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July 13, 1911 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1911-07-13

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Vol II.


CHIRISTIAN SCIENCE s ho'1ciseolaliarrasment oV two of~'
____his voomon class ittates 'and1g"1e0a'other
fellow,-tperhats a little diffidentsock
Declares No One Familiar With, a stab as oly he who "wins foir ldy
C"1111 all just to sit sandawhoed betweecn
Scieni if ic Facts Can Hold , sI e osad dasesinal Fgls
a- cass? It seoms that, in seatiglos
Its Doctrines 1clasthe profcssor01n ohar"e oleatoct
______the 0(ows ofsef'ats that holie woled iled
I o lft thedohoeofsfe'wts 1(o his -
ARGUES FOR MENTAL TRAINING idints. It wais fitrudownithoc lihabet
and thc"T"00row was btiiii lhet. The
first girltt t oo ot ed tenithe above
''No man w ho kiiows thte fuoolamc tat imcntionecegyoman-to-he droppedttuo
loots if ctsemtistry, ptyis,'antd iotiiyttic seat bosile e.The tirdt scat wis
caii ever be a Christiaiihtentisi,"soad ilte wt te secnir"utptiasiSir
Deani Viator C. Vaughai, Tucsday ev-It3 esiluici sankbino tbc cudet oitif
cengin Iis address cuponiiiMetaatly- heusieseatod ench itoh l ootkcitat the
giene," ini the west amtithfeatee of ttiefu'-'er;tie tooksed at ttse emuptysesot
mediicat tildiing.''fie niay tic a Chris-tietwieenhimstelfaiiaiiinumber iswo;tien
tiati, aiidthe may be a scienttist;lust it be askeil "Profes sir, didiyou saisiwo

wilt tie impossible for hini to tiotd any
such bieliefs as are taught by that cult,
"I do tot wish to tie misouderstood,"
cototinued Ike speatoer,-by way of ex-
plantation ;"I 'hove nto ill witl for aity
sect. Buol 'the Ifacts of the physical sciens-
ces have been proved by scieittiic eoth-
ods ; outd if the Christian Scientists mists
its to give credenice to their clainms, they
nmust prove thesm likewise."
In'Germany, where the gymiia 'trais
the youth itt a broad kntowledge of these
esseolial facts, declared Dr. Vaughan,
there are very feow fads. Fadismo has of-
'ten made Americanss appear ridicuilous
in the eyes of 'Europeans. "It was idue
to fadism in Contgress, which forbsade
thse expettditore of necessary funds Iso
create sanitary caminlg coinditioins 'that
at the 'time of cte late Spaish war, lit-
erally hutodreds of our soldiers died of
malarial fever without evein having left
their native shores. Fadisms is one sort
of mental delusion; atod the existensce
of nuinerous fa'ds in Ihis cousntry is
directly traceable to imoproper mental
Mast, according to the speaker, has
developed physically about as far as
lhe will. Though in msatoy respects,
physically itnferior -to the beasts, be 'has
macde himuself supreme over thsem, atod
the toaster of the world. This bus fbets
accomplished by his metital superiority;l
it is the product of his nervous systenm.
Hn iceforthi, he should take care, not
so" mnch to iticrease his physical
strength, as, to develop this tiervous
system 'through proper fraiing of his
"First of all," said Dr. Vaughan, "one
should see to it that his setise organos
are ini the test possible condition." Thoere
-' are three mistakes, swhiect everyone
makces ini a greater or less degree, if-
lissiotis, Itallumcitoationus; aii etliusioiis,
which are tdue largely to itoperfect senise
orgatns. ",An Iliusioin is nmisiinterpreting
facts, which, uptoti closer svicw, sic easils
suderstood.A histallutciiiatioii is 0, 1100
jective mntal conceet. No cxlteriai
obsject is actually in iewoo ini this cs.
boit the v ictimo sceo sismethitn" ss'hich is
aotually in is miiid. A ilucsin is
simtply' a false blief. All ire due Io
phyosical deftects.
''Allthaot sic kn,ii ssc acqttir e ttirosail
oue itervous systemts; 'asue it is the p'ir-
pse of the totniersity to train aiis de-
veopt aiid eiutets lais nos sis o -c a1
To beguis withi tthe child shiolifoM is
play, engageo ino e toil requaire ilt1
rtather 'tha n streitgth. It is the devoot
metit of lie ;indts wischf is Is lie so0gh1
tater, in ino's stuies, one should ac-
qitire a knows le of the flt'lomciot'il
faots iof the gteaI sienies, sisthi hiumatn-
istie atod ntotral. Everoe shioulsd is"",
a bsroacd genteral focudtono ticflorc otr
suinog anoy tparticiulair litnc ioi ofsu
It is the "reait fotilt ofth fbelectisve ss-
tein thatt tiio early stpec iaizai~ti is p0rI
mnited. Hiaing g'otteii a birsiad hasis,
thsen begiti to. spoecialize. Mhake it a
poitit to knosw all that is knowno abiott
sotme particular sutbject-tle narrower,
floe better, withio limimts. Atid toeti strise

Summer Members Will Organize
Social Affairs at Gym.
Four parties wvitllto giveit at Blar-
hour gymnuasiumo this suimmter udor
the auspices of the Womne's Leagte
to antenodeavor to carry oin duitnig-the
sluommer session, the woork of that asso-
ciatioo duriuog thoe regular college course.
The conmmittee its charge wtoictioon-!
sists of Blaioche Mbartio, Lila Tubbots aiod
Grace Streibert is at presetit carryitig
on0 an active memohershoip camplaign.
>Thoese leagute receptionus soultue field
tevery other Friday, conmmncing July
14, fromo four to sin, anid some special
formo of -etertainmienot mill toe platuted
tfor each omne. At five o'clock lighot cc-
freshentos will foe served, followed lay
dtanciing unttil six.
The purpose of the first of these par-
ties, to be giveti at Barbour gymntasiuin,
oni Friday of this week, is to explain
the work atud te object of the league,
atid 'to 'have thse students meet one an-
other. Atoiteresting, feature wilt be
the humorous presentations of "Mrs.
J olly's Wax Works." Sherbet antd waf-
ters will be served following fluecutter-
'taitsiuuett, atid there will be datucitug
uiilix u.
This first party is opeit:'to all womseni
(studetnts, whether league nmemobers or
tnot, atnd all are cordially invited ho
comeocanod get acquaitoted.
stion'w just a little hit umore thiant is
now know'uabocut it.
"Aod right here, let tie says:tdon't
toe afraid of hard study. H-ardi study
ntevor'hurt anuyonue so fir as tte doc-
=tors' have boeeni able to determinoe. A
few years agfo, fbcfore delis'erinog ati
addlrcss 0110nia situa oic on
t iled a tist otIthoc i itt dl four-hunt-
ded grea"test muenuat hiustory-soldiers5,
soctiststoets, "rusfs, tor00 in, tuh-
ors, moerchatits,-menositf s' wlbs of
life. Despite tefc ht ~nyo
themoshood bootkiltedbhoac'idoocts,om' e
lby dissipaition, otteron the bit 5utle ildu.
I fbiuad that toe sovciato life of thooso
(11010wasgreaterothatot o f teae-
age -Aluchi iou ftarmeo:it proved Its ftc
sevet-eigt yea . t ws (ni'ti
after 1 ogave thloectutre that I dioscsov-
00c a alac ii cnnction iisth te
lo liv to ftc arctyslotd0 to beamti'tg
toty Bu-epteti alay iu
tel .to remiains to scupotthe claiti that
harotmntaitiswotkthoest as05aarule toll
"pcaiainis greatly ho hoeodesired.h
suoeotutuot of Philatdolphiastwh osshueeto
aclaimoodt ty Euuropeanu histotrouts to
toe the greatest Amoerican ilistorian; Jos-
eph triestly, thoe uiscovierer ofosxycii,
anouthters noere itoeutionteodto shoow
that 'thurmnutwhuo've umovedthe world
utusninumedn trage 4)?

Will Discuss "What University
Graduates Should Do For
Good Goverment"
ftiooorhle Chose S. Oslor, o eruo
ftiooi"io, ill Ihetothe gest f thoo
UniisersiyotiiFridayieeninguwhenu 'to
wiil stooklin iverts is' Hallo"-shat
Univeorsity' Graduates Should Do for
GohGovecrnenot" T'his talk bythe
governor s thoo espeiolsfeatur of tho
lctuec our se ch ucthe (lootserst is
offring" tis suimmer.0 It is schocdues
t beginat ' clock.
T.houghsIithec usvernu o isasosoenti
theunicversit oo other ocsasos hie
has toevr spoukeni beforc010 audtietc
simiolar tItoc(toeawtich auth assemtblue
in Unuiersoty Hatt to hearimhnttomor-
rtsw evnig. Athletic victories he has
crone wioc thuiwaoruds of eloqucuce, as
hie has mtetings with uiersty st-
Scots under steaclircumostancs, boit
to a tixeodauientcice of sumoentus ath
citizemns whuot are visiting theuiversity
durinog the sismomer 'he will 'make ano ap-
peal for the first timte.
Dumritg his short stay hoere the gor
enor will ftc entertainiedhat the 'hoome
of RegentBeal.
Every' sudenth mu he ouniersiy is
heartily invited to atend at this Ic-
ture. There will be mo admissiono fee.
ils Wife's Remains to e Brought
Here for Burial
Anhtother cablegramutas'boo enreceived
front Prof. Stanley iut Lontdos.Ie
till sail by the Noordain, next Satur-
Say, arrivimg itt New York a week froms
thec following'ruciday, July 2f. The fu-
rab of Mhrs. Saly iltbehafeld ii
Annot Arbor oto Thursday, July 27. Fur-
rter particulars int regard to the pac
and the tine of the funera will te giveto
OswinugIsoble absence of Me. Wlfrbled
B. Show, editor of sle Mftgo Alumu-
nsi,hic worhk of edtitot that utaaiue
devolves, for fle htoe beiug" onth le ol-
er utoembter of the stoEf.Geore iB.
lDenton, a studoet us thec gradumte school
of bloc literary Scpartmoentsod san asso-
iate editor, tihlte respoosibe for thoe
puubliationu of thocc ommencbeenteuh um-
er, foe July, whichokis expetedl Is ap-
soar uaouth 'le tocoolsfifthTits fi-
shes fle summuoer soork as tb locditito
regularly ges 'ut toopublictonofor
bloc mounthsof Augit iaInduohScptemober.
The Octobernumeor authlte ethecS hy
Arthucr J. Abbihott 019 ulth he ho siuess
mainoageofbloc pooer P. .Tomputkits
sf theo rhetorio facutsbosresanged to
assoume toko il f dOte'ovisembote 00db
Decoomier editios.
ScOtNI Massotat+.roaoscP'At itswies.
Wilfred B. Shots-,04 ,scretary of the
Mhichigoai .Alumnioooasoiaion, ws mahor-
rieti to biss MuariootDiockio'ouuof this
ily 0'esterdas' mornuigat eghtuo'lock.
Thecoouule eft at,:30 or ueOube,
tthenooe thes'will sutl for Europe. Thes
iill '10u1 the Brtisho Isles Geemanis.
Franuc, andch Ie Meultermraneanreurtn-
tg about tlheo midtle of Decemibr
Miss DickinonaoOsfornerls a su-

odemutintthle sunivsrtb,Ihoovig eutheredb
ini the class of Igoe, though she did tot

'l',OhL\htED BY COIP TI tTS.
Toon usew Cciisudenbt (tre utitoe
wecome0o01(0 rott . t o -sof 'their
scotu ii dotleay tueto ere, oh
Pe.A Z.St i pofthuttChioes su-
dheits' lub iiadtiuhec uslchominogattress
The ntoo tsuduents trepresent a t oouitr
of Amiericano andu Chitse uniersities,
andl.for the o'tulpa1rtd, 11101' hae ier
attotooheth a prevos'us sluuuuter sessiont.
Disouraged'tbby the or deriotweater of
lst wektherystre utost auxious o
knso'if susoloweather oas alwa'vus toe
enuoreud, oondhsereomuusoireiesved i'henu
Pros. Syitt assuredbthe-tlo~o hat the ex-
tremebeloaloas unisusual fr bonni.Abor.
Except for teompeuruture they ere moil
enthousiustic oser Aonn Arbor aood the
uuii' ersis'. anudbsoumed esfeial' peasd
auththde ltlacof sudentos fsoud bre.
Several Clitese studetouossihou are ex-
pectedf here Ihis sumitouer til rig toe
tsuuoobtr of ceroltood ti Isthirty. So-
00ra1 oh~lesoiaevenings re iopros-
Professor Shepard Classifies Brutes
in Respect of Mentality
"The Meothotds of Larninig ii Maui
anunias"wre tdisuses[by Prof.
J I. Shueptatd yesteday afternaoonuas
thec seeuthtin'u the series of lectures
guvenuufoeth'e benefit of sumhmuter school
sostunsHis stuateumenuts wsere mostly
theu results of workldote il the tsyh-
olog la1buura tory here.
Prtf Shepard sated thoat pacicaly
its trevoious attemupt had beenututae to
cassfy blocetmtthod by ahich miaut out
auiutalscqjuieoowisvlge. However,
it trtder to out'lii auodince iua comopre-
heunuingfle various metods aoout to
be conusidered, he noode the following
cassificatiao :
First, auimtas tat are capable of
forming simpe associations;tsesod,
anmiuas that coa beneft froms the pro-
oess of trial anth faire;thI-ird, auimas
that are capable of aplying a pst ex-
perience us a simtilar situaion;toth
auitmalus that canu ppreciate a sries.
Of coutrse is is undrstood blat the
animatls of any oue class are also ci-
Sowed swiththeablfiities of alt cases
thaI precede it; vi., aninmas of the
fouthei class possess- all tbe traits of
the third, seconud, oaiS first classes.
Prof. Sheparod then told of the- co-tri-
mettsuhtchod noode during the psh few
y000, 010 humnaabengs, ats, cas01db
The appfaatus used was a s-caled
lbyreinthfor-smatute. It consisted of a
flat surface fflteuo fetchsquare, oiahicho
partitions ere erected ah iotervals of
eeventiniches. There were a arge uto-
ter of passagwoay~s boaecuu partit-ions.
smuan of wichontecther storted usr loch
anya'htere; fiathIere" was ' path and
only01n0 by wihob 010 aol could -bao-
elfof to-t uoneed of toe layrnt to the
Fsodswaus pobeS non f dtsc eid
compartments055andob the animalo iunOderob l-
sersatioto iou Ihotohoe.The timetaketboo
to reachobtIefoothec numbear of blindu
allot's goose lts oondtheboistelietn"ceo wih
whtioh thoe joaroney coulSfe repated, af-
tee having benmdeoce er all
recorded, and fruoIe results the aoi-
toot was placdfinu oe of bloc classes
preo'iouslo' imenioneodo.
-Hsuano beigs, as could too eapecedet
are os doe fourth class, so-ibe oustlof
thoe otr verlteates are iu either the
blirt or fourth,.
The expecribmenutswithtauts were par-
ticularly' itebrestinog. Same of Iei-tle
creauures omade as muay as forty' trips
a haf-day' fronm thlesuside of bloc naze,
ito thIefoodbox outul bck Is the start-

tog poit. Thu experimtol provedvcooo-
cltusively- that oantswere0ntoldepenidenti
out on olfactort'-stimulbus ini order ho
fiutd Iteir ivay front place -ho place.

Declares "Christian Anarchist"
to be Practical, Earnest
and Truth Loving
The oc5(ialt ideas sand tie iterurvuohs
of the grea tussianu peasantl comunt,'Iloo
Toltobi, wcre tdisussed by Prof. C. I,.
Meader befiore the summer110 session slu-
''Borns01ata m isheneighteents ceut
11001' ohss pted0oina ttediouhurmchiaud
stale, the" suthod~ox [ringswhochiTot-
stoi receivedthfro Iis fostermothfue
anud hismtabro' sooling feded bum
confirm h ilsnatuIcietistic inivfiidualif
ismu. Butwt l bhoc saw the blcCrimueau
sar, his ie iswitte freec oumutaniuu 00
at the Caucasussuand blocSctha of his
brother Nicholas elped turneuttu tite
of hils ideas;t md, at tonty-five, te was
a radioal o ont of the old order.
Thou he begant his systematic search for
uu basis of livitng.
"Wuto he found is oftens colled
'Christiant anarc-himt.' Prumofomttioe,
whose anarchismo Tosois most re-
seussboes, st up the duty of justice as
the basis tf his ideal society;h Tosoi
hld tip the dut' of love, as exemspifid
i: the life andliteachoitng of Christ, from
wolihe got the docrine of noo-resist-
0510,-o which lae was faithful at aft
time's. Siutce law, governmeteo, and prop-
0011, as they arc knowna to us, arc upteld
ftp volence, he tld 'thet inctlomipaibe
with the teaching of the Gotilean and
so soughot ohoc abolished. Both sar-
row national pariotinm and hard and
fast eclesiastical sysens wee pro-
scribed for the same reason. And h
declared that violence was iot- penis-
sible it hringing abou the saecessart
worlofdchages;thblocrighting of pres-
ent day wronigs ought o be achieved
rather by the renenration of mn's
"Tobstois lierary work is lorgey
boundS up with his social and reeliious
thought," declared Prof. Mbeder. "His
sympathetic grasp swas otae of his msh
ntobloe charcteristics;t e saw the facts
of 'umsan existence;t bu, whab is far
sore imspotant, te saw their relation-
ship 0150 o another. Intsistie of his ownu
decaration to th-Is contrfary, Tolsi's
work ss vastly iunfluenced -Ie wold's
thought, itsta-rticulr that of his Rus-
siati conmpatriots.
"His chif pessoal charadterisics as
revealed ty his literary productiots ares
lose of -rth, a pachcab-turnu of uind,
aond intense eanestness. Thec realism
of lis noves smakes clear to us -is oie
of trth; that 'boe was practical is prov-
ed by Ike caged lives of -those who
attemopt to folowsli precepts; atd n-s
(011, 100 00011r in inhat degree he smap
disappove of his ideas, ca doubtothe
intese earnestess of Tolsi."
Bdcause of the splendid ecord of the
ase franak A. Hooker, jshic0 of the
Mi-hcigano Supremuse Court, Go. Osborut
causedl a proclamatioo to he issued,
wichoksaid ini part:
'PIt is proper thalt we should offer
a testimonouial of respect foe the ltae
Justice Frank A'. Hosker. The oss is
irreparabile. His high id-as, Iis fe
examople of effict pulic se'vicee ando
private life, his seeing scholarly at-
tainnents as o jurist, moerit our pofotund

Gos'. Osboorna also ordered alt State
departmetnts to close out 'bWdnes~day,
the oday of Ite futoeral. Justic Hooker
a'as of the law class of 1865s.

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