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September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom , Vol. IC, No. 3 Ann Arbor, Michigan Monday, September 12, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily Two 'U, officers deputized t BY STEVE KNOPPER Two University public safety officers are now deputies of the Washtenaw County Sheriff's depart- ment; they can arrest citizens, carry handcuffs, and in certain cases, carry guns. Officials from the University and the sheriff's department deputized Dir...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 12, 1988 a-or -N-a- BY JANE KANG "So, what's your major?" And although that line is guaran- teed to break the ice in any situation, ~~ it frustrates many students who have ._a difficult time "setting in stone" ~ what to do with their lives. Of course, some students know what they'll major in when they graduate from kindergarten. But for the rest, the answer can change dozens of times in their...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 12, 1988 - Page 3 Law dean delays FBI recrui BY JONATHAN SCOTT Law school officials Friday post- poned an on-campus recruiting drive by the FBI, but denied that it was in response to a National Lawyers Guild resolution urging the law school to cancel the Sept. 14 session. Bollinger denied that either the Guild's resolution or the protests planned by the university Guild chapter and the Latin America S...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

…4 }} ' M f t k t OPINION f Page 4 Monday, September 12, 1988 The Michigan Daily Suppress criminals not student protesters 4 By Henry Park According to some people, a mass murderer has the rights of so-called free speech. When such a criminal gets to the podium, he or she deserves respect by a ,certain kind of reasoning. No, this is not some type of liberal coddling of criminals political view. The same people want those who protest the ...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 5

… Park fear 1( YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. (AP) - Buffalo graze nonchalantly near flaming trees, but people are not reacting so cooly, and residents once worried about losing business to forest fires now fear losing their homes. Fire has destroyed buildings around the Old Faithful geyser and has threatened tourist towns on the periphery of the country's first national park. The Montana towns of Cooke City and Silver Gate outside the park's ...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 6

…4 Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 12, 1988 ClASSSIFIED ADS 76-057 LOST & FOUND LOST: a silver beaded BRACELET at Rick's Wednesday night 9f7. Has great sentimental value. Please call Caryn 930-0513 LOST: Ann Taylor jeans jacket. If found please call Stephanie 761-3805. FO. R SALE Beautiful Boston home for rent during sab- batical January 1-August 31, 1989. Five mm- utes from Harvard, two blocks from public transportati...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 7

… Shuttle may ,face delay . WASHINGTON - The head of the nation's space flight program cautioned Sunday that NASA might not be able to launch space shuttle Discovery on the first attempt late P this month. "I think that when we do get to a launch date on the latter part of this month, it wouldn't surprise me at all if it took us two or three times to get airborne," said Rear Adm. Richard Truly, the head of the shuttle program. Truly, who is NAS...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 8

…4 Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 12, 1988 Medical shuts b PENTWATER (AP) - A 12- defense wor mile stretch of Lake Michigan state Der beaches remained closed yesterday Resources it while local and state cleanup crews wastes, Wal removed syringes, drug containers, The cont and other medical wastes that washed was remini up on shore. spills that1 The wastes were discovered last New Jersey Friday, prompting a decision East Coast...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 9

…ARTS Monday, September 12, 1988 The Michigan Daily Page 9 Wings: Wim BY MARK SHAIMAN The '20s are considered the great era Of German film, with the motion pictures of this time falling into three categories - the psychological drama, the expressionist film, and the historical melodrama. In his new film, Wings of Desire , German director Wim Wenders has combined these three elements to create a mo- dern wofk worthy of his pre- decessors, a...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 10

…Ppge 10 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 12, 1988 1 Simien sizzles while Guy lays backn BY BRIAN BONET Without question, the rowdiest back-to-school bash took place downtown at the Blind Pig Thursday night. An unlikely place considering all the front porch partying and wasted wandering that takes place each new school year? Not if you consider the hosts for the evening - zydeco demons Terrance Simien and the Mallet Playboys. Terra...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 12, 1988 - Page .14 A Little Book on the Human Shadow IBy Robert Bly Edited by Wiliam Booth Harper and Row $12.95/hardcover The latest collection of Robert Bly's work, A Little Book on the Human Shadow, is indeed little - 81 pages to be exact - but very large in scope, thanks to the efforts of editor William Booth. Robert Bly has never been known as a pleasant poet. As Booth says in his introduction to t...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 12

…C Football vs. Miami (Fla.) Saturday, 3:30 p.m. Michigan Stadium, ABC-TV The Michigan Daily ySPORTS_ Monday, September 12, 1988 Volleyball vs. Eastern Michigan Tuesday, 7:30 p.m, CCRB Page 121 For Pete 'S Sake BY PETE STEINERT Season opener... ...a thrilling start SOUTH BEND, Ind. - Michigan head coach Bo Schembechler has spoken against playing night games on numerous occasions, but no one can deny that Saturday's thriller between the ...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 12, 1988 - Page 13 Irlsh Continued from Page 1 Now, Gillette took the field to attempt a game-winning 48-yard field goal. Already that night, he had connected from 49 yards. Going into the game, Gillette was seven-of-10 in his Wolverine career from that range. The kick went up, Gillette's head went down, and Michigan went out, 19-17 losers Saturday night. "I've been through that before," Gillette said. "...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 14

…4 Page 14 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 12, 1988 AROUND THE HORN Yankees sweep Tigers NEW YORK (AP) - Claudell Washington's two-run homer in the bottom of the 18th inning gave New York a 5-4 victory over Detroit Sunday and enabled the Yankees to complete a four-game sweep of the Tigers. The Yankees moved into second place in the American League East, one percentage point ahead of the Tigers and 3 1/2 games behind the first-plac...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily --Monday, September 12, 1988 - Page 15 NFL ROUNDUP Rams ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) - Greg Bell, taking over for the suspended Charles White rushed for 139 yards and scored a touchdown Sunday as the Los Angeles Rams beat the Detroit Lions 17-10. Bell, a fifth-year pro who came to the Rams in the Eric Dickerson deal 4 year ago, carried 27 times and cored on a one-yard dive. White, who overcame a cocaine problem last season to lead...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 16

…4 Page 16 - The Michigan Daily --Monday, September 12, 1988 The University of Michigan Union September 12 to 18, 1988 4 Pregame Football Buffet at the University Club Take the folks-or your friends-to Michigan Union's hleritage Buffet this Saturday before the Miami game! Need A Quiet Place to Study? The Michigan Union Study Lounge needs volunteer monitors! You can set aside regular study time by monitoring in this historic, peaceful settin...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 17

…4, Imam wX 'tn J ii " xax , 1, + 9 k,.. r v w Ji' r rT ,e r RA M2 It y T;Y :1 ;h : a .. + Y +A .k "JF 'i1 ^ +( fiLn . s r t u. M Ch IrV _ _ m s. tD St. c 20 Cl) J Cl) D 5 41 , a X_ } _ P.. s i. }i sir r n Mtn ::. jr C c voof > tt1 mom* q! iA -.W. loci . a , i WIn ell AS bey :., .. : ". ty .. J ' a s NIV lam x:" . Ji " !+ a …

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 18

… 0 0 .I don't want a lot of hype. I just want something I can count on. Some long distance companies promise you the moon, but what you really want is dependable, high-quality service. That's just what you'll get when you choose AT&T Long Distance Service, at a cost that's a lot less than you think. You can expect low long distance rates, 24-hour operator assistance, clear connections and immediate credit for wrong numbers. And the assuranc...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 19

…l EAINLON 20 POPULAR MAGAZINES!! r,.. ^. 777, 7 77 - A IkTmxOUnb WC R 14 {{t^I n'rUiai l r't!'36, 4':M eAl&MGIli yx THE RSrA. f MADE N 1 yr $33.80 TV reg $37.44 Newsstand $39 1 yr $27.95 BW reg $39.95 Newsstand $102 33 iss $17.95 BW2 El 54 iss $32.13 SI reg $64.26 Newsstand $121.50 o 52 iss $29.12 reg $58.24 Newsstand $104 TI El 52 iss $30.94 PO El 13 iss $16.25 uI reg $61.88 Newsstand $87.88 reg $32.50 Newsstand $35.40 52 iss $2...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 20

… Am. Photographer 8 iss. AP' 11.94 5.98 Atlantic 12 iss. AT 9.95 95 Audio 12 iss. AUl 19.94 9.97 Baseball Digest 10 iss. 8S 12.50 9.97 Basketball Digest 8 iss. 8K 9.95 7.97 Outside 12 iss. Penthouse' 1 year Photographic 1 year Playboy' 1 year Popular Photography 12 iss. OT PH PL PP 18.00 36.00 15.94 24.00 11.97 12,95 30.00 7.97 19.00 6.99 0 1- 4CI- OWU.z Illlllilll - - - - - - 0R zw WC (1)41 )M -o 0 > Lh0 ED co w 0i In Cf) 0 Z Z z X...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 21

…0 In Concert In House Talk about the next best thing to be ing there! Listening to your favor- ite music on a compact disc may convince you that you are in the front row of an auditorium. Gone is the snap-crackle-pop of black vinyl records - and in its place is a sonic ex- perience of once-unimag- inable clarity, purity, and sheer dynamic punch. Such is the impact of the digital sound revolution, which has penetrated our lives with the speed...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 22

…WHOWants to Know? QI recently applied for t credit and was denied. Is there anything I can do? AYes. First, find out why you A* were turned down. By law, the creditor must tell you the reason. If the reason was a bad credit report, the creditor must tell you which credit bureau supplied the report as well as how to get in touch with that bureau. Under the terms of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you have the legal right to know what's in your ...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 23

…I 3 3678035 BELINDA CARLISLE 362129 JONI MITCHELL 300419 TINA TURNER *7366688JA ETADTEBAKERS36834NEWl ORDER 1361071 ... To The PowerOflThree L4FIi Heaven OnEarth M "hlk MarknA Rainstorm EFFENTia Live in oe "P1T//396005UP YOUR ALLEY GLVIBBO7 SUIBSTANCE oE 391078 SINEAD O'CONNOR 367086 KEITH SWEAT 0365544 CHER 362665 MEGADETH 36510 MIDNIGHT OIL "366153 U2 354449 The Lion and The Cobra "T M ake It Last Forever SoI " 6Fr, So Good... So What G757°...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 24

…0 S9. 0 0 0 Word Processing Is ... WRITI-.ANG STYLE The Smith Corona PWP 40 The new PWP 40 offers affordable word processing capabilities for students at school, work, and home. It is a lightweight, portable personal word processor featuring an 80 character x 8 line back-lit, flip-up display, 42,000 characters of internal editable memory, and diskette drive. It also features a self-demonstration and a tutorial DataDisk. In the word processo...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 25

…0 Select One: QI Citibank MasterCard® or oI Citibank Visa® Please use ballpoint pen. " " " s" "- e Prit ul ame Frst Midle IitalP Last ameofS chol I ( Brnc appear n ad Yur AddessatSchool ScrtNu rI I (I ' I l' II 'Bit I I I I if dffren fop ermannt adress)I p I I IPp I L Pem an n I ( ' I I I I I' ( ( I I I I I rP , fic I I I I I I I ( 1 11I I dp tillo PemnetPhn f ( I I INm ha and Area Code AppearsDpppponpPhone]pBill NpaeTat phpp~ I II I I I I...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 26

… 0 " Why it's easy for students to get a Citibank credit card. 0 e As a student, you've obviously been through a lot- lengthy lectures, grueling exams, numerous papers. And Citibank thinks you deserve credit for all that. That's why we've made it easy for you to apply for credit. You don't even need your parents to co-sign. (What other bank makes it that easy?) All you need is a photocopy of your student ID-and you must be a junior, senior o...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 27

…Showcase Formula for SUCCESS It's your life, and you want to live it to the fullest. You have high stan- dards and goals, and you're eager to plunge into the future. The formula for your success isn't fixed, however; the tools you use and how you look can make a difference. You'll de- mand the best in both fashion and tools of your trade. Whether you're aiming for Wall Street, an executive office in a law firm, or the ivied halls of academia...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 28

… 9 S Akr Imh v CALCULATED DREAKTH IIHS DON'TGEtAJOBI GET ACAREER. F inding the right job depends most of all on choosing the right career. That's why Catalyst, a national research and advisory organization, has created a series of 41 career briefs and 2 career planning booklets to help you make the most of your talent and train- ing, interests and abilities. Each brief explores a different profes- sion, from restaurant management to money...…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 29

…0 0 This pocket-sized piece of brainpower can turn you into a mental giant the power to the head of the class. the rate of chemical reactions or the present value of an annuity, a hand- held calculator will-in a myriad of ways -give you the edge. Instead of laboring over time-con- suming calculations, you can focus on what you're learning and let your cal- culator do the computing. Then, too, a calculator allows you to explore complicated pr...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom Vol. IC, No. 2 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, September 9, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily So begins 20th yj ir ;at helm. See Daily football supplement. FBI to search for 'U' recruits IY VICTORIA BAUER The FBI wants you. But not all University students want it coming to campus next week to recruit students for 440 positions left vacant by retiring employees. The aging FBI is stepping up recru...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 9, 1988 Pursell's voting angers group WASHINGTON (AP) - Rep. Carl Pursell (R-Plymouth) is one of the "most dangerous anti-environ- mental legislators" seeking re- election this year, a lobbying group pushing environmental issues said yesterday. In drafting the list, Environmental Action considered 14 votes in the House and 14 votes in the Senate. It also considered acceptance of cam- paign contr...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 9, 1988 - Page 3 Local protesters Swain to head ' . disrupt assembly for new students* Affirmative BY DAVID SCHWARTZ University President James Dud- tadt didn't let the actions of four student protesters distract him from officially welcoming several thou- sand first-year students Tuesday. In act, Duderstadt's characterization of the protest as typical University ac- tivism drew laughter from the...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Page 4 Friday, September 9, 1988 The Michigan Daily i1 te mbsrt a nerichigan Edited and managed by students at The Un iversity of Michigan Ignore the 'U' computer 'kickoff' \ / i Vol. IC No.2 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorial. represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Protest as a cnminal ac...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 5

… The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 9, 1988 - Page 5 Alcohol, dorms don't mix BY MICAH SCHMIT Despite the rigid alcohol consumption poli- cies in University housing, many residents say they are not worried about the consequences of drinking in their residence halls. Currently, only students living in residence halls who are of legal drinking age can have al- cohol in their rooms and may not drink if minors are present. Open alcohol in pub...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 6

…Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 9, 1988 ClASSSIFIED ADS 764-055J, FOR SALE 1982 HONDA CM-250! Great school bike. 5600 miles $475. Call 995-2550. CAMERA: CANON AE-1Program with fl. 8 lens, hood, cable, gemini auto teleconverter 2x, 70-200 zoom lens, electronic flash, ad- get bag. Phone 764-9121 days and 662-861 nights. Best offer buys. FOR SALE: 6 mo. old full size firm Sealy mattress. Excel. cond. Mel 662-5261. HOME/CAR st...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 7

… Interim Pres. steps down BY STEVE KNOPPER When former Interim President Robben Fleming was University President in the late 1960s, he en- comtered a protester with a giant ertube wrapped around a six-foot- wooden slingshot. It shot bricks. "You're not so much worried a ,put windows as you are of him ng a poor shot," Fleming said. "If hit somebody, he could kill them. had characters like that around." Today, Fleming said, student test "doesn'...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 8

…4 Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 9, 1988 Health services cures what ails ya Ann Barden, a physicians assistant at the University's Health Services patient at the clinic. Health Services handles nearly 100,000 cases a percent of whom are students. KAREN HANOELMAN/Daily Clinic, examines a year, close to 60 I ,,0000 YA, I BY ANNA SENKEVITCH Students break their arms falling out of lofts. They sprain ankles jumping arou...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 9

…Health Continued from Page 8 students., He strongly supports the birth control education which UHS provides. "When somebody comes to the gynecology clinic for some form of contraception," he said, "(that derson) should've had this elucational exposure." BRIEFER ADDED that UHS hcealth educators are now stressing to students that condoms should always ie used in sex, usually along with another contraceptive form. "All you lIave to do is see the ...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 10

…Page 10- The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 9, 1988 Fleming Continued from Page 7 issue." Steiner, Fleming, and several re- gents maintained that protesters took the remarks out of context. As interim president, Fleming said his role was not to be a Univer- sity "caretaker." During the last eight months, Fleming oversaw the appointments of new Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Farris THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS ARE A GREAT WAY TO GET F...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily- Friday, September 9,1988- Page 11 Classes can take you worlds away DISCOVER THE MAGIC OF MIRL YN ,BY JOHN MCCAFFREY : There may be an alternative for ttudents who are tired of trudging tthrough the same old Diag every term. ' jIn fact, to receive credit for Uni- x=versity classes, students don't have rto stay in Ann Arbor. They can ,travel around the country, or even raround the world, by participating in ,the Univ...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 12

…4 ARTS Friday, September 9, 1988 Tfe Michigan Daily krek fest out of this world BY MARK SHAIMAN TREKKIES rejoice! You may have seen every episode and all of the movies, but here is the stuff you cannot find anywhere else. Two hours of rare footage will be presented in a Star Trek Fest that no fan should miss. .The "sequel" series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, may have spgwned new interest in the original slifw, but Star Trek's popularity ...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 9, 1988 -- Page 13 Guy's guitar:. Blues come true BY BRIAN BONET PROPHETS do exist. About 35 years ago, Buddy Guy was a teenager sitting on his Lou- isiana front porch playing a beat up, two-string guitar. Then a stranger approached. "(He) said, 'Son, if you had a guitar, I bet you would learn how to play,"' Guy recalled to the Daily last March. "And I said, 'If I wouldn't, something would be wrong. An...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 14

…4 Page 14 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 9, 1988 Who Killed CBS? By Peter Boyer Random House $18.95/hardcover Prime Times, Bad fTimes 9) Ed Joyce Doubleday $19.95/hardcover "'Whoever put together the dust jackets for Peter Boyer's Who Killed CBS? and Ed Joyce's Prime Times, i't d Times knew what she was doing. Both jackets compare their respective books to last year's highly successful movie, Broadcast News, which confirmed everyon...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 15

… 'Dog' has bark and bite 'Let's Act ive's Let's Active Every Dog Has His Day I.R.S. It's a good thing Mitch Easter (guitarist-singer-songwriter-bassist- fill in the blank) found his niche in the record producing business, be- cause he's probably never going to. make it big with music like this. There's just no market for sincere, gimmick-free, intelligent guitar pop today. But those of us dumb enough to buy records like that anyway are in for...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 16

…4 the Michigan Daily Former SPORTS- Friday, September 9, 1988 Page 16 4 6 M' sta BY ADAM BENSON SINGLE MALE: always looking for fun, studied at University of Michigan, learning to cook French cuisine, starting his own clothing business, travels extensively, into aggressive body contact. If interested, find Mel Owens. For now, the first place to look for Owens is in the Los Angeles Rams linebacking core. Entering his eighth season with t...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 17

…. The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 9, 1988 -Page 17 Belligerent Bosworth bears all in narrative BY ADAM SCHRAGER As we enter this academic year, it is somewhat difficult to envision the hate you may soon have for your new or old roomate. Imagine a hate even more rabid than that and you get what many people feel for iSeattle Seahawks linebacker Brian ,Bosworth. The flamboyant Oklahoma native -did little to improve his public 'image when...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 18

…A t9ge 18- The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 9, 1988 Grant signs with Clippers BY ADAM BENSON Former Michigan basketball star Gary Grant signed a contract with the Los Angeles Clippers August 16, which will pay him $1 million dollars over the next three seasons. The 6-3 guard, who won the Big Ten Most Valuable Player Award last year, was the first of the Clippers three first-round draft picks to agree to terms with the club. "I'm happy...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 19

…Big " Skrepenak fits nicely at 'M' BY ADAM SCHEFTER Greg Skrepenak has always had a thard time fitting in. No, it is not because of some flaw in his person- -ality or anything like that. . You see, Skrepenak is 6-8 and weighs 320 pounds. Football cleats I are only made in triple-X width which is uncomfortable for his 17- inch foot. His shoulder pads in high school had to be brought in from the JPhiladelphia Eagles. Go ask his coach at GAR Me...…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 20

…I Page 20- The Michigan Daily -I Friday, September 9, 1988 Irish' Continued from Page 1 about the quarterback position. Either Michael Taylor, Demetrius Brown, or Wilbur Odom will get the chance to call the signals. Some people have claimed that Schembechler isn't announcing his quarterback until game time to throw off Notre Dame. Bo says no. "This hasn't been done to trick them at all," he insisted. "I can tell them now that it isn't goin...…

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