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March 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…DAILY DIGEST MARCH 23, 1977 __ N w 1 11 International Pod gorny visits the government from copper- rich southern Zaire, there was growing evidence yesterday' that invading Katangese gen- darmds were firmly entrenched and fighting strongly. a12ar~l~tIt was learned here that the j town of Kasaji, which Zaire DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania claimed to have recaptured -- Soviet President N1ikolai from the insurgents, was no Podgorny arrived yesterda...…

March 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…a Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Palestinians in the occupied territory Wednesday, March 23, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan it is time to put the AFSCME strike behind us S OF THIS afternoon, 27 mem- bers of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Em- ployes (AFSCME) have been suspend- ed for "misconduct" in the strike. We ...…

March 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 136) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHGAN DAILY Ar ts Entertainm ent Wednesday, March 23, 1977 Page Five 'U' ARTISTS BLENT) NEW, NOSTALGIC Dance show: A By MARA BRAZER ritual of womanhood" Delanghe of guest per T AST weekend's University sought to depict. The dancers loney of the %dance concert provided a themselves were consistently companies. unique combination of dance, synchronized and performed the own movem music, voice, and choreographic # piece well. Sculptres...…

March 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 136) • Page Image 6

…_, Page Six I V n ,u~uy VWr.r 1 I MA r-+ jF 'SE Vi . T A . ... MM FOR RENT FOR RENT MAHE A HOUSE DISTINCTIVELY GRADS: Single room in semi-co-op YOUR OWN house 2 blocks from campus. Avail-i Choose one of our campus unfur- able April, Spring/Summer, Fall op- Wished homes. May or September Lion. $93. 665-7161. 12(;319 leases. Stop in and see our complete listings. 2 BEDROOM Modern, furnished apt. sMcKinley Asociates 2-4 person, he...…

March 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 136) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, Mooch 23, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Wednesday, Mcrch 23, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven ( uckt Dekers attitude..: ... reason for success By JOHN NIEMEYER YEP, TOMORROW night I'm going to Detroit to see the NCAA Ice Hockey championships. I've been looking forward to this weekend since September. "What a great year to cover hockey,"' I thought, knowing I'd have the chance to cover the event in nearby Olympia. But I ...…

March 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 136) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, March 23 1977 Page EIght TH~ MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, March 23~ 1977 Council delays plans CONTROL OF CITY AT STAKE: ouncildelaymelan OURS Tw a a With several successes behind us, the U-M Jewish Community brings you another GRAD HAPPY H 0 U R. Popular mixed drinks ($.50), free munchies. EVERYONE IS WELCOME WED., MAR. 23-4:30-6:30 1420 Hill Street i a a for parking repairs Tight race for ...…

February 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…SUPPORT AFSCMF See Editorial P; tge d'YI L9 4 ' UA6 g~ait MUDDY See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVII, No. 120 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 23, 1977 Ten Cents Eig ght Pages es AdukhL i :'Sy, , 1 . y ;. x"", A The Daily connection It just goes to show you, people use their sub- scription to the Daily in various and wondrous ways. Take, for example, Fran Peterson, a senior here at the University. ...…

February 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

…Doge Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, February 23, 1977 "age Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, February 23, 1977 TU's Summit-Hamilton strike reaches standstill By STU McCONNELL As the Ann Arbor Tenants Union (TU) strike against Sum- mit-Hamilton Management Co. ground into its second month yesterday, TU's Elliot Ryan said negotiations were "at a stand- still." "Right now I'd say most of our negotiations are over the phone," said Ryan. ...…

February 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 120) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday, February 23, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three DAILY DIGEST FEBRUARY 23, 1977 ... ,-. .._ - -- -- - --- r International UJgandan outcry Radio Uganda gave its first' iyydication yesterday that there was support in the Ugandan Army for an attempt to over- throw President Idi Amin's gov- ernment. The radio also mentioned deaths for the first time in con- nection with the coup attempt, in which Uganda's Anglican Archbishop. Janan...…

February 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 120) • Page Image 4

… Clie Et -lgan Bail Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Methinks Kremin~ the ioth Wednesday, February 23, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan AFSCME workers deserve our sympathy and support o' oo m SOVIET DISSIDENT PROT[!;T J YESTERDAY, UNIVERSITY service workers voted overwhelmingly to reject a proposed contract with the University. They decid...…

February 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 120) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Arts Entertainment Wednesday, February 23, 1977 Page Five . Guarneri Plays "~ s Enthusiastically By JIM STIMSON' IT'S HARD to imagine an ensemble better suited to play a cycle of Beethoven string quartets than the Guarneri Quar- tet. They have the experience and confidence to convey the ener- gy, the passion, and the gravity of Beethoven's chamber works. The Guarneri's long-since sold-out appearances Saturday night and Sun...…

February 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 120) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, February 23, 1977 a - I A .' . . I' _ a. V Vk M mmmmommommoo. FOR RENT FOR RENT ROOM, $65. Farmer's Market, St. FURNISHED HOUSE Joseph Hospital area. 761-1734. Close to campus, suitable for 5 peo- 15C224 ple. Year lease, beginning May 1st, - . . no pets. $525. Call 769-3590. 24C223 TWO ROOMS available in frater-- - - _ -_--- - nity (water-bed in one). $110, board APARTMENTS - 1 and 2 bedroom,'...…

February 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 120) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, February 23, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Sever Wednesday, February 23, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Poge Seven 2ND BIG TEN TITLE EYED p I I I I Stokes vaults over all Season Basketball Stats G-S FG-FGA Pct. FT-FTA Pet. Avg. St. PF-D Avg. Green Hibbard Grote 22-22 23-23 1../" T By ERNIE DUNBAR ships, and added the outdoor vaulters su If there was an award for titles his junior and senior "If you the most consistent Michi...…

February 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 120) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, February 23,1977 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY SALE &EXHIBIT ORIENTAL GRAPHICS FEB. 23---24 MARSON LTD HOURS Cu Fr 10 6 cvcads, 12 6 764-3234 FIRST FLOOR MICHIGAN UNION DPP in review, procedure tested T)b W" 1 I AFSCME on (Continued from Page 1) "This department has given valuable assistance to Indian family planning programs," said Prasanta Majumdar, an In- dian doctoral candidate, "you have a...…

January 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE See Inside :Y , iC [i tYi ~aUF UNFRIENDLY High-30 Low-16 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVII,,No. 93 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 23, 1977 Ten Cents Eig ght Pages FYMUSE NN S AMN CALL,'EM Blood drive A bloodbank, sponsored by the campus coed ser- vice fraternity Alpha Phi Omega, will be out for your blood this week., Donate your erythrocytes leucocytes, etc. according to this schedule:...…

January 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…Sunday, January 23, 1977 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .vr r .w. n rn .. . xe+.. 4.:."""k~sa ""'-7X ..i'...*....*..*.4., .~A . . ..r ."v:..: v.....,. .... .. .. ..nm.. n....:r:o:"-".{,.r .7 . .......9.... . r :;"r4:~ wi:i:v' : xr..r. a.i...........,......... ,. .... Oksen berg loses bet Sunday, January 23, 1977 DAY CALENDAR Music School: Javannese Gamelan Ensemble, Hill Aud., 8:00 p.m. SUMMER PLACEMENT. 3200 SAB - ...…

January 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…Esunday Editor: Stephen Hersh Ass m rg tzhine e ,ociate Editors: Ann Marie Lipinski, Elaine Fletcher inside: books - page four profiles - page five January 23, 1977 Number 16 Carter By JEFF RISTINE WASHINGTON - He had prom- ised us "a People's Inaugural," daring us to contrast images of morning coats and top hats and fancy balls and a stuffy regal atmosphere with a celebration somewhat more participatory, as comfortable as a year-old pai...…

January 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, January 23, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, January 23, 1977 A Festival , of Women in the Arts lectures, performances, guest art- ists, exhibitions, demonstrations. JANUARY 23--29 PEN DLETON ARTS INFO. CENTER second floor MICHIGAN UNION For further information cail: 763-1107 668-7884 764-3234 763-0087 Womanwork'77 an exhibit of Michigan Women Artists SUNDAY MAGAZINE BOOKS JAN. 10-FEB. 5 Hotjazz fr...…

January 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 93) • Page Image 5

…Sunday, January 23, 1977. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Sunday, January 23, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five 3UNDAY MAGAZINE ~PROF ILES.. hlioo Amalri has the Soviet AlIIo form of samizdat (undergroundt self-publication). Both, however, reached the West and went into print in' 1970. For this, Amalrik was con- victed on charges of "slander-l ing the Soviet state" and sen- tenced to three years in an East Asian labor camp. After that...…

January 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 93) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, January 23, 1977 MAn 'SE l T"" 59 st' Ia ............ FOR RENT FREE RENT - Wanted: Student to maintain nursery school and do small repairs. Live-in efficiency, on 5-acre farm located between Ann Arbor and Ypsi. Call 483-FARM from 8-4:30. 9900127 LARGE ROOM with 2 outside en- trances. Central campus. $100. Call 665-2407. or 434-7627. 94C125 CAMPUS Large furnished house avail. May 1. Suitable for 5...…

January 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 93) • Page Image 7

…Sunday, January 23, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Hayden comes home) fn~i~ nn'firal rnnfS Carter throws a people's party LUNCH-DISCUSSION TUESDAY, JAN. 25, 12 NOON LUNCH-DISCUSSION TUE DAY, JAN. 25, 12 NOON "EGYPT AFTER NASSER" Wontinuedfrom Pag e3) .'by i'te thnimnds ot, f Standingy I I IVUI Ila, HflIJ (Continued from Page 3 political office; until strong lo- cal organizations are built up. As for the, pronises of the in- c...…

January 23, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 93) • Page Image 8

…4 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, January 23, 1977 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY GREEN WATCHES 66-61 WIN FROM BENCH: Blue pulls away from llini (Continued from PageI1) tired,'" said Johnny- Orr," 'but you'll just have to go out there and suckit up for another 20 minutes.' Then, Rickey chimed in, 'I'm not tired, coach!' "I was very happy with the way we gained control in the second half," Orr added. "Illi- nois didn't challenge us ...…

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