TXEPR4IY R rbae to y)ouresuore and( Drpu acrl to32S anSt\
dh e t,,lI for yoaront.
Fbd .-Unde Fl Usrew Illnag'inel
111I P ISl N -wHilliaird Oufit. to
UU.II U;Cils gaivn god or ayawhre i ir
h house. ,ord WIM oK
Fre nc./
H . atters and Furnishers. 11Forest Avene !Mat 1guxe Linen ladCUFF
109 ad 111 E. Washnoton Street ( Poulry,G(ame and rlisS in Seao A1jE THE BaES T
ANN AR13OR 530 Forest Av. Pone 407 ____
r tBarker's olars are stamped "Jie
Ote rnsadvertised and Sold as Lnea
+ i ALBER41TLUZ :d NOT stamped "Lne." Why?
(tOTS 01. 000o eable eShoe Dealer Z s-old by Wagner & Co.. 2 r ? to
sR E NTS CH L ER Forantything ithe line o $
Maker of Potographs Framing, Call o Rentshle, e o
Phlonee3810-r. Coret Maino 0nd(1Hron Srots 4 'veCo
0 m40 I,..to 1,O .1,,144 4 , 1o .?,0 toof. to1 _ ( Et 00.,0 o 4 .k =g, Itds IsulA New
4 vFC5 tltATeido. G. Ticket for four shampoos -l00.
.0- otto .1±11 .croft water. Miss Vaghan, near Quar- FODCLA
10ob,0. TI)trport. 01 _____________- Have Yous Seen It"
S E nd0 ErNs ot aet wa rea51 ' rysh onyAlerti, Spar-
h Iol tott to expenses i;row's andlIoyler's Chocolates atCush- + 4.b aot$1t ol n' hray
the wearer's every movement. i ±, alit $Ito;1 111±1 .0 lotitotot,~W G E
Comfort Style and Service th ou l ao0oto00 Your eyes examned by an = WGE & CO
ABSOLUTELY 0 .0 . -;ni}rexpert optician. All the la- I. Haberdases t siHae
GUARANEED 0 00000.00 rtet Io to- rstttt'0st rtapproved applince and methods ~
GUtARANTrEEDtooo-uo nootlown to the rofesoon are empoyd
Trimmngs cnnot ust, New eye glases fitted, lenes dpli-
Prtmtesoasd$1.0,nsy soeeereutl,peepatd. "cailed frames noio
TIE .A.FOIIOOO ra.co, t 1111 S 000t) at- tI ttoe n -,t gt edfra es epaired. Hater's Jew. o +~
P s 0 a r rr,Sians . oooothe' 0.00lor t 00000 0.0 ere ry Store. t.
-- -0--0I on ttt0.0-0 j . ito oit sgto t~o ed oth0too f ath supplies of not kinds at all
A. J. WATSON t wom00n000'00hIttc0.0 00010 Olto soot-Price at Cushigs Drug store, t.
O'MI PterwaPdites 0 000.0at10t100.rstottutiTHE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. Eg te
" Thw layoeeningat thsoreotnoo-t. Frnishes music for alt occasions. .MVore
a d t~i s HereafIto ert to ut-ttthooniinhlt 000on s -i tooDance mosic a specialty. Address L.
v±.0000±oooilTsa oevening. D. Bates, manager, 808 S. Fourth ave
216 East Huron Street. litrnoe. 29tf Soda Stoos
_Fountan pens at Cushing's.tf.
- __- LOST-A ladies' closeo face 00010
cSpecal Prises on Thl{rt 10 ruitt(otety clootopre watch. Leave at Aros or Tines lihis \Week.
P1ade 1 p illows, Pillow 00000.s10i.0. 1 oottto"at teAthen, office atoolreceive reward
Tops and IBanners, Itooo to,.II 7
THIS W]",E i, AT VC Nl iA furihetdtoue after Coin1lilbi a U1niversity
At Darling & Malleau' s oelt01toess, 808 . 'T1aye r St. t 1 IlAjj
GRADUATE SCOS ots I to eott 0 1 iffy four in all.
- ~~~Mandolin strings Oft per tll set, tootl0000000, loosopoolyt,anttotieenootCm i ndhl
-- HI~t:-- Banjo strings 25 per futl set. Guitar uoro of e a.ge 0. ourssIto. It. orotot d-Item
ra e tis~gs 3c per tll set Violin strings 1 O r 00 o ie ot±0±0ts 00h oolar, ultotedtht ot
Pictures and F 3ill a tper fullet, ot nitouA ~ee-eoeo
f ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. ottotototo Or asotsio tomost b O tat e of
Dtl 1 11. ART T k , lutHae y01o'had a VibOrmassage at SCHOOL OF MEDICINE ouryro-ork
21 F. tourthl Avenue. Trojy's? to ot1. o o aetttti G uo- enio e ott o o r must0 .
______he____d Calkiexainaio
JO RNIGMYR,21TECURE 1,ltt" st oeursstot liiteOtto Stat St.
+bA i. '5t.E : r$ .o.««,., .[ain St S. Phone 2L. tttttg-1floett oiste. 10. Ittotriooot an
Ile chum t~ i :, i r tng oand Arelit- e
~ ~e~-uour ~tu~ic(r a t n ottls o , l tc eosor setottit soolstcan
q , ' 'l i Chafing dishes at Hallera Jewelry usuallyOen, othe ose corseos wito avancedt
4. Store t. TE HESCLEE irfson cuss.- .a.
.f. E . 1. 1to~bt (l or. u-_____________vrying t o t o's loot. too
tI.totsplete- stock of Bradt, Waldod toodiiori tuui wl uei .
.Washbun, Regal & Mrtn Mandolins s i' 00 000 Arkansas, Texas, Mexico
31001. Mai St. AonooAror.o adorcstelo et f IO omton pp toth eor to tV ot
t'o ad.I Poestelwst o ab ± ~ ad Caliornia...
WordU _ Y 1ic VAre est reached va
A 1'ord 0C (1.? F )L C 1'St. ois, World's air City,
No c tudentCy r The bulits.1 tp of a T'.i ploorSystem wti every possible moOd- Ir the
tOmprtemnt;the gngof bttr seithtinsowas ever tOtghti r nd
Iisntor trposse 1before. 'Io bonotorl, courteous and ljust ino every eai. }}I~L~h
tiw + oe to cemuii~ pi- o atct ,e requoiremen-tts. '('ovot'rcome imp~leimencts. eo be satl-h
ou rri-eear-l helituohigsort of tihe ofleinooceand1 good xil of every citzent Route
royt 0\0loe- i
00000000 Ic;e1 alelotd ilro('tfo n'
to his ll theCwonty
so-O>1n tetioto. W 2 H M ILEH N 01 Tw dil trains oCaion.
- o loottreroooc tooocoo WA IU1NAW LIO01[I[LPI1 NU ,Three daily trains to Mexico.
Sg. oiot 011 for 1iilttOH.OY O neacE: Liberty street, otear Fourtb. -,Fear daily trains to Texso.
.,w ttoottyhi--h oottttof___________________Four daily trains to Hlot Springs.
z xo i~ lor eooooioio --- Six daily trains to tittle IRock.
INO l. lls ilAet ittttoto- THE BEST OF EVERYTHIG.
to'ns wc +As erotltot trtolcti.tteof
PharmacutiealSt toct . <w( too fl 111iot si- toot
tote ro i 111.;t27(1jtcod 1ic orlrde11;.(to ilL so u He D. Armstrong, 1. P 9
supseriur rettlctti in illet;ltotofJsttroutoo~l, toroto- P.A.
es soore muse'teslallttctlorouoo t _c foo t 0 t l)- i 1E0110-
Iltiaf I11ut i ul- k ottioo 0 tc 0 - CIQAsELTrLI1233 Watotesaw Ave.
hot d esay coroial oily oostil ol t lts oootoru- rrolvnl in Turkey. Aln Arbor, fIch.
in ldcn lingreolierlto 11:11ot tr-tooe
qcly antd allay all storotes sol ( itoo t1 I±±±s- Perfected in1 Egypt. ......
tiots, leaviglteskin Inasool tntlri ttofrtttt
staint. Thoere isoogrese of al-ot l,,otitoouseith] N Enjoyed 1in America.
DoI. Cotweit's ologlyetel i l.
Weorseosldoe01le"uorio~OTLM5MKSC?1NME5 MEL GILLESPIE teaches
Maugic STgyptioooOil itiob,esellreoi0ry btotote,
wills Ike fositive goor-uotee 01100 0to ill gbcootofr sfenl.anidolinl, Banjo and Guitar.
stisfaction.Ififtodoes soot. yotu tooreturnt Cok Tips or PnINa.OiE ialiltl t
the bottle and Nwe NOrIIIrefund yur monety. Se h enu 0 1.Ialiteutb 11000
QurysCmo rgStore isos for o
- -ry' anpu .rBleadt Mandolin, Faeland Banjs and Martin Gtar.e-
Always AheadMLWAD TH TIOR The Best
,.Stls.ofEerytllinX in Tailoring