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December 14, 1912 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-12-14

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of Pharmacy had
ly a case of evolu-
consisted of a one-
uf -the. size .of an
m. Numerous ad-
until 1909-10, when

To be the oldest and most earnest
worker in dramatic interests in the
university, to have put more lines
over the Whitney stage than any other
student at present in Michigan'-such
is the reputation -of Dion S. Birney,
who takes the star lead of Evelyn, the
heaviest and most delightful of the
roles that Buliver has 'reated in his
master comedy, "Money." And it is
with no little, regret that a few of the
old-timers who have followed the
Comedy club through the years in
which it has been inits ascendency,'

will see delectable Dike take his
leave from Michigan this year,
the dimpled favorite has won i
friends, among those who have v
ed with him and seen him work
ing the six years that he has
with us in Michigan. To such :
gers as Birney does the Comedy
owe, in part, its gratitude, for 1
what it is today. 'To the vers
Thespian who can take any rol
short notice from a village hal
to a consumate John Drew :
Romeo lead, the Comedy club
more than it can repay.

bandoned the old building for our,
ent 'new, commodious quarters
e we have every convenience-
laboratories, class-rooms, pre-
tion room, library, drug museum,
ice rooms, and dispensing rooms
ped with all necessary chemi-
glassware, and apparatus.
e hydrogen sulphide generator is
se fourth floor and the gas is con-
ed by tubes to suitable hoods
-ever it is required. Distilled
r is made on the fourth floor and
ucted through block- tin pipes to
he laboratories. The entire build-
is supplied with compressed air



. ii

charts, maps, photographs, and a pro- of chemical and pharmaceutical liter-
jection lantern. It contains an ex- ature. Here may be found complete
tensive collection of medicinal plants sets of journals of all languages, as
selected especially for instruction in well as the latest works and all cur-
botany, materia medica, and comr rent periodicals.

al garden, in which as many medicinal
plants as will live in this climate are
grown. The plants are grouped in
families, each specimen being marked
with a permanent label, those of pois-
onous nature bearing a distinctive

mercial history. Crude drugs are dis-
played in comparison with their active

The Botanical Gardens.

The botanical garden is situated on mark. Tropical medicinal plants will

constituents. In addition to the mu- one of the most beautiful spots in the

be added to the collection this season

useum occupies a floor
square feet, and is pro-
permanent wall cases,

seum there is a collection of pharma-
ceutical apparatus illustrating the
development of pharmacy.
The Library.
The buildimg also contains a library

variety of soil, from poor, dry sand to
rich bog, is available. A large por-
tion has been reseryed for a medicin-

ter months. The garien is available
to students in pharmacogno'sy, ma-
teria medica, and pharmacy.

city of Ann Arbor. The whole tract and transferred to the newly con-
comprises about 85 acres, and every structed conservatory during the win-




ite Ideas For



Plays !




We Will Show

You How!1

I ,

If you have ideas-if you can THINK-we will show you the
secrets of this fascinating new profession. Positively no experience
or literary excellence necessary. No "flowery language" is wanted.
The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The bi'
film manufacturers are moving "heaven and earth" in their at-
tempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing de-
mand. They are offering $1oo and more, for single scenarios, or
written ideas.
Nearly all the big film companies, the buyers of photoplays,
are located in or near NEW YORK CITY. Being right on the spot
and knowing at all times just what sort of plots are wanted by the
producers, our SALES DEPARTMENT has a tremendous advant-
age over agencies situated in distant cities,
Wehave received many letters from the big film manufactur-
ers, such as Vitagraph, Edison. Essanay, Lubin, Solax, Imp, Re-
liance. Champion, Comet, Melies, Etc., urging ti$ to send photo-
plays to them. We want more writers and we'll gladly teach you
the secrets of success.
We are selling photoplays written by people
who "never before wrote a line of publication,"
Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you can think of only
one good idea each week, and will write it out as directed by us,
and it sells for only $25, a fow fi ilre,
You Will Earn $100, lionibly For Spare Time Work
Send your name and address at once for free copy of
our i~lustrated book, "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITING."
Don't h,4ita e. 1 ) liu ie. Write now and learn just what
thi new rfes,' in m't- rI e; ,f, ou and your future.

Sir John Ves*y, w ose consuming
love of money gives the title to the
play, awaits the readi of the will
of a certain wealthy relative, Mr. Mor-
daunt of India, by whose clause he
expects a lion's share of the heritage.
While awaiting the reading, Alfred
Evelyn, Sir John's private secretary
and distant poor relation of Mordaunt,
solicits a loan of ten pounds that he
may send it to an old nurse who is ill.
Sir John refuses but his tenderhearted
daughter Georgina, asks him forthe
nurse's address, promising herself that
she will send the money if she falls
heiress to the wild
Clara, companion of Lady Franklin,
and in love with Evelyn, secretly gets
the address of the nurse and sends the
ten pounds herself, all that she has in
the world. That her kind act will not
be known to Evelyn, she has Lady
Franklin's maid address the letter.
Subsequently Evelyn asks Clara to
marry him but she unselfish, refuses
the poor youth that he may not be
made miserable by the additional bur-
den of her own support.
The will is read before the assem-
bled relatives, numbering, Sir John
Vesey, Georgina, Lord Glossmore,
Stout, Graves, Blount, Sharp, and
Evelyn. After several whimsical be-
quests are read from the will, it de-
velops that the bulk of the immense
fortune is left to Evelyn, the poor dis-
tant relative who was least expected
to fail heir.
The newly rich Evelyn begins to be-
come miserable. His love has refused
him, but he invents a cordicil and
settles 20,000 pounds upon her, that
she may be made happy, and then he
devotes himself to Georgina, the spoil-
ed child of a miserly father. For he
believes that she sent the ten pounds
to his poor sick nurse. Sir Frederick
Blount, formerly in love with Geor-
gina is about to propose to Clara, and
all four seem on a fair way to unhap-
piness, when Evelyn invents a new
scheme. He refuses to pay his bills,
Is seen as a constant companion to
Dudley Smooth the cleverest crook
and gambler in London, tries to bor-
row money and is finally arrested for
debt. Sir John in despair tells his
daughter to break her engagement
with Evelyn, which she does willing-
ly, reengaging herself to Blount, the
dude. Clara, pitying Evelyn in his
adversity places 10,000 pounds to his
credit in the bank, sending him notice
of the deposit in a letter addressed in.
the same handwriting as that of the
letter to the old nurse. Lady Frank-
lin divulges the fact that both letters
were sent by Clara and Evelyn clears
everything up to his own satisfaction,
his ruse having worked. He has
gained his wife and he still has his
Norman Hackett, who has been
properly called the father of the Com-
edy club, is one of America's most
popular actors. He is at the present
time touring Michigan with his pro-
duction "Satan Sanderson," which
Kirk Alexander another Comedy club
member and contemporary of his dur-
i - n ~^ --v - ^wrn fnr hi

J. U. Dean, who will receive the de
gree of Bachelor of Science in Phar
macy'at the close of this semester,-ha
been appointed first assistant chemis
in the new scientific laboratory of th
J. Hungerford Smith Co., Rochestet
N. J.
This laboratory, when. completed
will probably be more elaborately fur
nished and more completely equippe
than any other of its size and kindira
the United States. Mr. Dean will as
sume his duties shortly after leavin;
the university.
Carl Harriman, devotee of the Comr
edy club during the nineties bas rise
to considerable prominence in th
-field of popular letters. Familiar I
his collection of short stories ane
sketphes which he has called "Ani
Arbor Tales," and his short storie
appear with frequency i the page
of our popular magazines. At th
present time he is assistant managint
editor of the Curtis Publishing Com
pany of Philadelphia.
It can safely be said that never be
fore have opportunities in pharma
ceutical vocations been so great, anm
success so certain as at present. Ai
examination of the Directory .of Alum
ni demonstrates that graduates of thi
school of pharmacy are occupyinga
great variety of responsible positions
demanding trust and skill, in all part
of the United States and foreign coun
tries. A recent canvass of the alumni
of this school shows them to be en
gaged as proprietors of pharmacies
prescription clerks; manufacturin
pharmacists and chemists; manager
of large retail drug houses; dispen
sers and manufacturers of medicina
products; in hospitals connected wit
universities, municipalities, the U. E
Army and Navy, and mining compan
ies; public analysts and experts
pharmaceutical and research chem
ists with the large pharmaceutica
manufacturing concerns; analysts fo
various state food, drug, and-dairy de
partments, and state agricultural ex
periment stations, ' food and dru
chemists with the U. S. government i:
the bureau of chemistry; teachers i
schools and colleges of pharmacy; edi
tors of pharmaceutical journals; trav
elling salesmen for pharmaceutica
manufacturing and jobbing houses.
The Prescott Club.
This is a student organization t
which all students of the School c
Pharmacy are eligible to membershi
Meetings are held once a month a
which generally an outside speake
gives an address upon some topic'c
interest to .the pharmaceutical prc
fession. In addition, one or more st
dents prepare short papers. upon th
monthly current events in pharmac
and also upon -scientific progress i
pharmacy. These meetings are c
greatest benefit to the student bod
as they bring members of all classe
together in social intercourse, giv
them practice in public speaking an
stimulate the habit of library readin
Go to the Woods



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