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July 16, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…HE WOLV i I VOL. I. ANN ARBOR, NIIIIGAN, SNTU.RDI IN, JL'i.Y o1.,oimo. No.T VA STY CA[E Sudy, July 17 Tomato Puree Soup Asparagus Baked White Fish Bananna Salad Roast Beef Roast Veal Roast Duck Wax Beans Mashed Potatoes Tea Coffee Milk Cocoa Iced Tea Ice Cream and Cake Cantaloupes Watermelon Apple Pie Dinner 35c A nterChanc THE ?WOLERa MINE STDETS' DIRECTORY Verified y Uiverity Recordsad the oohs of the Toe- phoe Compaies To Get It You M...…

July 16, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…It . VI L CICI N g "SILL LINE OF Kodaks and Supplies D~eveloping and Printing for Amateurs E. E, CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical' Dept. Fine Watch and Jewelery Repairing HALLER1'S JEW[[U1Y STOR[ 216 South Main~ St. T"E WOLVERINE Tn-nweekly publication of th tu ent of the Unisersitsy of MicigniiSiummerc tlicaig 1 dto)-ar I Ai' Vjiitt it. tddin- ccChief -iANA'. Cl Jas News Editor . l....…

July 16, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

… i Players are particular about cues. We have good ces;o light or heavy, plain corded, or ebony to soil. Findl what you like andl se reserve it for.iiu in private drawer iitliout charg HUSTON BROS. 307-309 S. State St. THE WELL-KNOWN Chubb House One Block from Campus. 209 S. State St. Rates, $3,50 Per Week COPETE CAFE FOR STUDENTS C C. BISSELL Evrything New and Clean U. of M. and HrnRiver Boat Livery * s noes sand lieats1Pented PG.TESSMER, P...…

July 16, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…._ _ :x ::r; WhiteSwan Laundry C()VN I NT ; r ' r We do the WHIES A Finest Laundry in the city. Phone '3 )- us an order and be convinced Junction of Catheine and Detroit Streets and Fourth Avenue Bell Phone 165 Hoen Phoe n152-White e , I'1 > lla oakthcrt ae sp~el, the lecetures il hca -k-na ith N,-est\ eclature Room, 'tItal ,l Iaht a y,) Guitars and Mandolints BEST IN THE WORLD For Sale at SCHAEBERLE ~SON MUSIC HOUSE I 10 E. MAIN ST. ...…

July 16, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…At Your Door Three Fifteen Hundred Sum- Evenings a Week, 75c mer Session Student Vor. III. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1,12. No. 9. PICTURE OF PIIESIlSENT. PUBLI' IRE-HURTS YS LAL TEATE PATRONS HSS P TURE lllOF PRESIDENT. COMMON CARRIERS ';rresponleun;uAverstdensDNot Chief Executie. Professor Goddrd Says Insistence of Companies upon Contracts Ann Arbor, Mich., July 14, 1912. Arouses Enmniy. Editor of The Wolverine: LIABILITY LI...…

July 16, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…r 5THE WOLVERINE THE WOLVERINE ally hisses when he thinks of the mush TEACHERS' TESTIMONIALS. __- -and milkses being deprived of. Have them neatly copied on the ,oX Published Tuesday, Thursday cud fe nmigitlhave suggested a course. typewriter proptytadBtomdeat lc+ Saturday afternoons by tie students of Lord thsterfied's Letters to his rates at theIO t o k ___ al of the University of Michigan sumuer Son; but what's the use? Manners Sho fSotad s...…

July 16, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE i .-- _ _ ..- - .r , , WHITE STAR LINE wHA~IEBTDETROIT o, For a Delighetful all Day Outing an the beautiful St. Clair Rivsr take thmetemer"T' folo" any mornitng y:0,Sundays yna. Fare returneing sae d ay: Port Hunst$5.00; Platser atshmo Par sk, 50taets; orTldo and ryturse amer"Owna"leasunsDIetroit evyeryeedy 8:15 att., svory Sunday 80a;m.,seesturttotDeIt- troit 7:15p.m.; fareSundayt5, wekls$.. For an Afternoon Ride to St. Clalr...…

July 16, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…THE WoL~vpIfiNE Utim fer 11r1.'1078-4. 7-11. - no, THE WEATHER II CA1LENDAR. Ilathss e sBEST' MUSItC ni your ouwnI Fair tonight a1n(1 warmor; ashes th( best the country affordo. The! July 17-Lecture-To What Extent Wednesday warmer. tUniversity tMusic House, Press Build- bas Training General Value? Prof. inlo, itlaGusrd St., Conries a complete P. S. flreed. 5 p. m. TEACHERIS-RE, IN IT lineof imachines undt recordo. 6-11 Jlte1ItLecture-The Geol...…

July 16, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR THREE THE ONLY OFFICIAL EVENING S A WEEK, 75c i SUMMER PUBCATION Vol. V. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1914. No. 10. POPULAR COMEDY TO BEGIN SERIES "Mas1es and Faces" Will Portray Green Room and 1oheinia of 19th Century BUILT ABOUT PEG IvOLFINGTON "Masques and Faces," the comedy with which the engagement of the Ben Greet players next week begins, is claimed by critics to be one of the most. brilliant plays of the ni...…

July 16, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE ORPHEUM WED., Jly 1 5-"The Redskin and Ren- egade,' 2 parts. Katem features THUR., July 16-"A Million Bid." Vita- graph S part feature FRI. July 17-"On the Minute." Selig 2 part feature. Mary Fuler in "The Umbrelta Handte" THE WOLVERINE The official student newspaper for OUR SWEATING BR~AD the University of Michigan summer - session. Published by the students on By IHarold It.' leldi Tuesday Thursday and Saturday af--__ ternoon...…

July 16, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…T HE WO LV ER IN E ALL ROADS Hk"AD TO POP'S 1-7V1 ttisdub. s ow1Wp oanTtm a e t i be t. Asttl rt-lt at tt o wro ts li ' nd An ftrlIattil sti i tat youastetlt. A IAtR AiD) , PA0) TO 1i01"'i. Momi. ,aato orittst1t. IT'S THE STUDNTS SUPLY STORE Morse's and Gilbert's Candy Kodak Supplies Stationery, Pound Paper Cigars Everything a Student Needs. Phone. u'. We deliver the Goods 111t So, University Ave. Phone 1331.1 1 DIRECTORY OF SUMMER SCHOOL S...…

July 16, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…T HE WOL V ER IN E Cut this out and biing toinyshop IT IS GOOD for $1 in Trade White Serge Trousers and Summer Suitings awaityou J. K. MALCOLM 604 E. Liberty St. NEW U, of M, BOAT LIVERY CANOES Candies Cigars Cakes Soft Drinks Soda :Fountain and Pavillien Orchestra Sunday Atteriseens and Evenings P. G. TESS MER, Prop. If the Ohioan who took from Free- man's life saving station the umbrella wish my name on the handle will re- torn my weathser...…

July 16, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…IS A WEEK LL UTHE ONLY OFFICIAL / UMRNEWSPAPER No 9 upy Main Floor at Concert nesday Night; Harrison Will Lead I AND MOORE APPEAR ethusiasm is being maniest- e complimentary concert to Wednesday evening under the of the University School of' hen a program unusual in will be offered; a feature of 11 be the singing of patriotic the audience under the di- f Theodore Harrison, head of department of the School of 1 men in the Mechanics'tcorps ...…

July 16, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…qE TWO THE WOLVERINE '"be W'olverine Official student newspaper for the summer session of the University of Michigan. Issued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoons. Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap- plication to the business manager. Office hours: Managing editor, 1:00 to. 2:00 o'clock; business manager, 11 to 12 o'clock, daily. Address, The Wolverine, Press Build- ing, Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Russell Barnes-Managing Editor Phone...…

July 16, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE PAGE THREE """"II ""'i"""""i"""i"ii11lIIIIUIII;; A t the Theaters uerthTheater WHAT'S GOING N "Over the Top" is considered one eningg-7 a,8 en and: a of the foremost stories of the war be- July 16, 5 p. m.-The Social Outlot Phone-G 6oJUcause it was written by a man who After the War. Mr. A. E. Wood. PROGRAM FOR JULY has been there, who has suffered sev- 7:30 p. m.-Visitors' Night at the O Xed-16-17-Henry B. Walthall en wounds,...…

July 16, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…FOUR THE WOLVERINE HE DETACHME NTNEW DETICMENT BHAVES Tear Gasitis WELI I ISPECIONWe Still Wunder Twinkle, twinkle, little Czar, Officer Commends Men; Declares He How we wonder where you are. Will Rate Them High in Report Dead or buried-shuffled off to Government Or still a healthy Romanoff? FROM THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE. The inspection held ,by Captain THE LATEST puzzle for war fiends James H.. Buell, Saturday, was near- to solve is the solution ...…

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