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January 13, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan _ __ Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRI.)A), JANITARY 13, 1011. No. 74, ACTION OF BOARD WAS JUSTIFIABLE Athletic Association Directors Did Not Exceed Their Prerogatives SECRETARY SMITH EXPLAINS That the alt100 of the Directors of the Athletic asseocatttion itamig t~e stdetotmeottsto (f the Board il Cot- troti (f Athetiswas autthorized appears foaletert twhtch11Secretry Sitit htas twritten toItCirman ~tICarpeter(f thel' Board ...…

January 13, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…i'IIL M JhIGAN IJAILY. G. H, WIL CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET- Opening Display o.f Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 SO. STATE S [ET ' ALL PRICES The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Room 4 Press Biliding. Oppotite Ma ftt Complete line of SSpalding' s Auto grat ,vaolr ig110 In h r, i..0i'0 iiiP' t Ihisto Islti liit ; iti.i l it ' ou! ii I W Il" c'oi s at their iics ~ o iiy, i oi ciiii 1 1 iiof thi ow is 10 W 1 i I ii "loti...…

January 13, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

… aitr ~ 1~t1 MI-UIAN ;A MS "~'CLASSIFIEO ADVERTISING T his Spa e 'liiiiitei-f, itily iIi sll iiiliitlkws. MUSIC AND DRAMA FACt-UIr5YlilNCF'RT LOiiSTP. Thle vioa is iinfstrumeniit thatithas FOilbt little iteratuire, and 15iseldomsih1eard FOR i ~~hst---old ssatch and fob, last Tuesdtay il ta tsilli i stlei noon oiiliMain, Ashley sir . Jeller- snstreets. Initials tE.-W. oil w pesiea11tch.e i 011 ii l S m Burcimfied idrplease lease at litlesis ld...…

January 13, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

…t ~This st-yic is short full in toe, high inarh "Ind high>cl ; I Ctk' t ' on Neat atii fr:, t ls n till "aint aat 'P13 IiGAN DAILY UNIVk 1TV NOTInCES 011 '113,ll t rztti. Iit intlx1c 4, t I1 ducii 1 11 t 1 C i cc71 ? fal ret clock NoXl f1 _i1 1 1 I I to i illI l* I~il<11 ; 11tii 1t12 t I l.111. 1 Nqew Whitney lrTheatre Curtt r 8.15.81, . Laze car mot seated pa'-e.ptty. j f i I t j )Vi 'I 1; ) } ti ?$ Saturd ay, Jau ary 14 anad Mig...…

May 13, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…The Michian Vol. XXI. . .."-9r ANN ARBOR, XMICIJIGAN S.\TMifii.Y,IAVY13,191it. VARSITY WILL WAGE Es 1st Verboten Aut Das Gras Zn Treten TWO BATTLES TODAY _____ ILADY W\\RSAPPENIIXON i RWATCH A L.A G.\R(OYLEF_. Both Track and Ball lears to Meet Invaders From Syracuse MICHIGAN HOPES FOR REVENGE Wtitht the iii 'teclasy interollegite track mletI that has bett staged ot e- ry fieldiin fie years attain iterse- tiottal bal game set for this af...…

May 13, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 156) • Page Image 2

…r "HE MICHICGAN DAILY - =j--THlE MICHIGAN DAiILY. I GH, 'VILDCO. Managing Editor-LIZ A Wtmrcz. " - s W I VAo :HT~Q1T2~ uiess Manager-NORMAN r 41 31 7. a)5.F i . alia Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For ;UITS, 1 OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. ff. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 So. STATE STEE I6'111(oods and Golf Shoes ER. f RosT, 302 S Stat 5. ENGRAVED Caling Cards Special Prices .Quoted to S...…

May 13, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 156) • Page Image 3

…TIDE MliSCIGAN DAILY ..._,.._ ti ,,,. .., . _ _. . WE don't give gold dollars for 60c but clothes tailored to order by F. W. GROSS represent greater valuei than you'll or- dinarly get or THE PRICE7 WE ASK The Spakii g e~rth wrl T re~d e- ,t r- o It IN ,C mo n.UIP the cI 1(1 spoWts a nd pasims. TRADEcii knw tomltnlilnou int eoxce HICitilri.r (Ql f r 1i s cc 3 'c arr. re- licr s-I lly { Vi ci- t. I el~ h "254WoodardIIS Y) Ave Dtroi ANS MAIN AN...…

May 13, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 156) • Page Image 4

…in ud UNIVERSITYNOIE - 3 .he. i, t co y rs iT he"a a rrsptre. as y 0 ic r~ioess and hariuotn of our N \X'itiNOFASIfONS. Our models are ti dso Superb in style rightness. 1101 w o ibh uneering lprecion at a aF 0your y II~ Fst :Lbert Spi. hamS ?I j it i "tii ! t' { i ll lI e i wk sbr hh Ii I~ t 'a iwr ofii) S ilt s eer es 'ITV WIs SatudayMay 13 Mau rice Campbell iln an everyday comedy Tha The "I5-075-S 1 .0-s 1 50 Bo et 2.00 See, Set Thurday...…

July 13, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…THE WOLVE I NE Vol II. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY JULY 13, tojit. VAUGHAN ATTACKS! YOU >~2 JRI'NWOJi f14LU CHIRISTIAN SCIENCE s ho'1ciseolaliarrasment oV two of~' ____his voomon class ittates 'and1g"1e0a'other fellow,-tperhats a little diffidentsock Declares No One Familiar With, a stab as oly he who "wins foir ldy C"1111 all just to sit sandawhoed betweecn Scieni if ic Facts Can Hold , sI e osad dasesinal Fgls a- cass? It seoms that, ...…

July 13, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…Tr w\o1 vLERJI' Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. CO. MILWAUKEE Let Us Have a lalk WithYOU 1FRED'1K M. STEINBAUER Ditic atAgent.IHamnd ailEtdint Detroit WM. S. McCORMICK .Local A gent 1210 Waslitenaw Ave. Cali 3?3-J THlE W~OLV1ERINE lethuretro cii pl ical Ualr-ilor at - -- ---- - l ,le e M itt lyet eti litb Prof Plshelid Tutsday, Thitrsiay and N.R akr etan.itctr Satutrtay afterntoons by the studlents of it dicl ilitil a the Unoiversityof i\Iieh...…

July 13, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…TH14E WO LV E RIN E Tuttle Q~ Co. LUNCHES Ice neanoda 338 S. State Street JOHN Hi. LAMYBERT The' Yoat of toe Shoe Repairing fBoatness. 1 ewill do your work in oh urep-op style. Laces, Polishes, Etc. The University Shoe Shop 613 Fist Willioam Street rYou twil oalways fiod a targe line of fSUMMER SCHOOL SUPPLIES The East University Pharmacy ]"190 S. Uirityoi Ave. Our Pr-icesar 91A U. of M. and HURON RIVER. BOAT LIVERYV P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor...…

July 13, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE W,,hitc Swall Laundry JUNCTION OF DETRdOIT and CATHiFRINE Sts. and FOURTH Ave. Bell Phone 165 Home Phone 152 White Oar- Plreer softeningq plant cost us $2, 000. It costs ose nothistn extra to have all the advantage of laundry work done in water soft as rain water instead of de~trn'ctive acids and bleaches. The finest lingerie waists and dzeases will come back to you like non'. Collars andaliffs lto snow. '1sy -our duds in our...…

December 13, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…Michigan Daily .A L ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1911. ELECTS t MEMBERS. al Honor Society abershin For Lo- I Chapter. mega Alpha, the national fraternity, has elected the seniors to membership: Bolender, Sparta. Chadwick, Taunton, Mass., Lewis Grandy, Ocean View, JIMMY DISCUSSES CHORUS GIRLS * * After His Experience Along That Line He Decides He Laeks the Proper Tent. perament and Gives it Up. * * "No more chorus dolls...…

December 13, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 61) • Page Image 2

…Mil Cli0 I ALLY I TH E ICHIGAN DAILY has long been demanding recognition from Europe, and our musical journals Official Newspaper at the University like to boast that we are making valu- of Michigan. able contributions to the world's best Published every morning except Mon- music. I-low can we expect the music- .. day throughout the school year. .. al world to take us seriously? How Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- can we expect to do...…

December 13, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

…* * * * * * * * ,berty, ussian st nov- ,ee. 60-63 THAT E BAL * *: CLASSIFIED ADS. Advertising matter for this classified column must always be paid for in advance, and may be left at the DAILY office op. posite the Majestic between the hours of 12 noon and 10 p. m., or at Quarry's Drug Store, N. University and State, at any time up to 9:30 p. m. These Ads bring Results. :r. * k. *1c %k *1 m HOUSE, Liberty St. 50 tf 12tf 1d mandolins, b...…

December 13, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

…T I Will Make Feature Stories From News Bureau Articles For Sun- day Papers.I IiULiLFTIN BOARD TO BE PUT UP. GAN DAILY thoritles on various subjects. Library references and text citations on any subject will be furnished on request. The university bureau is being con- ducted by Prof. J. R, Brumm of the rhetoric department, whose office is in room 102 of West Hall. The office hours are from 2 to 4 p. m. Some progress is being made in es- tab...…

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