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July 16, 1912 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1912-07-16

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At Your Door Three Fifteen Hundred Sum-
Evenings a Week, 75c mer Session Student

Vor. III.


No. 9.


COMMON CARRIERS ';rresponleun;uAverstdensDNot
Chief Executie.
Professor Goddrd Says Insistence of
Companies upon Contracts Ann Arbor, Mich., July 14, 1912.
Arouses Enmniy. Editor of The Wolverine:
LIABILITY LITIGATION NOT OVER What, may I ask, is the tribute doue
___- the chief executive of this country?
"Litigation over the liability of a It is the nightly custom of a local
common carrier for loss of goods is moving picture theater to flash upon
by no means ended; and in my opinion its screen the picture of our present
the enmity which the public bears president. This is greeted by hisses
toward the common carriers for in- and groans from persons scattered
sisting upon their contracts for liabil- here and there over the whole aud-
ity is a greater disadvantage to ience, so that whoever might applaud
the carriers than anything they have is forestalled. Thus the greeting ac-
gained by such methods," declared corded the president is nothing but
Prof. E. C. Goddard in his lecture, hisses.
"The Public, the Courts, and the Com- The conduct of the student of the
mon Carrier," yesterday afternoon. University of Michigan should be
The question, as to whether or not above reproach in such matters. The
the common carrier could be released student of the summer session should
from any liability arising from dam- rank as a fair minded and patriotic
age to goods by means of a contract person. The American people are
with the shipper, has furnished ma- noted for their earnest patriotism and
terial for numerous suits; and by undying zeal that they display in re-
means of several illustrations Prof. gard to their nation's welfare. Are
Goddard pointed out that the courts the students of Michigan and the citi-
have held different opinions in regard zens of Ann Arbor upholding that
to it. name?
The earliest opinion regarding the The man who fills the presidential
libility of common carriers was de- chair must necessarily be a great
livered in 1703 by Lord Holt of the man. The office is filled by a man
Court of Ring's Bench, and states that who is chosen by the people, and it is
the common carrier is bound to an- by their will alone that he is in such
swer for the safety of all goods it a position. To very few men this
carries except where it is rendered honor comes and this is demonstrated
impossible by acts of God or the pub- by the fact that in our existence of
lic enemy. Other exemptions have over one hundred and thirty years
been added from time to time. less than thirty men have filled the
Up to 1847 this opinion of Lord Holt highest position in this country. Be-
was regarded as the fundamental law; cause that man happens to be a re-
but after that date the attitude was publican and you are a democrat, or
changed, due to the introduction of because he represents one element
the question of release from liability of the republican party and you the
by contract. The courts have held other, does that take any distinction
various views, many denying that the away from the office he holds or make
common carrier has the right to him any the less the president of the
change its identity as public carrier United States?
by making a contract with the ship- Our nation is governed by the
per,'thus becoming a private carrier. people, but still we must have a head.
Moreover, they regarded the shipper That head is the man we desire. Be-
as being compelled to accept the cause he is indebted to the people
terms of the contract whether he wish- for his office, is he entitled to the less
ed to or not. 'Many states attempted respect? Because the Declaration of
to remedy the evil by statute forbid- Independence, framed by our fore-
ding the common carrier to make any fathers long ago, declares that "all
stipulations whatsoever as to the men are created free and equal" is
liability, the office any the less, or the incum-
As' the question now stands, the bent any the smaller? Should an act
common carrier has the right to make which would not be tolerated in any
any contract which is just and reas- other country be protected and per-
onable; and the court is to decide mitted because the law of the land
whether the contract is "just and gives one freedom of thought and
reasonable." In this connection Prof. speech?
Goddard stated that the receipts which The person who takes advantage of
are issued by express companies and liberality of our law and under the
which form the contract between the
would not stand in any court in the
mission, Prof. Goddard stated, is try.
ing to devise a uniform receipt for all
express companies similar to that now -
used by all railroads making inter- Famous Egyptian M erc
state shipments. Here
The question of the amount of the
liability also furnished material for
several suits, but as generally accept-
ed the common carrier is liable for Three thousand, two hundred, and
the bona-fide invoice price made at the seventy-two years ago, Ankh Peta
place of shipment; but in case the car- Hotep, a merchant prince of Thebes,
rier is aware that the valuation plac- and keeper of the scales under Rame-
ed upon the goods at the time of ses Ill., started for Ann Arbor. But
shipment is wrong, and the shipper Ankh Peta knew neither the direction
accepts, that valuation shall be the nor the distance that he would have
basis for settlement. Express com- to travel. It is not surprising, then,
panies' receipts have a clause limit- that he took the wrong road, and that
ing liability to $50. A certain auto- he has been all this time in getting
mobile company shipped $15,000 worth to Detroit where he now is, and where
of machnies by express under a re- he will visit for a few days before
ceipt contract, and the rates were completing the final stage of his jour-

based on a valuation of $50. The ma- ney.
chines were destroyed and the auto- On that far-away day of his depar-
mobile company brought suit to re- ture from Thebes, the relatives of
cover the real value of the machines, Ankh Peta, being properly solicitous
$15,000. The trial court has rendered as to his welfare, clothed him care-
a judgment in favor of the automobile fully in his finest raiment, put upon
company for $50 only, him armour of cypress, decorated with

GIVEN BOY PROBLEM , l;i oc Cale of Sending BY DIRECT VOTE?
malt Tile',.
eWellingtonI .Tinker Tells of Dangers Hiss A. Eugena Kelly, Delegate to
Resetting Youths in Country Democratie' Nationtl Assembly
Towns. ETxe work ontteiew wireless sta-' ixpresses Views.
tion that is being constructed in the
OUTLINES Y. B. (. A. 1'METOi)S, south wing of the new engineering IS DISAPPOIN'TED IN CONVENTION
building is to be suspended for a few
"In a small town the men get to- weeks owing to the absence of Mr. "A direct vote by the people would
trnCquestion. LBurglund by twhom the arpiri- 'ice a much better way of selecting the
ec tus is being designed and built r 'r sresidential candidates than the party
They keep the source free from infec- the personal direction of Professor R. convention method," said Miss A.
tion and contamination; but they sel- D. Parker. Eugena Kelly, one of the three women
dom take as much pains, if any, to The station when completed will be delegates to the democratic national
study the boy problem, and the dan- one of the finest aquisitions, not only convention at Baltimore, as she was
of infection in their cases," said f the engineering department, but leaving Ann Arbor yesterday after a
gers oicnalso of the university. Every detail 'eek-cud visit.
Wellington H. Tinker last night in his of the apparatus has been especially "I was much disappointed by the
lecture on "The Boy Problem in the planned by Professor Parker; and convention," she continued. "It was
Small Town." many new and original inventions not so dignified and deliberative a
Mr. Tinker, who is the reigiosus see- have been introduced, by which the body as I had expected. I am sure the
retary of the Uversity Y. M. C. A., onnections have been simplified for results are not always what they would
class explanation, and efficiency great- be if the delegates were left to their
based his remarks upon personal ex- ly increased. The most important of more deliberative judgment."
perience gained in Michigan towns these is a new type of spark gap con- Referring to her own part in the
while in charge of the bands of re- sisting of a rotary wheel with regular- work of the big assembly, Miss Kelly
ligious workers sent out by the "Y " ly placed perforations near the edge, said, "We were instructed for Clark,
"No rule can be laid down for deal- over which the spark passes and and we voted for him to the last. I
ing with the problem-it is different converts the sixty-cycle city current am for Wilson now, though, and think
in every town. We can advocate no used into a current of nine hundred- he will be the next president."
set and arbitrary reform. We only cycle efficiency. The station, although Miss Kelly is young and very at-
show them that the problem is there still incomplete, is in daily use, and tractive, being a very, pleasant con-
-that it is there for them to solve-_ covers a radius of three hundred versationalist. Until recently she has
that, if they do not solve it, it will miles by day and nearly three thous- manifested no unusual activity, she
never be solved. and miles by night. says, in politics, though she has al-
"Usually the most satisfactory way A large notice recently placed on ways found time to keep informed up-
is to place the whole matter with a the walls, telling the prices for mes- on the current issues, and to cast her
commission of five men picked by the sages to all the principal wireless ballot. She is in the real estate busi-
other men of the town. We try to stations in the middle west, has given ness in Grand Junction, Col. This
make them feel the responsibility- the office a very commercial appear- spring she was elected to the county
and the opportunity. These men study ance. democratic convention, but did not at-
the conditions and treat them far bet- tend. Later in the season she was
ter than could any outsiders. By or- PROFESSOR SCOTT EDIITING sent to the state convention, and while
ganizing boys' groups, they can ac- 'O)31E3101RATION 3IEHIOIIAL tthere was made a recording secre-
complish wonders along the lines of tary of the meeting. She left the con-
athletic, social, and vocational train- Prof. F. N. Scott is engaged in pre- vention hall before its deliberations
ing." paring an outline for his textbook were completed, and awoke the next
In speaking of the question of sexual entitled "Lessons in English," which morning to read in the paper that she
education, Mr. Tinker said: "I be- has recently been adopted ,by the had been elected a national delegate
lieve that this problem should be met Kansas schools. Professor Scott is in her absence.
by getting the boys together in small also editing a memorial volume of "I have had a very interesting time,"
groups-say at the home of the lead- Commemoration Week for the Board she said yesterday, in relating her
ing physician of the town. This is of Regents. recent experiences, "ever since I left
superior to the public meeting, or the home. This political business is
use of books. The appeal is quiet, S(HOOL OF 3M1'S(' INS'I'ICTOlIS rather new, to me."
non-sensational, direct, and personal." LIt YVE ANN A ltOlt FOl SLI3I Ei While in Ann Arbor, Miss Kelly was
the guest of Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Hub-
-~ b~~~arh 911 rewo vne h n
cover of darkness emits hisses at the With the exception of Mr. Albert br. dub15Greenwood avenue. She and
defenseless picture of our president Lockwood, of the piano department, Dr. Hubbard, who is an instructor in
not only shows the poorest of ill taste, all the heads of departments in the the phirgacy department, were class-
but is also a coward and not worthy School of Music, have left Ann Arbor mates in high school.
to be called an American citizen. for the summer. Prof. A. A. Stanley
Shame upon that man. is traveling in England and Germany. POWER DA SCHEDULED TO
Forgetting personalities, partisan- Mr. Howland, of the vocal depart- lE FINISHED BY OCTOBER 15.
ship, and personal views, our presi- ment, is passing his vacation at his
dent is deservnig of some recognition summer home at Cape Cod. Mr. Wrork is Well Along on Eastern Mieli-
from all the people alike, other than Samuel Lockwood, of the violin de- igan Edison Company's Dike
hisses. He is our President. partment, is in the Catskill moun- Above Water Works.
A. W. A. tains.

hant and Government Official to Spend Life
at Expense of the University
picture telling of his marvelous good- Imnmediately, Mr. Wright, with the
ness, tnd sent him forth into the un- aid of Charles M. Culbertson, of De-
derworld to begin his quest for Ann troit, and Frederick H. Goadby, of
Arbor. New York, made arrangements for
Where he has been since, no one pass-ports and transportation for
knows. But it is known that Charles Ankh Peta; and several days ago he
Wright, Sr., of Detroit, was irrisist- was welcomed to Detroit by Mr.
ibly drawn towards Egypt last winter; Wright, Dean V. C. Vaughan, Prof. M.
that hue traveled five hundred miles L. D'Ooge, Prof. J. A. Craig, and sev-
up the Nile, until he came to Luxor; eral other men who are interested in
that he there met a German named Egypt.
Wolff, who informed him that his After Ankh Peta comes to Michi-
journey was at an end, and that he gan, he will be at home to all comers
would find a man named Ankh Peta in the Memorial Building, where he
Hotepr waiting for him at a place near- hopes to spend the remainder of his
by, to which place that long-wander- days in rest and peace, with nothing
ing Egyptian had just lately returned, s
foot-sore, and discouraged at his fail- to do but Is smile cordially st the in-
ure to find the "abode of the eternal habitants of that "abode of the eternal
blessed." blessed" which he has sought so long.

The new power dam which is to be
constructed for the Eastern Michigan
Edison conmpany up the river beyond
the wiater works willbe finished this
fall. The contract that has been let
to E. P. Decker & company of De-
troit, calls for the completion of the
work by October 15.
The dam proper has a two hundred
and six foot spillway. It will be erect-
ed along the line of stakes now locat-
ed near the railroad bridge. A thous-
and foot dike made of mud and with a
concrete foundation will extend as far
as Foster's enclosing one side of the
millpond, while the hills on the north
will wall in the other side.
The new lake will cover about six
hundred acres with an average depth
of fifteen feet. From the twenty-six
foot water head at the fall two thous-
and horse power will be generated.
The power plant to be situated on
the east side of the river will be
equipped with the latest type of ma-
chinery. The water wheels are .to be
furnished by the Allis Chalmers com-
pany -of Milwaukee, and the generat-
ors and dynamos by the General Elec-
tric company of Schenectady, N. Y.
The entire undertaking will cost

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