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April 15, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-04-15

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MAIL $2.00


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No. 134.





Men lit .500; Four, .400; and
Only Two are Below .20,
McQueen and Rogers
Are Leaders.
rs Also Leads Regulars in Ti:
Department, Having Oly
One Error.

L'as- et for Ann Aobr-Tuesday,
fair and warmer with easterl, wind.
University Observatory -Monday,
7:00^-C p. m. temperature 40.8; maxi-
mu-, temperature 24 hours preceding,
50.8; minimum temperature, 24 hours
preceding, 33.8; average wind veloci-
ty 8 miles per hour.
t.a. I U.e 32-.Pag Memory Book ats
"SocLal Anonialy"
Final plans have been made to make
the Junior Jamboree, "a social anom-
aly," the biggest informal party this
year. The dance will be held Friday,
April 25 at the Armory, and is given
by 1914 lit and engineering classes.
Finzel's orchestra cf Detroit, will
play, and special catering services
have been engaged. A 32-page "mem-
ory bock" will be used in place of the
regulation program. The books have
been ordered from a Philadelphia
Tickets will go on sale this week
at $2.00 per couple, and may be pro-
caured from members of the social
c:mmittees. The sale will be lim-
ited to 200 couples.

Regulated Control of Supply of All
Official Headgear Preferred to
Present Plan of
Neither Body Has Proceeded Fur.


Three Canoeists Lost in Huron Two
Weeks Ago at Edison lDam
Still Elude All
f yn-imite Was Used Without Success


With a grand little team percent-
age of .325, and six Michigan players
hitting the ball at a .400 clip and bet-
ter, the averages of the Varsity base-
ball team on its jaunt into the south-
land prove a mighty interesting set of
figures. If this standard of stick
work continues throughout the sea-
son, there will be no need of com-
plaint on the ground that the Varsity
harbors a poor bunch of stickers.
Of the six men who hit .400 and
better, five of the players participated
in every game played. McQueen who
leads off the list of heavy hitters, made
five safeties in nine times at bat, for
an average of .555. As McQueen did
not. play regularly, however, the real
honor of leading swat artist falls on
the broad shoulders of Catcher "Pud"
Rogers. Michigan's backstop did yeo-
man work with the hickory with an
enviable mark of .526.
Next to Rogers in the hitting order
comes Sisler, pitcher and outfielder.
This remarkable box artist who is so
valuable to the team that he is used in
the outfield when not on mound duty,,
banged the ball at an average of .464,
withf Rogers and Sisler hitting at the
topr of the list, Michigan has a unique
duo, as it is seldom that a star battery
is also a star pair of willow wielders.
Followimg Sisler come Lavans, Bell
and Baribeau in order. Lavans hit .409
while Captain Bell and Baribea con-
nected for an average of an even .400.
While the first six men hit remarkably
well, a considerable break in the di-
minishing ratio of hitting follows.
Cory the next in order hit for .272 and
the performance of the remainder of
the team was in nowise startling. The
work of the six leading artists brings
up the club hitting to a good average,
however, and so there seems little
cause for complaint.
In the fielding line four men came+
through the trip with perfect percent-
ages. Sheehy, Gory, McQueen and
Duncanson, none of whom played the.
entire series of games., were the men
who have no errors chalked up against
(Continued on page 4.)
' -
Press Reports From Grand Rapids'
Give- Hunter Popular Victory
Over Murfin.1
Conference, pro and con, with1
Messrs. J. Murfin and Morton R. Hun-
ter, '13E, principals in the presenta-
tion, furnished fireworks of a spectac-
ular sort for the annual banquet of
the alumni association of Grand Rap-
ids held last Saturday night in the
Furniture City. Dean Effinger andt
Registrar Hall were the other speak-1
ers. 200 alumni and students attend-
ed, with the Grand Rapids club of thet
university a co-operator in the func-
The Grand Rapids press gives Hu-4
ber credit for a shade decision in the
word-fest, and opines that the senti-
ment of the Grand Rapids alumni, as
expressed in their reception of the .
speeches, is strongly "against the
state school's t1arrying any longer out-
side the ring of western college com-

Edith Wynne Matthison to Star
Medlev:: k Produ'Dion in
University Hall
Under the auspices of the Eng]
department, Miss Edith Wynne M



thison, assisted by the Ben Greet
Players, will appear in "Everyman,"
the medieval'morality play, in Uni-
versity hall Saturday night.
The production of this early form
of dramatic composition, which has
survived from the 15th century, marks
an unusual event in Ann Arbor the-
atricals, and the coming of the well
known star who originated the title
role in this country has created wide
"Everyman" was written in 1489 by
Peter Dorland, a monk of Diest, Bel-
gium, frequently produced in the
streets of European cities during the
mediaeval centuries, it met with its
first modern representation in the
old Cllarterhouse, London. During
its production in this country it has
made a stronger appeal to popular au-
The action, which takes place in the
cloister yard of Salamanca cathedral
in Spain, will be interspersed with sa-
cred choral and instrumental music of
the thirteenth century.
The proceeds of the production in
University hall Saturday night will be
devoted to the dramatic library of the
Eugene H. Wesener, '13E, of Sag-
inaw, died in St. Joseph's sanitarium
of pneumonia April 5. His illness
lasted a week, his father being with
him; while his mother, knowing noth-
ing of his death, was critically ill at
home with heart disease. The body
was taken to Saginaw for burial. Wes-
ener was a member of the Delta Chi
Jerome, '84, Represents Michigan.
Thomas S. Jerome, '84, represented
the University of Michigan at the In-
ternational conference of historians
held in London, England April 3. He
is the son of former Gov. Jerome of
the state of Michigan. Several years7
ago he devoted himself to literary;
work and has been liueng on the isl-i
and of Capri, in the bay of Naples.
Iore Pay-as-You-Enter Cars Arrive.
There are now two pay-as-you-enter1
street cars in operation on the depot
and university line, and another has
arrived and will be put into operation1
in a few days. The others are expect-;
ed at any time, having left the build-
ers at Philadelphia.

ther With Matter Than a and New Clue Proves Bodies
Discussion. Are Down River.
Regulated control of the sale of Human energy and invention has
freshman caps and class toques battled two weeks with the powers of
through some campus organization, the Huron river and the bodies of the
in preference to the present indis- three canoeists who lost their lives
in the Edison dam catastrophe of
crininate handling of these official March 30, have not yet been recovered.
head-gear by the city merchants, is a While the campus lay dormant in
reform which several students are at- I the slumbers of a vacation, parties of
tempting to work out. searchers toiled each day from early
The idea has been discussed by morning until late into the night,
both the board of directors of the vainly trying to locate the remains of
Michigan Union and by the student Ella Rysdorf, John Bacon and Archie
council, but the plans have not yet Crandall. Each day has seen no new
been worked out in a sufficiently defi- hopes until it seems that there is lit-
nite form for these bodies to proceed the chance of finding them until the
further than an informal discussion of Huron chooses to give up its prey.
the matter. For a time yesterday afternoon, the
The object of the new scheme is anxious relatives who have grown
do secure uniformity in the toques and worn with their fruitless search, were
caps, and to restrict their sale to uni- given new hope. A piece of dress,
,ersity students exclusively. It is al- bleached by the water and torn by
so maintained that by ordering in a branches, was found inathe river near
large quantity the price can be mater- Geddes. Careful examination of it
ially lowered. The merchants them- made the finders believe that it be-
selves are in favor of the plan de- longed to the unfortunate girl.
faring that itashould have been It was described to Jane Hicks, who
ais the only survivor of the canoeing
adopted long ago.,
Several different agencies have party, and she believes that it belongs
Seveal dffeent genies aveto Miss Rysdorf. The cloth has been
been suggested for the operation oftoMs ydr.Tecthasbn
the plan. That of having the Union, sent to the drowned girl's home at
the student council, or a combined Spring Lake for identification. Mean-
committee of both organizations han- while, the search will be renewed
die the matter, is the one which has with new vigor in the vicinity of the
appealed mostt strongly to the stu- spot where the dress was found.
rents interested in the movement. While there has been no lack of
As to the exact details of the plan, volunteer searchers from among the
the Dartmouth College system has students, the authorities have tried to
been suggested. Each freshman a stimulate the search by offering a re-
ward for the recovery of the bodies.
for his cap when he enters school. The Ann Arbor Civic association and
The entire supply is then ordered the Edison Company were the first to
through a dealer, and the student offer compensation for the search, and
must surrender the stub of his ticket last week they put up a reward of
to secure his cap. Thus none but $100 for the recovery of the three
students obtain the official headgear, bodies. This was increased by $20
and the caps themselves are of uni- yesterday; $50 to be given to the find-
form style and quality. ing of the first body, and $35 for each
Edward Saier, '15L, recording sec, of the other two.
retary of the Union, said that while Dynamite was used early last week,
the matter was brought up at a meet- by special permisison from the state
ing of the directors some time ago authorities. The only result was a
it was presented in an unofficial way cloud of mud and several fish. Every
and that there was no record of the nook and corner of the river from
discussion on the minutes. "If the the spot where the tragedy occurred
merchants are in favor of the plan I to the boat house dam has been thor-
can see no objection to it," he said, oughly dragged and gone over several
"except that the comparison between times with bright search lights. A
Dartmouth and Michigan is not a le- net has been stretched across the river
gitimate one." at Ypsilanti, to prevent the bodies
The suggestion that the Union take from being washed farther down
charge of the sale of class toques and stream., for it seems likely now that
fresh caps was brought up at a meet- all three are far below Ann Arbor.
ing of the board of directors some The dams are being watched and
time tago," said George S. Burgess, nothing is being left undone that
'I mT, "t.- sa id G eor ge S . ur gess, m ight help to find the three.

Librarian Theodore Koch will inau-
gurate the past-va~ation extension
lecture program in Detroit Wednes-
day. Prof. Albert A. Stanley will
speak at Milford, Prof. Williamr D.
Henderson at Wyandotte, Dr. A. S.
Warthin at Chelsea, Prof. Audrey at
Grand Haven, Prof. Solomon Ginger-
ich at Scottville and Prof. Calvin 0.
Davis at Bad Axe on April 18. Prof.
Gingerich will lecture at Newaygo and
Port Huron will hear Prof. Davis
April 19. The lectures for this month
will close with lectures by Prof.
Thomas E. Rankin at Wyandotte,
Prof. Alonzo S. Berry at St. Louis,
and Prof. Robert M. Wenley at Pon-
tiac on April 25.
Fresh Lits to Dance at Union Friday.
Fresh lits will give a dance at the
Union on Friday night at 8:30 o'clock.
A three piece orchestra will furnish
the music. An effort will be made to
have something new in the way of
programmes. Chaperones are Pro-
fessor and Mrs. Hugo P. Thieme and
Mr. F. G. Tompkins and Miss Mary
Thiell. Admissions can be secured
from members of the social committee
at $1.00 each.


Alumni of Windy City Send Delegate
to Ann Arbor to Negotiate
Trip Proposed For
Next Month.
Faculty Preliously Has . Approved
Ietroit Trip, But Plans
Were Upset.

Civc Association Begins Plans For
Larger Quarters to Accommodate
1,000 Students.
Plans are tow under way to con-
struct a new building to house the
University School of Music with ac-
commodations for 1,000 students and
five teaching and practicing studios.
At the annual meeting of the Ann
Arbor civic association last weekp
Prof. E. C. Goddard,, of the law de-
partment, was appointed chairman of
a committee to look into the matter of
the- new building, and to cooperate
with the University Musical society.
The present quarters of the school
on Maynard street and the annex,
have ceased to be adequate. In the
comparatively brief existence of the
school it has had a remarkable
growth, having an enrollment for the
present year of more than 500 and a
faculty of 30. It has also come to be
recognized as one of the most im-
portant and widely known institutions
of its sort.
The present building was built 20
years ago by the School of Music
building association, a stock company
organized for the purpose. The mon-
ey was furnished by various people in
exchange for stock, but they were
practically contributions as no div-
idends were to be paid. At the pres-
ent time more than two-thirds of the
stock has been surrendered, but in
order to use the building as an asset;
it will be necessary to get the permis-
sion of the other original stock hold-
ers or their heirs.
As soon as the stock is obtained
the committee will select a site and
formulate plans for the building.
Miss Polly Wheeler, '14, 204 N. State
street, died at a hospital in Philadel-
phia on April 5 from typhoid fever
after a week's illness. Miss Wheeler
was visiting a sister when she was
suddenly taken with the illness that
resulted in her death. The funeral
services were held at the family home
on Wednesday.
Miss Wheeler was compelled by ill
health to give up her scholastic work
at the end of her sophomore year, but
she still retained her interest and ac-
tivity in many campus activities, espe-
cially the Y. W. C. A. and the Wom-
en's league.
She was well known and popular
with her classmates, not so much due
to her social activities as to her re-
markable character. Her unselfish-
ness and whole heartedness won for
her many friends who were severely
shocked by the news of her sudden

Michigan alumni in Chicago, acting
through S. E. Thomason, '04, have in-
vited the Union to present "Contrarie
Mary" in Chicago during May. The
Senate Council will be asked for per-
mission to accept the invitation at a
meeting this week at which the mat-
ter will probably be taken up. The
privilege of going to Detroit was
granted earlier in the year, but plans
miscarried and the trip was given up.
The Chicago Alumni association
held a banquet on April 2 attended ty
522 alumni at which time a commit-
tee was appointed to invite the opera
to come to Chicago. In view of this
action Mr. Thomason came to Ann Ar-
bor last week and presented the for-
mal invitation. Should arrangements
go through this will be the first time
a Union opera has been presented
outside of Ann Arbor.
It is not known here w"hat business
arrangements have been made for the
presentation but it is likely that the
trip will be self supporting. The date
will probably be sometime in the mid-
dle of May and the show will take
place in the Illinois theater.
There are 125, people connected with
'Contrarie Mary," in various capaci-
ties as members of the cast and com-
mittees. The matter of taking care
of so large a company presents a big
problem and it could not be learned
whether the plans are to take every-
body or not. The Union owns all the
scenery and costumes needed for the
show, which makes the arrangements
in this particular comparatively sim-
ple. The minimum of local atmos-
phere about this year's opera increas-
es, to a great extent, its worth for
outside production.
The fact that over 500 alumni were
enthusiastic about- bringing the opera
to Chicago practically insures it plen-
ty of support, if plans should carry
for taking the trip. Whether or not it
becomes a reality depends upon the
decision of the Senate Council.
Prof. C. L. de Muralt finished first
in the Michigan preliminaries to the
National fencing championship held
yesterday afternoon. , Professors R.
Talauion and S. W. Lockwood tied for
second place in the foil. The duelling
sword contest was won by Paul Reig-
hard with Professor de Muralt second
and Hayden third.
Professor de Mu'ralt will represent
the Michigan Division in the National
championships next Thursday and
Friday in New York City. This tour-
nament also decided the Michigan
state championship in foil and duel-
ling sword. There were no out of
town entries. *The sabre contest will
be held later.

.0 itws norman y presenec
as the suggestion of some one outside
the board, I believe. The general sen-
timent of the board seemed to be that
the matter was not strictly within the
field of the Union."
Howard Wilson, '13, acting presi-
dent of the Union, stated that the pro-
posal was layed aside owing to the
press of other matters, and would
probably not again be considered until
after the opera business was com-
plet'ed. "The question of class toques
and freshman caps also came before
the student council," he said, "but
principally in another form. The
problem of defining who was entitled
to wear the different toques, and the
selection of departmental colors was
the principal one. I believe that the
different plans could be profitably dis-
cussed by the council."
The storekeepers brand the toque
business as a nuisance, and are more
than willing that the students take
charge of it. The merchants declare
that it is impossible to prevent the
sale of toques to school children un-
der the present promiscuous handling
by whoever cares to lay in a stock.

Mrs. H. C. Hutchins, wife of the son
of President H. B. Hutchins, died last
Friday afternoon at her home in New
York City.
Mrs. H. B. Hutchins and her sister
Miss Crocker have been visiting her
in New York for some time and Pres-
ident Hutchins went east about a week
ago, when she was in a critical con-
The funeral was held yesterday and'
the President will return to the city
today, but Mrs. Hutchins and Miss,
Crocker will remain in New York for
some time.
Hugh Chalmers to Speak Tonight
Hugh Chalmers, president of. the.
Chalmers Motor Car company of De-?
troit, will address the members of the
Commerce club at the Union tonight
at 7:30 o'clock. The subject of his
talk will be "Selling and Advertising."'

The senate passed the bill propos-
ing a constitutional amendment that
will permit students away from home
to vote, almost without discussion or
opposition.. Before being passed,
however, it was amended to also in-
clude members of the legislature.
The amendment was designed to
benefit those members of the legisla-
ture from the upper peninsula who
are unable to get home to vote. It
provides that a constitutional amend-
ment shall be submitted to the people
in 1914.

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