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February 23, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-02-23

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See Editorial P; tge

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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 120 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 23, 1977 Ten Cents Eig

ght Pages



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The Daily connection
It just goes to show you, people use their sub-
scription to the Daily in various and wondrous
ways. Take, for example, Fran Peterson, a senior
here at the University. Fran called us up yester-
day and asked if we could give her the last name
of the guy shown skiing in the Arb on the front
page of our February 16 edition. When asked why
she wanted his name, Fran informed us that Jay
Asquini, our front-page glamour boy, was in her
Introduction to Modern English Prose class. Fran
apparently missed class on Monday, and with a
mid-term looming today, wanted to ask that cutie
Jay if she missed anything important on Monday.
A likely story, Fran old kid, a likely story.
Bon voyage, Marv
It may not be as glamorous as the job he
originally had in mind, but you won't find Mary
Esch complaining. Republican Esch, former Second
District Congressman who lost the 1976 Senate race
to Democrat Don Riegle, will sign on next month
with U. S. Steel as its Washington lobbyist. Esch's
official title will be "director of federal relations,"
a post that was good for a six-figure salary for
his predecessor, William Whyte. Apparently the
announcement did not take Esch totally by sur-
prise. He said he bought an apartment in the
Watergate complex in Washington about a month
ago. Some parting advice, Marv: work hard and
leave your tape recorder at home.
Begin today with something for the artistically
inclined . . . starting today and running through
March 16, there will be an exhibit at the Jean-
Paul Slusser Gallery on Bonisteel Blvd. entitled
"Works in Progress". Come view the creations of
first year grad students in the art dept. from 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. . . . at 10:10, Jan Triska of Stanford
University will speak on "Euro-Communism and
Soviet-East European Relations" in Rm. 229 of
Angell Hall . . . the Commision for Women will
hold an open meeting at noon in Rm. 2549, LSA
Bldg. . . . also at noon, come learn about "Basic
Preparation for Travel Abroad" at the Internation-
al Center . . . from 12-1:30, the Center for the Con-
tinuing Education of Women will hold an admis-
sions information clinic at 328 Thompson for wo-
men who are considering returning to college ...
at 3:30, in the second day of the three day confer-
ence on "Black Life and History", there will be a
panel discussion in MLB Lecture Rms. 1 and 2 on
"Politics in Urban Communities". Panelists will
be Ann Arbor Mayor Al Wheeler, Ypsilanti Mayor
George Goodman, and Prof. Pauline Stone . - -
you might head over to Angell Auditorium A at 4
to join in a discussion of "Human Rights in the
USA"; Rev. John Adams will be there . . . also
at 4, Dr. Susan Cook of Ohio State University will
lecture on "Homing Behavior and Movement Pat.
terns of Tropical Pulmonate Limpets", in MLB
Lecture Rm. 1 .. . then at 4:10, the Studio Thea-
tre Series will present "Chamber Music" in the
Arena Theatre, Frieze Building . . . go and hear
the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Lecture by
Richard Hatcher, mayor of Gary, Indiana. That's
at 7:30 in Schorling Auditorium, School of Educa-
tion . . . also at 7:30, the Rev. John Adams will
speak on "Churches Responding to Crises in Amer-
ica" at the First Methodist Church, corner of
State and Huron Sts. . . . then at 7:30 and 9:30,
Local Motion will show the film "Dynamite Chic-
ken" at Nat. Sci. Auditorium .
A real dope
A Virginia lobbyist seeking the legalization of
pot in that state was arrested yesterday in a state
Capitol corridor as he stro'led along with - what
else - pot in his paws. Roy Scherer, the grass-
without-guilt movement's registered lobbyist, was
nabbed by a Richmond policeman as he carried his
horticultural exhibit to a meeting of the Virginia
General Assembly. He was taken to the city jail
and was charged with possession of marijuana. "I
presented it to the health subcommittee of the
House, Welfare and Institutions Committee last

night," the embarrassed lobbyist told reporters. "I
turned it in to the Capitol police last night and this
morning. with permission, I retrieved it and car-
ried it down the hall to the hearing." It appears
that legalization has a long way to go in the state
of Virginia.
On ie inside*..
Read about the international outcry over the
mysterious death of Archbishop Luwum in Uganda
in the Daily Digest on Page 3 . . . on Editorial
Page, Josh Peck discusses the effect the Carter
Administration is having on the status of Soviet
dissidents . . . Arts Page features a review of the
Alv;n Ail, nnc_, s' Mn n nih ,,nroranc

Hoping for a "prompt and
timely conclusion" to settle the
fate of the Population Planning
Department (PPD), Vice Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs Frank
Rhodes opened a month of re-
view yesterday at a day-long
public hearing.
The controversial proposal to
liquidate PPD in 1978 will be
used as a case study in estab-
lishing a systematic procedure
to dissolve departmentst
Members of the departnment
were allowed a chance to con-
test School of Public Health
(SPH) Dean Richard Reming-
ton's recommendation to axe the
11-year-old graduate school be-
cause of a budgetary crisis and
"major academic weaknesses".
Most of the PPD speakers cited
the program's public service
emphasis and its internalional
See PPD, Page 8

Strike threatens crucial
services across campus

Over 2,300 University ser-
vice workers - including
cafeteria, hospital, custo-
dial, and maintenance
staffs - walked off their
jobs this morning in a cam-
pus-wide strike that threat-
ens to cripple the Univer-
Members of the American
Federation of State, County,
and Municipal Employes
(AFSCME, Local 1583) over-
whelmingly rejected a ten-
tative contract agreement
with the University and
voted to strike until the
union is offered something
"more agreeable."
RATIFICATION of the contract
was voted down, 1,311 to 314.
Immediately affected by the
walkout are food operations in
campus dorms, cleaning and
maintenance operations, and
some hospital services.
University officials said last

night they intend to keep the
campus in operation for the
duration of a walkout. Many
offices and departments have
been notified that, if they find
it necessary, they may recruit
outside help to temporarily re-
place striking AFSCME work-
CHIEF University negotiator
William Neff said last night the
University bargaining team "is
ready and interested" in renew-
ing contract discussions with
AFSCME. But Neff said the un-
ion would have to make the first
move toward a return to the
bargaining table.
Union bargaining leader Art
Anderson said his team would
wait until the University made
the first moves toward negotia-
AFSCME Local President Joel

Block. visibly pleased with what-
he called "the mandate of the
membership," said that what
AFSCME workers "lacked in or-
ganization, they would make up
in enthusiasm" during the
s rike.
UNION employes were told by
Block to appear at their place of
work only to join picket lines
The rejected contract celled
for a five per cent wage hike
over two years. as well as other
economic and non-economic
benefits. AFSCME originally
sought close to a 15 per cent
Housing Office Direcetor John
Feldkamp said last night that
dorm cafeterias would be "oper-
ating normally," and resident
Students "should be prepared to
See AFSCME, Page 8

De lli is speaks
U.S. Congressman Ron Dellums yesterday told a Schorling
Auditorium audience that black Americans should be aware
of the responsibility they played in the election of President
Jimmy Carter. See Page 8 for story.


challenges 7C~s'

Affirmative action in trouble

The . University and the Graduate Employes Organization
(GEO) took the first sep in a long, legal battle yesterday as the
two sides presented their cases during a Michigan Employment Re-
lations Commission (MERC) hearing.
But the sessions were cornfuising, because each side addressed
its arguments to a different issue.
THE UNION has charged 'he adminis ration with committing
an unfair labor practice (ULP), and GEO's lawye: souit to prove
that yesterday.
The University on the other hand presented no defense to
the ULP charge, but rather challenged gradua'-e student assist-
ants' (GSAs) status as employes. If the GSAs are ruled to be stu-
dents, and not employes, the ULP question would be academic. A
ULP can't be commi ted against students, only against employes.
A decision is not expected on ULP for at least four months. At
that time, the ruling wil' almost certainly be appealed by the los-
See 'U', Page 8

preme Court yesterday agreed
to decide whether a school's spe-
cial admission program benefit-
ting blacks and other minorities
discriminates against whites.
The court's eventual decision
could affect the future of all
such affirmative action pro-
grams undertaken 'by schools
and businesses throughout the
nation in the last decade.
THESE programs have been
hailed by some civil libertarians
as means of overcoming past
The justices agreed to hear
the appeal of the University of
California at Davis Medical
School from a ruling that its
special admissions policy is a
kind of reverse racial discrim-
The California Supreme Court
ruled last October that the med-
ical school's policy of admitting
16 "special students" - blacks.
Mexican-Americans and A meri-
can Indians - over higher quali-
fied white students was uncon-
"THE QUESTION is perhaps
the most important equal pro-

tection issue of the decade," at-
torneys for the U-C regents told
the court. "It lies at the core
of the country's commitment to
real equaliv of opportunity for
all of its citizens."
Allan Bakke, a 36-year-old
white civil engineer who Twice
was turned down for admiss-on
to the medical school, sued the
regents. He claimed, and was
never challenged by the univer-

sity, that he would have been
included in the school's 100-stu-
dent entering class in 19'3 or

and never admitted a white stu-
dent under its special policy.


1974 if the special admissions BAKKE charged that tit' ad-
policy was not maintained for missions policy was nothing
the minority students. more than a racial quota.
The policy, begun in 1969, was The Supreme Court postponed
established to "increase oppor- the effect of the state court's or-
tunities in medical education for der dismantling the admissions
disadvantaged citizens." But program pending appeal by the
the university never offeced an university. Now the policy will
explanation of "disadvantaged" See COURT, Page 2

Pilot: Demise of spirit?

"The Pilot Program led the trend of the six-
ties, but it isn't leading anybody anywhere any-
more," says Pilot Program Student Fellow Bob
Levitt, summing up the attitude of students in
the program currently undergoing a critical self-
"In order to remain alive," contends Levitt,
"Pilo: has made adami istrative compromises
and soid out.'
row admits "There were more spectacular is-
sues to get involved in during the Sixties. Now
there isn't an issue to unite Pilot." Morrow

inaintains the program is still needed as a sup-
plement to LSA departments.
The Pilot program began in 1962 with three
goals: to create a living-and-learning atmosphere
fnr students, to experiment with educational pro-
grams, and to offer an alternative program gear-
ed for freshpersons and sophomores.
Pilot courses are taught by graduate students
who live in Alice Lloyd with their students. Some
caur sesare specially designated sections of regu-
lar LSA classes.
ACCORDING TO MORROW, students are now
more concerned with grades, careers, and get-
ting into graduate school than with radical poli-
See PILOT, Page 8

on NO Ws
With the approval of only
three more states needed for
ratification, the passage of the
Equal Rights A m e n d m e n t
(ERA) has become the prime
goal forhthe National Organiza-
tion of Women (NOW), Presi-
dent Karen DeCrow told a small
Washtenaw Community College
audience yesterday.
DeCrow said that the ERA is
a crucial step in establishing a
"gender-free society - a society
in which it doesn't matter whe-
ther a person is born female or
"RIGHT NOW, it is my feel-

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