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February 23, 1977 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1977-02-23

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Page Eight


Wednesday, February 23,1977


FEB. 23---24
Cu Fr 10 6
cvcads, 12 6

DPP in review,
procedure tested

T)b W" 1 I


(Continued from Page 1)
"This department has given
valuable assistance to Indian
family planning programs,"
said Prasanta Majumdar, an In-
dian doctoral candidate, "you
have a responsibility to train
those people for those posi-
If the initial evaluation of
PPD, begun in the fall of 1975,
had come six months or a year
later, student Margaret Gorecki
said, the review would have re-
flected a marked shift in the de-


partment from international to
domestic focus. Dean Reming-
ton stated that there is no com-
parable population studies pro-
gram in Michigan.
In defense of PPD's reputa-
tion, Gorecki explained that
while she was working in Ne-
pal searching for a program
"the kind of advice I got was,
"Michigan is where it's at'."
Since PPD will lose its Aid
for International Development
and Ford Foundation grants in
1978, Remington stressed a pre-
dicted deficit in excess of one
million dollars for the SPH.
"Where's the money?" asked
Remington, referring to the
school's inability to compensate
for the $140,000 loss in outside
funding to PPD.
Facing "severe p r o b 1 e m s
within a budgetary context," the
University must contend with
the loss of federal and state
funds and "we don't know where
to go to make up that shortfall,"
Rhodes commented.
Remington added that PPD is
"not a strong research group."
He cited the program's inability
to obtain outside research
Research productivity is mea-
sured in terms of publications
reviewed by peers.
SPH's Executive Committee,
in its Feb. 2 recommendation
with -the Dean to drop PPD,
claimed that, "Research pro-
ductivity of this faculty is also
low, amounting throughout the
1970s to approximately one peer-
reviewed publication per faculty
member per two years."
But in a published response,
PPD members protested that
this only indicates journal arti-
cles. Also PPD Assistant Profes-
sor Judith Herrington said she
was one of many PPD members
preparing to publish research

(Continued from Page 1)
THE HOUSING Office has no-
tified dorm supervisors that
they would have to recruit resi-
dent staff members and willing
students to work in food service
and housekeeping p o s it i o n s
throughout the AFSCME strike.
Feldkamp said that resident
staff, in some cases, may be
compelled by their supervisors
to take over the responsibilities

of another job. If the staff mem-1
ber refuses to cross union pick-
et lines, he added, "their staff
job could be put in jeopardy."
"Any employes sympathizing!
with the strike won't get paid
and risk losing their own jobs,"
Feldkamp said.
HE SAID University officials
are not considering the closing
of any dormitories. "They have
never been closed down before,"
Feldkamp said. "Such an action

strike on
woud be tragic to a residential o n b l
ins itution.
The housing director suggest-
ed that despite AFSCME pick- By LISA FISHE
ets, students should seek the U.S. Congressman Ro
temporary employment oppor- lums (D-California) told
tunities created by the union pus audience yesterd
walkout. black Americans need

Pilot struggles on

(Continued from Page 1)
tics. Morrow believes past stu-
dents felt courses were not chal-
lenging, she says classes have
been made tougher in the past
two or three years.
Students now have an option
to take Pilot courses pass/fail
or with letter grades, rather
than strictly pass/fail as in the

which has a slant toward com-
munity psychology; "Health and
Disease," which emphasizes hu-
man biology; and "Dreams,
Fairy Tales, and Myths," which
has a philisophical flavor.
motives for entering the Pilot
program. One wanted to make
sure she lived in Lloyd. Another

Meanwhile, a pro-AFSCME
student group has, for the past
week, attempted to prevent stu-
dents from filling union jobs in
the event of a strike.
THE GROUP, called the Stu-
dent Support Committee for
AFSCME, is encouraging stu-
dents to honor union pickets
and avoid doing work normally
done by AFSCME emploves.
All campus buses will be op-
erating as scheduled during the
strike, according to assistant ga-
rage foreman Joseph Kennedy.
WHILE nurses' aides and oth-
er University Hospital employes
will be involved in the strike,
campus officials said they
doubted the student Health Serv-
ices would be affected.
Neither the University nor
the union will speculate on how
long the strike may last.
Neff said the University's
first response to the walkout will
simply be to monitor union ac-
tivities and learn the extent of
the strike. The campus can seek
a court injunction against the
strike, but before that, Neff
said, "We would have to assess


urms talks

advantage of "their mo
history" and becomer
volved in politics.
As the main speaker
first day of the Black1
History conference,
urged blacks to be awa
responsibility he said t
because of the crucialr
played in the electionc
dent Jimmy Carter.
'What will Jimmy Carte
us?' " he declared. "V
an obligation to deman
set of policies and prog
help black people in th
Speaking softly yet di
his audience in the S
Auditorium of the Schoo
cation, Dellums, a cong
since 1971, referred freq
the recent telecast of
Alex Haley's story of hi
for his family's history.
said "Roots" portrayed
sistent attempts by o
groups to obtain theirf
and that blacks and o
nority groups should
those attempts today.
"We as a people,"

R the moment - the making of a
nald Del- President - to alter the course
d a cam-;of history in this country and in
ay that the world."
to take DELLUMS, the first black
oment in member ot the House Armed
more in- Services Committee, blasted
"America's strange need to be
r on the first in military." American ex-
Life and ports of military equipment and
Dellums weapons, he said, is "insane."
re of the Calling himself "left to the
hey hold center" in the political arena,
role they Dellums set forth several ob-
of Presi- jectives for black Americans:
-A clarification of values.
question, "Life is the most precious sub-
er do for stance on the face of the earth,"
We have he said, and people must shift
d a new from a philosophy of material-
grams to ism to a philosophy of human-
his coun- ism.
-COMMUNITY spirit. Blacks
rectly to should make a new commitment
Schorling to their communities, he de-
I of Edu- clared. "All human beings
;ressman should have the right to func-
uently to tion, flower, and grow to realize
"Roots," their fPlest potential."
s search -A new role in the world.
Dellums Dellums said the U.S. should
the per- move away from a reliance on
ppressed wars to solve problems.
freedom, -A strategy for change. "If
ther mi- Martin Luther King's dream is
emulate not to be a dream deferred, we
must move together as a coali-
Dellums tion of neoples - black, brown,

It appears that the attitudes felt Pilot would benefit his own
of the staff are changing along growth.
with the attitudes of the stu- "I still think that Lloyd is the
dents. best place to live on campus,
FORMER STUDENT Advisor along with East Quad," Sulli-
Jim Sullivan says, "They (the van said.
staff) are not into confrontation "If they eliminate Pilot,
politics. In my first year, the they'd never get it going again,"
staff slaw it as part of their job concluded Sullivan. "There's
to question values, take stands still hope. It's going to carry
on issues, to question prejudices. on."
Last year this was greatly re-
duced," Sullivan added.
One issue that did ignite the + r
Pilot spirit this year was Pro-
posal A, the bottle bill. They
also joined the Public Interest
Research Group in Michigan
(PIRGIM) in a clean-up cam- (Continued from Page 1)
paign of Huron River Drive. to the entire MERC
Another change in Pilot was ing partyd which would hold the is-
the addition this year of alter- sue up for four to eight more
natives to freshman composi- sothe u After that it could be
tion in regular LSA offerings. monhs trotha, t co y be
Thes inludeclases ike"Myappealed through all the way toI
These include classes like "My the state Supreme Court.
World and Welcome to It,"
THE ULP charge stems from

the practicality"

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.a disagreement between the two
bargaining teams on the even-
ing of Nov. 18, the day negotia-
tions broke down. At that time,
the sides had agreed to every
item in the contract except one
-the clause determining whom
GEO trepresents.
Since GEO already had two
grievances pending on this par-
ticular clause, the University
refused to sign a new agreement
containing controversial lan-
guage, and insisted that GEO
drop the two grievances. The
administration further stipulated
that the union must sign a
memo promising not to file the
grievances again, and acknowl-
edge that the grievances were
"inconsistent with the current
and precedingmcollective bar-
gaining, agreements."
GEO refused, saying the Uni-
versity was "holding up the
signing of the contract for a
non-mandatory bargaining is-
sue." The administration dis-
agreed, and the union filed the
gued that the administration had
not presented the grievance
memo at the bargaining table
until Nov. 17, the day before ne-
gotiations were halted. Barbras
Tannenbaum, a GEO bargainer,

testified: "The University did
not bring up the memo during
the time that I was bargaining
(October through November)
until Nov. 17. At that time, it
came as a big shock to us."
The union also argued that the
matter of who was covered un-
der the contract was never dis-
cussed at the bargaining table,
and therefore was not a factor
in this year's agreements. Since
it was not an openly discussed
issue they said, the administra-
tion was committing a ULP by
refusing to execute the contract
because of that clause.
Although the University plead-
ed innocent to those charges, it
did not attempt to refute them.
"THE PROBLEM," said chief
University bargainer John For-
syth, "is that if we actually
tried to win the ULP, we would,
Our case is so clean that we
coildn't lose.
"Unfortunately." he contin-
ued. "if we win the ULP, then
MERC won't answer the ques-
tion of whether they are em-
ployes or not. If we don't pre-
sent any other defense, then
MERC has to consider that ques-
tion, which is what we want
them to do."
University attorney Robert
Vercruysse argued the adminis-
tration's stance by comparing
the University to our "peer in-
"AT BERKELEY, Harvard,
Yale, Stanford, MIT, and our
other peer institutions, graduate
student assistants are by law
not considered employes," hel
Vercruvsse cited the Leland
vs. Stanford case of 1974 as le-
gal precedent that GSAs are not
employes. In that case, graduate
student staff and research as-
sistants were determined to be
students, not employes.
After the hearing at the Mich-

S TAs'
igan Union, leaders on each side
called the other "liars".
ALTHOUGH he didn't chal-
lenge any of GEO's evidence at
the hearing, University attorney
William Lemmer said later.
"You can't believe anything
they say, because they lie all the
When told of Lemmer's com-
ment, Moran said, "If anyonei
is lying. it is them." He added1
later, "Mr. Lemmer is below1
Forsyth also refuted several:
points made by GEO. He pro-
duced documents proving thata
the grievance memo had been
presented to GEO on Sept. 30,
and again on Nov. 16, not Nov.

NOW pres. seeks



17 as GEO had claimed. He also
claimed that the memo was
"discussed at the bargaining
table at least once during Oc-
tober and November."
MORAN admitted "that most
of the bargaining team was
aware of the memo on Sept. 30."
He also admitted that the memo
"may have been in the Nov. 16
proposal." But he denied that
the memo was ever discussed
before Nov. 17, and said all
charges of lying were "unfound-
"When you are trying to re-
call something that happened
three months ago," Moran said,
"you are bound to miss a few


(Continued from Page 1) said, but "Of course, there's a
is no reason why a man should I whole generation of emotional

have to support a family, why a
woman who wants to be a brain
surgeon or a man a poet should
have to explain it."
Referring to the superior-in-
ferior relationship of men and
women. DeCrow continued, "To
be in the ruling class because
of your birth causes constant
nervousness, because someone
may at any moment see you're
not superior."
DECROW blamed both the au-
thor of the "Dick-and-Jane" ele-
mentary school books and Dr.
Benjamin Spock for their rein-
forcement of. the stereotype of
boy-girl sex roles. Both Spock
and the creators of the books
have condemned the stereotypes
they helped to create, DeCrow



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According to DeCrow, NOW
will make a special request to
the Carter administration to sup-
port their cause. "We will ask
Carter to go on TV and say how
embarrassing it is to be Pres-
ident of a country with sex 6s-
crimination," DeCrow said. She
explained that while President
Carter is an advocate of the
ERA, he has been known only
to express his support when fac-
ing women's organizations.
DeCrow confronted objections
to the changes the ERA will
bring about. She blasted charges
that the proposed constitutional
amendment will force every wo-
man to go out and get a job, re-
ferring :rimarily to a woman
who might choose to be a house-
DeCrow said women should be
eligible for the draft: "Woman
should have equal obligations to
secure that there is no war, or
no draft. or equally participate."
The possibility is good that the
ERA will be ratified in several
states, such as Florida, Okla-
horna, North Carolina, and Mis-
zsoliri, according to DeCrow. It
lwas recently defeated in Nev-
ada, where DeCrow said, "The
Mormon church was the most
powerful force (in its defeat)."
"The most horrible part to me
is women fighting against their
own equality . .. people are ter-
rified of cbange. I always
thoaht it was embarassing to
discuss and vote on a person's
h'man rights."
TO TLLUSTRATE the need for
en1al rights DeCrow cited sev-
erql examples of sex discrimin-
ation in such places as segre-
Pated countrv clubs, where wo-
men must ralinoiiish their use of
a tennis court if a man wants
to use it.
She told another story about a
high school home economics
class, in which girls had "to
wash the boys' basketball uni-
forms." To the amused but
skeptical audience, D e C r o w
said, "When I read stuff like
this, I have to make a joke or I
just expire.
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