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September 12, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-09-12

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Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom


Vol. IC, No. 3

Ann Arbor, Michigan Monday, September 12, 1988

Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily





Two University public safety
officers are now deputies of the
Washtenaw County Sheriff's depart-
ment; they can arrest citizens, carry
handcuffs, and in certain cases, carry
Officials from the University and
the sheriff's department deputized
Director of Public Safety Leo Heat-
ley and Assistant Director Robert
Pifer last Wednesday. The Univer-
sity, however, outlined strict restric-
tions on the deputies' right to carry
The deputies cannot carry firearms
during student, faculty or staff
demonstrations, Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer Farris Wom-
ack said. Womack's office oversees
the Department of Public Safety and
WOMACK issued a document
last Wednesday specifying
circumstances under which the
deputies may carry handguns. These
circumstances include:
-escorting large sums of money;
-assisting the U.S. Secret Service
with "executive protection" assign-
- or helping another law enforce-
ment agency with a felony arrest on
Womack must authorize all re-
quests to carry a gun.
Many student activists, however,
are dissatisfied that the University
has deputized officers despite stu-

dents' insistence that police presence
could chill student protest.
MICHIGAN Student Assembly
President Michael Phillips refused
comment on the issue, but Vice
President Susan Overdorf, an LSA
senior, criticized the "executive pro;
tection" clause in the policy.
"Assisting the Secret Service
would be protecting people like
George Bush and Ed Meese," she
Students have protested campus
appearances by Bush and Meese dui-
ing the last few years.
Heatley confirmed that he and
Pifer were deputized, but would not
comment further. Pifer was
unavailable for comment yesterday.
HEATLEY and Pifer have come
under fire from students in the past
because of their actions during
demonstrations. Former Rackham
graduate student Harold Marcute
alleged that Heatley and Pifer
brutalized him during last year's
protest of Central Intelligertce
Agency recruiting.
City police refused to grant war-
rants for Pifer's arrest based on Mar-
cuse's allegations last year. But last
summer, Marcuse filed suit against
Heatley and Pifer.
Other student protesters have
criticized Heatley and Pifer's actiois.
Former student Claudia Green said
yesterday that Pjfer and Heatley "usod
as much of their own brute force as
See Safety, Page 2


Notre Dame place-kicker Reggie Ho (above, center)
celebrates his game-winning field goal moments before
Mike Gillette (right) missed on a 48-yard attempt with no
"time left.
HoHo, Ho,

Special to the Daily
Football is a sport that is supposed
to be won by men who are faster
than a speeding bullet, more
powerful than a locomotive and
able to leap tall buildings in a
single bound.
Saturday night, however, the
game was won by super-ordinary
man, kicker Reggie Ho. The 5-foot-
5, 135-pound non-scholarship
kicker booted four field goals, the
last coming with 1:13 left in the
game that put the Irish up 19-17, a
lead that prevailed.
"I've never seen anyone practice
as much as Reggie Ho," said Notre
Dame coach Lou Holtz. "The kid
practices during the middle of the
winter with snow on the ground.
He didn't come from Krypton."
Ho had never attempted a field
goal in a college football game
before Saturday night. His only

action had been on a third-period
extra-point kick against Navy last
season. So when he took the field
to try to beat Michigan with a 26-
yard field goal, one would think the
native of Kaneohe, Hawaii, not
Krypton, would be overwhelmed
with fear.
"I wasn't too nervous about it,"
Ho said. "I know that I have 280-
pound guys on the line so that no
one is going to hit me."
What Ho failed to anticipate after
connecting was that his own 280-
pound guys would hit him. The
diminutive soccer-style place-kicker
was swarmed over and banged
around by his big-bodied buddies.
But that was fine by him.
"I felt those hits," the walk-on
kicker said. "But as long as I got
the momentum, they could hit me
as hard as they want."
The last time Michigan was hit
that hard by one kicker was Oct.
19, 1985, when Rob Houghtlin of

Iowa made his fourth field goal of
the game as time elapsed to give
Iowa a 12-10 win and first place in
the Big Ten.
Holtz had been looking for a
kicker and the competition was
between Ho and Billy Hackett. He
spoke to last year's kicker, Ted
Gradel, who said that Hackett had
more potential but that Ho practiced
harder. In addition, the coaches kept
charts of the kickers' progress. Ho
won the job with his consistency.
Ho's biggest fear up to this

point has been academics. He didn't
even try out for the Irish squad until
the spring of '87 because he wanted
to concentrate on academics. The
junior now maintains a 3.77 GPA.
After last night, one would have
thought that Ho would have
celebrated the victory with friends
and teammates. He certainly would
not have had to bring his wallet to
the bar. Ho, however, said he was
headed back to his apartment to
study. Ho hum.

Light snow chills
Yellowstone blaze

Irish win battle of
field goals, 19-1'7
BY ADAM SCHEFTER seconds left to beat arch-rival
Special to the Daily Portage Central. He beat Iowa in
SOUTH BEND, Ind. - Mike 1986 with a 34-yarder as time ran
Gillette has been in the situation out. Whenever there was a close
before. In high school, he kicked a shave, it was Gillette.
45-yard field goal with just 10 See Irish, Page 13

PARK - Snow dusted parts of
Yellowstone National Park on
Sunday, giving firefighters a break
in their battle against forest fires,
and employees evacuated from park
headquarters began returning.
Federal officials said they would
double the number of soldiers sent to
battle the fires that have charred
nearly half the 2.2 million-acre
After months of drought and heat;
temperatures were expected to reach
only the mid-50's Sunday with
humidity as high as 90 percent.
Some sections of the park were
dampened by light showers Saturday.
"The colder temperatures are
going to raise the humidity and with
the higher humidity, the wood will
absorb some of that moisture. It'll
be less likely to burn, although the
fire shouldn't have much trouble,"
said Joe Halliday, chief naturalist for
the west district of Yellowstone.
Winds were expected to stay in a
more manageable range of 15 to 30
mph, well below the gusts above 50
mph that hadddriven the flames the
previous two days.
Fires have charred more than
900,000 acres of Yellowstone since
June in what firefighters call the
worst fire season in the West in 30

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Fires have
more than



opens without-



acres of

Despite the waves of protest that have fol-
lowed this film from coast to coast,The Last
Temptation of Christ opened in Ann Arbor
without fanfare Friday night at the State Theater.
But the lack of reaction didn't surprise some
moviegoers or city officials.
City Councilmember Jerry Schleicher (R-4th
Ward) said he anticipated "no heat of any kind
from anyone."
"(Ann Arbor) is a very progressive town,"
Schleicher said.
ONE moviegoer echoed his sentiments. "It's
Ann Arbor, what do you expect?" said Ann Arbor
resident Scott Warnock as he entered the theater.
"It's too much of a lefty town for any kind of
It could be he's right - Ann Arbor is more
receptive to controversy. Or it could be nobody
knew about it. There were no movie posters out-
side the theater.
"Is it going to show here?" asked City Coun-
cilmember Ann Marie Coleman (D-1st Ward).
She added that she was pleased that the movie



OFFICIALS from Universal Studios, which
produced the film, did not return calls to their
headquarters in California.
Becky Jungkuntz, who works for University
Christian Outreach, said that she had personally
"signed some petitions and made some phone
calls" expressing opposition to the film, but did
not demonstrate Friday night.
The managers of the State Theater did post
two uniformed security guards in the theater, but
would not say if they brought in specifically for
this movie.
BUT even if the controversy was not evident
on campus, the national uproar may have drawn
more local residents to see it.

"The controversy certainly drew attention to
it," said Ann Arbor resident Mark Holman as he
was waiting in line to see the film. He said he
was religious, but didn't feel threatened by the
Ann Arbor resident Susan Kelly said going in
she expected "to be disappointed that the film
won't match up to the hoopla."
But other moviegoers were just disappointed
by the lack of hoopla. "See, everyone thought
there was going to be a protest and now there's
not," said a moviegoer as she left the theater.
An estimated 175 people attended the 8:10
p.m. showing of the movie Friday night.

Smoke has drifted as far east as
Pennsylvania and New York, the
National Weather Service said
"A couple days ago most of the
smoke was over the Midwest and
has now gradually drifted eastward,"
said Brian Smith of the Severe
Storms Center in Kansas City, Mo.
"It's just going to have a thin hazy
appearance and might create some,
colorful sunsets, but it's not
expected to present any health
problems because it's so far up."
In Colorado, residents of
mountain neighborhoods in Boulder
Canyon were evacuated Saturday
when 60 mph gusts pushed a fire,
across fire lines on three sides,


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