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July 16, 1912 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1912-07-16

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THE WOLVERINE ally hisses when he thinks of the mush TEACHERS' TESTIMONIALS.
__- -and milkses being deprived of. Have them neatly copied on the
,oX Published Tuesday, Thursday cud fe nmigitlhave suggested a course. typewriter proptytadBtomdeat
lc+ Saturday afternoons by tie students of Lord thsterfied's Letters to his rates at theIO t o k
___ al of the University of Michigan sumuer Son; but what's the use? Manners Sho fSotad
session.f hothnd
;t session.sod beeding are bred in the blood; 711 N. Univ. Ave. FOR
WIT't- Communications will be printed only saed a little supeefciial veneer will not Best work in the ciy. 5-. SU M R CH O
kt! when signed, alhough writers name coer it. These vandals of all that is
will be withheld on request. Notices respected, honored, and reverenced THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK
pertaining to university affairs will be are to be pitied rather than censured. Capital ........ ....... 10,00.0
printed once gratis. [ongAmeria cold learn much Resorls ...... .i.ed..r... s.. ..8,00,00.0 GreatquniesoScnd
f rn. the Mexican Pon, the lowest _Transacs a General Banking BuainesAdes-h ovrnPesBd. ecn neetpi ai esqatiistfSeod
- AdesTeWleiePrsBlgtpes in Old Mlexico, when it comes to Yoe Vur Bsiess Solicied l Hand Beos at prices that
_ Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. tle fnesse of courtesy, filial respect, Cas. . iocc, re. Mihael. Frit, Ch'r
Office Hours-2:00i to 4:30 p. i., daily. w B.IHarrimn, Vice Prs. Carl F. Bras, Will save money.
ande reverencee of thngs sacred. It Ass C' 5. Wl, Ass,C'r aigs Dep't.
RU B EY I Phones, 960. takes an IElisa sld two s-bears to
T U ESubcription Rates-Local, seventy- have say effect wills this type. Cousins & Hall
P L A C E five cents for the sunemer; mailed to -
116 S. Main Bell Phone 166 any address for one dollar IRllST B3OO)K{O1 ALUMNAFL RSS
________________ Advertising Rates--Furnished upon RECEIVES HIGH PRAISE one fonvriSyaT efh E gnerfSple
application to the BusinesManager__-Coneroh o. ners t1n1 wefh Eg5les Sple
The Detroit Saturday Night for July BohPne15
ALUMNI I Subsriptiono taken at Quarry's, 13, containso an article on Mss Louise ________________ FOUNTAIN PENS
Cushing's, and StudentSupply Store M Breitenbach, '97, sister of Dr I NVRIYSHOHO UI LN OK
If your shoes get out P. Breitenbach of the rhetoric faculty. UNVRIYSCOLOFMSCBATIN RYBOOKS
The official newspaper of the Sumnmer Miss Breitelnbach has just published Maynard St. Albert A. Stanley, Director SAINREC
of commission let School. l~er first book, "Alma of Hadley Mall." ______________
JOHN It. LAMBERT Robert Gillett, Managing Editor. Itis said to be a high-class specimen
John H. Payne, Busiess Manager. of the girls' college siry, written in a Summer Session
fix them Phone 762L. very pleasinsg literary style. The book EtlkSeeste tr.1ei All Branches
Malcolm etoraik-Aest. )fgr. is especially strone in its character m 3 Artist Teachers e:.m .. S
613 E. WILLIAMS ST. Phosne 357. delineation, and is meeting with a Sed fr illsraeeleatalg
Moee ieotr.large sale. L. C. Page & C., the pub- ______________ University Bookstore
Reporers.lishers,ar reorted t have contract-
Colal 50,500 Sris.R0o o sco Spencer. F M. Church. ed for the author's productions for the Charles A. Sink, Sec.
Usedtleided urlus.&ie ,0oso 00 H. P. Scott. Maude Eddward. leiO e r
THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK F. A. McCarthy. R. T. Cook. 'eiss B~etenbacle me a teacher in the qp ta
C. S. Pryor. K. . tHaveen. Detrot Houen ed Day School. UieslDy(L ta
ANN ARBOR, MICH. C. S. Fiedner. Joeihine Fellows. - The place we all go to when in Detroit Unvrsl J
Sfenasnking and Creous Trentmeetofer Er rsma. J .Thoeas. SrwIaso h eh idah
Cusmers is a uer wathwrd StarlhaCrofasmarigt.kiJ at he FPplar pried diisg roseCleaning Works
3 per cent interet in ar savings department rght pres Allens sGood Clothes
News Editor-E. IL.lBurton. Store taen Street tf LIBRARY PARK HOTEL
Is you want a position?aeieyou uewant a oigfo.o.better pston? tA .H mlo,,1M g. ' I e ieP of lg n
We say anejus th plce yu ae lokig tr. et A 5.Hanlie, Mgr.In anewFir Prof ldg an
us know your wants; Then let us have yur application 'dO .0 t with the la tewtiodern Machin-
The Gibb Teachers' Agency, a *, ery.
175 Wesminster Ave, TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1912. UEuR NFrpeas Plan Tc to $.00 pen' eay We are in a position to do all
Detril, ICH fl U U U Qall kinds of cleaning: As lade
DerotMIH. UNN N ' Crailci Ae, and Library Ae., facdrseuiohtwit,
ilonor Where Honois iDlna.facdrsesuthitwss
DAVI.&How proud we would be of our R E STA UR A NT DETROIT, MICH. slipers, gloves, etc. Also gentle-
DVS& IDeliveries yonnenadstdetitwwee_______________ mens clothing of all kinds. All
0 tLl NGER to hear an ccount, by some foreign OPEN JULY 15 wr urned ecl o
Made student, of the honor, reverence, and Big Reduction on anddelver
respect we give to the highest position
17 ~ When sod honor this country caen bestow tavey00 tred the othee, i Ham m ocks T. E. Wah, Mngr.
III1 ~upon a eanu Even the professioenal na r -and- Bell Phne 877 1 15 Packard S.
Prmsd ftu nteprize ring is disbarred if La we erve the et Hos .-____________
11111111'lie strikes his toe while dowe. Yet0 0
JLY/IIthe picture of our president is reted
14with cat calls and hissesl Oh no, it's Come in and get our prices ThKepMuiStdo
109 not because it happens to be Mr. TftTeKip ui tdo
E.ahnen not that' it's because the present in- WOMAS A H. L. Switzer C. Pan Pip Orgsans
PITNBel42.Jcmethpestthnalitedif- B 0 A R D $350 Hardwae and Sporig Ceds Vot.Des ~CnItcave
PRNTNG Bll43 -J ferent me than the hpesold omank back te os -_________________ 310_S.Statet._3_2__________StPhone10_
HIuston Bros. hissing doesn't think, for tat takes
brains,lie's heard the old man say FU L R & O C N N Se m nd rnh
something about tariff, or the high U L E , O N N R Sem adFeo
The Finest Billiard Roam in the State cost of living, snd that ties'emae lesh F ry Cleaners
Cigars and Candies holds down the presidenial chaie' is 61 0 E. William S. Suits Pressed 25c Trousers 10c
"We try to treat you right" the cause of it, aeds he just natur-



Subscribe now and becomle a nmember thereby of
The University of Michigan
Al1umr-n i Association
Souse facts:
QL The Alelmnus is tthe largest college tmosithly joe the counltry. Ql It contains flee latest onews
about the University, aond editorial conneent on important cvents. QL It contaises personal itenms
cosncerning members of 3 our class every mnsth. QL A volume of the Alunmus contlains tse history
of the University for' the year. QL It publishes a series of well cheosenl pictures e- ery month.
$1.50 year

This Way, You Summer Students---
Cane around Icr a LUNCH ikat is a LURCH
B ANC OF~sSCorner of Monroe and
Thayer Streets
A Full Line o1 Tobacco and Cigarettes High Crade Confections and Fruit

Programs, Invitations, Callirg Cards, etc., en-

CO. SP IM L95graved for you quickly and correctly We hie
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, G ~UT~ t D T N T' the leading brands of sccal Stasoanery and wll
lie eYV 1 Ho TTEWLDLJTREET save you money on pound los or more We'll
Citiess f An~rbr-Sidesi ~ENGRAVEIRS gladly send you samples of paper and type faces
eI thec U. . CryteLtectn of Wool-.. fo Write-or stop in and see us when in Detrot
ens in the city. Satisfaction tuar- T e G rou
No sc' h ineed. We cater to those who v~1
SUGAR BOWL want the et. g -RO
in the city of Ann Arbor of 10t . Mainenseily/in
Sc. and alleges clat the said SUGAR a I~lt
BOW isreay, bleandwilingtoALL COLLEGE GREGORY, MAYER & THOM CO.
serve btler cream and sweeter candies starished 111 W R
witis prompter nsersice' tin any otheri All work made in this city.- 'W K Printers-Stationers-Office Outfitters-Engravers--
thsmilyar mtetwilna r gy itoeavstily. And f'N AusTriceI Order E bses
this te r la t o save ts the I ____________
Country. G ~. H. WILD CO8 _ RA B~DN Ebses

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