N w
Pod gorny visits
the government from copper-
rich southern Zaire, there was
growing evidence yesterday'
that invading Katangese gen-
darmds were firmly entrenched
and fighting strongly.
a12ar~l~tIt was learned here that the j
town of Kasaji, which Zaire
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania claimed to have recaptured
-- Soviet President N1ikolai from the insurgents, was no
Podgorny arrived yesterday in longer under government con-
this East African nation, com- trol.
mencing the first visit by a top The invaders continued to
Kremlin leader to the black Af- control the towns of Sandoa,
rican states striving to end Kapanga, Dilolo and Kesenge
white minority rule in Rhode- despite government reports of
sia. "massive bombing raids" which
Podgorny's African tour will it said were helping drive the
also take him to Zambia and intruders back over the Angola
Mozambique, where black na- border.
tionalists have established basesb
for the guerrilla war against All information available in
Rhodesia. Kinshasa was sketchy and
much of it appeared unreliable.
.. Zaire's request for more
American help appeared to un-
" derline concern over the situa-
~' ~tion by President Mobutu Sese
Seko, who repeated claims that
Cubans had trained the invad-
ers and hinted that both Cubans
and Marxist Angolans were
among the invaders.
A U. S.- chartered Boeing
747 cargo plane was scheduled
to arrive at Njili airport outside
Kinshasa yesterday with $600,-
Yr> "J:;..::;:''<>>"° $> 000 worth of nonlethal military
equipment, the second such
American shipment since the in-
vasion began.
Zaire's 25,000 - man army
has been severely handicapped
by gasoline shortages, poor
communications and long sup-
ply lines.-
Podgorny Dutch leaders
The Soviet president arrived resign
only a day after Cuban Presi- I
dent Fidel Castro left Tanzania THE HAGUE, The Nether-
for Mozambique at the close of lands - Holland's left - center
a five-day visit. ' government resigned -yesterday
Western diplomats in Dar Es ( after nearly four years in pow-
Salaam view Podgorny's arriv- er, and only two months be-
al as evidence of Moscow's de- fore scheduled parliamentary
sire, to increase its prestige in elections.
the area, at the expense of the Labor party Prime Minister
West, by playing a larger role Joop .den Uvl submitted the re-
over Rhoddsia. signation of the five-party co-
The Soviets have been supply- alition to Queen Juliana. He told
ing political and material sup- Parliament he had been unable
port to nationalist movements to resolve a cabinet conflict
trying to overthrow white rule over measures to regulate land
in Southern Africa, with the sales.
bulk of this support going to the
Rhodesion guerrillas. Some of The dispute on the land issue
the arms are shipped in through creat-d a rift between left wing-
Dar Es Salaam, ers i the cabinet, led by den
President Podgorny's visit Uvl's Laborites, and the moder-
comes at a favorable time for ate Christian Democrat bloc.
the Soviet Union in southern The left wingers and a ma-
Africa. All three countries on jority of the cabinet basically
his itinerary belong to the wanted land prices regulated by
"front line" group of black Af- the land's valve to current us:
ricanastates, whichhave called ers. The Christian Democrats,
for an intensification of the hwvr eaddetacn
guerrilla war in Rhodesia. sideration for potential develop-
ment value, including compen-
Zaire invasion sation for any drop in valua-
tion caused in scheduling a
KINSHASA, Zaire - Despite a site for redevelopment. The
optimistic battlefronf'reports by leftists argued this would open
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den Uyl
the way to increased land spec-
A statement from Queen Juli-
ana's office said the monarch
had asked all ministers to re-.
main at their posts for the time
Milki price hike
WASHINGTON - President
Carter's decision to raise milk
price supports could boost the
retail cost of milk by 6.2 cents-'
per gallon and butter by 10
cents a pound, Agriculture De-
partment analysts report.
Agriculture Secretary Bob
Bergland, who Announced the
price support increases yester-
day, described the consumer
costs as modest.
Unless the government hikes
price supports to dairy farm-
ers, Bergland said, milk pro-
duction could decline so much
that consumers would face sub-
stantially higher prices in the
"The question is whether or
not we'll have an adequate sup-
ply of milk for the consumers
of this nation," he told report-
ers after announcing Carter's
Bergland said the decision to
raise milk price supports to $9
per 100 pounds was based on
campaign promises and the
fact that dairy farmers are cur-
rently caught in a profit
Milk prices paid to farmers
have dropped 8 per cent since
October, Bergland said. At the
same time, he noted, hay and
feed costs have risen because
of the drought and lack of re-
serve pastures.'o
Bergland called the decision
to raise supports from $8.26 to
$9 per 100 pounds "a signal to
the dairy producers in the Unit-
ed States that we want them
to stay in business." He said
the level would be reviewed in
six months.
Labor pains
Department, which is in the
business of helping other em-
ployers and unions with their
labor problems, has hired an
outside labor consultant at $50.
an hour to straighten out the
department's stormy relations
with its own employes.
Labor Secretary Ray Mar-
shall said yesterday he has
"engaged" a firm to represent
the department in contract
talks with Local 12 of the Am-
erican Federation of Govern-
ment Employes.
"I'm concerned that we
ought to be a model ourselves
for collective bargaining," Mar-
shall said.
The local, which represents
the department's 5,000 em-
ployes in Washington, has been
without a contract for more
than a year, largely because of
a dispute over promotions.
Marshall said the consulting
firm not only will help nego-
tiate a new contract but will
create "a mechanism for ad-
ministering" the new pact once
signed, and will help train de-
partment personnel responsi-
ble for enforcing it.
President Carter at a Cabi-
net meeting last week suggest-
ed that too much reliance was
being placed on private con-
sultants and suggested that de-
partment heads begin keeping
track of the number of outside
consultants they hire and the
money spent for such activities..
Marshall inherited the prob-
lem from his predecessors -
John Dunlop and W. J. Usery
Jr., both regarded as among
the foremost labor peacemak-
ers in the country.
Kidnap reward
L A N S I N G - Triggered
by the kidnapping-murders of
six Oakland, County children
and the disappearance of a
seventh, legislation was intro-
duced in the state House yes-
terday to create a $1 million
reward fund.
The measure, sponsored by
Rep. David Campbell (R-Roy-
al Oak), would pay at least
$50,000 each to persons provid-
ing information leading to the
arrest and conviction of those
killing, kidnaping or sexually
assaulting children under age
"People are scared," Sheriff
Johannes Spreen said yesterday
as a search continued for an
11-year-old boy who disappear-
ed in an area where the six
other children have been ad-
ducted and slain in just over a
Timothy King of Birmingham,
was last seen March 16 when he
left home for a neighborhood
store to buy candy. Oakland
County authorities began a
search for the boy last week,
but despite hundreds of tips and
a special 300-member taskr
force, the child still is missing.
Authorities have compiled a
psychological profile and an ar-
tist's sketch of the suspect they
are seeking. The profile de-
scribes the suspect as a white
male, 20 to 35 years old, well
educated and intelligent. He is
a white collar worker, the pro-
file continues, who lives or
works in Oakland County and
has a job that allows him free-
dom of movement.
PBB case
CADILLAC-A chemical plant
dumped wastewater possibly
containing small amounts of
toxic PBB into underground
disposal wells even after Michi-
gan's PBB livestock feed mixup
come to light, a plant official
said yesterday.
Patrick Lincoln, director of Falmouth, Mich., dairyman Roy
pollution control at the Michi- Tacoma claims some PBB con-
gan Chemical Co. in St. Louis, tamination occurred in manu-
Mich., said some wastewater facturing processes at the chem-
may have filtered into under- ical plant prior to the mixing
ground brine pools tapped by accident.
the company for raw materials Testifying in Wexford County
in making 'salt and livestock Circuit Court, Lincoln said
feed additives. ('htrr'nnrtt
A farmer who is suing Michi-
gan Chemical and Farm Bureau
Services in Michigan's first
PBB trial blames PBB-tainted
salt and livestock feed for cat-
tle sickness that he says devas-
tated his dairy herd.
In his $1 million damage suit,
icn gan I pcliCJ~IUL
the state, Department of Natu-
ral Resources in 1976 that wat-
er regularly flushed from the
plant into underground rock
formations was contaminated
with "brine, redesolved salts
and other chemicals, possibly
including PBB."
n_ ___- _ r ____t 1.,.._.. ..r..... ..P rrt..1..Y .._...L wx:..L. .I ..... .. ...« Z71.,,..
Save and bundle
old newspapers
for recycling
Poetry. Reading
David Victor
Wednesday, March 23rd
7:30 p.m.
Markley Library, Markley Hall
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Wednesday, March 23, 1977
WUOM: National Tow Meeting,
live coverage panel discussion "The
Carter Administration-The Press &
The Public," panelists Pierre Salin-
ger, for press secretary for John
Kennedy; George Reedy, former
press secretary for Lyndon Johnson,
and Ron Nessen, former press sec-;
retary for Gerald Ford, moderator,
syndicated col'umnist Martha An-
Thomas M. Cooley Lectures, 'Ju-
dicial Review and the National Po-
litical Process," Lecture III - "Con-
stitutional Conflicts between Con-
gress and the President: A subject1
for the Political Process," 100 Hutch-
ins Hall, 3:15 p.m.
Ctr. Human, Growth/Development:
"Human Sexuality," Herant Katcha-
dourian, Stanford U., "The Genital-
ia* Structure, Function, Pride and
Prejudice," Aud. 4, MLB, 4-5:30 p.m.i
The honor stidents will not wear
caps and gowns. Doors of the Audi-
torium will open at 10 a.m. The
public is invited.
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terview Tuesday, March 22. Positions
include Western riding instructor,
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day, March 22 and Wednesday,
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Excellent opportunity for business
experience salary.
Good Humour will interview
Thursday, March 24 and Friday,
March 25 from 9-5 p.m. Big oppor-
tunity with big money. Work in
own area; i.e., Cleveland, etc. Spend
a summer outdoors.
Because of gradudtiori and term expiration,
Student Government has student openings on
all of the:
POWERFUL PEOPLE are needed to fill
these vacancies and deal with the ad-
ministration and faculty members.
If you feel that you can handle' the challenge
and the responsibility, apply now at the M.S.A.
Offices, 3rd floor, Michigan Union.
Ind.*Oper. Eng.: Christoph wtz- THE MICHIGAN DAILY
gall, National Bureau of Standards, 'Volume LXXXVII, No. 136
Washington, D.C., "On One-RowWeesaMrh2,17
Linear Programs," 229 W.E., 4 p.m. edesda archby3, ud977
1s edited and managed by students
G ENER AL NOTICE at the University of Michigan. NewsI
UneraLdNteoa iphone 764-0562. Second class postage
Undergraduate Honors Convocation, paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
The annal Convcatioon recgns- Published d a i I y Tuesday through
ing undergraduate honor students Sunday morning during the Univer-
will be held at 10:30 a.m., Friday, sity year at 420 Maynard Street. Ann
March 25 at Hill Auditorium, Vice Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription
President Frank H.T. Rhodes will rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes-
address the Convocation on "The ters); $13 by mail outside Ann
High Cost of Honors." Arbor.
All undergraduate classes, with the Summer session published Tues-
exception of clinics and graduate day through Saturday morning.
seminars, will be dismissed from subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
9:45 a.m. to 12 noon for the Con- Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann
vocation. However, seniors may be Arbor.
excused from clinics and seminars.
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Why too much
regulation may
rule you out
How would you like to be forced to
get permission from 379 separate
Government agencies before you could
work? That's what Armco has to do.
We think you could hear a similar story
from nearly any large company in
America-if the regulatory paperwork
leaves them any time to talk to you.
Excessive regulation threatens your
chance of getting a job.
Most of us agree that the goals
regulation seeks are important. Clean
air and water. Job safety. Equal rights
at work. The problem is the way
Government people now write and
apply specific rules to reach those
goals. Too often, the rules don't really
do any good. They just tie companies
up in knots as they try to comply.
Federal regulations now take up a
twelve-foot shelf of textbook size
volumes printed in small type. 13,589
more pages were written last year
alone. And Washington is more than
matched by a growing army of state
and local regulators.
Nobody really knows how much
money regulation costs. Some say it's
up to $40 billion a year. Companies
paying that bill can't use that money
for jobs. A new job, on the average,
now costs a company $42,168 in capital
investment. (Armco's own cost is
$55,60.) At $42,168 per job, regulation'
last year ate up the money which
ould have created 948,000 new jobs. Plain Talk About
No sensible American wants to
ismantle all Government regulation.
lut we think the system has gone Besides our 379 permits, Armco at las
erserk and the cost is out of control. count had to file periodic reports witi
1,245 federal, state and loca, agencies
ree-Armc o's plain What happens to Armco and other
companies isn't that important. But
what happens to a company's jobs is.
3 job Here's a small example:
The Government requires companies
.e've got a free booklet to help you to give employees reports on their
et a job. Use it to set yourself apart, benefit plans. Fair enough. But the
bove the crowd. We answer 50 key timing this year, plus the complexities
uestions you'll need to know. Like of Armco's plans, didn't let us print a
vhy you should bone up on companies report in our company magazine. In-
ou like. What to do after the first stead, we had to mail them-200,000
Iterview. Hints to make you a more in all-to each employee individually.
ggressive, attractive job candidate. This didn't add one dime to Armco
l prepared for Armco by a consult- people's benefits. But it's cost us
ig firm specializing in business' '$125,000 so far. That's two jobs we
ecruiting, with help from the place- couldn't create, right there.
nent staff of a leading university. Next time anybody calls for a new
Send for your free copy of How regulation, you might ask for some
Get a Job. Write Armco Steel sensible analysis of the costs and
orporation, Educational Relations benefits-including how many jobs
ept., General Offices, U-3, Middle- might be lost. One of those jobs could
>wn, Ohio 45043. Our supply is be lours.
mited, so write now
~ Armco wants your plain tall
on regulation and jobs
Does our message make sense? We'd
like to knbw what vou.think. Your
personal experiences. Facts you've
NS f
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