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March 12, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 92) • Page Image 6

… Conference Commissioner Attempts To Broaden Authority Forestalled Wolverines Cop But Two Firsts in Narrow Victory Canadian Army Sextet Scores Dg Decisive Win in TPh1rn T it Hume Twins Tie for First Place in…

… Bob Hume Scores Win in Two-Mile Mile; Event Gre er, Li lienfield Graham, Bow Out Bringing the 1945 hockey season to an end last night, the Wolverine sex-j tet dropped its final match of the year 4…

… Michigan defense GIVE! to the lED CROSS to score for the visitors. The initial stanza closed with Coach Vic Hey-I liger's charges behind 2-1. The Wolverine team tried vainly to capture the lead, but it was…

… the last twenty minutes of play, was when Schnarr put the disk through the Wolverine defense to make the final goal of the game. This was the final puck match for three members of the Wolverine sex- tet…

…. Wolverines Build Lead Michigan built up a large lead early in the meet as the Hume twins, Bob and Ross, led the Wolverines to a clean sweep in the mile run and 12 of 15 possible points in the two- mile. Coach…

March 16, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

… break' in years, the Wolverine baseball squad gave up the nets of Yost Field House and moved to the diamond for its first outdoor workout of the season. Coach Ray Fisher divided his crew into two squads…

… shining freshman pros-, pect, seem to have the inside track at this stage, on two of the four berths. As the tentative schedule stands, the Wolverines will open the season April 13, when they meet Western…

… the season, as son, Bob Breen, and Gordon Pulford, against one non-Conference defeat by who doubles in the backstroke, also Great Lakes, are given the edge over strengthen the Wolverines' bid for the…

… with Minnesota's Vernon Oj - Western Conference titles in the nine- team contest and compiled a total of 55 points, as against OSU's 43 score BUY WAR BONDS - Wolverine Swimmers Face Buckeyes Tomorrow in…

…, Fries, Breen, Mowerson, and Pulford are candidates for the starting positions in the latter battle. INVEST IN VICTORY I and three first places. Furthermore, the Wolverines grabbed seven addi- Ex…

March 14, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

… events." Wolverines May Take Six On the basis of last Saturday's results, the Wolverine crew figures to grab first place honors in both re- lays, the 50 and 100-yard freestyle clashes, the 150 backstroke…

… Stone have proven them- selves tops in the diving division. Wolverine captain, Mert Church, who shared high-scoring honors with Nakama in theConference tilt and snatched. the 50 and 100 freestyle crowns…

… starting crew. In picking the four entrants, the Wolverine tutor has Church, Fries, Mowerson, Bob Breen and Gordon Pulford to choose from. The backstroke performances of Munson. and Pulford, in last Satur…

… Sees Gophers And Buckeyes Toughest Opening of the 1945 Wolverine baseball season is scheduled for April 13, when the Michigan squad faces a Western Michigan nine here and be- gins a season-long pull…

… expected to take up where it left off last yar, when rain at Champaign in the seventh inning of the Wolverine-Illini contest halted' a game which stood at a 4-4 dead- lock. Minnesota Tough The two hardest…

… series of the seas- on are expected to be played on the home diamond May 4 and 5, when the Wolverines meet a Minnesota squad which Coach Fisher terms the "toughest" in the Conference, and at Columbus June…

March 22, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

… season's opener against Western Michigan a little over three weeks away and with several out- door workouts to its credit, the 1945 Wolverine baseball squad is round- ing into shape as the team's regular…

… baseball. The same is true for 35-year-old Heusser. dtay at aiayete. inaiana Wolverine Coach Ken Doherty conceded the individual sprint, hurdle,j and field events to other schools, but hopes that his…

… neither is figured for a first place. Maize and Blue entrants may also pick up points in the special events. Illinois, losers to the.Wolverines in a photo finish at the Western Confer- ence Indoor meet two…

… in the Conference meet, Illi- Last year, the Wolverines finished in front by a convincing margin, pil- ing up more than twice as many points as the second-place winner, Purdue. Michigan tallied 49 to…

… Pur- due's 23. Illinois finished third with 22 'z In winning, the Wolverines copped the two-mile relay, the distance med- ley, and the four-mile relay. The latter event has been displaced this year by…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…u ;y:n10 h3~MiIIA AL ", : Mer en,Thiclaids De nd Big ( . Swim ers, Gindermen Wolverine Pucksters Taken Meet in Gonference Tilts y Viekers A.C. Sextet, 43 1y NK MANTHO Michigan Nalalors Fightin…

Wolverine's starting lineup was relatively the same as it had been was beaten twice, Mikan was never outplayed. Illinois and Great Evanston, as some of the finest swim- teams tonight in the University of in…

… Ohio State, Pur- triumph over the Wolverines in last spot. Defensemen were Bob Graham squads displayed an agressive spirit on the court. however, any coaches who have sent teams against DePaul ddue, and…

… the shotput, thus in angAll thatthe isaregonasfeagroundyir. for' amassing a high point total which The first period started off very It looked as if the Wolverines So, in choosing an All Mid…

…-Western team, you are on safe ground in The Varsity the Michigan squad will find hard to fast; both sides had possession of were going to gain their fifth vic- starting with Mikan for center. The Wolverines

March 06, 1945 (vol. 54, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

… 11-2 Friday night against at University of Western Ontario sex-t tet and dropped Saturday's game, 6-3, with the more powerful London1 outfit. The Wolverine pucksters jumped to an early lead in the…

… the assistance of Sullentich and Jens- wold; in scoring the second one Greer had the aid of Henderson and Upton. J The Wolverines' other tally was made by Francis Allman, assisted by Paul Groth. For the…

…. strong field of powerful contenders, which includes a potent Ohio State team, and a once-beaten Purdue squad. The Wolverine team, which so far this season has amassed victories over Northwestern, Purdue…

… the Wolverine ace from the amateur ranks,,-was based on" the contention that he was cashing in on his athletic abilities by coa- ching. Yet, other famous cinder- path stars have been combining coaching…

… WAR BONDS An Optical Service for the Student.« GLASSES IN 24 HOURS CONTACT LENSES "°the invisible eye glasses" 410 Wolverine Building Phone 6019 EAST LANSING, March 5-(,P)- Robin Roberts, one of…

March 27, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…. According to all pre-meet statistics, the meet will narrow down to a three-cornered contest between Matt Mann's Wolverines, Ohio State, and the Big Red of Cornell. Gordon "Scotty" Little, Cornell swimming…

Wolverines copped the Big Ten title in the event with a time of 3:06, they will be without the services of Bob Mowerson, South Sea veteran, because of a ruling prohibit- ing graduate students from swim- ming…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 22

… years Congresses, Tournaments, and great and illustrious Wolverine exr ter i a, wthyr re- i ago, Ariel Flinn, one-time leader Ma'or League aseball, a sobsid- checker quintet las appered in porter, snd…

…. MACARTHUR Wolverines was captain George Le Rockne's famous statement of fif- Guzzling-Favorite Indoor Sport ordinating Government Bureaus . , . might manage Yanks (N.Y. George, who scored the first king teen…

… Estate, to mean that the his P-Beaus and P-Belles are in Baseball Will Continue eral manager of the New York a king. Wolverine spring athletic squads, the greatest possible condition, Yankees, said today…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 26

… athletics, yesterday in an time. Since President Roosevelt Congres, Tournaments, and 'great and illustrious Wolverine exclusive interview withs your re- first inauguration twelve years Ma or League Baseball…

…'HUR Wolverines was captain George Le Rockne's famous statement of fif- Guzzling-Favorite Indoor Sport ordinating Government Bureaus .'. might manage Yanks (N.Y.) George, who scored the first king teen years ago…

… Estate, to mean that the his P-Beaus and P-Belles are in iBaseball Will Continue eral manager of the New York a king. Wolverine spring athletic squads, the greatest possible condition, ,-Yankees, said…

March 28, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDA, MAUCR 28;'5 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fourteen Teams Entered in Annual NCAA Meet Sixty-five Swimmers To Vie in Eleven Events Wolverine's Mert Church, Heini Kessler Will Struggle Against Stiff…

… Competition By HANK KEISER Fourteen eastern and midwestern schools hale signed up for the 22nd annual NCAA swimming championships scheduled for this Friday and Saturday at Michigan's Varsity Pool. Wolverine

…-cornered battle between Michigan,. Cornell and Ohio State. The Wolverines are conceded slight edge even though Bob Mow- Dodgers Giants BacK Lombardi BEAR MOUNTAIN, N. Y., March 27-(IP)-Baseball's feuding Hatfields…

…. Wolverine's probable starting lineup. *I' Service Teamns Pull Curtains in I-M Comp etton' Two service teams, Naval Supply and the Rangers, will meet at 1 :30 P. m. Satufday, at Waterman Gym in the finals of…

March 12, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 92) • Page Image 7

… Pool, and copped the 100th Big Ten title to be won by Maize and Blue athletic teams.f Captain Mert Church, Wolverine ace freestyler, and Ohio State's,{ Keo Nakama, were the individual stars of the meet…

… contests ever witnessed in Big! superiority in the 35th edition of the Ten competition. annual Championship Meet, emerged Wolverines Take Relay MATT MANN The Wolverine crew drew first victorious in both…

Wolverine Munson Finishes Second mentor stated, "should be better than In the 150-yard backstroke clash, last year, and my outfield should be Bob Knight, of Indiana, lead the at least as good." field, but was…

March 24, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

… na- tional honors for themselves and their alma maters in this gala sports car- nival. Although the entry blanks have not yet been received, Coach Matt Mann, Wolverine swimming mentor who is in charge…

…-yard breaststroke crown, with Vern Ojam- pa, of Minnesota. Coach Mann believes the Wolverine squad is in top condition and expects the boys to give a good account of themselves in next weekend's battles…

… also figure to cut heavily <ent upon a successful defense of into the Wolverines' potential point their title in the University division total. of the Purdue Relays tonight at La- Distance Men Slated To…

… Win rayette, Ind. Michigan Coach Ken Doherty *is Although installed inthe role of banking heavily on his distance run- .ine-mee favoritetheaWolvernehi h;: a t, rn pre-meet favorite, the Wolverine

…Hners to pull victory out of the hat squad is expected to have a much Unless the Wolverines can pick lp 4n du j o anslast ya first places in the two-mile relay and Mhen it rolled up 49 points against 3f c pa…

March 17, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

… triumph over the Buckeyes handily. _____- -~Ohio State, which camne in second I -~ Jto thc Wolverines by twelve points ini W orl oi c ies the Confeirnce meet, will threaten maizLe and Blue supremacy only…

… Laur- itsen as the Wolverine delegates to the relays, which will feature the famous Banker's Mile. i a r c'ou~t at two-all. That these defeats at the hands of a comparaitive newcomer humiliating to…

… himself when est throwing arms the Wolverine h le took two first places at the Con- mentor has ever observed on Ferry ference meet. Field. Barnard to Run 100 Weisenburger Probable Shortstop Also in the 1…

…,000 yard dash, Coach aWeisenburger will probably go at DoetEa hse madt u shortstop this year, filling the shoes beside Hume. This will further en- of Bruce Blanchard, who was both a Ntan~ce the Wolverine

…, the Wolverines will haveI half-mile, and Jimmy Herbert, vet- marks a good ball club, With Bob eran New York Athletic Club runner.I jHerbert defeated Forrestal in the - j Sheppard 600 as lie copped this…

… Wed. a. m., Call artother' newvcomer to the Wolverine j Psychology department office. f squad, Thomas entered the National ___-__ AAU 1,000-yard run at M~adisoni LOST: Silver' thunderbird pin, green…

March 13, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

… tenths of seconds pro- vided the margin of victory Saturday night in the Chicago Stadium, when the Wolverine track squad just slid by a powerful Illinois crew to take their third straight Conference chain…

…Co0ftheBig Grandy was only four inches out of cTen tteich aizand lue th i third4pace,-an .two -ou of fit, letes have won, the Wolverine swim- T H POSi' last 'weel of waiting fr I'orthwesterr W…

… which would tempt the Wolve°rine mentor to accept the Con- tmmissioner's ,fob. r though Wilson got a raise in salary and signed at $15,000 ider a six-year term contr'act, which is one year longer than st…

March 20, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

…E through once more in his two spe- cialties, the 50 and 100 freestyle,t as he tied Nakama for individual1 point-scoring honors with ten points apiece. The three other events which the Wolverines snagged were…

… his two relay teams to New York for the annual National AAU's, held April 7. What may be termed the upset of the evening was the 150 yard backstroke event. Bob Munson, Wolverine regular in that distance…

… three-way tie in that that much. event. "Lauritsen has gone high-- er," said the Wolverine mentor, "but his form was better than at e Bankers' Mile of the Chicago aniy time previously." b o e third…

… bearings and should make a bet-- yesterday afternoon, while the rough ter showing his next time out. BE SUAVE infield was being rolled for the team's Saturday, the Wolverines will have a full team entered in…

March 25, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 104) • Page Image 8

… the opening game this season will be the most seasoned in Wolverine diamond history. Normal- MICHIGAN'S track squad topped off its indoor season at Lafayette;,f Id. last night by winning first place in…

… advantage, the Wolverines had little difficulty in annexing the title for the second year in a row. Coach Doherty's men raced to victory in the two-mile relay and dis- tance niedley relay, finish- ed second…

March 18, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 98) • Page Image 7

… place against strong competition. The Wolverines, who only last weekend edged out Illinois for the West- ern Conference Indoor title, managed three thirds, one of them a three-way tie and a fourth for…

…., is now one-up on his rival. Julian Witherspoon, Wolverine dash entrant, failed to place in eith- er the 40, 50, or 55 yard event, al- though qualifying for all three. Barney Ewell, running unattached…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 28

… Technic. Local WCTU goes down to the Old German for a few. The dorms serve caviar and T- bones (on the house). Doc Forsythe gives out PEM excuses for one year. The Wolverine pulls in on time. Three V-12's…

March 25, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

… annihilation of Wolverines Win econd Purdue elays Crown Special to The Daily LAFAYETTE, Ind., March 24. - Scoring heavily in the distance relay events and displaying traditional team balance, Michigan's track…

… team successfully defended its title in the University division of the Purdue Relays here last night. The Wolverines, although they fell far below last year's record 49-point total, almost doubled…

… Hume, and Bob Hume, running a half mile, three-quarter, and mile respectively. See WOLVERINE, Page 3 Beethoven Program To Be Given Tonight Kathleen Rinck, teaching assist- ant in the School of Music…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 24

… mud packs, hair nets, clothes pins, and other beauty im- pediments, the Wolverine male will at last have an opportunity to drop his sheepskin and emerge in his real character-the Wolf- man! Too long has…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 28

… other beauty im- pediments, the Wolverine male will at last have an opportunity to drop his sheepskin and emerge in his real character-the Wolf- man! Too long has the twelve-thirty curfew struck the death…

March 21, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

… to 150 colleges and universities through- out the country, according to Coach Matt Mann, Wolverine swimming mentor. Although wartime travel restrictions may discourage some squads from participating…

…, when Wolverine, Heini Kessler, and' Minnesota's Vern Ojampa, co-holders of the Big Ten breaststroke crown, battle each other in that tilt. Entries from other schools have not yet been returned, so it is…

March 18, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 98) • Page Image 8

… tough foe for the Wolverine swimming team in a dual meet Sat- urday at Columbus after losing to Michigan by a decisive score in the Con- ference meet last weekend, going down, 43-41, after a hard battle…

March 13, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

… Service Union Thursday, March 15, 7:30 p.m. Phone 5888 Bring eligibility cards. in Calling all men. An Optical Service for the Student ... CONTACT LENSES "the invisible eye glasses" 410 Wolverine Building…

March 12, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

… and Illinois battled down the stretch in a much-heralded duel. The Wolverines, thanks once again to team balance plus strength in the distance events, finally came out on top by one point-55 1/10 to 54…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 4

Wolverine Bldg., Washington at Fourth which is open daily except Sundays and holi- days from 11:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Here the Bible and Christian Science literature including all of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy…

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