The Michigan Daily
No. 65
Michigan's Championship Team the Ralph Roses Anthropometric Chart
(0Uests ot Ann Arbor Bfusiness flen a Perfect One- Average of One
-Promises to be Elaborate Affair Hlundred and Two Per Cert.
'111te Ilenller of ICIII-a'i> 1904 to kRalphi Ro-t' hi1 fil lv lX0 t iomst
f 01111' ,titti It rea int footi t ii 11 perfet 1111 1111ica I~ ipl 11111tile tlt I
1 1li ii la iiystertlBayil atil t il t lull ititlt(Ii t helii .iitillni'i l 'l I iii ititi -
1111 at e 11;\ N t lt i tilt tl F oftY !!i t 'litti' is (t a 1 r ti o wle p r c n y
Ni Illgi iitll l i ter s 11 th lr s offll a lwttl'ri' 'lilt *ltii I t i lln -
tt1 iiliii ii lildro a d t i a elai l oiii c~ c th t ille 0 iii t i l f tli o
th1 fIle t a h a st o t alte m e e t l w r ~ l al thtertill lil
Th e iiti iitt I iot litheiteam and i ni 11 iiit ii l t ii itti ii ttt Iitittilt iN
till, ira u t ii'tii ill Bair.111111 ill ll tuill; r f111 itI l
the11asibal itea illCtiii ~ iiit n mko ii each measIll e-
ll1 I titi i I I ii Iii llllhhn rd a d sxy ~ il h n? i l ~rttilbti a 11111 litt trawl t iii i;h
tt 6 i3lithetit inter u; ttias"nl e ii tlt 11111 til 11 iet irit I . t
t a n tti l f O s e a y a d s t s r i ~ t e I t e l n n t e r o ( a c
Treasurer's Rport Shows tha.t Ad- "Hlamlet" the Subject of Address by
ministration of Ulniversity is Con- Governor LaFollette on S. L. A.
ducted Inexpensiv ely. Course Last Night.
TO k A ersh of \l is higan cost less
t" run that, any (skier Instkiniom of
s,11011 -i,:k". Swoohing ( er $1.100 Pei-
Calm is tai the faenlN. This fact
Am SO", WcWin MOM keen
insi"_llt into the hnsiness world. it is
w rcmarkahie how the rcpntatioll and tile
't MY k (Iucati anal maindard A the a ni-
Vvrsay call he maintained at so small
:t co'l. Thei"e is a str-mg, competition
j f"r the ,g,"vol prs)Q> wN aimling the
varis"n western mnivenitics. The fact
that Alichigan has less rk' Pines than
i 111.nivV of the nniversities makes the
race f"r snperi(lr educational facilities
ilitre stl'etnl.icltls.
The financial statement shrn s that
the hm, department is intwc nearly self-
supporting than ai ether departilient.
j There is difyc.reiice of ',ill) ahttit S'. .000
hetween the expenditures and the
j a nmunt received fn)m fees. The :mall
ratio) of instructows us tine inimil - t>f
students, the absence of costly iahor-
at<>ries and uiitiits and the fact that a i
! large numher A the law mnWits cmnne
frmii outside the state are -tnffwieint
e lalanatioiis.
The medical de)artmoit is the Illvst
Robti M.riNiL. Flleitte', gotvernolr of
WIlisi andii iii Sihaketsieaireantstoloar,
expressed is i ideasuts pont"Hamltet.
sidthalt iltithe ttuince, wicih tad tan-
Refrm, v% reitoittcaiilittpon thtm
fori 11111ihours o f toliticti tal after hit
ga c- is i-i ittponHamltet, if any
11111 til Iasitnotictatl.ditupontttockeep
this pr1* is It tihe conuion ttof the
pre-en11ith til e 1.tragic depts of
Shlktlspear's ogreatesl tragedy, to iwhicht
he 11111newinitresti 11111chatrmi.
liii Iritir Iatoliette tas ibeetn a close
tuet oft it3tolet' for a quter of
a 1111ntrvandilist.herfoewieli qualified
to spak upott haiit stubject. While a
tinlte iii 0 theiikitrstilitorutorieal
whliuchiattraicitedte ittentitititf Latw-
rec oEBrret t.Tititgreat tragediain
rctjestd tc° yuno ft or toilae
setto1111 iisanlsif it. But La-
Foltt ouda er too short a time
for the1 taaisis iof sit vtit a stutject.
It wals no11titiun lttilm itte titer tte
iShakespearelil' 110stitred sotme of the
citittitn comlex itntricacies of the
e l ilt'ir ill pro potiliz t i ' ttie ilier
r til e~ TI~~111 01101itwc I difeen iic' 11
lit lard ofi i' N rect s - Pi 1
II I I il
Ci l 4tiip'si y o ts 1ij __t een('u
titIt litric N
liltPr s111 t,111 ti -i Xi K Nor
ier i ii ii
ut Ii iiilil i is iii In to 11 11 1
l1o11' 0 F. I t i etit led "A l ardti utti I j
till' Ill itS is U., iCfltmbia ttand iYale tilt-
tt rot u at it oot a l rlr ll wh cht s
8(111 U INTAiLKSi .
it ' icnne teditwiht he Carnelit I it -i
lttte > t i u j c f c n i e a
1ttrs toitiglt iii e r i 1 11111I ii 1111o
MadttthistitutinlwI elt 1d1e111
aC'tedtnuhitoricat ot:cone Itto
t- le iresea ci n general.ait s 11 of
tittoki d o nertitti N utltsi r- f 1 ' ill -,
OttItt1 ill 11to ll t sttittrti l and
11111 hil Ii it i ii i-it It ttliti 1it tltitttiutitiliti'icit'aciiioiottanti
I IlwtltrI I'iitit0 ul.6 iiin. hsn trli 45 \h( alt itt I lC, tirm- r 11111 ' I tii111 Irligig ro t ittrt
iii 11 1~uuuth14e cr~lih tistihotiltehilt iii te Pit een
Ill ;i i 1 his ,t i: r igt r itdtti 14 I l i~r t lt ii 1 turng fle C ilt t ll ttrt i it k o e re ur3
itt~~~~~~~ weaknessit I tti itit andutt hinsnity10 i inte Pieh
in e s n. Ile f lwiii tutu ed iti
it rtit a pt 3 I 'rig t ufare- 11111111of 1 e nr H v i takien ct i one tien
iii tot 111th iiiill llefti I tihtogt+ot ot tra ethy o
arm, d liIi.l13.6t11.:t of llsi charai t er. hak speaeuriit. tt d o te
it' lu iltpitti gritatstrcthrtictr titty test
lit I.: ef Ititi >. in :Iefitaf. "f thet 's r c r i l-01too yards. i ttu lt uultg l toieou ti h
-1'h( oloiveres t h gant rae dyutitt
't i . I ul c . . 11111' 373.i t} - ' lii ;ea ;m \tit e1la ' uIllu lthose he t titt writtniu To t o a t i
I 1 I t itittiI t il I tl I ra, call-caiut lArc ic al , h
liltI tut iii; gett esuti chtict er aof dhtehst-1
Itctill till t *11ititt 1t tlt11 t iml et ie
I' SI 3 1;'1'i1i E i i I ; t ;i i itac torthan t i ~l.!I ituillt, 11 the v rettannericoncitab-ou
Malin u I titoi11:,tcla neiti111whittulitit ithe earliet cllm ntator
P~ 11 '' -~ t-ttu o ithi ~ -attttti itt Iitr noPt thoIitroh a n sta i noth-
1ll ow~s 'IsOtt iil it ti-iof tie c - silti i t' 1at11m fiheiig ind o llcit I iuttt il il ti ert wtt tu
stlt i lli 111111 ii iii t tuty hit I ii 111 11 tootte d ii t ilat ttuttilwa iii ti i ui e t rst i ttuttg hicth iutothe d aym a tit
lhu"Me wilh tten h il ot wet ernii h lt 11 111 11 itt iito i iiho ucin. Iit, h
it -t t i i s. i l in-tt of I t ilt Iwho it tcarr ied ite t hit<1ietd1i
il r.jIL~ottiith westies wth te perplxiscng
last i IyIelr.Latva-s s8 hoo11110 l ous 11 iut iye htulihe t Ill'it i one tir tti ti
thi yer~sinn~r eam I'l vry oad to tcii 1t ity fio-,i tei i Ii t wo years, taii ieini I lthis commitaieti of tegota
wtr . O ttn" i1t i it.1. L1 ttt li(s c li t!it II n i tt-ss, 1wa s ' i yo trrce t tli Oitedi, to e
1111' riftlt ii ttttl tough Ite}I a a~ d t ik scp hnn aigI cruthlifit oe v h r epuiit teea tritue stud
idut u'tu'tuiui. t liis l -ttip; we l t h d utu \ttit i niti itttt'lpttain t iett utcc1 rac .tmther stanl ss." e'I his o pr psegi itt
I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fe tit t'g-t-tot iitt tiiI~~lt-uitit tithe ghstha tiott s e forfe
situ-ilmatialuttatiuhat i mprovedgihtlittiIt I aull Indc Itntil rly 1111111 1in 1te illl-it idrt o ~ ~eat o
tally11 i team tI I-k it- hItt ati' tiI i lt s h eyi isi tint titt1)ff h d ur er pi the, indtt hue se thve
- I rtl.i ttttit 1 I ' i- l-a4.
C hi s lit amei ito e t he11 ir11stIf hei Xsaillied for saho di t l t it(:last i iii n s i ti Ttu. t tl uot m jsi
se ist ft iliii t tit tiiit a k tal intr , ea11111 If ttle eti sn(1h ad o flanit-ot ec t11es 1th illscrt wi t tra e
t ucn N is 1111Nt itwil tiu~hl tille of tgiea ti lt it tu a tlu c l~l c was1111 ti iti tu i t. mcet- n i t atires rmutos a oth
teet hut isiame i liotli 1o 11pen t hef VrIllle h s ben se (f ti ic ntiat hceso aitnitt reviatg it at--
Si ttittic. io r rttty ii tonsert ithopassage
puit o lu ihtitt i t IwI'itititrei I lliton sts Iltit tiittttitattsat hue could har
11i tpl t S-lt-itdn.otl l ttw lu ii 11111 i i ti- p Nm ci t toilco crerhartdghe a
1111 utttt K I in toof the Ivo t ifis f track a t Ittaiolte tuwtls wipth fthepaudeine
k ~ i lilt I I tSC. R I I S E . ip I hpu p s he i co el d to f gn md ll i in ht uiti ten t l l I i lrc ac \ t - itt iii n u h e l s t d k p h n
ii wuuotuhfctht tttt h ls