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January 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…ch igan Da y L ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, 1912. AVIATOR DEFIES REPORT EVINCES still considerable misun- egarding the date that the res must be in for the an. By the action of the ntrol of Student Publica- onday, the date that all t be'in the hands of the extended to February 15. ne dollar will be charged res inserted on or before and those submitted be- t.ry 1 and February 15 will ne dollar and twenty-five aphers are date...…

January 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

… iL'vf I Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day, throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. Waliter HL Towers. BUSINESS JMANAGER Albert IL IWiley Editorts, .....Harry Z. F012 thiareby. Students at Michigan are prone to overlook the opportunities that are presented here in Ann Arbor in the contemplation of thos...…

January 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…1. 3. ialLGH t - .N li1tLY . . __ APPEARED BEFORE PRES. TAFT I . M ss Isabella Kizer Played in Open Air Production White House Lot on Few actresses' are so favored as to have the opportunity of playing before the President of the United States, yet Miss Isabelle Rizer, who will play the role of Charlotte Verrinder in "The Magistrate" had this distinction short- ly before entering the university. The Coburn Players, portrayers of Shakes- ...…

January 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…A. 'e's who ," i Tug M1OHIGAN4 DAILt COHEN IS MICHIGAN'S ST KNOWN ACTOR ally good actor"- Mart." It was a part which gave great i, in the dialect opportunity for clever acting and none m fame in college who witnessed a performance of. that pus opinion of Ar- play can forget the manner in whicb carries the role of "Art" portrayed the serious minded Coming to Ann Ar- son of an English manufacturer who ff western coast of agreed to impersonate...…

January 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 77) • Page Image 5

…* * * * *. CALENDAF -"The Debts You Forget,"N,~ erry Hall, 3:00 p. m, -Junior Engineer dinner at sew- the* CLASSIFIED ADS. Advertising matter for this classifed column must always be paid for in advance, and may be left att the IJAILY o.fufice op- polite the Maajestic between the 'hour11- of 13 noon and 11) p. an., or at Quarry's Drug Store, N. LUniversit3 and State, at any timue up to :330 p. na. *These Ads bring Results. # y c * * * * ...…

January 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 77) • Page Image 6

…J white $shoe 'T ities r I MUSIC- AND DIAMA I Symprhony O@rchestra Cocet . They=University Symphony Ouches. tra under .the direction of Samuel P.' Lockwood, will give its second a acert p1f the school year,tomorrow night in, the High School Hall. But two nim- bers will make ipp te program, Beeth- orven's wonderfully melodic sixth sm- phony, commonly known as the "Pas-; 11rale " and Schumnkn's -concerto in A aIninr.'Albert Lockwod wille A ...…

February 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…e Michigan I i ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1912. ing given to general revision of re- quirements, the present was held to be a convenient time to take up this other matter. Another "special order" is to be pre- sented at the faculty meeting tonight, from the administrative board of the Graduate School. It proposes the adoption of a resolution that members of the various departments of the Uni- versity, of Senate rank, b...…

February 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 91) • Page Image 2

…aper at the DAILY University I of Michilgan. Published every morning except Mon- day througLout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- ,really made things worse because the bor, Michigan, under Act of gress of March 3, 1879. Con- 14 MANAGING EDITOR. Walter H. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert R. Dilley work seems to have been done on the bias and the grade is now down and assists a person to fall. But this is not the wor...…

February 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…==== I down Ualh I I A Having existed for these many weeks in anticipation of a suffragette uprising and still retaining an un- punctured cuticle we are inclining to the conviction that somebody hung something on the industrious but gul- lible repertorial person who frequents the haunts of the university woman- hood in the interests of truth and light, and who wandered into the sanc- tum with tidings that a suffrage league or something...…

February 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 91) • Page Image 4

…DlAILY . Chopin . Chopin Mrs. Edwin Sherrill accompanist. sex- The Cburn Players. rahms The Coburn layers the only organ- (alle- ization before the public today pre- dagio;senting classic masterpieces of the lighter order, are to be seen at the .Wood, New Whitney theater Tuesday, Feb- ruary 20. owsky In bringing to the local stage pro- Grieg ductions of Shakespeare and the clas- Kaun sic drama, the Coburn Players are said to perform a useful...…

March 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…Michigan Daily $' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1912. UAL FRENCH PLAY GIVEN ON THURSDAY, MARCH 28.' Will be Chosen as Soon as Eligi- bility Can Be Deter- ' mined. .e annual French play will be giv- y the Cercle Francais on 'hurs- evening, March 28, at the Whitney ter. Although the performance is nonth earlier this year than usual, arsals have been under way for e time, and the production is al- y well on the road to final per- o...…

March 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…THU MICHIGAN DAILY IIGAN DAILY Destructive criticism is easy. Noth- ing is more so, and this varietyof crit- Indoor Al wspaper at the University of Michigan. every morning except Mon- ughout the school year. the Post Office at Ann Ar- r, Michigan, under Act of Con- ess of March 3, 1879. I MANAGING EDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert E. Dilley , icism is valueless unless it presents a 1 better solution than the one offere...…

March 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

…Society Hears Jackson Dentist Dr. C. J. Lyons of Jackson, address- ed the Senior Dental Society at its meeting last evening on the subject of "Congenital Cleft Palate." jUNIVERSITY CALENDAR March 14.-Senior Law dinner at the Union, 5:30 p. M. March 16.-Wilson Club smoker at the Union, 8 p. mn. March 16.-Women's Fancy Dress par- ty at Barbour gymnasium. March 18.-Fourth Round in the Union Bridge tournament, 7:30 p. m. March 19.-Senior Engineer ...…

March 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 116) • Page Image 4

…TH* MICHIGAN DAILY I. Cross Lectures on Painting R. Cross's lecture on "Paint- aly" last evening at the High uditorium completed the Ann t Association's series of lec- the "Evolution of Painting." is. You oth we ive you* AR LOUD TALK, SIX ORATORS TO TALK IN CONTEST Oratoricat Association to Hold 22nd Annual Meeting Saturday Night ALL JUDGES HAVE BEEN SECURED The twenty-second annual contest of the Northern Oratorical League will take place ...…

May 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…0 ran U 0 SDAY, MAY 14, 1912. YEAR BOOK GOES ("ION EL SATl 400) ON SALE TODAY Copies of the 1912 Michiganensian Arrived by Express Yesterday. ice Pledges Every in TWO DAYS.I PRICE OF $2.50 IS UNCHANGED. Weather permitting, the Nineteen- pleted for the held 01 ing to held in e pers ah ruan R. Mott, ged in two days e that is being I by the Y. M. C. e addresses on the world fam- oter started the support for the Busrah medical n th...…

May 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…I, 'AIL 1'ICIHIGAN DAILY Newspaper at the University of -Xlchlgan., .ed every morning except Mon- throughout the school year. I at the Post Office at Ann Ar- Michigan, 'under Act of Con- of March 3, 1879. gress - )TANAGENG EDITOR. Walter K. Towers BUSINESS MANAGER Albert It. Pisy TUESDAY, -AIAY 14, 1912. e of :ets cof STORE state AT Night Edlor-Fred B. Foulk. Pick the Right Man. A new executive will be chosen on Saturday, May 18, t...…

May 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIOIAN DAILY I DECIDE UPON FINAL PLANS FOR WOMEN'S FIELD DAY.1 Evening Program Will Be To That of Last Year. Similar style :es up to Note the A pfel ...... es, ckbs arties now and get your Call 570-L I+V Final plans for the Women's Field Day were decided upon at a meeting of the League board in Barbour gym- nasium Saturday morning. The ev- ening program will be similar to that of last year. The seniors in caps and gowns wil...…

May 14, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUM . M .7 ST. lished 1872 1 FRESH MAY GET AN OUTDOOR MEET First Year Mein May Compete in a Dual: Contest With Ann Arbor High School._ WILL PROBABLY COMEL MAY 25. The freshman track athletes who have felt rather neglected so far this) year may be afforded an opportunity' for an outdoor meet some time in the near future if present negotiations are successful. As recently announced the negotiations with Toledo Central h...…

November 14, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…LOCAL AT YOUR DOOR $2.50 The Michigan Daily L nAILED ADDRES 'I I NY PRICE FIVE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY,-NOVEMBER 14, 1912. FRIG FIVE :No. 38. ,, - - __ UNION,. TO_, ENTERTAIN._ ALU._ ..... _- - - - . E SHIFTS. [. THE WEATHER MAN RE IN STORE FOR" VARSITY Coach Yost Still Undecided as to Who Will Compose Eleven for Team's Final Contest of Year. IMPROVEMENT IN TFORWARD x , PASSING 'SHOWN BY TEAM. Miehigan's Chances Look Be...…

November 14, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 38) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . VS. CORKNELL & Michigan as the winner. Why not pick ycur a winning line of goodz. H. WHid Co. Tailors and Importers 311 South State Street i and Arm Bands te line of Michigan Pennants for the Cornell Game, right colors in Arm Bands. Buy a Sweater for the Behan & Co. CTOR factor in play- iccess is your )ur benefactor Street TE1 1ICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every m...…

November 14, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 38) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY i -ant you to see our iCustom az ts the he new flat 7 8 inch d tan, light or heavy per pair. leld's" d9 09 £ r'tNEW O i 0 p , Fecnr*2 & o. Just Receiv( A LARGE SHIPME~NT OF THE HOUSE OF STANDARD QUALITY Designers of Men's Clothesy Patrick Mackinaw STREET HENRY & CO. 711 N. University the largest stck cof best fitting pumps you ever $4.50 and $5.00 per pair. I I That Quite Padace of Sweets Down Town LET TRU...…

November 14, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 38) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY chilla Overcoats At Your Price We are showing Six Colors in the Chinchilla coatings-that deep ,rk blue, makes a gentleman's garment and is certiinly making a bit. Warmth. Without Weight what the trade demands. We have met the demand in our showing at 0, the price of ready-to-wear Coat-you can have one tailored to your !n measure and that means comfort. For tent-Single room for ladies only. All modern improvements. Stud...…

December 14, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

… Local $2.00 Mail $2.50 I The Mw iga Daily Local $2.00 I fail $2.50 I Vol. XXIII, No. 64AANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS . .. # SCHEDULE FOR INDOOR TR ACKSANO CE IS ANNOUNCED First of the Indoor Events Will Occur oi the Evening of ashington's Birthday. TWO MEETS WITH EASTERN INSTITUTION ARE BOOKED. Judoor Track Work Expected to Take More Active Form After The Holidays. Michigan's indoor track sche...…

December 14, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 64) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Select your Fall or Winter Suit from the THlE f1ICHIIAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. largest line in the city. Dress Suits a specialty O.H. Wild Co. . +a0i Tailors and Importers 311 South State. Street Holiday Goods We have the finest line of Christmas Cards in the city. I MAGAZINE SUBSSCRIPTIO'NS U At the lowest club, rates I PRIVATE CHRISTMAS CARDS 'With your Initials aind Add...…

December 14, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ii BOYS we want you to see New Flat English Custom Lasts very latest with the new flat 7.8 i heels, in black and tan, light or he weight, $5 to $7 per pair. "Purfield's our the E nich ' avy r ' 119 S. MAIN STREET We have the largest stock (f best fitting -pumps you ever Iput on $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 per pair.I Pe.1ace of Sweets Down Town LET F ,rnish the Ic. cre*em Attention to' Fra ternities anid Sororities ON MAIN S...…

December 14, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 64) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIQAN DAILY e I ri In praise of Malcolm's fall suits and overcoats,those club checks are all right, others will show them in the spring. Chinchella Overcoats lead all others this season, why not B a first year man? MalcolmVm shows a very large range of Iu woolens,has a good suit at $20 and $25 buys a suit you will B proud of. Speaking of style, and individuality reminds yoxt at once of MALL L 0 M DETROIT FRATERNITY JEWELES AND STATI...…

December 14, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 64) • Page Image 5

… S N Comedy Club Supplement I "MONEY" DELONGS TO HIHH ANCIENT ORDER-OFCOMIC 1 Stands Alone Without Rival Acting As Well As Best Play of Victorian Era Dramatics. As Best Acted in BULWEB,PORTRAYER OF SOCIETY Has Spared No Effort in Making Local Production As Good As - Professional. The comedy of "Money" was orig- inally produced on the 8th of De- cember, 1840, at the Haymarket theater, London. The dramatic critic of the "Lterar e," a...…

December 14, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 64) • Page Image 6

…I_________ "_________________ I- --________________ I-______ _________________ L. L. LANGWORTHY alais Tabouret, an upholsterer, whol also has his weather eye open for' "Money." G. F. McGRAW who takes the part of Lake, a servant. LOUISE ROBSON alias Georgina, who is pretty and ac- complished, but her father's worldli- ness has spoilt her nature. Miss Robson will debut in student dramatics this year. Only from re- hearsals can we judge her me...…

December 14, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 64) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . Florist ..-- ICE CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS 3 Chapin St. s Both Phones ITARIAN CHURCH I AT OTHER COLLEGES I effect. The proportion of working for an A.B. degree, is much smaller. students however, e I State cor. Huron. R. S. LORINC, Minister MORNINC SERVICE AT 10:30 Subleot- The Way Out of Materialism sung Peoples' Soolety at 7 Subjoot: Student Life in Germany Speaker Dean CARL E. CUTHE IPrinceton-The combined m...…

December 14, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 64) • Page Image 8

…CHIGAN AIL7 . HAS BOOSTED T 11 . DION S. BIRNEY, WHO PLAYS FOR LAST TIME BEF LOCAL PUBLIC, HAS BEEN ARDENT DEVOTEE of Pharmacy had ly a case of evolu- consisted of a one- uf -the. size .of an m. Numerous ad- until 1909-10, when To be the oldest and most earnest worker in dramatic interests in the university, to have put more lines over the Whitney stage than any other student at present in Michigan'-such is the reputation -of Dion S. ...…

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