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July 13, 1911 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1911-07-13

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Tuttle Q~ Co.
LUNCHES Ice neanoda
338 S. State Street
The' Yoat of toe Shoe Repairing
fBoatness. 1 ewill do your work
in oh urep-op style.
Laces, Polishes, Etc.
The University Shoe Shop
613 Fist Willioam Street
rYou twil oalways fiod a targe line of
The East University Pharmacy
]"190 S. Uirityoi Ave.
Our Pr-icesar 91A
U. of M. and
P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor
Both Pthones W16

Altlibolter inis coltitn itnust be poid
foe iioadvoance. 0fice 10liit 1:30 to
3 p.ii
Locol Agetits Wanotted int every city aod
cartrmy inticiihigao to iotrodoce a tewt
labor saving decertihot posits el's
selos itself swherever shoswo; salary
$6o per mtonth aod liberal coomoissio
to live mteit.g18Cltamaber of Come-
meace, Detroit. 2-.
iTTtited-To sell or renet a cateoe for the
stitmmaer sesstoet. Coil at 224 S. Thtays-
Tuorineg ini Rhetoric atndEtnglisht.
Prices reasooaile. Address, Lassi,,
Press B'ui'lditng. Choice 96o. 4-6.
lfanotietd-Apgoil, relitible paerson to
rioittandttibiiart tetior tiwelve Senior
CEgitneers -belotngineg to a perimaneeet,
relittbde orgtiiziont. Sectool 'rear
l9ll-t2. Addrlesso"'F. .," etire 31
\iiesvitae Loffiee. Pres stiltd. 6-7.

Blirtt 'MittervstiLiotise. itt, 407 . liii- tee, i theeeot t issetnthe iseli. Sieeb
DIECORovrilsinnAerbiee. 1377 Oblite) . diaet ioire thoanseeys ofitie otthers, itid
DR CO YOF SU MER lBleettichoitsCamtii Bogaordust, Iilflos' . itcti''he taos ctliitgleft to drinkb
SCHOOL STUDENTS ,'N.VYI fit, I'el ieistwaredelthe deeisitoittot
Ii ggoit, irs. 51hirley Neill, (:7f.o l1111)t, a tel icalit.The deifeateid eiiittestate
____________________________________ Ox(tfiord, iss. t1175-J. red iall altst te ettittits, veil teiedl
IS eggote ,Theittas lKCedll. , I , t ci liers sctectit,efor resesitiont, iefiire
Ntaes intthiiseirectors are tsakene Ann, \fotrd, \lis..s 1t15-J. tie es leliliienoiatgh titiegoitotte. It
front thee teitrds inith e oficees of te oieEwrd ,108uslieaaitl, thoee reite re ihoutfiseoquaris tof the
seeretaeries of the vaieuasedepartnitctts biWahingtotee 1.C. 3431347). liesveage, i iiitite ii1)iyeichi if thietin-
oted cotteainte sm rrr.If tn oBotle, The tetti shfola, tJr., 1312 11till testaits.
tat.e tee erha e beilei 'ien placed onithe At lAror 75(-J
e1rollit ae)ttcirdtote is shoinih ere BonillaVictirer0126 Chul h,0,11 Ht eathter Spteeials-Lighet Cloth-
lut that toes ii's precludie tiere beig e Cou iS, A.i hfo-J tug, Underw'ear, 1hose, Ties, Strasw Hats,
a alt'sie ini tht e u e ca etetetefotpera-CBoont e,itit .,I miSit. e e seeSa itendother fiigs at smaall prices. Ahllen's
tar andi tell her swhatioul otte at.\ernrdto, Calt 4t9. Good Clothes Store, Maiti SI. 1-10.
tEroltlmentbthlyIe repairtets is -B 1otby, Tomas hi iii lie IDetri t.
eicateel as flows:litierrytamet fl-ifitt'seilLiLeslitLee, 103E urn Teeoteudays get yoouritille friotta
Ioe us ee noy eletter;enelgineerinig, e;, M'situcois, T'bY . 39.. Nteeter Sets,.stagoni. Thevandttitflir
lose, I; tie diei ti sle it tehar i, p;grad- BoultJamsBeeSo .J ef'letrsatesiteits aneefr eshntess . AliotiDIetritt
tite sebool, pg.IWestfieId, N. Y.Ci76J. iandCatht. Sts. 1hell 423. 110tate t40.
Telphane tattle t ait pareetteses 'ireEatsetrfindi,ArhiureteR.,o055Oathlittil.6-itt.
foe the it attic ptaosie, others frte Ara.355 35)
C 'it1. lb I enio l'ogie'sl staitiie or Camp it e t Jaitie's Atiltitit,IRhiarasairio, Cenntats, faney waork atad ritrios;best
ltgat.i' e appiears ea citya'diedresse al ls.prices. Colitis Royal, ce9 C. Libierty'.
pttay bei s~c t o Tuitinsaee, cire I_,ooi rdeClydle Maore, e.Camptttit oetri 1-ta.
e at s'titin, or ettiCam Bgarusit .ts , eevet,0.
'iCae tita ue. Bradt, F'reeleriel Thotats,pit.-03E~ . Utiderwarorfor maett, ott styles atie


Fottid-One pair of glasses itt law
butilediog. Oianeee tays'havseesate lby
calliteg at Cress Citig'., otntd laoi'i for
this tidv.
For e fetl-Des'raitle feat Iroomt, tont
Wleekfrotiamiptuts, itt19 S. UCiier- I
sity, cot. Churc'I.
Whe, the emb el of tc umee
setiool lose iiseael ea l&ihrey'
challeiige.theitecir f h itrr
departmen t itopdueea ineto'spl'y uto
o1t ii lith g tie dorhe ohe tac
Riosethal, 327 Arhecistreet, 'it dlis Iu
wsieeietwteent 12 aitee.
Ct~etis ererita at Virgin iaiumi
seciii 1 repoirts att enirolttettof i -p
sli tunt's.Thisiagutreletids that ofIi -.
yerity tain'sy-it. Ititsaexiet.editltat1
abouettoeelhtitediet reit' lltutetnr'oll titis
tawee itt orterto peelsa'e for tiii'Stug
teachlers' examnatin sti .

Ct. ittlaM,005 SOuplutancd PritJ,80,000i
IRosouri'es $l,O4i,0t'
If01-103-105 S. Main St.. Ann Arbnr, Mich.

nf the
Univcrsity ofIc ieg u
Complete information concerning seven departments:
Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine,
Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Den=
tistry, and the Graduate School and
the Summer Session.
Special courses i Forestry, Newspaper W~ork, Laudtscape
Designl, Higher Conmercial Educationa itcludioag Railwtty
Admuinistration Slnd Inutranice, Archiitectuire,.Consei aetlioll
Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated xNit.h Alit Arbior Higit
School for Observation Study), andti 011 ietturenfor tose
proparing for tile s_-ientific adintistratioit ofh ehertaseuts
of sauitatioul ald public health.
For Copy of Catalogue, Spzcial Announcement or
Individual Information address
Secretary University

a'te Greate Stuire, 69's0 ha trs,
I exctaiii t.a Y 78)-J
Bacon Su-itiut C iii.: a
1alea. i \ibcJ , oialza
bti le illsdale
Bai~V, biacasOti, 54 E LieN,. V
-ilai 31479-J
li tii i's ., a , ' u15 tE. tie.r oCha S.
Bake, M rel B iiid, It i;S.1,-43
aellel ' ''ah l 12ii-'e
Ii feti.f-
Eal 'mete <1 l ii i ,p ;2 H iec's' I
Bengal, Idia. at-J
Bliiii RalpllFra-kCietit titet i l, La
Barbiertt LIa hi, g o ekan, tc/ire
iti C6g-. sli fI
B ear btunLee', taill K, , 24S.Tim. e
V le, he i Iel6t0 Se-. See
Tarette's, lii- 1 , osam .
Iteicle, hiLce ItrY,3 hbola mpsi t i osrl-
Bato, h relta Pe N h . e 113
tie hte e, vL's uiisvit/le, C rheceetit
Wahin toi , O 1 ,4.9--I.
Geaeer, fwte Ciliamprel og.a34du.,efLes
t\nti, O Ceal. to -.
Cetetit,Rob Ib r brt , I 2hi PUteivrsi.
bite bel tnr R'ockil oJOk
iax er'siC t W iI Me,23'Cf765r
BoschAte it StWiliureLoCt's Cgar-
Beisense Chles Vieuit, InfI6o Churclie.
BeltC.e]oatdIHtel 123It/a I bte).w
B 'sri"ete dwr, e,34 Jefr
Pteta, hts Ie el se u1'05d-e5.Jh.
'sererace, Jr'ie C itsMss N65-.
a.gsftcgn. it het CaSptBCad
Gt, Grtid Rpids

Hutroit, Khiatazoo.i 1t2S.
Crate. Che.rlea saiili, 'sit
Bradye , F'di n ' l, 1
Ocetai W a't 1 21 . W Ird lb V. t iSJ I
hit -ee'ier, Cl attice 0 C I iii
Cam,t . I iii '-J.
C etetrlttr hms
C/Itt i I b\ MOCI
iii ii ncari t tii iii o i ,i
1 ll he e s te i t'heui it
tee it aclt alm ( a d x
I . ll a . el i ii 1 it i 'i
C Ei'Ili nkl- c nc

prices. Allen's Good Clothees Stote,
Thie'sii,auMbain Si. I-Io.
TIhoapithti lliiyou t hiuigr a t 'bhiitmeore
I Hatkecultlitndtsee Airs. ShonekeaIthie
tyrMo-C ittn nt. c-6.
I, a IWetave .ittallawetabli e at Walkiert's,
h3 S ivieion cSi. 2.
Itl,lu I - - - -_
ood secotnd-haoaku ettls ini ill sioes.
1,sPoplit ! t elith.funrltticetsahircd13, eit IHoph-
(wiii)6 C . Liii cra', lece iiiois froaum
itt 0 Mo. ;Mate. 5t-8ei.tihto
("iiiT t c'cfrmtici ii.tii '_1 1;foe it eit
lb 0i. ViitertBtrns.. Cut. )t. ati
'i ii' Sia. Itch 423: t1-1tuitie 140.
r Ion Tihe "Iiterneationeal Chltepi 'sip"
'a 'ti, tensbalt. The (e'st muade. See 'ODad"
13kitutuen, 3o6 S. State.
tu n Clege Iut is shill otpenthrliough suutu-
as Ion wtct tiersc-heiot. Sandiclues ofaflol indst.
esttit ia ital - - F.300,0100i.00l
itlu t:i11 Idsee Pr t's 5 100,000iti .0i
mos drin I~sorce -- -2f.800,00.00~u
1,- Ir, e N. \V. Courner3Main,,acidetIluoi fits.


her's I ' 1 egoe je W Iry
CaompleteeOptical I'eput. Iligh leCia- a teh and.)teeep tlet iruii'.
Haller's Jewelry Store 216 S. Malin Street


Granger's Academy f Dancing
Summer School IC ses frini ii;iltti'Ikr( uesdatpandlFri
hegits rI ay, pyi11pit11i
l'or'Particularscall at Academy or Phone 246 Office !lours 1010o12 a.10.
The Ann Arbor
Will be Opell Poo1 l
Every Day Except Sunday
9A.M. to 9P.M.
It in refreshing tn lake a bath in tece cent npjirg m aler.
713 S. FIFTH AVE. Phone 996 2 Rings

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