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January 23, 1977 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-01-23

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Sunday, January 23, 1977


Page Seven

Hayden comes home)
fn~i~ nn'firal rnnfS

Carter throws a people's party





Wontinuedfrom Pag e3)

.'by i'te thnimnds ot, f Standingy I


(Continued from Page 3
political office; until strong lo-
cal organizations are built up.
As for the, pronises of the in-
coming Carter regime, Hayden
comments, "I voted for Carter
and am optimistic, but I doubt
if any real changes are going
to take place. The difference
between Carter and Ford are
like that between orange and
yellow - certainly not the same
but hardly radically different."
Hayden believes that Carter is
honest and very Democratic,
and sees that the combination
of the two as doomed to failure.
"What very few people realize
is that Carter will be the first
Democratic President to serve
in office in peace time since
Roosevelts first ter."
"The New Deal Democratic
ideas of the thirties have never
really been tested out complete-
ly, in peacetime conditions.
"Carter will have that oppor-
tinity," Hayden believes, "and
when the people realize that it
takes more than just honesty
and the Democratic Party to
straighten out this country's
problems, our grassroots move-
ment will be able to gain
Hayden feels that Carter's
economic policies are doomed to
failure because they don't seek
to alter the basic ideas that are
currently in practice.
"Every person in the United
States has the right to work -
and to find jobs for all those
presently unemployed we have
to utilize new strategies. We
could change the definition of
work to mean shorter work
weeks, job sharing, and human-
izing more jobs. Or shift our
priorities to civilian over mili-
"Too many people are hung-
up on America being number
one," says Hayden. "It's time
we realized that there is no
number one, the world is one,
and we have to get it through
our heads that it makes no dif-
ference whether we can destroy
the Soviet Union 50 or 100
Before running for the Sen-
ate, Hayden admitted that for
the most part he was against
politicians, and at the time or
his defeat he said that he was
sick of them.
"Mosttpoliticians are so swept
up in their own little games that
they have trouble carrying on a
normal conversation.
In Hayden's lecture Wednes-
day night he talked about put-
ting consumer advocates on the
boards of most large and espe-
cially multinational corpora-
"It's about time that this coun-
try set terms for all corpora-
tions to'follow. A new system"
of corporate chartering has to
be instituted."
"Just about every major U.S.
corporation is charted in Dela-
ware, "for the simple reason
that Delaware has the most lax
chartering laws of any state.
This has got to change, with
laws that do not give corpora-
tions unfair tax breaks."
Part of Hayden's grassroots
movement involves training
workers to be able to organize
movements in their own com-
munities. They literally have in-
stituted training camps that use
encounter techniques, to teach
trainees, in order to "put con-
fident people to work where be-
fore there were only concerned
Hayden has also organized
several community action
groups into what he calls "The
California Campaign for Eco-
nomic Democracy."
"This is a growing coalition,"
said Hayden. "People are find-

ing out that by getting out and
voting innumbers"they can
change the political system."
that there is little differ-
ence between hisgrassroots
movement and the student
movement of the 6's.
"The situation has merely
grown. The students were di-
rectly affected by the war and
they voiced their opinions in the
only way they could-they were
denied the right to vote. The
grassroots movement concerns
everyone; no one can live out-
side the economy."
Hayden has found that college
audiences today are just as re-
ceptive as those during the anti-
war movement. An equal re-
sponse has been received off-
campus, possibly showing a
trend to the left among the
"older generation,"
Today Hayden earns his liv-
ing from lectures and free-lance
writing. When not on the road
he lives in California with his
wife, Jane Fonda.
Home life for Hayden is inter-
woven and integrated with his
occupation. "I don't have a nine
to five job where I can come
home and leave the office"be-
hind me. I work in my house
--A. d...: ia,,eisnr nnr- e-


I r ) I [ %J I*~ ~4 5 5 ~j ~ 1 t1.flJ ILIU. O'U"U'3- t --- -iIMS
It was there on The Hill that Room ticket - holders below.
in ibout old times with the new the spirit of the People's Inaug- The Naive were slightly un-,
staff. ural took its truest form. It was familiar with the mechanics of
"When I was editor," recallsj 150,000 men and women and delivering a speech. A college-
"Haen "it was almt, a boys and girls and infants, peo- aged male eyed the Plexiglas
Hayden, "it was almost expect- ple rich and poor, powerful and panel in front of the speaker's
ed of you to become a member weak, idealistic and apolitical. platform on the portico and in-
of Michigauma, (the elite stu- It was countless faces eager to sisted it was the latest fruit
dent honorary), whose hazing hear the voice of the man they of electronic wizardry.
was as bad as any fraternity had elected to office. It was "e
at the time. I turned them heavy coats and thick scarves, there," he announced. "I'm
down." ear muffs and woolen hats. It sure there is one. It's a Tele-
"The entire idea of being was hundreds of pairs of binoc- Prompter, that's what it is. I
beaten up and thrown in the ulars trained on the east steps don't know how a TelePrompt-
mud so you could sit up in their of the Capitol, Polaroids, Insta- er works, all I know is you can
little room on top of the Union matics, Nikons and notebooks. see through it. It's pure glass."
and jack-off with all the other It was a thrilling, palpable an- The Southerners saturated
little boys who thought they ticipation. The Hill and comprised one of
were the campus elite was just The Complainers had come athmotipratatsfte
barbaric to me," he said. long way and were disappointedPeostInuratio r t
"Maybe things haven't chang. to discover they could not see one was talking with a South-
ed so much - they're still up the special portico the Pres-rn accent, whether they were
there." dent would speak from. from the South or not. These
"Well, we can stay here or were some of the people who
It was at that time that The go and watch it on television.
Daily was the hotbed of cam- You want to do that? opened their mailboxes one day
pus activists," said Hayden. "Yeah, let's go watch it on ad found large white envelopes
"You've got to remember that f TV." with real invitations to the
for the most part students were And: "Isn't it awful that swearing-in ceremonies. They
not allowed to vote. The Daily they don't have bleachers?" were Carter supporters from
was one of our few outlets. But The Neck Craners were try- wayhotalked about the te-
nothing compared to the student ing anything to get a glimpseg ii
activism that came five to ten of the ceremony. A middle-aged be and Jimmy were almost ar-
years after I left." woman dropped a stuffed pap- rested.
If certain asoectQ of campus er shopping bag on the ground
l and stood on it, lifting her atr
life, like Michigauma, don't most a meaningless extra inch
seem to have changed much, and a half off the ground. AA stivalOf
and if students today now seem younger woman, perhaps in her A
bent on seeming "normal," Tomn early twenties, was 'trying toin},t r
bayen seesthe curent trends climb up on her taller escorts Women t
Haydn ses te crren trndsback, laughing even as she fellI
as seeds which will sprout into off onto the powdery snow. A A HISTORICAL
a renewed wave of change. man who already stood above PERSPECTIVE
"People are worried about grad- the shoulders of most of his
es and jobs a lot more than eighbors was piling up snow Mon., Jan. 24, 7:30
in to a small mountain he could
when I went to school. Back stand on for an even better Rc
then some one planning on do- look. Mianes, lecture
ing graduate work could have The Tree People scampered Traditional Arts
some C's and D's on his tran- high up the limbs of their excel-
script and still get by. But lent vantage points, and were Tues., Jan. 25, 7:30
shooed off about once every
those days seem to be over." half hour. As soon as it was Pendleton Arts Info. Center
"Eveiryone is fighting every- safe, someone else would MICHIGAN UNION, 2nd Floor
body for a piece of the pie," climb up. They had some ofC,
he adds. "And this is why our the best seats on the grounds, INFORMATION CALL:
and the lucky ones who had 763-1107 668-7884
grass roots movement is Iound eluded the special police by 764-3234 763-0087
to keep growing." noon were jealously resented
While Others Are Conforming to Tradition,
We're Establishing Our Own.
i ryu
Pill OterAMCnomAngtDELaiAn
(Coner of H ill and Oxford )
707 OXFORD 761-5950
K p "Y** "'."""''.:".r.:,.;;~ N~

It was Thanksgiving Day,
1968, he said, and Jimmy was
one of four persons canvassing
door-to-door in Springfield,
Mass. on behalf of the Baptist
Church. As it turned out, how-
ever, Massachusetts had a law
against such activity, so the
cops hauled the future Presi-
dent of the United States and
his friends down to the station,
where theytalkedbthemselves'
out of further trouble.
And so The Complainers, The
Neck Cr"aners, The Tree People,
The Southerners and all the
rest listened to their new chief
executive, listened as he asked
them to become part of his
presidency. "Your strength can
compensate for my weakness,"
he said in his short, simple
speech. "Your wisdom can help
to minimize my mistakes."
A People's Presidency? The
people on The Hill probably,
didn't give it much thought as
they marched off to get a good
spot 'on the curb for the pa-

rade. It was a nice idea, of Speaker: PROF.
course, but how could such, a UNIVERSITY OF
dream become reality? You
can't change tradition over-
night, they figured. Ecumenical1
The Tree People jumped 921C
from their perches and ran to
Pennsylvania Avenue to wait Lunch (75c) is prepared or
for the President. Church Women United

at the
Campus Ce



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Probably not. All things considered you do
what you do pretty doggone well. After all, no one
has taken your job. And you're eating regularly.
But have you ever considered what doing your
job just a little better might mean?
Money. Cold hard coin of the realm.
If each of us cared just a smidge more about
what we do for a living, we could actually turn that
inflationary spiral around. Better products, better
service and better management would mean savings
for all of us. Savings of much of the cash and frayed
nerves it's costing us now for repairs'and inefficiency.
Point two..By taking more pride in our work
we'll more than likely see America regaining its
strength in the competitive world trade arena. When
the balance of payments swings our way again we'll
all be better off economically.
So you see-the only person who can really
do what you do any betteris you.
A s.a It kn # adie




I 1


Deadline for Sunday issue-
WEDNESDAY at 5 p.m.
DEADLINE 3 days in advance by 3 p.m.





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