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October 24, 1911 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1911-10-24

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A Reliable Direcl


I --

perclassmen Victorious in First of
Inter-Class Football Games.
'he junior lits won the initial game
the inter-class football series from
sophs of the same department yes-
day by a score of 5 to 0. Saier,f
lit half for the upperclassmen, made{
only touch-down. The sophs in-j
d to protest the game on the
unds that Saier dropped the ball af-

The fresh lits held their first class
meeting yesterday afternoon and nom-
inated the following candidates for
class offices:
President, E. J. Roller, E. O'Neil, J.
B. C.ourshon, Don O'Rourke;vice-presi-
dent, Louise Robson, Mary Lewis; sec-
retary Margaret Denfield, Blanche Ba-
las, Marion Williamson; treasurer, Fe-
lix Lichtig, T. M. Thoms, Ralph Cun-
ningham; boys' basket ball manager,
Clayton Miller, Peter Griffith, Arthur!
BejI, H. Haven; girls' basket ball man-
ager, Nona Fogerty, Faye Towle;track
manager, C. H. Lang, Verne Souter,
Carl Jenks; baseball manager, Ray
Gould; football manager, Ralph Kuhn,
Arthur Skiles.


or crossing the line.
The work of Wiggins and Saier, for
ae juniors, and of Pemberthy and
'hienes, for the sophs, was a feature.
'he junior line proved strong, while
aat of the second year men was easi-
r pierced. Kohler for the sophs, gave
neat exhibition of high punting.
One injury marked the contest. Pem-
erthy, soph quarter, received a knock
'hich demanded the attention of Dr.
The second game of the inter-class
eries, that between the junior and
enior laws, will be staged at 4:15 this
fternoonsat South Ferry field. The
me of quarters has been shortened to
even minutes.
Officials-Bruce D. Bromley, Um-
ire; Harvey F. Cornwell, Referee.

Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary chem-
ical society, has secured Prof. W. S.
Dudley, director of the chemical lab-
oratory at Vanderbilt University, to
deliver an address here Thursday ev-
ening, October 26th, on the "Diamond."
Prof. Dudley has made a study of this
subject and is especially interested in
certain soil deposits in the south which
possess characteristics similar to those
found in the Kimberly region in South
Africa. In addition to his work in
chemistry he has interested himself to
a great extent in athletics and is a
member of the national football rules
committee. The address will be given
in the amphitheatre of the chemical
building and will be open to the public.
Committee On Non-Athletic
Organizations Makes


Reports to


posal of Each to


Y.M.C. A.


by Detroit F



Woman's League Begins Cam-
paign for Residence Hall


Given on the Night
Bnsy Game.


Three membership dances have been
planned by the Michigan Union man-
agement to occur on Saturday, Novem-
ber 18, Saturday, March 16 and Sat-
urday, May 4. The first dance will be
given on the night of the Pennsy game
and will be held in Waterman and
Barbour gymnasiums. The price of
admission has not yet been definitely
decided upon, but it will be very nom-
inal. Only members of the Union will
be allowed to purchase tickets.
These dances will be of the same na-
ture as the one given last spring un-
der the auspices of the Union.
The following men were named to
serve on the committees by President
Matthew Blish last night:
-General Chairman-Lawrence B.
Reception Committee-Clarence W.

Hannon, J. E. Bond.
e Program Committee-Rufus
John Coolidge, Joseph Turpin.
'k Music Committee-Walter S.
t Edward Howell, Julius Beers.
t-Finance Committee--Howard
r Alfred Povah, Ralph Baldwin,
e Bromley, Campbell Trible.


Aided by the Detroit alumnae and
the faculty, the Woman's League * is
conducting a campaign in that city to
secure funds for the long sought res-
idence hall. Miss Agnes Parks, who
was secured to take charge of the
work last spring, has taken up her res-
idence there and begun work. Presi-
dent Hutchins is cooperating with her.
He will spend today in the city, visit-
ing several business men, who it is
hoped will donate money for the pro-
At a meeting of the alumnae at De-
troit last week a committee was ap-
pointed to investigate the matter and
see what aid could be given the league.
At that time, Dean Jordan and Miss
Thuner explained to the Detroit wom-
en the needs of such a building and
asked that they help in the work.
About 100 invitations have been is-
sued to the Detroit alumnae to the
annual party which is given by the
women, who are rooming in the. six
houses, now operated by the league,
to the officers and members of the res-
idence hall committee. This event
will take place on November 9 and it
is expected that many Detroiters will
be present to talk with the women and
to visit the houses.
Detroit was selected as the starting
place because of its close proximity
to the university and because of the
officials' belief that enough money
to build one of the halls could be rais-
ed in that city. At present there is
about $17,500 in the building fund, part
of which has. been subscribed by De-
troit men. It will take about $100,000
to build the proposed hall. It is ex-
pected that this sum can be secured in
time to commence the structure in the
It is not likely that any other cities
will be canvassed until it is seen
how the scheme works out in Detroit.
All of the faculty are working with the
league officials and it is understood
that the latter also have the cooper-
ation of the regents.
Cabinet Club Held Smoker.
The Cabinet Club, an organization of
students from Washington, D. C., en-
tertained at the Union.last night with
a smoker.

The following statement from the
Committee on Non-Athletic Organiza-
tions is in explanation of the set of
election rules that the Student Coun-
cil -has asked the different classes to
use this fall, and with which nearly
all are complying. The rules are taken
,rvr^ the uniform class constitution,
now in the hands of the non-athletic
committee for ratification, and have
been in themselves approved. Although
it is not possible to p-resent the con-
stitution in its entirety to the classes
at the present time, the employment
of the rules has been sanctioned. The
communication follows:
"The Committee on Non-Athletic Or-
ganizations has under consideration an
inter-class constitution, which will
soon be ratified and recommended to
the classes.
"In the meantime the present class
elections afford an opportunity to test
the election system as provided by
this new constitution, and the commit-
tee is willing to authorize such proced-
ure, although it may not conform to
existing class constitutions.
"Details concerning the new plan
will be supplied by members of the
Student Council, which is to have gen-
eral charge of class elections."
Husband Shoots Boarding House Keep-
er; Kills Self With Acid.
Mrs. Homer Underwood, who keeps
a student boarding house at 326 E. Lib-
erty street, was shot and badly wound-
ed by her husband yesterday morning.
The latter then committed suicide by
swallowing carbolic acid.
None of the boarders were present
when the tragedy occurred, but some
of them returned to the house for
lunch, quite unaware that anything
had happened.
They supposed Mrs. Underwood was
a widow, the couple not having lived
together for some time. C. O. Hollan-
ger, '15, who rooms in the house, re-
turned from class shortly after the
shooting. According to his statements,
the cause of the affair is unknown.
*The bullet entered Mrs.-Underwood's
neck. Her recovery is doubtful.

Norman Hackett.
NormanwHackett, former Michigan
student,' who will appear in "Satant
Sanderson" at the Whitney theater
tomorrow evening, was a founder of
the present Comedy Club, according to
Mrs. Josephine H. Murfin, whose
daughter-in-law helped to write his,
present play. Hackett belonged to the
class of '98 but spent only two years
in the university. During that time
he organized the Comedy Club and
played the leading role in the first pro-
duction. Aided by Carl Harriman, whot
has since become editor of the Green,
Book, Red Book and Blue Book, hef
placed thv dramatic organization on its
feet and helped it to a good start. I
Because of this, Mrs Murfin will en-
tertain the present club, as well asf
Mr. Hackett's friends, following the
performance. She has planned to have:
an informal reception at her home firt
the actor. This will come at the closex
of a busy day for Mr. Hackett. When-E
ever he comes to Ann Arbor, he is al-,
ways besieged with invitations andt
most of his time is spent in meeting
old friends. This year he will branch
out into the literary light, giving a talkt
on "Shakespeare Drama, The Pure En -
glish" to the students in the local high
school at 3:30 o'clock Wednesday af-
ternoon. In the morning he will speakt
at the Ypsilanti Normal on a similar
Detective William J. Burns, who hasj
been secured by the the S. L. A. to
appear in Ann Arbor, delivered an ad-
dress at the University of Columbia
last week, and was met with a greati
show of hospitality by the students.;
"One of the most stirring addresses1
that has been delivered at Columbia
in many years," says the Columbia
Spectator in referring to his talk.
Burns contends that the greatest
moral crime a good citizen can com-
mit is to neglect or misuse the right
of franchise. In his work the detec-
tive has striven to interest clean men
in politics. He told in this connection,
how, in his work in California, he
had influenced honest men to take act-
ive part in the government, and there-
by wipe out the prevailing vice and
Soph Lit Candidates Withdraw.
Miss Mary Teeple has withdrawn as
a candidate for soph lit vice-president.
Miss Golda Ginsburg has also with-
drawn her name as candidate for sec-

Reports of an inevitable conf
tween the Michigan Union a
Y. M. C. A. are beginning to ga
dence about the campus. Both e
organizations are planning th
tion of splendidly equipped club
that will serve as social cent(
students. Queries are heard as
advisability of two clubhouses,
and maintained for the same pu
Neither the Union officials n
Y. M. C. A. leaders will admit tl
sibility of a conflict but it is fa
certain that friction can be avo
The Union has not yet complc
campaign of education and pu
which is to precede the actual sc
tion of funds from alumni, wh
Y. M. C. A. is ready to push the
for its club house.
In the Sunday issue of the
Free Press, under an Ann Arbc
line, the situation was revieR
"Realizing the need for a s
building for the union, the r
the university senate and the
ni Association of the universit
all adopted resolutions that f
coming five years their best
will be given toward this end.
means that the university is
ing this project heart and sou
the university governing bodi
back of it.
"In some unaccountable ma:
report recently gained some
to the effect that the Mi
Union proposition had been
up and that the $200,000 club
talked of by the Y. M. C. A.
take the place of the union.
the report got started is a a
here. There is absolutely nc
dation for it and never has
The union simply thought best
start on its campaign till eve
detail was arranged, because
gigantic undertaking. In the
time the Y. M. C. A., not a un:
organization, but frequently cal
University Y. M. C. A. to dist
it from the organization dov
announced that it would erect
house near the university. H
according to Secretary Wel
Tinker, of that organization, tb
not be obliged to solicit funds
proposed building, as it is to b
them in a lump sum by two c
Foster Contest Closes Tome
The poster contest for the 191
igan Union opera will close N
day evening at 5:30. Between 4
the closing time drawings wil
ceived at the Union. Twenty-f
have entered the contest. Th4
will be Theodore W. Koch, W
comb and Walle Merritt.

the All-
bles, but
ni. The
t in but

Religious Workers to Dine in Detroit
"The Men and Religion Forward
Movement" will give a dinner at the
Wayne Pavillion in Detroit tonight.
Tickets at one dollar each may be pur-
chased at the local Y. M. C. A. Fred
B. Smith, the executive secretary of
the movement will speak at the dinner.
The local branch of the organization
is under the leadership of Professor
Wilgus of the law department.
Cross Country Runners off for Ypsi.
The cross country squad will run to
Ypsilanti today, leaving the gymnasi-
um at 4 o'clock. The return trip will
be made by trolley. -Captain Beards-
ley desires that the men who turn out
bring suit cases in order to have their
clothing sent to Ypsi ahead of them.
It is expected that the squad will get
back to Ann Arbor by 6 o'clock. Both
Captain Beardsley and Dr. Kranzlein
desire that all men interested in crbss
country running turn out.

Flange, senior civil engi-
:lety, held an initiation ban-
e Union Saturday evening.
ing men were taken in: T.
N. B. Wilkens, N. B. Boice,
n, R. E. Backus, E. P. Wil-
oran, R. D. Van Dyke. Gard-
liams was made an honor-
er. Jerry Collins acted as
r and Mr. Williams, Manley
I C. W. Hiannan gave short






October 28, 1911

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