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December 16, 1909 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-12-16

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The Mlichiigan Daily

Vol.. XX.

,\NARBOR, lMICHIGAN, T it IISiIA Y. DSCi2MIti( Z 6, it)

be ,,toen forl alStep ist , with
lI1NIO1NIHAS PRESENTEDllhal ivl t the oi per tai istIllt:hs
Koanzaland, Though Bristling with "Hits," Scores ctilrictc opetics"to'h oi"1
Greatest Success with Clever ]M'Jusic and Dancing ''cla a111 111t, '1neidatII
--Crowded House Attests Merits by Enthusiastimult; it t ii tsti( 'iilii"

li.i' liiiiiiors (iKahn- \i it.), Colleg Mn
Setmtnariii Giris, Ii tilt i i rl? aniditti I ig'iitt'ttts
Friedl i'Miarijor iedClitrus
tick, Slit, ) D tris liandiSyilt
Fred Marori n thotus
is. it utiis 1111/ i iii Mitirie:)
to. IpeigtChi rsi' tcttt- - -~-kiiti ) . lrt ai
.huJstEessh. SMoean) oits'antuCiioruts
13. 1 iht {ic t tu Ki --citiiiii'. . . . .it Ta y

Koanzailadis a 1 iigtc "tim h.Gv
itlicti 6w 51aise t te Nititii-utt I I1
Cuiiture iititmist ihe coiutcisitiaitldii
iatet i pot I it s cipsed iiitsiprec esso rs.l1'
'iiThereis sitapi il hit lisork tt iof tt tor s
tu hat itiscie i r tiiiititho the t p r tsiotnal
itagei Ihhimiiic altrc in hut1 ciiie1 oct
coos etitencein t ei ieniituiasitill recep
stirnacoriid111dticm cytti adeneta
princiis w(rN ofsititit meits-
evt i th atiii ii t to mitkelti t'" play
sioedth o t ilt ililicchi it
116 li ii'gth 1tiiiis iii 0, ii tts sthe
op criwastheso ctet ifIrilert I srleitbyit
" i s ( N w o n o x . I h c e re t itt lr u s tb l its i t 'l lsieiuti g tl e stilt r
Michigai stude ls.T it orkin tistc
igtht e ltigtully e sti sng
nuir , JutDys" tigl it rthem
te ])itie~s tits Nis i and tilt iftyc
im iirt s iict 1'' ti it ii li i g
tfns 'slitf A c t ttt ih itt iGoodbye
.rIl(]tieiihaic trIsongt"1sssligt,"susslg
inoectirtio ic citiiiic ti itsti itga R wel, s
thebestit .ii "111M ih i ltsSoiye
i1sdircciiottiptiii larii ece ofts r
sthaliiht haien ffredbithe U11111,1 p
ei'i.cfteriic uck"11d0111 li adiee
encors, th stag Was lar i t itoiihe
abuttetetrtiCanndikitill tne
TheiusienseKiig -it mad ith Jokys'scaiitheo
clmven sts cifthiegcioifeat. lliultr
'lTechorus, ci fcrocioius handtiof canniii-
bais, tiale antt femualiiiitihis sceie,

scrd m e itlyis isicciilt iditihe
th sis iiie ott o u nisi. silc li
11he 1co 1111icg Iic tillitithe ois r
tics ted t ex1pectationis oftce ie
auienc bi111 ut ltiost'deistind fo h
me bri ft he ittl t maet he111 i ipi
per ic fo eind11utucluebooks,
h-a is teiiwar througtile cliiist
T e wee cladi iiiilihe ii stfa tsi
Nttstncd "' 1111,1 11111fli111111 its
way 1itotheiiheart ofIlllthe tpublic iastse
s 'tag 11111urn ih',1 'wthilit it 010r~i1 t n te acllpn ig zu
fit he til i morteli tan i 111yti t g've icle
From t t hi tistandpiniitsftilts scilcic l
1111111alipresntationiThet P oleriiWay
cipal, "Bu k,' '"lit 11"1111s," ndi
sit s it neitu oStelvery s ti
iillseo ea
Nit cCCoIiilc n terola 11 iiitdd m e, Ci-i
titld "Ctllege' itys", iss suntg fromti
"Val WisoIs andtil l " 'i ''es ciI asiitill
heroe so f stheii playi "Buck" 'andi "Slit',''
'i~t Isi s IDhuts" '1a111 1'ig'ari
i>w s ''Fritz "Ta11111we11110indtit-
ciduat tais oftil e still , thouhioii
clitit 51w Is t fwoi' i ts 11,' tilii' csti
that iitt sies i unf1110itiiv e11111moe reit.t
in on illsretilntanianther.iiNo11111
of 11111prinipals111 fa idtolist the hig
sndtviually they 1 received itheilot
l1-eis t paise st ipll tite 1111 S ide ii. io
Too c mugch siaissseiantitibsihex tnud
ltecits-c s t oit fitiite, ic iticita' d tii e-
witerlg's ofithel'rigst d o. EatiliVt

i lli ci i I lit ll is tisi is I l~rr
(OnIe lah rtti te ilt'rofgn e21 me
attni~s iflat ii'i sai encet cai ll
taken s a s : t ero . 'rm is iiim
tiad fearedi asmalliIt use fo t iltopen-
iIp r~i na cla il'h xc.o

Michigan to be Absent From Con-
ference Council.
Ic iesn'stttiis'csfritillthe " ig;i Plitti''
csolg's isill tico ini Cicg.t, looiil
23t taslitthelicusua'libusiss tanil it
Icingnicein sceduln tialtme ithsi
IM ilttiga.tt Iics atlsociicthaMn
nesta stil scetils ;bakes tiCstittisst
'se h e ti s tliii ls t ith igan stilts10 I
iii tills itas1nt otke ay(teptilo r
iii''a repsentaii iiati thesConferecelIti
liht ,liciga''' th's leti 'ssosctitosh is u
slIt ills cinteciest i theicoingtiti" ii c1
155, althougsit''ii is pio abet a t th e lii tti
tccc eprittves11'il tt ci
itsl itheitiroIlliby 11liii it i'si gan'' can
'lthut stgh I sutsofI is('ithe cit-tn c c l-c
us, isto saic fosi' gis ti ut ,liciganit is
11j111 Ifl's ist th tt ip-lus ill leta e 1
to uisuret'h li "ussitilits' f _M ih ignt's
gcttitg g'.in u n tit l c tdcides to1stbsitt
1 usertan r ls's'' presn-c-ttic-d itt
tstbl.T his meanll s tstusc'swsill igo
it record'i;s bein poed o thtaic-
iiig table, wich Nihian deem'ttsttc'cs-1
:aitsaiduich liiiishelosuuldl not gisett
us tilt aii 't'tre ui ts ight
Ni 11111 tillhils tootn 1 0 stl' o til' 51
Michiga ;std st iacnc'st ur
min ofts iteIi otecrithmitunucludiing' Wis-
- s iuuld tstIllitutus, have expr'itIessed'th
hc' httames migtibeticrcuted01iA's
lo'sihgts n'ewspapuuer' rceports it islthe
opninut thei Cicautgo cmptusthat uif i
Nlici'hig'anusseu klils cus tlict usftilla'r'cr
teautus it sill mec'tnt te fia 1 lisutuion
of is'uthe ore'iic. It hutcaea"i
Minsoa isconinicand'Ii lliois',
oudil all psualtibesiformed.uu ha itt
wmdlaelulla Iniana 'uuu osthwtitus
pitrt Coa0, SiitaSi-is wtilinto li 51toi
exti ouu is i m ii he natural sutl l iiid
thistitundtert hils tubisndthey ove i ,
it sen, 'tdeitithail tsh i ,ll te ls
sot of-schis upre st pi uer sinll t list
N'ru'litills sill b is i towstartar-
u'.sug'i ic'shiiga"'s uschtiedule u t lite
1111 hoclidayis andthenluteitacstsilsl
Ie dra'its 155as 15111iyis psibe
to-sut rhasi o Do r Klulssill
ditiretor, cang40itore cliesitoi tlt bookh
1rotic-cc' us ','here s uit~o e bookti
Tiy cand-idasii tsi,1ualluhaes tauitlidtuforl
posiitior i tecat-husl o't osutheu
mae iats luciusoily uprmsing.
itt'.ccI as- '' h e t iholintg'inteies''t
ini Roomtt isK , tutuversi it ll uit 1111111
usulsonihestill meel1tilcadiates atit
,,istubsnis uiin.ut us t 's situ lit gs'ite
11111s ise, ican id s i lbegit n a
titus tile d siethutrylit r

N o 60
Jniversity's Large Attendance
Will Be Accommodated in
New Auditorium.
: ilthtilt" noit fi il i ii ton h
scull rece il bi i ver 110 sity1' tt oi'us'
inead t h nc auditiu m1111 ii -i
tcsothe factucty ee sstrc ha tlthes
repotltis authetiuc and regard-'-l-utRoiucut
A'S ytte sye o h l rii iiithiit its
seating sctutciy uusuloucatin h inic l
it, b the generalini on i., heldithaito
tiill 1ieterccs dsuonit pr'operuty' tutu tieit
bt' theU 0, tuusit
Just titha tli i dntfic thptill
ent lhId siit ll hsiatsitsi uch
co trnina smtuch a s it is siu itwo l
tilt II hill Sodchill} Smithsid
"Rgt lulituadlotenite0111esscd thu
deic tustoucsome hu csubisanutalit'
thinkitewiin tut11-1su1t it susuulu its
One o stheites hich is avausilableh dis theu
an Ttayer, b11ut as y ti lantsothsit
ken onidre ince tficialotihc
Itas tushtuencustcs us it
Icosdrtic neii udiutortitum a1mstius
vaube ast t t hut111 , tisiy s ait.
culet Pic. Ii still sleon111ofsthelt
itrtutioltmisofsai ngcthug largiat-' i
tedatil om ece et.lIt ius it lt
ci sits tll
11. 5fl'sgits id: ''To siles usici
scnt preslntlith sciss frtutueiiites
audittiit iiti aebthttownsits byli h e tl i-c0 t
ves-cc. Theon 1i ustwich itusasen
caliled'lt hutoilow'sandtheticotherits
1latut no lusts li d by Weis iNssi t ll I be-
liie thaututheiWst hut land cusc-ut lt be
u 11 lcu '' a luseter ad list.age with ,ani
auditor1 iilitiiisitmthn o t rice 1t ilthi lust
vritylutIis toslutditviedupfor tc lssl
ts liht titit stw tii iho t tiii illotia
I'of~stu.. taney i igh tl
plea sd i ttiltheliing51111"gill. (Olut-is'
geii"it ctusisa lieting 'iisoCcthu 'i-
SEINiIR IllS 1,10,
cupedth mstoftsate lhnonofthe
senorli cas t t t u ir ets ciiig N' cl
ticsd afeno. Scsct page'Sser
roscsecl inthe 'usuh utsseto r okwic hl
uwill ltdettu itlfoic turetsofthesnior
nleof the fo thlltrck 1bae tll
bocys' tut an "d iir s -stb' llstil '11115 he
huchtill itnitt was1151 tu loii ut
awar the st ctrtitfor lite:lsior'ini
'dlil spit cu st il lacdin111the itut 1c
ptroves-i's anutuitttil succss's'tand a'sicudifor
ari teotut it sto sia ''u'a''ang'metsifoii
I 11111otedtiecomm-ittt htits utuority.'
the, ii' situ S-tarutu teri 'is''sva
cioni 1,ti-i ltt''gym. thDancig will
fo i 11111otd iltl tmtu' ll afi'tenoon.
o.iT I lull uill Iii 1 51 ii ,(1l,1 i-i

Thei vscal iuctiuu urcusl iby 'NitHlut
ahrnonofthis wektsshui en11o0t-
pone Is ~ticcatethe Ii i i ul - 0,ctin
Vai e tutu, cIto11401Hartutudiandi ittlu ii
legiate'desctsournaut nt onhu tltIjcottuci
"i,-tutAnd 4.

:siphatI alI )1it -
'sti lts Iii


For hil ts ' cc aescett-ultc
t11c511th ilt 111 1 littut, Iandihi i
Kapa u uI SguIIte I . hePlladtiumii
lutwist liii 11111"I11 til ii sill inot stirt till
afe lic io'lsuias.
ifthe Vii slii is lit tus, Spitl XT i11 -1
''lu-s'-umc ltsliomthe iianSults, t tutu
I ti 'su t liii' I c
it'l 1 X1 10' tl -ilCit,-ii MSCl 4 t I t

siem~ trtu Ions uttliew sfro g'a.11. N'hill' '0, U 1111' R1NCS ts
iCttustitTI lt'1 1 Ii si-u c- - 8.nagr sti dttuwi ir i t outu rit y 11
"Conurnlticn : Icsi ancc toIcelNIt otu i a 0, uuuc zn us ensit
Gilt I )r.s1stran toStithues week to llt 15itslmembers iand .thei
Tt~erulsi i a idiid alp.s. Io' r0, di n gis hltthti ' on ciets ci
Von s lsit uusus S ilrt r ut ' lnii i5 111116 in i itusrep-
tr~rI c totus'I utucutrrrc ii tr( t ol o t's c r-it s''" oe ciaIhouse.
NI spittiuu--" o 's it , tutttcirtousit-iii tuuO u st .

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