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April 24, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…ichigan Daily 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1912. 'LLEL(E IY4MEN El 1 BETT ER WORld) r. Angelis" Tels T" e ust Pave Way for t Generation "It is for the present generation of )llege girls to better, conditions in the itside world and to prepare the way r the coming generation" said Dr. umes B. Angell yesterday in an ad- ress before college girls at Newberry all on "What Can the College Girl o When She Graduates?" Dr. Anell en...…

March 24, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…Michigan Dali ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 1912. YN NQUET >ortance aior lits will be -r PROF, ROTH GIVEN <, FRESHMEN SWAMP __FFINGER-T SI CENTRAL'S SQUA O ing to Prof. Effinger as acting dean of the lite anent, the duties, of which BANQUET BY CLUB: t 4 o'clock in Trial commit- mnmendations. >r lit banquet r Toledo this ed, as well as the times of wn this year. nd treasurer at this time He Tells Foresters of High For School's...…

February 24, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1912. ENTS ARE AGAIN UNDER IIILDNER WAS GUEST OF HONOR PROF. WENLEY TELLS HEARERS HUTCHINS IS LIKELY TO BE UMB OF LOCAL RAILWAYMEN AT FOURTH JUNIOR LIT DINNER OF BROWNING'S "GOOD LIFE." MADE SMITHSONIAN REGENT. and Rapids Section of Wolverine Buried in Drifts When Last Heard From. King Blizzard has abdicated. Once )re does the railroad agent blandly swer that trains are "on time"- ...…

January 24, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…I molf Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1912. a Lectures ;y on "The CAMPUS WON'THEAR EXTENSION LECTURES' REFERENDUM PLAN IS TURNED DOWN Student Council Decided That Signers Were too Few for Favorable Action Cercle Angell Serial Regents, Grant Provides Only For Outside Lectures, and j Demands are Heavy lent of r sense, ion the ct, illus- with the LECTURE SCHEDULE IS READY. WEEKS GIVEN FLAG HE CAPTURED It is ...…

November 24, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…1 Ic Igan Da 9 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1911. he RIFLE CLUB TO COMPETE IN art INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIP SHOOT ries The Michigan Rifle Club met Tues- day and elected the following officers: UE. T. M. Roblee, president; S. M. Hamil- ton, vice-president; E. P. Gray, secre- Viii tary; H. R. Hildebrand, treasurer, and R. H. G. Knoch, captain. The team will f of be entered in the Intercollegiate In- fdoor. Shoot the second week in J...…

October 24, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…e Michigan Dail A Reliable Direcl Reliable ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1911. I -- NIOR LITS DEFEAT SOPHS. perclassmen Victorious in First of Inter-Class Football Games. 'he junior lits won the initial game the inter-class football series from sophs of the same department yes- day by a score of 5 to 0. Saier,f lit half for the upperclassmen, made{ only touch-down. The sophs in-j d to protest the game on the unds that Saier ...…

August 24, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…TM 'I T Val E WOL ..N IE ANN ARBOR, 1TICIIIGAN, T! 'R;i_ _1 1L;t=Z'S rt> c. No. Vol 1. YXW.C A. DOES UCH DIVERSIFIED WORK Gives Teaching InstructionDoes Hospital Work, and Helps Downtown Ass'n ADVISED BY FACULTY WOMEN ralty s impotrtnt as the woV mns Leagein methe li e f the Micheligan eW- men is the .1';. Ckit:eoree i es. ttish tit oteteeagtie,(ltht-euwere cit t t mon ito etei atilvse itdoing allthee cuto si nie tie;life of til easry-Mich- ...…

May 24, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…The Mi tiga Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, IFN 1IfSDAY, MAY 24, 1911. Vol. XXI. No. i6S. TRACK MEN START EASTERN INVASION Michigan's Hopes I Eastern Intercollegiate Lave This Afternoon GOETZ WILL RUN IN THE 220 'ilte Mticigant track tean, eleven sromg, saccmiptaieid'blieOr. TKraeiilein stnd Stutii M hanager Goset,swil ave Ann Arorrtyisifternoon for the scene of the 1-asternIn iterclttegiat meet. Th ize isutstd tblte oes ilt sttt t 4:50 osver t...…

March 24, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

… i! __ C 2 I 0 ;, t , * :. " . ._ ; ' ; __ C _ 1 J , e y i a i 1. - .: 4 i! '. j' t a- "41 t4 U4 ." .^4 pp. h4 "4 V 0 0 w z x w x F- r, ,a .Z: 0r h 0) 0hr 0 .w a. 0 Q s- "4 "4i 0 LtJ) Q Ch Chi a ; I MK co o W _ = "4 J :r. '. .^ v: :., _ f ""_ _ . 1 .' G, %', 'sue. J .. ' r- "v "vry 'v "-' f v v . rM .,rr _ J 1 ' " ' , 4..{ tit +rtl N er r n 1 t'n t4G 0i -j. «.. 0. .) 0+ 0/ w I 0 …

February 24, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…Vo.XX.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, F\IIDAY, FEBRUtRY4, 111 Vol. XX I. IGhTY MEN ENTER rleT{Tc-..1-i PRELIMINARY MEET Patis of the Sorhoun dentsof te unvers t as tiidit tilt 1 Record Number of Athletes to a lecture on the glat Frenicth it ted ('om Pete for VarsityvTrack :ireNasgve(niaahCswellt li ii Postio s haland sit ethtutsia-tic autdieceic s Positionsolattendaniice. scif,wsatestpecialty quatlliied to priesent TEAM~ LOSES THREE VALUED MEN his s...…

January 24, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICH1IGAN, 'I Etil \. YJA N t _'\ R24, riou. Vol. XXI. Nw 83~. MANY SCHOLARSHIIPS (T.81 S B \ASKfTI4T 'SL TV15XYSEATS F OR COMEDY' ARE OPEN TO WOMEN eIfirt twoieuof the series if -irls I'~ ARE OPE TO WOM N !clas ])asktl~allgamens will lie played ion 3 H WGOW L - liaB-rioac gymniiasium tthis afternoon. Ait this j'tim 'elsi oilnd juniior Several Loan Funds liave Been ; grl will liepitted in80(st each othee First Day's Sale Satisfie...…

November 24, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…The Md Vol XXI SIGN CORNELL FOR DIAMOND CONTEST Wolverines Will :Meet Ithacans In Place of Games With fI Ca holics OUTLOOK ROSY FOR 1911 TEAM Cornell's sua of ball tossers will a'_ pear on IDrryfeld siamond (uring tle cooming spring for the first toe in may ears. nnoun cenent sas made iby Di- rector larteine \Wednesday that twOn games ari been seteulsed with tle Ithacans, one of swhich will ie played hij Ann Arbor ont June 3. Cornell wil- tus...…

May 24, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…rho ia [)aii , N' ARBOR, ICHIGAN, T:rc'DAY. MIAV I, iii. No. xr6. EAlMIWILL LEAVE TOMORROW Keene Fitzpatrick is Uncertain of Michigan's Chances with Easterners HAMMOND MAY NEVER RUN AGAIN (Oi i \ diexxl i th i Viii iixi triackx (cam ixixill ear(' for thexci'ast to taeipar in tie eastern inter collxegitex' eet i toi O Saturdayt-i. Traie Fitzpatrick i imuxc ini doubit coLerxxiii thtILL'ix he wit l xxx cixe uponixxtheimakeiup ofj thieL squadii...…

April 24, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…e~l g~ alI X701_ XX. A;NN ARBOR, IMICHIGAN, SINDA\ ',. AiIT H, 1,itoa. No. 139. SLYITIIWIIITEWASHES CASE 7 FANNING FIFTEEN OBIOANS Lanky Pitcher, Undismayed by Chilling Wind, Holds Case to 2 to 0 Score, Yielding But Five 'Widely Scattered Hits CASE TWIRLER A HARD PROPOSITION EXPLAINS B3USRAH SCHEME Bird Says No Official Connection with U. of M. is Contemplated T) 'ill:1lllill.\Di~ I~llsc \ho rc i teestcd i thec1pip-Ii )ilt I1ie t' (sli~ l...…

February 24, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…j I '01' hi4~ .'N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, t\EBtAR>Ioo Vol-. XX. - -_..--_ o TRACK SEASON iOteeeiFitzpatrick tahistbeti)apprach- MEDICS AND LAWS 1 E ]e h rie fteMso aleBGIN SATURDAY Iuivexsity t ieroif lit c>li f r send- uGETINSPIRATION Ingat( ilet1elax'teamto) iicomipete. icI n-liii F~iide it.l ft i il th Preliminary Meet to be Hield in * Gym--No Successor to Fitzpat- rick As Yet. Ihe iiidloor trac: seaso wtiill be tfi-t cially' iauguratced Sat...…

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