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January 24, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-01-24

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ANN ARBOR, MICH1IGAN, 'I Etil \. YJA N t _'\ R24, riou.

Vol. XXI.

Nw 83~.

ARE OPEN TO WOMEN eIfirt twoieuof the series if -irls I'~
ARE OPE TO WOM N !clas ])asktl~allgamens will lie played ion 3 H WGOW L
- liaB-rioac gymniiasium tthis afternoon.
Ait this j'tim 'elsi oilnd juniior
Several Loan Funds liave Been ; grl will liepitted in80(st each othee First Day's Sale Satisfies the
Provided as a Reward for nmiet on the floor fo~r the firs time. Management as to Success
i hseg me ill lie otpeniisle oI om
Best Students e Mnths iif the associationiuareSai- of the Play
__________nuutiud fri-swilei all oterulusi' wn sill h
ciiarged(lteii cents. SomInis ster lnamies if
FELLOWSHIPS FOR GRADUATES the seis'siwill he open55 to the tpishli.I COSTUMES HAVE BEEN FITTED
arosscli iarshl] and. oi felliusi shitis MAY SHOWE HERE ON SUNDAY a. fe.h. Ttl. Mr" eltSi
eo pen to p ii the iissueussuf tesl vei' r- tc -tN h 's M t'tet st i vs
siia se1us ssito rn ciisc.Russian Dancers Can (live No Other rcdv.Ths l'cag iresishe
sCits a t s hc iiiinatsemth e r.'Itate to Ann Arbor if 44li i i i l st i
Th5 iiiiisc ie far-famtedl Russianst ancrsuic. Isai~-t twnrssFia ci is th
and agM cl 1'aliv 1lumna" loan irtists, 1ii'.t\ Cue't l Aisi bor i. T e a. 'Pulcc swl h viaiea h
telcst ifo is afrt i 11 io to ifo r iieas. These tusthe issal iatsi'i o f the.iihcatsr s. a tt rc~aral re h in 1(.
tihree ' isfnd mV all ited to hi lyis ii itse teas the mst eiesiso'-nd lS m ilssu5 'hei 4 ha tis
iii' tic i-ii<e n rd ols in th1 st.i thgPie. da his piii tued i ciiiher.i.tiiiiiist , ii iillhei Il,

(itii\5'NOR NDXl FF''' 1',i
Wordl"'\if (4(4 frcI'c \ by (48 410'
S. Oshoi illh hc1 ttc~he ((4 i
lttta h'ilalltet or 1lchi; 'ii 5 4'l « i i
iisii'sii31. A isi i~ ).l~tl
D at ora d a lsoii ii 1,ii ;i i S k 'a
s iic i u cl -. : firi si Sii' . ca;.
'ihsi iildw o isl; o:ii ti i'
I"The TIrue Erttersriy" Proves an
Interesting Subject
itl's 1_. lsle s ta e; a ltS I,
(ciii ( SIii s al( Ia Is" : j
I'ct' Iii 5.. , e te f ( l iii C = ;.
l i i ii i

Lose Control of Bob on Geddes
bill and Fly Gver Into a
Wayside Ditch

I' l'li ifICSt
i s 'ile,

crc s r a t -is' ii i iio
_x ri 1its st su'ItId;I II i s 1t >Ii
\\ i it , i z c i'' II
1t iith' i dsi d rahe
at w t> 5-)?1 'iii A

In 11111Ht fo ify tft wo hundredass r5iii5iiii iliii's i n' i'ii ' iti e i siiithe
w ii i ppicaiosi siiiii beiimade- at laoti'warfiirtss.nss'e \ i the' iiis.in
ol ilii i isct el odn ytoewm aeis ciii'5iii thiiicossitry fromiiasNewiiYoirk
i i ccs l .hs o n fs a re csuin nous t ou 1)) S C. hey weri i-
1y y < C1]a'iab~ 1IS ~t~~iltbu sar ugedI ioiapieait cu,-eiusutlLiW 8Aisf'iruia
gielii iiiiiii t '''eitsIntii' arc' iso -sinigli'le eforan ceiri.s' sol i' i'ii ceiisagc
c11,( s incIiiiliii iPi 's to igds c l ar-ts Isi il i ssiste Ni ew s'\ilhi isime-t eat s ti' sui
hv te 51tlfsoretueaso i i stsofices sofur ilsuiti on s' sit is uofiuss's
p " l(, Iii iii iPalmi'''"ssifudstoAs- traite'w -isi'slisa n ibhe is udae'ri-i
(4~nc i n tsure isaieffarin i F e ruiiiss's , Xii ii ng'iii' Arlmr
lii 45add i i t i(ho 'e'iictione C'iiivegi' iiesilslit iton aSr i n dayi.ili Mr.s Si bbi otts-'
Pamirielo s i'ofsiii erhfii'ap sir. e iaitu ent'ssssw ts theidances enough
betll________alho _h a Srig t skd fori15t'himf ihiei williiiiseng' ged,
fellwshi offred y thiiiaionaiss-The iua iatee tat m st be offeiiii for

iCdV e1. TheSi Iti 5w a e h ('i f" . .f ti 1(eit ' M s a
ri1s , iri t IN ii ii, w nir
FEA iarSeLA S EUNON aiit h et fi.''1= e-rr ;.i
-ays os'93tn doingtorbean Pocriiciiiii liiiiiisiii i iii
nen ( s e at n. Y. Baoinnuetsol
thiiiigsehic\lricisii'sssu~ ll~
Ii'if. l iiis 4. irsus iili ii'i riiilroadstrack ii s, (4 is'mr '5 - 'c .
4 istsi isil ii iii' ii let ning- ourstre'eit. '.

1 4 ii"Ll Rc
I 1cr I 1,

1,0 ut hId i ll Sil ii'
5t sa 'y ti i i iio
Niss s\h ' s i ;it

l~I:. IMO I'S I'1,5
SiECON\DitSi I11 414 (illOFFCE4RSt.
Th fllwig ol liiisae ees let
in'esiieni ii edaiiiiin ssticli, isie-ecid;
iepesiil iiiGlfecIii ~ckiiiii siecre'
biirsipuissussss' i a'I' Isislii usir; mar-si
lsal, Jaus itten55 en;i reorisuter,'. 5Mar'-
si)I11t he pr~s enS'i.emlestier ithe'Smieet-
i m iss, ct ris e m l e siiter hei -il
as (4,vas 111 145.rk 1YI'11e Tffl)(4S'

people were iSintendance555.
Unive'rsally' the icritics havei 5 iti
tise ippearc~ e o(f itiese fosucigus suetists
asi te mstiartisiic, sandl thie mists i ig-
nuiicatsi elo-lupmeste iof tisisseasonsi's
'P((4'ITX'fG(41L.8IX l (TI(4TI)
I NTO DEiT,"ISCI I11R414 ?lfi X
Thus girls' sectisution Ith t1esuusclies
'iere'iunhell itsresgula itsiautso ust r
daty inig'ht. Si-setralii m ieibes hue
(;irmtatn facilty epe a i s. Tileifoli
lowaiig'girls iw-i-si'iitediu andsu isil'
form'si helin'wusi'sophiomorse seio:
(;ladys Stoiwell. Is l iiio2,1 en
Mlurph', OGertrdMoess , (1sutM(Iil teer.
satnd iertrisusIeslyat 'susui ews'seniosse
is'-u-' sddsedl toitle sensu iir-is' ccl)I

muh inte:liteltissi jutic'e (4(41111
R. h lss ciiif il iitiiSupremeCisitisituhI
hS ~ c 1uni ii-. i i sue ~i
if . AiliiA. iSttuessillIsis i-i isti
New hi1 oi s i c mlf Ies'Crow'
the icls it I ilis i il Its oiasiut liii}f
'iPr sieusd t i'utl if i i' s-s 8' 'ri t u ti i
'ii' 'si'isic ' us iii'b;' (4(4- st i t i c}'
il-ut uficusi irio. il theus' 1- X i isi s-~i
r'ttii tias esrves wi'llstitisicome Mel
t5 csaiui ii lis.

The O was shc t icvadin
h (u ,m c h stt u <,:l ta ;ni i b t it was ' - i AI it
(at) o. A fer lo in<_, tnu t . t
the ia [ s i n orIiii tstl
hi Icry i t!i rst trsi' r h r a
acid n aniii rtlt_ t~.Ih
iti hti hyi n WIisV ii tssi
but iii ii l i s s Pu a a a l c
i s t'oubleii'st l it
the.CRY uihoiitssfoithe ii
TIiis iiih'iii's-u Ka

.1 is is is'1 fr cl
satS '"i Si!"-s I

M -11 Si ' 5'' 5
nighit's p cie : s)5-,. si-' it,
I'I h nii ~ caddtss~.i I w I and
:fiii if-iu i llh aP t ')sle I C i WI)t i
names for this k cck but i cin cattt E?(ish ehe'; ,)(di- <sv

I : un 'as K f fcu dipti .ims bi m5t n' ' oi, o' i tn
imsiits iw il iest e sii sssi iiis ii this ltlsrt' ole'atour, (4tli (4(4 suuu us ind 5s'
Stndti Coi (uil ithis ,afitrnooni.s 515Pat~ersoni.
rhoIjs' io l eats wii ll su h aveii' lisi' elec-
tin ini tie e nIsusal usamph iitse iat2:00 ii'iiri. iHiSUs:?sDiii as's,
p. Iill. lwlissandulfis still sisesi at lush asohis mthser dieduSat surdasys
4 s's'isss, lie f«-1 surit ssll ii i ii iiuilinug eenitug, IFranik J. 1 lhUpt i isTO 1R s ill
andiu itis 1attes iaiiisis Icaimanu huall le-his srrisvaliatfPekii, China.UpIIlham sits u
tareer m.eesssssi eii meeti utu:00 iee a mioth o i o takIeusau priis55sr
in rousi 1P3, . suis lin,,, wia ship its engineertSig a' the Ipiail'r i- i
4 unisilut ii iwill be on iand to taii hke versity ini Pekint. Sits.4 Uphsitmiias ini
cuarse Ofus s 'el seissis (suAnsu sesusi-th(le hbsesto ealhstithueltitue if lie
in i hiseos3i s ifterthe si'otinug begitns sui's ideparitre atid lie is initotal1g
sew ill usbeulowesd1to cstishhishaloit. inorance of her dsh.

THE JANUARY - meing ft( 1<ii t'C1i0NO
liii ulurn uen sViighu of15 c
"Best IsssYet' Is uct " lusis usi h m (Gaduate
Selling Rapaidly racial irusisiwiits ac
Is S li g R p d y Iig,will ollo;. iidgrestudenSts,
wht h er u iii eg u te s cho l i 1 )s
Seed One Hems aed One te 'Her' fessussus I ldepartets eu I iiis itelt i t-
Isend. Ths progrimisis 'ii 5555 'spt73
113c 1 clucsk.

sI <lvisinsCo. i
's Vi's i tt

a.. ciiO 'rsil., esilisit

lIisuuiusite if ASiit ii'ss. ( cIts iu i1,Isi
turc helst rssifri ew(41 iutaus 4' liii

Do niot han~ker after 4,1les; sorsne people do. Chase youzrself to Wahr's arnd let seats for


JAN. 2T, I911

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