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May 13, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-05-13

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The Michian

Vol. XXI.

. .."-9r


VARSITY WILL WAGE Es 1st Verboten Aut Das Gras Zn Treten

Both Track and Ball lears to
Meet Invaders From
Wtitht the iii 'teclasy interollegite
track mletI that has bett staged ot e-
ry fieldiin fie years attain iterse-
tiottal bal game set for this aftertoo,
the day trmiseis to lbe attner oe for
Mihigatt athletics. The Wolerie
trackeattltetes are1tosmeet theirretre slit
taives of Syrctse othie track i a
mtet that pritses ctrairittlry ea-
tires atttifollottg tie conttest ofsed
titeitines f tterival schools sre tce et
MVIihigant has areaiy cimedti~ a ball
game andithottes fr aiotier vitry this
aft eritooun.llr. Keait ueni's charges are
lit eilge fr the track coitest adh ex-
pet lto reentge the ieting tiey receirrii
ini the easterni gymtiittritg the ittidiiir
seasion. thotlig the trak itiet.Wichtel
ito le stariid at i :oa i'liick, the al
teamis sill ctsitfr the seruondu timie of
the twelk. The bll tissers epet tii le
aile toipreset their fl strngth this
afternioiin ashMarintiis rcerintg ap-
ilysansitu y e le tio iresue hiiler
at secoinditbase. Fisher tias also esaetd
froitmtthe hospital sqatatul till iwori
beind the lit this afternotonl . 'Sit'
Smith has beenutseetedl tii do the twirl-
ingCoittrel, ie hethoisticattaiti will
trobably appearioniitthe fiiglhne lute
the visitors. The lg siuthptiau has
rite d his aluilty agaist Mihliga
suiais in the tast situis certantoiigie
le liutuiplayers a tussle tiii liihiad
Far ifstoutepeitg itury, tougi
hopitg ito hd luMichgat to acoesoe
the eighteeni Syractse tach: athletes ldi
hr vCoachltKeae will1 arrie iiAiii-Ar
toruethis ittornig' to gieratte itoIDr.
Kenzleinit's ies ottFerrunfeilthis f
te rttoii. fIspslur of the g lomyi)outlitok
likep1> the fOrangiemttrn, the Woveurriies
aniiprtate a ihari ight.Toiutgtsriererr
it hatichuapped byIsthe loiss iiof Reititath.
their sarqrtlrer mtiler, the Metioiists
wil ble idatgriluis iniieed ii le tal
evenits. Algre, whoiihastbee1 c aterig
stiute' ilst half miesiniiithe icastiiwirnt
this idistaitec agiitst Miigainiiaicciri-
ingto iretiorts friitmtSyracuse lFalltill
outpose hitin iithis event.tFogg, the
Otratnge uarterttier, srho itas lien in i
the thabit f stepinitg oil tReiidp t'shees
will runttheg445for the atrestilts itli
twill le itterestitg fr Plichignt trckV
folliowrrs toiinotte Gamttble5sihoingutin
this evecut, ii ie of the uomitg iter
collegiate tet ati Ilrilril Crit wisl
snake his last atitirarntce bifire a hiici-
itn cowin ithe sr shun hetts, situ Iriw
will 1wli srptriedt if a isis zoiivadtre-
ordlis 'hug tip bl=iemin. 'Thewri sof
Ross ini the 10 toyltrit ant22ii yarl eets
will le clsey atcede.
Whiile M1icigani till e isealiniiithe
~Iiiiter throws, Iorieier mtay le epetetdi
toi galop airartwith the shot ttttii is-
ets eentts,wit~h st proaility iio ttl-
iggihig in iitetoe vault ttntd btriotd
jum'p fuiner f Syraue suit II ais-
mttud swilIbttle its the hurdles.
I taitati attiI aitisaugh will atttear
fr te first timie il outdoor cotpeti-
tiiinitisday. The former wilt rtt the
uile, the ltter te two sile. SyrtcuseI
concetetheumie tu Mihigatn, itandtif
Ilaisisittugls has imtlrvedlaty sitter his
two mie performance it 9.54, ie souull
icantnued on PrL)o .

A (Gargo}-le jik has leomute a rett-
Iii its lst isstr the cititlius jiike tbo is
adotiiedi teueif the ttptentiiiisit
biiidp. Notwt retorts friim Newurksi
tll of st pountg lady tt'ltii ta he ir itpi
itnaixs bt.l noapedi o e
Aftr thete irratiiottthe apeix waiisirt
treateri tachemuicaltriess asuinatll
g0111ditltd. NowiC te ioutig ld wetrs
it oni ter swatch.
Whiether shte aceidi onite adviserf
thte (;argiyip cs utikitiirit
Consexuently, Smallpox Patient's
Casmates May Strike
The ase oifOPuer S. Vbitteitore.
liese ie ttas ini attetulais.'e' i tti
oni Wetiusuiate. ianpiesos tere
ther i'psuie'd ttotedisatsr, is iwe'liias5at
ures are' being tkti o p ereet ciii imfur
Tue snmitry cmmtliittermtn Tttt'sdayt
afterniioniiamd litatrestttfiiits adice,
radial s lit'ere rred.Dtanttitte'
tierd eoe te sconiiisetinlt of
bn lIanutce tshat eei'ir 1tmembi
mug rsitaceritiitiel i e'ss
vactionit ini th'e'i'tii woati' rsf
itrteclerk'tofillel') lip'oiuia evi'ini
lie le blar'e'iift'omttattenidiig classes. .A1l
f tite'stttdenits ii the sect ion ofithle'J't2
lclahss tffetedti liyte trde sioita
dili)u'utioto lireslt nt sttethtast tep
wil rielitsetotht lacintt'ati'd.. Whil' it
stderably uir'trlte'diithtietlintg istict'
p adiiere'ditoi.
Tiehtouse at 41 Ctirhisredthis
biee'n thoruiiitghtly Iifuigated aduthie tittill
anttineis off. 'PTe' lust'case'calull no11
way bnle'tracedltlithtillnestinowtuin ii uhuanut
title'iliilie'iiiold litomeoipathietiic iig lani
tre' are lulloclcases5iiiuintn tt le'
tresult itte.
.Eersyhersonuthotlags notu been visau-
dosit," stiid Den tut tghtati.'"A te-
uitotut utud 1vacc itont is thet'nlitisue
lTere ittabslutep' noinenutof stile
ry,' sui hit ltthfietrJumesr eaeylss.
"'I sronull 'dvise, 'howteel'r, thurvscee-
na~tuonuof ialliho it'whoihalutist' beenitu
ri tutu utus'AeSiIGN st '.Atss a 'elit.
Tiii suign tt lhas shuto Igurdl fu
some yeunhrtotrethur grass i frntutof
till gnutslnibraury uihihitg 5wa5suulle
tp itfews'nights ago'l autuii thin follow-u
ing mornigsas foutntuedelectsroted n
thin teic geenu. Nut light cnuthle thronst
uipontthineremovaluuhof te'sig ut susis-
picionus point toahut mbtttuer uof tmedics swhou
beameitiredi ofutiseintg their hitterof thin
lampt itr~5espausse'dhuponi hip'thotse uuiu-
teresten the htsoouks f te lawns.
thuS c' AGHtAN luTtURNS OM 55t AS.
r. V. C. Vaugnigittreurued last ight
fromttAtlantic Cip' sherer Ie attndetd
the siutuaisconveuntionuuof thinAumricuan
Physicins Assoiatiti. IDr. Vaughani
rertad titer eftier the cunnuetinout
thinsubjecth"'Fevers, Their Ctuss uande

Fresh Heavies and Soph Lights
Win Out in Hard Fought
Itt till' I it'lonig sit nd hrd'et-foughti
conitess ever1'pulledioff iiIl theti'anks
f the' IHuront, thu spihomore lu' ight
tight tuitf-ruart e'.muudraugedi Ith s
fresn aggregal5ul'hitionluintoutheu dii iii I
an he frishi tv.elliughs i axunt
drenche tui heiu 1 suulhi hllSihils. Pser
afteron 'tTut hu e' 111of theinterclas
teies 111111 ttnds t it favorl o
-\lIuhotgh tile'stuggertiasnbiue' t
stat'tt at 4:c11o o' cc , theu ih-r eg i
eee'nuti're uit' fuur' hisiil' ss utuil l ucip\
4 5 uiulht' shout fruit Rufn e' Cnk
hill s ve''u mi utili etpa111111 ith th
ictuor'pin this'hlillilil.the in el aIu sigs
i i r worlk' onluu'ti tulp 1.11'akea feiurIru'ie'
gulups at thin lter hucts 1it 11111
dows theline11. inlul the li itig tal-
115' strinilfr'om 1thi noruth i tiuil be'.'nlto
tll, the ' fres'h lo~st t'ir les illtill
fronthale, 'a i lonthelievule e n he.
itln t ig t s celnsi i terii\\i(1I11111liv i th
huppnts if ill' s ot hecls oi911
tileh le'o rw itb fr teha v
v igh t i n test Iwas utenlienet bt he1 u -
and be'.aqPitlici b i tostus onihi
I lk i nthe t rok11111 i xl eethutuuaitihu
(Csontiued oPg 2
All Signs Point Toward a Successful
Inaugural of Panamas
tin 'r S in ongu fiu n : ttutauvan
' n t itne tuday. p ular sn t ent , has1i
lired h t ti ofallPaue ha ll ''uie
S n w s the ]list Iof .111liigalils I 111
'Plers' ill beiiollynicalhsuils if pll
sprttht e i ia m t t he it thin m i
lontger, furt iihe lecheuts sill he11on1
Ioi bn f strawus. If lst sm e'
stte. Thie' mhtle't'uhttluct tuiu i
awa~lit y'ou' tlctin, a.uuutheillea er' is'm I'
roil tlei jul1.
Al \ . hhi NRLI.'h I sf:(' 51.1

I'Nhul\' 'h'NIS T('IflRNPi'NI'
'h'i'e'uu iii' en h\' W d h'ri s fI
ru'nd oui f iuuii swill Ihhe placed f'tr
extnde el. ne~u I i %.shis i. id 1t1) 11
151s t Iit s undrai ng o the u ni-
II ' .1 o lrni i leusltl lu Isuu uuu l t'll 'I is
wiilll'e uiii'uhln'foru ll-uhl Puldii uuu uI
hrill lit' e Hal tth 'ion ru
Opens [ice iDay Scheue Today
Against tOberlin
Till'V .ltsih t1nhis lls ut e'ftI lus
i wli'llhieiipul l dy I Mowhiit,
11:' ul ta t iul hlsh 11ith 1 I s .11 ,tt Sl Il
'ilali. lP ('11111111 I ulhen l'}-el ill' \u
'ile oil\\ii PP ; d t h' luu l\1
tile' racnqut lill s kill sackl i, lll 1:111
theu hest thau ricet' as 'o ll
Friday 15is 'all 1op1n1 (lhte 11111the11'u'11111
uuuu'uu y toIll aa(\01' th y 11< du
tuo tackle C('hull IonullPutuul IforI lh
Ill csCa till. 11111 , hre cl
\N l. sutaken, slmfroth,11111''Il l , aIll Il
so\'rn h s 'l ii t tlllt llllle1"),m1
flu' hnis ppedshll 1 h11 fact11 that1 1 1
h 1Il 1me.15 i m a id \il <I
ar i th '' i a srlg ~ml n t t
ip itlullnlcls hl Is55 5511a
Ieens is now in lsession.I Their rc11'
w ill he su i l rll (tlul hil\l Ph n11111 iI.
clas pe 1dclt ipa i i n 1 theI ll
of :1 lnmill1 t l, was hell I'lnsI itt111 11
hPr.oIls. iuI sor l 'ulup. Pims tl's 1h-1
11111out f Ito lln tuo 'thu 11past uuu 1111.
kill I1. 1 E ut ll is II Il"
Thatlie fe mah ymain Ial! r
pr ' , o sut goodtt rPu ltsll 111111
't.husehowlit' e reutsof I lul
tit eS t' fnl iufsmh wclli~llin
pct- ce t, ai r.\. d isi''d ll'diret
t puuu t frshml , h icll liithaIl

Es 1st Verboten Atf Ohs Gras Zn Treteh . MME. DE PASQUALI

Fine V ,'crk of Famous Soprano
Delights V/ay Festival

C'?tltti '.l
Of I]f°r

cr ly it()l{)21


11 t1 1

Ill I'l
n'13 PP4



)w ill )w'1 1111.1 (tn 111 w ul, i h i-
'1~, le utuutll~tl Siiutuuu N utsi 1n.1 Dr.
jtcuu' iii hurmrl y 111 f he I ncl lull. i
fumultp. uillhrlesidei' us toahstmasteru

1112111,is ') i lit . us1
lull 'l'251s
''i', Pin. Ph t, P 1 . P
Cli !A

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