Natators Are Favored To Triumph in Weekend Enc
Traditional Rain Greets
Outdoor Venture,
With old man weather giving the
athletic department its best break'
in years, the Wolverine baseball squad
gave up the nets of Yost Field House
and moved to the diamond for its
first outdoor workout of the season.
Coach Ray Fisher divided his crew
into two squads, and ran them
through a two-inning workout, before
rain forced them indoors. Jack Mark-
ward, 6' 5" hurler who played for
Chicago last year, and Ray Louthen,
former Western Michigan star, were
on the mound.
"After seeing the boys work for
a couple of .innings, I can see we've
got more work to do than I expected,"
waA Coach Fisher's comment after
the abbreviated practice session.
The infield continues to be the
weakest division of the team, andl
at the present time all the positions
are wide open. Walter Kell, who
started at third base during the last
few games last year, and Jack Weis-
enburger, a shining freshman pros-,
pect, seem to have the inside track
at this stage, on two of the four
As the tentative schedule stands,
the Wolverines will open the season
April 13, when they meet Western
Michigan here at Ferry Field. Other
non-Conference tilts are being sched-
uled, but none are definite at this
The Big Ten season opens for the
Maize and Blue squad April 21 with
the Illinois crew traveling here for a
Early season dope establishes Coach
Dave MacMillan's nine from Minne-
sota, as the team to watch. Six hold-
overs from last year's fourth place
club, plus some other returning war
veterans, gives the Gophers a chance
to mould a championship ball club. '
Takih9 tire Caut
Associate Sports Editor
THERE APPEARED several weeks ago in this column, a lengthy disser-
tation regarding the then proposed double-check on the service status
of professional ball players.
The order had a discriminatory tone and because of that feature,
this writer carne fotward with a vigorous denunciation of the plan.
There were, however, some individuals who favored the double-check
idea because it was stressed that anyone who showed upto participate
in baseball this year would have been turned down for either active or
limited service. Therefore, he was entitled to continue with his morale-
building trade, and no one could frown upon him.
Now, as the Major League clubs attempt to complete their roster,
some of the proponents of this double-check plan realize that they were
taking too much for granted.
For a long time, our congressmen have been deliberating the pros
and cons of "work or fight" legislation. At present, writing, the issues
are more confused than they were two months ago when President
Roosevelt first advocated such legislation in his inaugural address.
THE BALL PLAYER is in quite a dilemma as to his future plans. Those
who have spent their vacations in war plants or on farms don't know
whether to return to the game or to remain with their present jobs. In
some isolated cases, the ball players have been ordered not to return to
the training camps.
This uncertainty is not being experienced by the stars of radio,
screen, and stage, or, for that matter, by the craftsmen in otheripro-
fessional athletic fields. People aren't making an issue over their re-
turn to their usual mode of occupation, once they have been rejected for
military service. People do not wonder why they are not on a farm
or working in some essential industry.
There can be no doubt as to the unfair treatment which is being ac-
corded professional ball players. The time is now ripe to set up an office
of sports coordination whose duty and responsibility it will be to formulate
and execute an integrated policy as regards the status of all professional
athletes. In deference to our athletes, who have done so much in boosting
the morale on both the home and fighting fronts, we must take positive
action to alleviate this perplexing problem.
Schedule for Veteran-Studded
19453 Golf Squad Announced
Matt Mann's Squad tional berths, in comparison with
four taken by the Bucks.
Guns for Fifth Win Mert Church, winner of Big Ten
titles in both the 50 and 100-yard
By HANK KEISER freestyle events, is the squadts high
Competing in their last Conference scorer and key man at both distances.
meet of the season, the Michigan Pre-meet dopesters have no doubt
that Church will repeat his top-
swimmers will face an underdog Ohio notch performances Saturday.
State squad tomorrow at Columbus in Bolstering Michigan's strength in
an effort to maintain an unbeaten Big the freestyle events is Chuck Fries,
Ten record. last year's 50-yard Conference champ,
Coach Matt Mann's boys, gunning and runner-up to teammate Church
in last week's 100 tilt. Bob Mower-
for their fifth win of the season, as son, Bob Breen, and Gordon Pulford,
against one non-Conference defeat by who doubles in the backstroke, also
Great Lakes, are given the edge over strengthen the Wolverines' bid for
the Buckeye crew, which they blasted superiority in this division.
in last week's Big Ten Championships. Heini Kessler, champion breast-
Maize and Blue men captured five stroker and co-holder of the 1945
crown with Minnesota's Vernon Oj -
Western Conference titles in the nine-
team contest and compiled a total of
55 points, as against OSU's 43 score BUY WAR BONDS -
Wolverine Swimmers Face Buckeyes
Tomorrow in Final Conference Meet
ampa, expects to encounter little
opposition from Ohio's entrants.
Coach Mann regards this event as "in
the bag."
Backstroker Bob Munson, who
placed second in the Conference
meet, is reported in top condition and
a cinch to clinch that tilt in the
coming encounter. Pulford may also
compete in the backstroke race and
has a better-than-even chance of
copping the second-place berth.
Both the 300-yard medley and the
400-yard freestyle relays are conced-
ed to the Michigan combinations.
Munson, Kessler, and Mowerson con-
stitute the probable lineup in the
former event, while Church, Fries,
Breen, Mowerson, and Pulford are
candidates for the starting positions
in the latter battle.
and three first places. Furthermore,
the Wolverines grabbed seven addi-
Ex-Members of
Baseball 'Team
Meet in Pacific
For two former members of Michi-
gan's baseball squad,, it was "old
home week" somewhere in the South
Pacific recently, as they found them-
selves stationed just three miles from
each other and staged a jubilant re-
The two former Wolverine diamond
stars are George Harms, catcher ex-
traordinary on the 1942 and '43
squads, and teammate Bob Stenberg,
varsity second baseman at the same
In a letter from Stenberg received
by the athletic department, the for-
mer second-sacker reported that he
was continuing his baseball activi-
ties six thousand miles from the home
diamond at Ferry Field.
He had played in several games
between Army and Navy personnel
at his base, and had been able to get
a sprinkling of clean base hits off
some pitching talent lately recruited
from major league clubs. It is un-
known whether Harms has similarly
been able to continue with the game,
but Baseball Coach Ray Fisher states
that "if there is a ball game going
on there, George is in it."
lqqmud ,-
Spickness and spanness were de rigueur int
leges of the 1840s. This portrait depicts an
of the Class of 1845 attired for the Junio
Observe the height of his stock and the costl
on his shirt.
In that same year, 1845, the Mexican Wart
minent. Railway Express service was 6 ye
Thc colleges were few. Now, a century later,
ica is fighting a global war,the colleges arec
by thousands, and our service is nation-wid
Today, the colleges are training students
armed services; and the rail and air facil
Railway Express are being largely utilized
speeding of war-goods shipments. So, toi
concerned, please do three simple things wi
1945 home packages and baggage: Pack t
curely-address clearly and adequately-a
breviating state names.
the col-
member 0
r Prom.-
y ruffles 0 r
was im-
ars old.
for the
[ities of
for the
help all
ith your
hem se-
void ab-
U/ "
> .
/w .
" .a<,
f{" ..._.. .
i }
? r .
K " Qa
?t. a
9 i
si g. r
SOFT, feminine little suits
vie with smooth, strictly tai-
lored ones for popularity.
Coats speak for themselves
in fit and style, long or
short . . . and in colors that
defy expression . . . they
are so lush!
Suits 9-15 and 1044
Coats 9-44
Coach Bill Barclay, in his initial
season as Michigan's golf mentor,
yesterday announced the schedule for
the 1945 matches.
Wolverine linksmen, last year's
Conference golf champs, play their
opening contest in Detroit against
the University of Detroit on Aprii
21; and the following week Barclay's
charges encounter Ohio State's golf
squad at Columbus. May 4, Michi-
gan's linksters have their first home
tilt, a return match with the Titans,
and the next day the team travels to
Kalamazoo to tee off against Western
On May 12, the Maize and Blue
golfers will meet Northwestern at
Evanston and the following week
they will play their second home
match of the season, teeing off
against Ohio State. May 21, will
find the old Notre Dame-Michigan
athletic rivalry renewed when the
Irish linksmen face the Wolverines
in Ann Arbor, and five days later the
Big Ten golf championship will be
held at Northwestern. The final golf
(;VCrI inent To Di 1Pm
On Racing Wthen Pssible
NEW YORK, March 15.-(/P) -As-
surance that the government will
lift the ban on horse racing as soon
as possible was given to the Board of
Directors of the Thoroughbred Rac-
ing Association today by its nemers
who have conferred recently wit
the Office of War Mobilization iri
Washington. -
7 lo'Th
Red Cross
contest is scheduled for June 2 when
Western Michigan comes to Ann Ar-
bor for a return tilt.
Barclay has five veterans from the
1944 Big Ten title holders who will
be playing for the Maize and Blue
golf squad again this season.' They
are Captain-elect Paul O'Hara, John
Jenswold, who captured the indivi-
dual Conference crown in the 1944
meet, Phil Marcellus who captained
the squad last year, John Tews, and
Ken Maury.
Exhibition Baseball Tilts
Ruled Out by New Plan
WASHINGTON, March 15-(AP)-
Big League officials today completed
baseball's 1945 travel-reduction plans
by proposing cancellation of all pre-
season exhibitions involving "Side-
Trip" trans.portation.
Ford Frick and.Will Harridge, Na-
tional and American League heads,
said that a recommendation to this
effect will be made to their clubs to
relieve the burden on wartime trans-
Course for
A thorough, intensive course--start-
ing February, July, October.
Registration now open.
Regular day and evening school
throughout the year. Catalog,
President, John Robert Gregg. S.C.D.
Director. Paul M. Pair. M.A.
Dept. C. P. 6 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago 2, Illinois
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