighu sctuuho 011o 1'1 'landi' caspsr'evtupmnto
r ii luthu gamhes M~iihigan id utgiot,!ntnt'uassl-evlpmnto
huh itthe oiub luuh uus0 - schol tudntsili in tiueliiiverlllsit ohIlie Press" securledt heaqarters in
uliou wort bihlllylosu t lsuliisso- 01111 111111ndthstbwistuey1101'il. r eo III' hut ad nth, il n, fthus'dolwnown bildings and
AnnltArbuor 1510ry111ea115shoudb cl~httti uleted5'ew11smattr for an eiht-
11( i'uiil pag I uthtIht -lls htsuuuu I'u5e uiliy.tpater. Every separtment
- - - moreapprhop iate ltha1111a.0 musiall'111hub f a5metooltianu newpaper was co-
CONFERENCE ENTRIES coruus?':Ater 11u1r tihtte Iamls, ere, andu the copy made ready for
tlue-Imusia l-ahus1do Imo(00'tou auvrtshsi eIipre'ssss by o1151'ssclk.The ama-
'hthuIrucu1mn laol' rapuity rounint~lise theUn livsiotyha111011ylt heir clsuit b iolilrs were assistel by the city
hulloufurmuuandlitui'mnutsofuthemilterteoganu'izhaionuui aannaltt11 ttllletor1of' utheii'ChiagulTibne, who
shuldIleiu in ~e shatebySatiiuday sproig concert at this islelvi luoe 0elius-utwith assignments and "tips"
Ihr 1 w01ork10Iiis ''Tra1Iine itaiick'-i b ig facoruoitheituonisira ifettfu'huu iiu nfat, altte prfessiona newspaper
prsriitit t fo this weurti 511Ftri- Untivurihty 01111a valuuublte'adititoi ilmen were inereshest in Profesor
loa- uhiluthI learnoiltwilt seays' fuothut-pulogam uof (eIt erisolauuisichr Vicensoexiterisen andt gave nmany
Chtiocaguu. Ku-ehiois tar rumtiu ngIlintnist i"''va~ltulisuggstions
( uiti (illnuiits udouubiit-fii he wil th'i'tounert withluiabuluthe iVsi-
beiuuIl shapeiuly uthueyitne lot the' Cofer-'- hurs t e ou us udesrabuuule at. 'fTh'girls of Ketly at, one of the
ence's inlet.h C'onsequenl'y tRumneuyminiul sftcolegehativ ily autd itol' -wmenI~'s uurmturis, have annonced
willt 1Ist IHlini's ouiiung nmaei't i etuhlly has rceivd 1tlu'heuity tutu-'a steltfair fir Saturday evening,
(liuiid ualtuntestSatuoaty, proval ol tihuu illil0511111155tt nmanage- tMat'21, at the Womans gymnasium.
Mit'tgani'5sintis f~o te tConter- nuelub As thils is the istloa iriu s-I's'-(thufair is tol lresnt atl the world's
'1111'eetiuuum 5hlber''fift y-threnuun. Ineuu ear t'sus ta a tuupolpularpirsedt horne 'famoulls wondersl', ant the girls declare-
ordetsr thuolvide ur iemergenucs, iticnriuit has benlitigv, thus 11101 with it with rival the Sh. Louiis Exposition,
hillsdluumestb alvitbleto hut uuer every iaiulutsholliul lleitwihu bearty aiiproa I he lst the lack of such enter-
meusicuhouhasthu luast hotouisv usn nbs 111ll stuesaiumnslsathe tUniversity have been
thei I tm.The' lllist is (15 follows:'5 noichealle I is probtale that this
101) aiuut22ll yd daushs: 11011n, R. MUSICAL CONVENTION. srll flur wil tsat a movementto
tou'ueeuer" Raneyuhu, IHalt, Willis, Iltugg, sas sluo'e suh-annual show,
Stear us etzer. lu1h11' 'deoleisgatso u te anituatl'1onve'-
1 toutd 20 1 il(lth'5 it (IV tNilIl, tinuf thuu'Sinfoniattofaleriotiy tgaus A 0(o0'e1was irecnitly cast by the
Read u, RI buni, 1<2olue, Sruet, Qumloes Ill arive n AniiuAbhoyseraout ulnmeiuonstheo qusionisuwhether or ot
Bigelowuu Norcrosts. thus umoiing trails, ''odaiy begis thus-thu-e-uoeustihoud he alowed to eat
11 tub Riutt Ietsto,HGuoodwi, 0rgu~lr0sesion5I ofltuhits'cnisvu1etilt at thunmen's commns sn Sunday, and
rii u-o Norco -s, BartuetIGotonlul, sshiucshtsilt latutiiSal ttay ('0vnilng I wheher smoukig shoiuld he allowed
t w .Ku-i-it, Hat. whsin the aitnuat conuvnttui a stionbl iliIuringmutlas. 'The fist patwas car-
88lu tu,tRutut al, Harphanlosit.ioriitoutvuewhlmningy, the second by
idnigiul SWaoner, Laub, Hall-ills 'Ithi'dlligation f romlitthus-Cninn'autti a smllitmajoiy, The decision means
cItsvu-ibe 1, 1. Kuiler,ttu-tsito, rhaptcer-arived yshoouay it fllt 'uchts-bthe womn as their present
Milebirun111-tirry, lDuanes, Kllgg,lore,-The isisgales ftomsleothu erlqbua1(101105aoe 0511adoquate for Sun-
St Itbitut-Stonle, CGrinm, Pacbarud, Ihihillils arel'xpcteds'iuitoduay'Thut-fhst that- inner,
tCll,.ibusiuesss neetng wilt ocuoihus mior-
'w usiStlt-1iutit-Kiell""gSt1110Per- og whiules'thus-afteroonuwilslitbhoc11111- Chcao defuetaesdWisconsis in the
ry, 0Bai 1.,St il itut, GrimmPacar, t p~t~ iedlotitoshowigthe bit'sitos the- '01- 100a1t neet Sauirday by the unusually
C'oou'pas andtwn. u n uiughtasexcsllhitutlagu 50111' lft77 Io 49 Chicago was
H ight tutli-itirower', motelr, Kelu, fatuity colncert withlho' givn, svhichu strng in the (lashes and weights,
Shanki, Leeeu, Reattu. lbs idelegauessitteatdliin Ila loly.whlrWisronsin's idistance m~en hon-
i-uadi Jtup Stitaik, Sturgouln, VPros. Hoffmn.i, Reunwiklantl lch1 c1051thuircashut' distancing the Ma-
11111 , Kahle, Stewavrt,Resad.i oowiuhl ol 1ak'-pa(,1 ithu cocerti- oonOlrunOlnrs an winning first place
'tute- Vauut--Vitoey RIeaud, Siius,nuaking i11111'olt he fies taltas in thiquaterl, hal, mile and two-
I isoutiy 'tatuun F~okbsen gissn mis.
SWeigiti Eveinis Riose, Dunap, Gar- Thursday afternon thelb visiting Capt McEacbrun, of Wisconsin, ran
outs, Hestun, Shtank, Sills, Kahlse,udulegas sill gve a cmpulimeI~nary the tng distance n th.08 3-S and
Cuurtis. rutnciot at 4:30., The ltca chatler lsooedgod for better than even time
+sent ouui inviationst alt the rate- The hunsrd was won by Rice in ten
niis anti sooriis saoy lastsvwek, seconds, and his victory over Blir
NOTICE. and a large atendane is expcted by Co yarusiarkeud him as a factor
---_________ in the conference The day was cold
Huling Musica Clubts, Wedtlesdsay Material fob the itt' wal arosunud anld raw for track wosrk, which proba-
Ic'- lb, 190, at 7 p. in, tuoim 24 tU. Fery Field is beig rapidly dl'iveed bly acounts fo the sow time made
ItI, M , hiVEtttlDlt, Proeo. anduwurks withlhegin at once. us soins of the events
IChiago's ctan-ciuC victory was due
Iauparenty o the fct that the Ma-
d^ 4 2 " : x F4 ? rP <s rt 3 3F d I er 'r " r" Fr". C "I rons were ion edge, whie Wisconsin
9 1 9 4 9neredt men who were far from in
A ~r~P T ) 1fom. Miller, the tall badger weight
_ man, coud not come within two feet
( M H I(r AN EN I AN o- his true ability in the shot put,
V whie Gae, who has been improving
THE UNIVERSITY YEAR BOOK Imuch of late won with his first put
Q ~of 4.h.
The baseball team ot the second
Oni Sale Toda~y In. All v~epa.rtmental Buildngs game of the trip to Wisconsin Wit-
i ei..,,. played a better game in the

- PRICE $1.50. field, and this, coupled with weak hat-
p* MAL OR ERS ROMPTY FILEDting by Chicago, resulted in a Badger
,.+**: + *+ + * Y I RILEY H. ALLEN.

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