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November 14, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-11-14

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DOOR $2.50










:No. 38.

,, - - __
UNION,. TO_, ENTERTAIN._ ALU._ ..... _- - - - .





Coach Yost Still Undecided as to Who
Will Compose Eleven for
Team's Final Contest
of Year.
Miehigan's Chances Look Better With
Rapid Recovery of
Injured Players.
With a lineup in yesterday's scrim-
mage drill that was again different
from what Michigan's students have
come to consider the Michigan Varsity,
it appears that the matter of a suitable
combination to use against Cornell on
Saturday is still a question that Coach
Yost is undecided upo.
During the scrimmage practice in
which the Varsity crossed the reserve
chalk mark for a quartet of tallies.
Yost used Musser at center, Almen-
dinger and Lichtner at the guards,
Raynsford andMcHale at tackles, and
Torbet and Tessin at ends. In the
backfield he used Hughitt at quarter,
Collette and Bentley at the halves, and
Wyman at fullback.
The fact that the combinations have
been different nearly every evening
this week, and furthermore that the
combinations for the signal drills have
also been varied to a slight extent give
rise .to the belief that the coach will
not be sure of the men he will send
against Cornell until the last practice
of the season has been concluded.
Big Shift in Lineup is Rumored.
There is a rumor about the campus
that Yost is thinking of a big shift for
the final game of the season, including
the changing of Pontius to end, with
either Raynsford or McHale at tackle,
Hughitt to quarterback, with Boyle or
Bentley at halves, and perhaps anot-
er change. Just how true this is, is a
matter that is difficult to determine.
The most logical solution of the mat-
ter is, however, that the trials Yost
has been giving these men in new po-
sitions have been more or less intend-
ed to get.the men accustomed to play-
ing new places in case the need for a
shift should arise either before or dur-
ing the battle with the Big Red team
of Ithacans.
One thing that gladdened the hearts
of those 'who saw the practice yes-
terday was the Varsity's improved use
of the forward pass. The team hand-
led the spiral heaves so well that it is
thought the passes will form a princi-
pal mode of attack against the Itha-
Injured Players Will Get in Game.
Regarding Craig and Paterson, who
have been kept 'out of the rough work
this week, the chances for the appear-
ance of these men in the final game of
the season seem brighter each day.
Paterson and Craig both expect to
start the battle and with their injuries
improving each day, there seems no
reason why they will not be used
against the Ithacans.
Michigan's coaching squad has again
been augmented for the big game.
"Willie" Heston, famous Varsity half-
back, and "Shorty" McMillan, are the
new tutors.
The picture of three huskies, bearing
a football triumphantly down the field,
before crowded bleachers, will adorn
the cover of the official program for
the Cornell game. The design, in four
colors, is the work of Harry Howard,
The program will consist of 32 pag-
es, printed on fine paper, and contain-

ing, besides the usual score-card and
general information relative to the
game, special features, such as the
football rules, Michigan songs, statis-
tics on the teams, and scores.
The official program will be on sale
nf+- rA FT nwnn A nspeia1 nrice of

Forecast for Ann Arbor-Thursday,
fair, brisk to high westerly winds.
University Observatory-Wednesday,
7:00 p. m., temperature 37.0; maxi-
mum temperature, 24 hours preceding,
57.2; minimum temperature, 24 hours
preceding, 37.0; average wind velocity,
14 miles per hour; rainfall, .04 inches.
Employment Bureau to Have Office.
In order that the Michigan Union
employment bureau may continue its
work during the school year, a room
at the Union will be set aside for the
use of the committee. All men desir-
ing jobs are asked to report at the
Union between 5:00 and 6:00 o'clock
Full Strength of Red Team Will Be
Shown Against Michigan
ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 13.-When the
Big Red eleven faces the warriors of
the Maize and Blue on Ferry field Sat-
urday next, it will be with what is
probably -the strongest lineup of the
The details of how Cornell has play-
ed nearly every game of her schedule
with a number of regulars out of the
game are well known to all the follow-
ers of the Ithaca team. The fact that
many of the men who played for Cor-
nell when the Red went down to de-
feat at the hands of Dartmouth Satur-
day were substitutes only illustrates
this point.
It is expected, however, that the full
strength of the varsity squad will be
represented against Michigan. All of
the men who are the first choices foi
positions on the line and in the back-
field are in fairly good condition save
one or two. These men are taking
work of a light variety, however, and
expect to be in first class condition for
the battle.
One thing that handicapped Cornell
in the Dartmouth contest was the fact
that Captain Butler was out of the
game and O'Connor, who acted as field
general in his place, was obliged to
call signals from his position at half-
back. In the Michigan game Butler
will start at quarterback, and as he i
the real leader of the team it is ex
pected that under his guidance the at-
tack against Michigan will be extreme-
ly effective.
Prof. E. L. Thorndyke of Columbia
university gave his first lecture before
the Educational club yesterday after-
noon. His subject was "The Theory
of Man's Original Nature." The prim-
itive instincts of man, his impulses
and reflex actions were discussed in
the light of modern educational prob-
lems. Tomorrow afternoon at 4:00
o'clock Prof. Thorndyke will speak in
the economics lecture room on the
significance of man's original nature.
Arrangements have been made for
a series of dinners, a banquet, and a
dance at the Union for The Michigan
Daily staff as the social functions for

the year. New members to the staff
will be appointed shortly before
Thahksgiving, and the following Wed-
nesday at the Union, the first dinner
of the year will be given.
More Tickets on Sale for Union Dance.
As a result of arrangements made
last evening by General Chairman
Harold Abbott, '13, Waterman gymna-
sium will be used for the big Cornell
game dance to be sponsored by the
Union next Saturday evening. A sec-
ond edition of 100 additional tickets
for the affair will be placed on sale at
I te Union at 5:00 o'clock this after-

"Why did I send my daughter to Michigan? Because Michigan is the best,
the most democratic university in the country." So said Elbert Hubbard, the
sage of East Aurora, who was in the city yesterday visiting bis daughter, Mi-
riam Hubbard, a freshman literary student.
"Most educational institutions offer only an imitation of life. At Michi-
gan you are living, the university itself is life, for one's getting along at your
school depends not on 'pull' but 'push.' Another thing which makes Michigan
life real, is the fact that you have coeducation. I am a firm believer in the
education of men and women at the same institution. The eastern colleges
and other schools whi h segregate the sexes cannot obtain the results which
are obtained by an eudcation at Michigan.
"Another reason why Michigan is a desirable school is that one can get
through it economically. I believe that, no matter how much money a per-
son may have, he should live like a poor man, at least during his youth.
"I have met many of the professors at your school and they are whole-
hearted, hard working men.
"Yes, I am perfectly satisfied at having sent my daughter to Michigan,
for I have long been convinced both from personal observation and from the
quality of your graduates that this university is the best institution of its
kind in the country.s
Mr. Hubbard stopped over in Ann Arbor on his way from Chicago to his

Smoker and Dinner willbe Given in
Honor of Visitors.
Visiting alumni will be the guests of
the Union Saturday night after the
Cornell game at a dinner and smoker.
President Hutchins and Dr. Angell will
both be present at the dinner and take
part in the program of speeches after-
ward. The object of the occasion is
to provide a place where the visiting
alumni may come together in an in-
formal way to spend a few hours of
their stay in Ann Arbor.
Men will meet the different trains
Saturday and endeavor to give each
alumnus a card with which to register
at the Union. The Union dining room
will be elaborately decorated and ta-
bles set for each class with appropri-
ate numerals and colors.




home in East Aurora, New York. He
tral for Buffalo.

left last evening on the Michigan Cen-

"Hail Michigan" is the new field
song which will be heard for the first
time at the Cornell game Saturday.

Senior law aggressiveness, a stone-
wall defense, and "Morrie" Myers,
formed a combination that spelled de-

Sylvan S. Grosner, '12-'14L, is the au- feat for the senior lits yesterday af-

thor of the lyrics ,and Rowland W. Fix-
el, '12-'14L, is the composer of the mu-
sic. The words of the song are:
Hail Michigan!
See our heroes sally-forth!
Like the vikings of the North!
They are fearless; they are bold!
Hail the victors as of old!
They are strangers to defeat.
And their peers they'll never meet.
Cheer our men! (Rah! Rah!)
Once again! (Rah! Rah!)
Let us hail old Michigan!
Hail! Hail! Hail! To the yellow and
the blue! f
We will cheer the grand old colors for
our hearts are staunch and true!
Hail! Hail! Hail! To dear old Michi-
We'll stand by her to a man!
Cheer! ' Cheer! Cheer! To our Alma
Mater dear!
Raise our voices; let them echo far
and near!
Loud and long,
We'll sing our song,
To Michigan,so wise and strong!
All hail to Michigan!
The university band rehearsed the
new piece last night, and will include
it in its repertoire of Michigan music.
Copies of the song will be placed on
sale Saturday.
The Painted Window will surely
make its appearance in the shop win-
dows this morning. "Viewpoint," a real
football story with a local setting, is
realistic and representative of "cam-
pus catches." "The Yellow Streak," a
story abounding in local color, is con-
tributed by O. Winter, '14.
With the secural of a well known'
member of the alumni to make the
principal address, all arrangements
for the big mass meeting in Universi-
ty Hall on Friday night will be prac-
tically completed.
Each of the rooters must obtain tick-
ets from the athletic association office
for admission, as it will be necessary
to restrict the attendance to 2,500. This
figure is the limit of the seating capac-
ity of the hall and an edict of the uni-
versity senate forbids utilization of
the standing room space. The tick-
ets will be issued in two distinct colors,
one admitting to the balcony and the
other to the down stairs region.
The total 2,500 will be given out to
the first comers, beginning at nine
o'clock on Friday morning.

ternoon, and raised the colors of the
upperclass barristers to the highest
pinnacle of the inter-class football
world. Playing rings around their
erstwhile rivals for the campus cham-
pionship, the representatives from the
northwest corner of the university lota
pushed the ball over their opponents'
goal line three times during the forty-1
four minutes of play. A goal from
touchdown brought their total up to
19 points to the lit's none.
At no time during the contest was
the law goal in danger of being cross-,
ed. In fact the litswere able to make1
their first downs but twice during the
afternoon's play. Credit for the law's
victory is due principally to the bril-
liant playing of the little field general,1
"Morrie" Myers. With Thomas on the
receiving end he pulled off an innum-
erable number of successful forward
passes that were the direct results of,
the lits undoing.
Cohn at full, Young at end and
Wharton at half played star games
for the winners while Denison, Saier,
and Kuhr for the losers, kept the fray:
from becoming a runaway. ,
Officials for the game were: Referee
-Craig; umpire-Paterson; Linesman.
Director G. F. May, of Waterman
gymnasium, has inaugurated a new
phase in the physical exambinations of
the freshmen. Every first year man is
given a test of his strength, which con-
sists in "chinning" himself and "dip-
ping" on the parallel bars.
The first exercise gives the strength
of the front part of the upper arm, and
the number of times a freshman can
dip shows the muscle power of the tri-
All the tests are .being given in the
ordinary gyi classes, but the results
are included in the regular examina-
tion and go to help make up the av-
erages of the freshmen.
According to the superintendent of
contruction of the new Hill audito-
rium, the interior of the big room will
be ready for the decorators within a
month or possibly less. The plaster
work is being rushed as much as possi-
ble. The exterior of the building is
practically complete, although a small
portion of the roof remains to be tiled,
and the approach to the front of the
building is still to be finished. The
contractors are proud of the design of
this walk leading up to the doors and
are planning to take a photograph of
it from the roof of the building.

Carrie Jacobs Bond Has Won Fame
Against Many Severe'
There is a wide gulf between the
obscurity of a Wisconsin logging camp
and a position as one of the world's
most famous song writers but Carrie
Jacobs Bond, who will appear here
tonight under the auspices of the Y.
W. C. A., has bridged it.
Ten years ago Mrs. Bond was the
wife of a struggling physician. Her
husband diedand she was forced to
provide for herself. She moved to,
Chicago, where now and then her phil-
osophy of the bigness of little things
found itself into verse and later into
Finally one of her friends persuaded
her to put her work on the market.'
Her first eleven compositions brought
only $35.00. Finally an appreciative
publisher took charge of her songs and
they attained almost instant popular-
ity because of their simplicity and pa-
The program which Mrs. Bond will
present tonight has not been fully de-
cided upon 'but it will probably con-
tain some of the following well known
compositions: "A Perfect Day;" "The
City Visitor,;" Where to Build Your
Castles;" "An' I've Got a Home;"
"Shadows;" "A Bad Dream;" "Just a'
Wearyin' for You" and the like.
The song recital will be held at New-"
berry hall and will begin at 8:00:
o'elo k.
Whether Alfred Lindner, '16, recov-
ers or not depends entirely upon his
strength, in his present condition, to
withstand the last ravages of an attack
of blood poisoning. If his present
condition continues for a day or two
more, he will get well. His father has'
been with him constantly as has his
roommate, Richard Girven, '16.

Over 400 Tickets for Annual Reception
to Varsity Football Men Have
Already Been Dis-
posed of.
Committee Has Made Careful Arrange-
ments to Prevent Crowding
at Entrances.
Cartoons for the prize contest con-
ducted in connection with the big foot-
ball smoker to be held next Tuesday
evening, must be handed in at the Un-
ion by 5:00 o'clock Suinday afternoon.
At a meeting of the chairmen of com-
mittees in charge of the affair, yester-
day afternoon, it was decided to extend
the time of the contest in order to
permit campus artists to portray the
result of the Cornell game in their
To date nearly 400 tickets for the
smoker have been sold. As only 1700
of the admission cards are to be dis-
posed of, it is probable that the en-
tire edition of tickets will be gone be-
fore the end of the week. The com-
mittee on arrangements has provided
bleacher seats for 1300 men, and chairs
will be secured for the balance of those
Besides furnishing packages of cig-
arettes to all men who attend the big
smoker, free cans of "cube cut" will
also be distributed. Arrangements
have been made to provide enough ci-
der and doughnuts for all possible
By means of a system of "lanes"
leading from Barbour to Waterman
gym, it is hoped that the large crowd
can be handled so that there will be
a minimum of jamming at the en-
trances. The smokes will be given to
each man as he enters the men's gym,
so that there will not be the usual
crowding in securing the requisite im-
plements of Queen Nicotine.
"Red" Campbell is in Town for Game.
"Red" Campbell, '11L, varsity pitch-
er in 1910 and 1911, is here for the
Cornell game. Last season Campbell
pitched for Omaha in the Westerr
Capt. S. C. Powers Dies in California
Capt. S. C. Powers, a graduate of the
University of Michigan, died unex-
pectedly yesterday at Brawley, Cali-
fornia. Capt. Powers was at one time
the governor of Mississippi.

Dr. Cook to Talk on Cement Industry.-
Dr. C. W. Cook of the geological de-
partment will give a lecture this ev-
ening in the Russell room of the mu-
seum at 7:00 o'clock. His subject will
be "The Cement Industry of Michigan."
The public are cordially invited to be,
Botanists Plan Series of Luncheons.
Weekly Thursday luncheons at the
Union will be held by the staff of the
botany department throughout the.
year. Matters of <department interest
will be discussed and guests will be
invited to give short talks.
Prof. Aigler to Resume Work Today.
Prof. R. W. Aigler, of the law de-
partment, has been confined to his
home fog the past two days by a se-
vere cold. He is expected to appear in
the class-room again today.
Senior Laws Dine Tonight, 1
Prof. R. E. Bunker will be the prin-
cipal speaker at the first senior law
dinner to be held at the Michigan Un-
ion this evening. George Anderson
will act as toastmaster and Dave Cohn
will present a monologue.

Col. Isaac H. Elliott, '61, is spending
a few days in Ann Arbor as the guest
of Regent Beal. This is Col. Elliott's
second visit within the past few years,
as he was present at the fiftieth reun-
ion of his class which was held here
at- commencement two years ago. Up-
on graduating from -the university at
the outbreak of the civil war Col. El-
liott went at once to his home in Illi-
nois where he raised a regiment and
proceeded to the front. He was colo-
'nel of the 33d Illinois Volunteer In-
fantry until the close of the war,
when he was brevetted brigadier gen-
"-When I left my home in Dexter,
New Mexico," said the colonel yester-
day afternoon, "I intended to go di-
rectly to New York, but the opportuni-
ty to again visit my old stamping
ground was one I could not let pass
and so I decided to stop over in Ann
Arbor for a few days. The city is an
entirely different one from the town
which I knew as 4a student, but I see
that in spite of the changes 50 years
have made that the little red brick
house at 513 William St., where I
roomed when I first came to Ann Ar-
bor, is still standing. I greatly enjoy
the opportunity to return to Ann Ar-
bor and renew my youth through the
association with' the, younger men of
the university."

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