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April 15, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…MAIL $2.00 I 14 1 C" h Tilclsol " e 1 l 9 an Da',r4,-ily LOCAL 1.50 MAIL $2.00 I K 1 11 r Moog No. 134. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY. APRIL, 15, 1913. PRICB FIVICENTS Y HITS ERADE IN DIXIELA'Ni Men lit .500; Four, .400; and Only Two are Below .20, McQueen and Rogers Are Leaders. [ MEN hAVE A PERFECT PERCENTAGE IN THE FIEL11 rs Also Leads Regulars in Ti: Department, Having Oly One Error. THE WEATHER MAN L'as- et for Ann Aobr...…

April 15, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…THEi MICHIGAN DAILY t Spring Woolens' Largzst Assortment in the City Readly for Your inspection, ILDi CO. 31 1 S.'State' Street oat nnis aka gents for the H. C. Lu Slotted Throat Teluii i; 1Rackets. We knue irmudcI; worth looking at before nark ingy.'uv purchase TENNS ALLS )it.-onCha'npionship, Ayers Celebrated 13a14 -Goc rich Balls d .ainionhp 3alls. All goods guaranteed. - A&F4 ~~s3tdena * BEooketore ENTI LITY at asset. Yo might be pas...…

April 15, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…THE IJICHIGAN TDAILY. Should See em Pefore Going on Your Cpring Vacation. i's and Women's High Grade Shoes and ords. Also a full line of Rubber Soles at ILMOR E SHOE COMPANY QUALITY SHOP 119 SOUTH MAIN Formerly WM. P. Purfleld, Inc.a P~lace of ?'iwe nts /, 1, FT, lllb L 41 ae, FJri h iaIr- C re ..zn mna~d Soror ties O AI 4STR ET Iyp writer Repaa.ori at Phoe 1361-L I wHil moot or beat any price ma Ia o A a typewriter, saIe Or ental...…

April 15, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

…THE VICHIGAN DAILY 'SI Going Away? Vacation? Go away like a Prig ce You can do it for a Mod ra e price. . ' . j ":y - i o , !it ' % - - { 3P I > i i '' i / % ' {! :, °w° %. ymr ;.r,, ; , ! , y 'i 'd % A suit shaped and d a ie d to fit only you and tailored-to-m asue in accord with your own ideas by our expert tai- .lormen, will cont-ibu' te y ti pleasure and profit. That very best girl t i ome has an eye for the fellow witli mar, tailored...…

April 15, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…1 'I Pd ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1914. ITY'IO SEND OUT 0 ZOOLOGY EXPEDITIONS .1.1 1 Michigan Scientists Will Gather Data For Museum in Texas and 1 South America I JL The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology will send out two sci- entific expeditions this summer, one xeland ~ight going to southwestern Texas, and the )n other to Guiana, South America. The members of the South American, CHICAGO GIVES OPERA TROUPE DIG ...…

April 15, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…F 1 14 1 Vl igan f ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1914. r 1 i , i EEP NINE AMOND TJEACllING APPOINTMENTS ANNOUTNCED BY COIMMITTEE Applications for this year's gradu- ates are coming in to the teacher's ap- pointment committee in large num- bers, The committee announces the fol- lowing appointments since March 1: W. E. Parker, Flushing, Supt.; Harris T. Fletcher, Algonac, Supt.; Arthur G. Williams, East Lansing, Supt.; Mary...…

April 15, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

… LES 11 1 The Season is Here Again We are in a better position than ever to supply your wants is Golf We are the sole agents for the Crawford Me Gregor Clubs Come in and look them over Golf Balls are much cheaper than last year. You can buy Balls now at 50 and 66e and save money. OUR LINE IS COMPLETE SHEEH Afn" II e of Woolens elect from co . Tailors &Coo STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE 11 I NITEID LINES TIME TABLE' - - - THE MICHIGAN DAILY O...…

April 15, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…1 isplay ' STYLES INGS ING Tenis agents for the Slotted Throat Rackets Tennis Balls 3 for $1.00 any make Look over our Rackets before buying SH EHHAN'S STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE A THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich. igtn. Published every morning except Mon. day during the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan under Act of Congress of March 3, 179. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- sc...…

April 15, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

… NG OF Safety Razors Balnacaan & 0 iUITS, HATS, FURNISHINGS SPECIAL SALE Durham Duplex Demonstrator With Blades - = 35c Shaving Stick 25c ur dollars to have more trading at Wadhams & ting satisfaction with ev- BOTH FOR 35c While they last Ikins' Pharmacy for Spring. Also a full line of the most up-to-date hats and caps. Don't forget to see our special shirt bargain for $1.00 Remember that we have the famous Society Brand Clothes. Come...…

April 15, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…SPRING SHIRTINGSI 11 EVERYTHING THAT IS , 'p A e English and Scotch Woolens will e found this Spring, for the first time, the medium as well as higher priced tein-Bloch Smart Clothes. new Tariff makes this possible. loseness to the foreign markets makes Le Stein-Bloch showing most compre- ensive. Why not take the tip ? Balmacaans in all the few colors. Just received, a full line of soft, negligee shirts for Spring and Summer wear. We h...…

April 15, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…U E" DON'S KODAKS, II III for that "Spring Fever" is a a lI I yy 1 FILMS, LM Ii- Amateur finishing 719 N. University Ave. Saturday, April ARTHUR HAMMERS' EDITH TI ed Suit W HEAVY HITTING MAICHIGAN NINE IS SUCCESSFUL (Continued from page 1.) weak at the bat. Hippler caught Sis- icr the two full games the Michigan leader twirled. The official batting records of the Michigan squad on the trip, not includ- ling the Notre Dame game MT...…

April 15, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

…BALLET PUMPS LYNDON'S KODAKS, !MAJESTIC FILMS, Mal Are Best for the 'tango Amateur finishing 719 N. !University Ave. This Afteroono :: Tonight TRY THEM REGAL SHOES & COO 108 S. MAIN STREET ANN ARMOR SpringHats FOR IMMEDIATE WEAR, AT RICHAR DSON 115 East Liberty CAMPUIS IN BR.ITEF ---ars. H. M. Slanson will speak before the Ladies' union this afternoon on the subject of "Legends of Michigan." --Tihe condition examination in eco- no...…

April 15, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 133) • Page Image 1


April 15, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, A - ..W4. Im - r , S3Iridtian ail OFFICIAL N;WSPAPER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHGAN Published every morning except Monday luring the university year by the Board in yunttrol of Student Publications. 7 V3EM i2R OF T huI ASSOCIATED PRESS] The Associated Ires is exclusively entitled Yo the use for reublicaion of all news dis- patches credited to it or Pot otherwise credited in this paer and also the local news pub- '...…

April 15, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' yi' *1' 3< ., ','a -t,... .;rc 2 .-"e , .. RS , w« ,ni. t Ir To the ' : . ; .,: ,,.4x; r ~J... . ...t w , .. CAN'T? What, you can't Government which has made spare all yo a few )u are; you and the freedom of those that will come after your to pay you liberal interest for the no such word in the dictionary. use of Real Americans say, "I WILL." Go into this Victory Liberty Loan showed how they can...…

April 15, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…T1 I MICIGAN DAILY A? w: (/, l C - ~.._ --.__ -~'^- -- .. --. - _ _ f (" T4' rte" - _,_ _ _ :... <.... ^ , 5 -U I SPRING TRIP HELP TO BASEBALL TEAM arsity Loses All Games But Derli es God Practice in Fielding ' and Batting' [AIZE AND BR ITE (APTIAIN 1$ STAR OF ('0OIUJMBIS SERIES Michigan's Varsity basebatl trip tu olumbus during the last week was n undoubted success. Although the Wolverine men did not 'in a ingle game out of the five l...…

April 15, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 133) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . x,...,,.,.-.- . .. . . . Tennis Racket Restringing very promptly done at Wahr's University Book Store.-Adv. eWs rmTe Other Colleges Get your Daily subscription at once and get the full benefit of the reduc- I North Carolina--A student activities building in memory og its late presi- ed price.-$1.00.-Adv. dent is being planed by the Univer- sity of North Carolina. It is to con- tain club rooms for its various organ- izat...…

April 15, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 133) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 15, : O1GkELS AR K When Seeking Banking Facilities, Turn to This Bank of Efficient Service .Checking Accounts, Savings Ac- counts, Safety Deposits Vaults Travellers' Checks Drafts payable all over the world. Farmers and Mechanics Bank 101-105 SO, MAIN ST. 330 SO. iSTATE ST. (Nickels Arcade) Member of the Federal Reserve In addition to typewriters and supplies you will find a stock of FINE STATIO...…

April 15, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 133) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILN Germans Deposit $5,000,000 for Food Science has proved that newspaper Paris, April 14.-The French foreign "dvertising pays best. You can reach office was dvised today that $55,000,- all the students and faculty through 000 in gold was deposited Tuesday by, The Daily.-Adv. the Germans in the Belgian Nationall bank at Brussels. The gold is collat- I eral for the payment for foodstuffs Tenns Racket Restringing very which the a...…

April 15, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 133) • Page Image 8

…TIE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 15, e UNIVERSITY EMPLDYE SCIENCE BUILDIN'4 JANITOR HAS KNOWN CAMPUI'S A LIFE- TIME Students who are interested in trac- ing Michigan's development from 1837 up to the present time, will do well to talk to some of the few people who have seen that development. Such a one is Mr. Mills, janitor at the New Science building. Mr. Mills was born two miles south of Ann Arbor. He has lived in the vicinity all his l...…

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