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December 16, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichiigan Daily Vol.. XX. ,\NARBOR, lMICHIGAN, T it IISiIA Y. DSCi2MIti( Z 6, it) be ,,toen forl alStep ist , with lI1NIO1NIHAS PRESENTEDllhal ivl t the oi per tai istIllt:hs Koanzaland, Though Bristling with "Hits," Scores ctilrictc opetics"to'h oi"1 Greatest Success with Clever ]M'Jusic and Dancing ''cla a111 111t, '1neidatII --Crowded House Attests Merits by Enthusiastimult; it t ii tsti( 'iilii" Reception.ittsiIlhp MUSICAL PROGRA...…

December 16, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 60) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY fTHE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. HI. Wild ComfpanyMaaigEto _ I .MERCHANT TAILORS : iWe have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- itigs,. Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. = .. We make Fuzll Dress Stilts a Specialty 5CALL AND SUE US 311 SO. STATE STREET At the New Store 2 0. Ha. wild Comlpany CLARENCE E. ELDRIDGEt CARL. H. 0. ADAM, Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Office Flours:...…

December 16, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 60) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY { IF YOU WISH A Useful Gift For Father, Mother, Sister, Brother or Sweetheart SEE QUARRY'S Money Loaned Orn Watches, lilanionds. Law oos or other'persoalpropeory. Watches and isooeiry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 331 iE. Lilbert y St Ann Arbor. Hoars: 4:30 an 7 to 9 p. m JOSEPH C. WATTS THE F'ARME[RS AND MECHIANICS BANK MAIN AND HlURdON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus ...…

December 16, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 60) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Beyond Argument For You The Best You can go here, and hunt there-try bar- gain prices and cheap clothes, hut nowhere, here or hereafter, will you find in value re- ceived for the price paid, so much satisfoction as STEIN-BLOCH SMART CLOTHES give. We have them here for yoie 1o examine and fry on. We want you to wear them-hut that is not solely why we insist they fit hetter, have hetter style, wear hetter than any other cloth...…

December 16, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily itsN X1iZI))I- \Ni CfiIGi. tN ititFI)NI'SPAY, DFrC. BFR r6eNo. 66. No. 66. Voi XIX. FITZPATRICK TALKS TO TRACK ATHLETES Fifty Candidates Answer Cap- tain Dull's Call; Ineligibles De- feat Regulars in Basketball. ":1 hisi>> tlk a cii tihe faculty is- cr cli at y' cia s acctcis rc ot, ai Dir ct ccc itciiatricialasi i;ght. III fiat (c h t is rg t, 11 cllrc sonar( f ii>> (i>>;>>> ciii to i m-kcait ~ Orkhard the if (tt sh~t...…

December 16, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…THEIPMTCHiTGAN IATICY THE MICHIGAN DAILY.! "WITC'HINtGHF i5 ' The :LargesttStuck in the City Exclulsive Styles in WOOLENS For Geltlemfen's Wear Evring rtss esquired lor Suits, ()Vse.1ats, laney Vistings, andl 5i'ous5rinig". and of high ea I'ahi ns and. special Styli". Full Dress Suits a Specialty 1llassagng Ltdilor--Annum tF. Rtcuse Iiii'. slsis 7 111 B sies Mauger _jusN IF. WtiRZ. the lii' rsi'i n c ssis'ls itanii. ~ EDITORSstsudintsiIt n ...…

December 16, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…(11kV-I Lii iAS'I,L N III-7,V -..._urctficld'si \V~ Ii) I L aL Fine aioring I Vf{]II CII t 1 lI.t j Tradle irt1 i- Ca Co. AST HURON ST. the of he li LIII 1iIL I CiLL 'l ii S LL IL 5 (i t eI ol l iL- l l ;LL. r-. I of II c T i MfCIG A DAILY On CIhL I 1 VI IiMkLIto I, N plund TIROire. 11 S1111 11110 __ 1 1r r> ," us scLiLA I k 11i111gw~ IL IILLIILLLLI ILLL \Ii 2- 0 1 lal Ir LL ILLjlLLLLLI h n1~r - - It , C IL 'rirLL IIILis 1 tIt 1~ IILII...…

December 16, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…T~I{ZMl HI ;AN SAtLY Feeling /1 is akin to self-confidence You cn't hold your head up or do your beet if your gar- meots don't fit or become you. We're tailoring upeciaists. We're AWW lookiog for the hard-to-please. The more +' particular you are, the hetter we like to serve you. Our patrons are discrimioating men. New shades and patterns are here for Winter. Our- range of fabrics is wide enough to suit the most critical. There's a daub and d...…

December 16, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

… * - * - Q _ _ 7 d oS -- - ~~J " _~ z °m -w 4 _-- -- -- - f C ,)= r . _ O Cx id - ~ ' . v t7 .. - 1, _ ! J ,,,. _ J - T _ f ^ ,y f - .: ..f - r. ..f .-_ ..i:. I .., ., .. ^ t f ....+ 3.. Y .. CAS y... ... .-. ^ r i r t is ~ _ r^, . .. f f ^" r .-, f v-- , L 'r ...1' " V ,~ f ' . _ - f ,- 'f: / r .i,,. .vr ':l Wit. ' ' .-- f. . ,-. r" ~ ". . M ^. .i J .--- t: .J .=. , /'' ..... .-a tic t.C t4 " , U f ,~ :+ '.i - ~ .gi n.. .,f, r'f J G V...…

December 16, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…THE MICH4IGAN DAILY Facy Vsin n WI'ildOw Display Il1w Irr t id liost C(oim- plete linein I1te c.ity illb 0 S<2t1h1 a , d You .iriedalsoufin 111 ! '' 1: i l I I :I tr :inl t~c'jlTr f t r c I i i tii ii -Y I,) taett Git t~~~ C( di Exceli 7~ i.71F~i lenit THE MICHIGAN L)AILY.E stre 7?CC phf' . X 92. 1FF7 777 Ph it7 0,~ 1.17, 17 11:771 Ft F \\F. 7,r I 77_: 1 I 77 Si 11 FF7 x 11 F W 1 Mary l' , l jRATES: $.50per yie, or $2.00 ifiini " dvance. A(i...…

December 16, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…H ieM I C HiGOA N !)R I L : LL Sani Burchileid s Fine, tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CON 106 EAST HURON STREET coo°KINGcIn Mack's Tea Room 11 i" N adI 1te d i}a i I at a 1c e :ll 's IlI LVNCHES SERVED A LA CARTE At Most Reaasorabl. Prices Mack 4410%Co. OVK SKATES Ace Ready See Display iii )I-li Viilusi MEUHLIG +& SCHMID 205 S. Main Street. 1 i i C i Suit Cases Suit Cases Suit Cases We are showing this week a...…

December 16, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…THEi F MICHIGAN DAILY (cci i a y1g' ' t oeTI ati stilic' ()f .rs t n Al1 if-fd ,I tIi its~ i G PANUVTS RO]ASTED iVettt )tir I i I Ijr l(- ii J),',lo t ( t12i~ picttli I-'ech I, irct fromii %'>> ',,, t. IV iaxe r rw i i oattlig t~itt I ivxethe 'lOST 'icid IBESiT lie Motney. One Pound Packages, 10 cents. Blanched Salted Peanuts, 15le per lb.; '2 lbs for 25c. Hickory Nuts 10c per Quart. 3 Quarts for' 25c. IDEAN ft CO., Ltd., 214 S. Mairn St. ...…

December 16, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…ol The Michigan Dail Vol'. XV] FOOL Defeated termine Champi I. ANN ARBOR, N' MBALL MEN PLAN RECAPTURE OF TITLE Gridiron Team Is De= lr ilno atfra1hnenx ed to WVin Back Western Ilhere ir i ndiier of othersimen iionship in 1906. w1hoi tll furinish the masteriail for the- hackliel,_such Vs B rowI atik \\iirkmaisitt.liths. Naag, ewo an itatt 1 . scatt~ t'tt.Rum e. s. ieis Nitmiretu~ e Ntrsittio tXal easn estyer till Isis eli. (Wtrll -and1 I-tbs...…

December 16, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Leading M VERCHA1NT TAILORS The largest stock is the City of exclusive styles so Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special style for stu- dents. AG. IH. Wild co.oe 311 S. State St. f Gifts For Christmas A Michigan Calenfar.-.-.- __ .50 A Christy Calendar..____$2.50 A Popular Novel 1.08l Gibson sr Christy Drawings...4.00 Poems, Limp Leather bound- Bleautifully Illustrated Special Eiditions of Classic and ...…

December 16, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…Edited ho JAMES PRICE 10 A. >. S 'PALDI Wit~ l ols likil'olo ltsto tolnsa C l~irlo ll PiIs huro,'oi 'NesvOi' Uc cos 51onlos'o. H USTON B STATE SAVI Ws. JIBootoh ,oi'. Wri. Arnoiild l.N Ja.It. NWadei F,1; N. J. Kycr .J toio. Kobh Frank I. Ulazit (JEORUFI B FLOI C~misolo.C,.t Flow' Chapin St between "l Phon POITED lIlt 5c and 10c QUAI ________THE MICHIGAN DAILY SPAfLDNO' S , '"Ii'4 ANN ARBOR RAILROAD OIT1ICI I _ ' DDA 'WAI XMASAND STEAMSHIIP LI...…

December 16, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…7_- '1flE' MIC-IICAit AYiA. HoklgValley Ry. tiNT] N'IS ITS I",hI+,CI I1N'l' TI~N SERIVICE, You will fiod Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Ion'sDespots in 'Toledo and Co- larnbus S. E. CLARK, 32 iCamp~us Martius Detroit, Mich. I Al leretti Chocoate Creams We have the exclusive agency in Ann Arbor for the Original Alle- getti Chocolates fOe per b. E* . CALKINS Dr-xs 320'.S-0,ostat...…

December 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, DECEMBExR 16, 1904. No. 65 FOOTBALL BANQUET. A PERFECT CHART. Michigan's Championship Team the Ralph Roses Anthropometric Chart (0Uests ot Ann Arbor Bfusiness flen a Perfect One- Average of One -Promises to be Elaborate Affair Hlundred and Two Per Cert. -the'Toasts. '111te Ilenller of ICIII-a'i> 1904 to kRalphi Ro-t' hi1 fil lv lX0 t iomst f 01111' ,titti It rea int footi t ii 11 perfet 1111 1111ica...…

December 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…-! THE MICHIGAN DAILY ****e~eee*.."... .. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. EWOULD HAVE Entered as seond-classmate at the Ann YOU TO KNOWAro osoie Published daily (' otia~excepted during the callege yerat 1 .tt, ashinton street, Old Phone 8923; new Phone 71. That we are doing business at Managing Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. Business Manager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. OUR NEW STORE oos 311 South State Street Z Athleticst----e---- s YDvL. 11cm . News-----------ARTHen...…

December 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY HOLIDAY GIFTS Brushes and Brush Sets, Smoking Sets Shaving Sets, Chafing Dishes, Cutlery, Games, Books, Perfumes, Baskets, Chairs Lamps, Dulls, Skates, Sleds, Tools "i'tact all the new and desirable things that have TJ j ' been placed on the market this year may he had at 11V1 20c Candies, 10c 40c Candies, 20c -lurch field's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... You the most skillful and artistic service to he hail anywhere. We...…

December 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…: THE MICHIlUAN DAILY # su" s ,rr a r r N s s r sos s 00 9 Tg. ItTEIRs 0ORIGIN A L MILK CHIOCOLATE of PlIF-il ILiu iiiiltii LATE, anddespitm n Pou larityan ii leae r olthincreas- I$ FOR EATING ON LY Flt lap arer Now wrn bynear ly to milionmen 11 i ti v ~aj~ Cutting, 0 INEEY IT Hatters and Fur- 1094 t11 East Washington St.* ~.tCHRISITS 1904 NEIW YEIARS 1905 .pt + (goinig home? West or Southwest? 4. .L. Missouri Pacific Ry. ,.OR SIron Mountain R...…

December 16, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…heMichigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1903. No. 65 [UROPEAN fELLOWSIUIP. COLUIBIAN OROAN. CHORAL UNION. MUSICAL CLUBS. The Association of Collegiate Alum History of the Pipe Organ In Univer- Successful Concert Given Last Night First Concert Tomorrow Night at Yp- nae Announce the Establishment sity Hall-It Was the Original -Soloist Wins Favor With the silanti-Special Cars on the Mot- of An European Fellowship- Wor...…

December 16, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Announcemfent.. The Largest and Mot Complete Line of:.. WOOLENS in Ann Arbor will be found at G. H. Wild & Coo 108 Gast Washington St. ret pains have been taken in the seletion of all sating. troserings & overoatings for this seson.0 G. H. WILD CO, 108 E. Wash. St. * 3ws~eeeeeseef iStewart Edward White3 Anttho o Citue is." e iTh Baz, i, l." eta. 2 THE FOREST = Thesnnan Fogary -0 A book folo the charm and the mystery a...…

December 16, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

…THE 1'MICHIGAN DAILY. VAThin sals includes thm emrous H. S .&MAL 52 and 54 iosh lonaecoats. Black and Oxford. Plain or the F elt INyton. + 217 South Main Street ' Phone 513 J+ .i 4+ ++ r .t.r-r,'r :Jr*s~s< 4 # f 4# ! fi 4 # 4 4 ? 4 + : * ++ *.*Ir+ 4 IN NII + li~ifN w YbI a>t ' tvro tsnw - - $20 ands w l~ii.O ()evas w - - $18 _ vrcots ow - - - $15 't - $1ohie Tu'aii ;t; I FOR aNew Neckwear SHandkerchiefs Um~obrellas =Dress and Stree :Soli...…

December 16, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN D6AILY. t'r i~~is* it~~a *s r+t*4et+s'- ~tti *'aritA~THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD.ti , . TE NNARORRALRA & t !A ND STEAMSHIP LINES. S omnethinfll SpectLial Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard ' V 4.Time Effective October 2(6,1902. [for bdturddLJ.-W OT OT + No. 6- 2:20 A. aM. No. 1- 0:00 A. M. 4. No. 2-11:33 A. M. No. 5-12:30 P. M. S No. 4- 8:25 P. am. No. 3- 4:3P o 4 Tan N.5ad6rnbt een nnrbor. * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n Tan o.ladaoetenA...…

December 16, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…UNI IERSITYOFMICHIGAN.__ ___ ANN: XlM ll . I l( IH .till HI) A . I) (' \liA ti 1(;, :1N i . +; i CLUB HAS N QWSTNT LOO ING BACKWARID" d r ~ ne i:.ti(7 l il d l. it i:IOrgv ln- ;ti:1itt'-itl t '4°;t ?lt 'i 1.i.l ltIi 4 l/tton P, Art nnt vtl 's 111 l I,' ttil+, Pro- il ti ilti it' o H p idIn to - ' 4 Pi I11 nl 1 I T I lii.(11 r1. 1111 41 hl I tnlbrC t lllr-liiJ i 'I P Ilitil)0 1t C..1 t(" 11( i lii I l i } h i~ ls(:t lp l r tl "'4\'(1 iI t 11 T ...…

December 16, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…'', it 8 °" ' Itt..1,m P '01( UT. HIWILD CD. 108 13. Washiiigton St N.N \4C154) - itiiCli1 {" 1ICIil{ yr x i << .t ';iri{ ,s l l } z 3, ~ iE i s.' il ljt'.' ~ - 1. .i i .. , t MANAO(INti 11)I1) EsxtlE I, itt '. ION. )S BUS '.UNS JiAN.(ii 1, EDI RS (11884 4%L NENVi lit i '. 18rtrr. 8 o s it~est titttS. tti rishtbes 1);rtis t 1wt rats ilatso e .8 1honei l8:12i by KARL EDWIN HARRIMAN.1 $1 20 netu AT WAH3'S B]K3TO3ES. D wi htw" i1 i c I" tr aI8 a ...…

December 16, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…L Ja -M AI %-t El I kJLIN U tOYI b L-N M1IfV 01 I a I I / If you want to know what smartly dressed son ask to see met vi wa hs sa V ST ltin=te PALACE AilD PARISIAN Th FtetS liii Iand Ovei 1 1 1 tI Ill IFOWLR~I1 This is worthy YOUR ATTENTrION HIS FL(iY car()10 Y EI3ERBIACH & SON, AN FAE1 U1KRs Bran-ch Store on State St. rco aA- t 03 Off- itcet -'2Maynard St. t;1;1(, i(l(oll. l li 1 t h'i t i(Ott h .6 P i N &O C.I.iRAD t() :11'i' [c7 IR, IIU(I ,...…

December 16, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEW6- K-v'V -'i.1 H ' .r-I. ' 7 . . 1 ..,. 1 .,H 'i " ' r is 1 I, r rH . ^ ,; I.., AI If yu ae-prticulaer and hard tofitcome-, LTbber Goods, "Gym Shoes," ~ S AN S Fine Shoe Repairing. _______________ - w " R r!ORI" . W"r HI +.*P" HT TE R'R ' I :R"". rH.. . D.- e--.r..'^ :H HH T ,rH._ - ~Y,... ,Xmas Candies ini beautiful packages CALK,'NS' PHARMACY. 324 S. State St. B~ailcy & Edmunds F ISHE NAETS 121 ]East Liberty St. POU"R T...…

December 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

… of AL VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1900. No. 70 VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1900. NO. 70 Announcement w I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to e used for husiness purposes or for full dress occasions- . H. WILD No, io8 . Wa...…

December 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…2 2 '1THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY .+ Prof. Wenley at the 0. S. U. f_ RAIN OR SHINE Michigan sems to continue at favor- ~,- The "00' $3.00 Shoe is the shoe 'Pubished Daily (Mondays execeied)during .ilsilaoig'ii E steii shoos as an mter- t erwe h ete sucr ColcES~arat ail~r. he tucW weklyat hiotain. A little rain doesn't hurt it THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN sa te ie:.yhi olwn o while it affords plenty of comfort on MAIN OFICE BRANCH OFICE "...…

December 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…THE; UNITERSIZ 1 OF MICR IG A N' DAILY. 3 THE UMVEESflX OF M1CE1GAN DAILY. 3 i tl *Y Wl I U 11* E **FEFI: ~Fr '~r FEEfrr****FE~::E:1£ EQ:E Efr.B ~:Ei~ rEf:T.F rF* : 'E :: iE E : k SUIT CASE Twenty-four inch steel frame top and bottom, good locks and catcbes,corners rein formed $ 2.98 T !1 !4 4' 41 GOODSPED'S 117 MAIN ST. J. ' i 33 3: : 3i3 3 3 3 3 '"', '3 ? 1:3:3 3 E: 1?,E 3'.N i:3 3 31i 3 3 13:3 3:3:3 3 3 :33 : 3 :3PrEE-3 EE:F:-3 3 :3...…

December 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 AIOHIGAN DAILY 4 NEW BOOKS WORTH READING The Cardinal's snuffbhox, Henry Har land ,On the Wing of Octsios, Foel Chaondler Harris The Hearts Highway, Marl/ E. Wilkis The Lane that had no Turnins. Gilbsert Parker flare Fahles, Geory Ade Alice of Old Vincennes, Maursice Thoms on AIn the Palate of the King, F. Marion Crawford Songs of nhe~riorning. Eden Pilipotts The Isle of Unrest, lHens'y Seton Merrieman A Bicycle oi Cathay,...…

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