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March 24, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-03-24

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Michigan Dali

aior lits
will be




CENTRAL'S SQUA O ing to Prof. Effinger
as acting dean of the lite
anent, the duties, of which


t 4 o'clock in
Trial commit-
>r lit banquet
r Toledo this
ed, as well as
the times of
wn this year.
nd treasurer
at this time

He Tells Foresters of High
For School's Future

Hopes Roll

Up Score of 69 1-2 to 16
Although Opponents Put Up
Good Fight.

"Do not think that this forestry
school is dependent upon one man. I
want to assure you that this school
will prosper whether I go or stay. Pub-


lic' sentiment demands that it be con-
tinued on stronger and broader lines,
and with better equipment, than it has
in the past, and I can promise you that
the Regents and our good president
have made up their minds that the
school will not go backward, but.to the
contrary." Such sentiments as these
furnished the keynote of Professoir
Filibert Roth's remarks at the annual{
2 banquet of the Forestry Club at the
Union last evening, the occasion being
in the nature of a farewell tribute to1
the head of the forestry department,
who goes to Cornell next fall.
Prof. Roth's remarks followed upon
e .the presentation to him of a hand-
some gold watch, given by the mem-1
n bers of the forestry club and faculty
Y members. In words deep with feel-
- ing Prof. Roth expressed his thanks
t for the gift. "This is one of the most
.impressive moments of my life," he
said. "Never have I had the occasion'
e to leave men to whom I have seemed
- so dear and who are so dear to me. I
e can't tell all that I feel tonight, but I
want to thank you for this expression
of friendship because I know it is real
in the hearts of you all. And I Want

Commencing at the first stage of the
contest by capturing points and keep-
ing up consistently throughout the
meet, the Michigan Freshmen over-
whelmed the Detroit Central High
School team by a score of 69 1-2 to 16
1-2. A fair sized audience was in at-
tendance at the gym to witness tle
contest and the events were run off
rapidly and without a hitch. Despite
the one sidedness of the score the
meet was fast and interesting through-
out, the Detroit athletes pressing the
freshmen hard for first honors in most
of the events, and keeping in the run-
ning at all times.
In the ten events the winners se-
cured nine firsts and tied for the best
place in the pole vault, Bruce, Jenks,
and Green being the chief point gain-
ers. Tillotson, Wilson, and Monroe
won most of the defeated teams scores
while Holland and Smith assisted in
acquiring the rest.
The summary follows:
12 lb. shot put-Cole (freshman)
first; Green (fresiman) second; Hitch-
cock (Central High) third. Distance
45 ft. 2 in.
35 yd. dash-Hughes (fresh) first;
Bruce (fresh) second; Jenks (fresh)


sary for him to resign
ship of the Non-athlet
and probably the deansh
mer Session.
Prof. E. H. Kraus, acti
last Summer Session, v
office till some one is a
manently. No chairmai
athletic has yet been nar
Prof. Effinger will co
vote a portion of his tim
as Chairman of the An
ecutive Committee.


Changes in




the next meet

ulty. Probably
be reached so
concerned. At
quirements are
other middle v
The nresent

third. Time, 4 2-5
1-2 mile-Field (f.


2 seco

1 '%g In "You inen tonight have been car-
ple manufac- Lied away by a beautiful sentiment,
and one which I cannot forget. But it
stop on the is a misleading one. I have not made
r Co. and the this school. It is the men who came
visited. The here that have made it. They are the
f the largest ones who are calling for the respect
rorld located of the whole nation and they are the.
en next. men who have blazed the trail in
Youngstown, which you are to follow. It is you and
ut for Pitts- the men in the field who' should have

New York Ship Building Co.,"
visited at Philadelphia. Two
ips of the dreadnaught type,
the U. S. navy, and the other
Argentine Republic, two tor-
at destroyers for the U. S. Na-
a training cruiser for the
Government are all under
ction there at the present time.
irk will be reached Friday ev-
pril 12, where most of the time
spent in sight seeing. The
)p will be made at Niagara'
ad then, the squad will return
Arbor, Wednesday morning,

the praise. ....In closing I want to
thank you again and assure you that
this beautiful watch will always cause
me to think of you."
The banquet was one that will long
be remembered by the foresters. A'
hundred woodsmen gathered to do hon-
or to "Daddy" Roth, as they have come
to affectionately call him. Each speak-
er took occasion to tell of the love and
affection which all men who have come
in contact with Professor Roth have
come to feel for him, and paid tribute
to his inspiring and helpful personal-

(fresh) and Tillotson (C.H.) tied for
second. Height, 9 feet 6 inches.
40 yd. low hurdles-Jenks (fresh)
first; Holland (C. H.) second; Tillot,
son (C.H.) third. Time, 5 2-5 seconds.
440-yd. dash-Roberts (fresh) first;
Krastin (C. H.) second; Hollands
(C. H.) third. Time, 56 4-5 seconds.
40 yd. high hurdles-Bruce (fresh)
first; Green (fresh) second; Jenks
(fresh) third. Time, 5 4-5 seconds.
1 mile run-Gray (fresh) first;John-
ston (fresh) second; Smith (C. H.)
third. Time, 4 minutes 55 3-5 seconds.
High jump-Green (fresh) first;
Chatfield (fresh) second; Carpenter
(C. H.) and Wilson (C. H.) tied for
third. Height, 5 feet 4 inches.
Relay race, Freshmen.
Starter and referee, J. A. Collins. An-
nouncer, William Edmunds. Clerk of
Course, Sid Millard. Track Judges,
J. E. Bond, G. C. Thompson, L. Haller,
H. Gamble. Field Judges-Homer
Heath, Philip Jansen, R. P. Blake, W.
G. Kerr.
Scorers, W., K. Towers, G. C. El-
dredge, J. V. Sweeney. Timers, Dr.
George A. May, F. E. Shaw.
Financial Success of "The Honey-
moon" May Permit Second Show.
Although it is probable that the Or-
atorical Association will give a sec-
ond performance of "The Honeymon"
at the Whitney theater at some date in
the near future, owing to the amount
of work necessary to be done before
such a step can be taken, a positive
assurance of the fact could not be ob-
tained last night.
Financially, the production of the
comedy Friday evening was not a
brilliant success. However, the pro-
ceeds were such that the association
will probably not suffer a deficit at the
second production, as more than
enough money to pay expenses was

Lessens Fire Danger in Sarah Cas-
well Angell Hall.
Following the recent agitation over
the protection of Sarah Caswell An-
gell Hall, the authorities have order-
ed the gallery closed until further no-
tice. This was done because the stair-
way leading up to the gallery is be-
lieved to be rather small. According
to Secretary Smith the officials do not
feel that there would be any danger to
persons who might choose to sit in the
gallery but they wish to take every
precaution possible.
There is nothing wrong with the
gallery itself except that the stairs
are narrow. It is probable that this
defect will be remedied in the near
future. Mr. Smith stated that he be-
lieved the president was taking charge
of the matter and that the stairs will
be widened. A committee of Regents,
which was authorized to look into the
matter of fire escapes for the hall, may
also consider the question.
Meanwhile the gallery will remain
,closed and the seating capacity of the
hall will be reduced by about 200.

Woodbridge Metcalf of the post-
graduates was toastmaster. The oth-
er speakers were Dr. F. C. Newcombe
of the botany department, Prof. C. T.
Johnston of the civil engineering de-
partment, Fay Clarke of the postgrad-
uates, Willett Ramsdell of the senior
class, Ray, Bassett of the junior class
and Dr. R. W. Hegner of the zoologyf
department, who spoke in the place of
Prof. C. L. Hill of the forestry de-
partment, who was unable to be pres-
ent because of illness. H. Grossman,
president of the Forestry Club, made
the presentation address.
Construction on Auditorium Begins.
Laying the foundation for the new
auditorium was begun yesterday along
what will be the front line of the
building. A cement mixer has been
secured from Cleveland and the pour-
ing will probably continue rapidly,
from now on.

The University of Wisconsin is ing p
probably the most liberal in entrance men w
requirements. Only fourteen units are studen
needed for admission at this institu- best i
.tion, and of these six are prescribed, Infi
as against nine, dut of fifteen, at Mich- By
igan. The prescribed subjects at Wis- the da
consin are two units in English, math- Infirn
ematics, and eithe~r Latin, German or es the
French. Four out of the remaining mane
eight may be in vocational subjects. be tE
Vocational subjects may also be na- comnm
lected for entrance at both the Univer- form
sities of Illinois and Minnesota. At camp
the former institution not more than will 1
two units in such subjects may be giv- by th
en while at the latter as lany as four. 'sults
The University of Chicago last year will
recognized these subjects for admis- apet
sion along with the other middle west- lishm(
ern universities. Michi
According .to the revised require- to the
ments at Chicago fifteen units are A I
needed for admission, three in English, Direc
three in one principal group, and two eveni
in a secondary one, being prescribed.
At Illinois, of the nine and one-half TO
prescribed units, out of fifteen, three
must be in English and in foreign lan- State
guages, two and one half in mathemat-
ics and one in history. At Minnesota Son
four years of English, or three years the I
accompanied by four years of a foreign tion o
language, besides a major series of sity t
three units, and a minor of two units taker
are prescribed... repro
None of these schools prescribe one tion
unit of physics for admission as Mich- FridE
igan does and all allow vocational sub- keep
jects of some kind. high
the I
Today's program. at the Michigan Gran
Union will be featured by a quintette Arbo
of string musicians and two songsters. plans
Andrew McFarland, Stanley Mills,Rus- ciatio
sell Mills, Harold Harrington and comr
James Conley will play on the guitar, rang
mandolin-cello and three mandolins
Bruce Bromley and Arman Reed "Pajil
have been placed on the program for a "T
number of songs,'solos and duets, and newl
Arthur Andrews will give some pop- nome
ular readings. copie
The program will start at 3 o'clock the
and the usual refreshments will be maga
served. ately


ENresbAtrtan Churchr


the soci-
ning at 7
m of the
blic is in-

10:30 A.M.
7:30 P'.M.

Contrary Winds

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