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March 13, 1945 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-13

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RCH iS, i&i5


_____________________________________________________________ I _____________

Track Team, Wins in, 'hoto Flulsh

Tb inc lads Register Oe--
Point Vielory ver Wini SevenS.Big Ten
SamadBotrd b R ue' er rmn ! iR-i*valsfor Title

Daily Sports Editor

Fonrrestel's 4,41Stretch Drive Is Outstanding

Inihvidul, Relay reamj'

Inches and tenths of seconds pro-
vided the margin of victory Saturday
night in the Chicago Stadium, when
the Wolverine track squad just slid
by a powerful Illinois crew to take
their third straight Conference chain-,

SPerformances Nt 55
points by placing second in the 60-
yard dash, barely nosed out the third; Ioiil~for Sw imrs
place man by the same margin. Catrn hi 1t Cneec
In the shotput, Michigan's Bob Cowning19tyerandtheCo0ftheBig
Grandy was only four inches out of cTen tteich aizand lue th i
third4pace,-an .two -ou of fit, letes have won, the Wolverine swim-

last 'weel
of waiting fr
athletics s:
Frone, but h(
tion and C
This jol
Crisler of Mv

pionship. u a u g tewsva~coet ICK mers triumphed over seven Confer- ince Crider
In a number of events, a couple of ing tup points, which could have ,necleesa otwstr' a n
inches .would have decided the meet, swungnthofinalascredaw.sOne tr
which was finally won by Michigan, Of the 25 men who went to the tensPolheaurdry
rmeet, 18 of them figured in the Sparked by the inspired leadershipj Maj. John
55 1/10 - 54 1/10, in one of the cos- { scoring, and 14 made their best show- of Captain Mert Church, who brought? to the Big
est two-team duals on record in thein thseonTiscarypns back Big Ten Championships in the Tme wa
Big; Ten. i1 o teseathaths leeachont
Arche Pasons wh plaed ffthout that the Maize and Blue thincads 50 and 100-yard freestyle, the Mich-
Arput performo pacd fft igan men took 55 points to Ohioistaech
in. the 880, thus picking u one poit on a fine competitive prom applicationc
g p ont nce. State's 43, as the other teams, Indi oiisin
finished approximately six inches ana, Minnesota, Northwestern. and cixisoe
ahead of another Illinois ,runner. Captain Ross flume proved to be Pru raldtheidi ta rer~L± heads of
Witherspoon, who picked up four te park uig of the victorious fsrul'OS'3
crew, as lie shared first in the mile !Mann I ru 1NEU
Iwith brother Bob, and went on to Matt Mann, veteran swimming; AT LAST-The Western. Confer- ' brings m
cop the two-mile crown. Chuck1 coach, announced today, "It is im- e nce chose as its new com-missioner hiave been o
SPRING IS HERE! Birdsall and Ross attempted to tieI possible to pick out one individual on! Kenneth tTug) Wilson, above, Crisle
We specialize in "Crew and Person- in this event, but the judges pre-I the squad for praise, as they all Northwestern's athletic director,j amount o
ality" hair styling. 'theyre individ-. ferrd to pick them one-two The ;fought their hearts out Saturday in Chicago. induced t1
realistic - suave! "However," he continued, : when............
forver ran six seconds faster for! remedy th
THE D 1ASCO3LA BARBERS the distance than in any other by ieMr hrhadHiicnrc
LbryoftaeIeethsya.Kessler give their all, and swim such i re s Ifnraiierenccow
Dick Foreste, w o r n a liser-beautiul races, there is nothing like1 ow ve
ing 440, only to finish second to Illi- Besides Church's two wins, Kess- Tonj rro per year un(
WAR B3ONDS ISSUED HERE . nois' Bob Kelley, put on a finishing er tied for first in the 200-yard 1"n-11 Henceffths a
kick which was probably the best; breaststroke with Keo Nakama, in ir ecti
C tiosIrrn PMdrive down the stretch duringth the most thrilling event of the meet, *rai'I)a! lowing Gxrifi:
evening's program., and the two relay teams also scoredofieav
Michigan's strength in the dis-f victories. D ETROIT, Mach 12-iThiti
tances showed up strongly, and pa-I Relays Win v'nguard o the i,etroit Tigers' spring director s wi
ccl he ay t vitory Th Woler- The 300-yard medley relay team, baseball training fo ce entrains Tu-; their sanctic
Ines picked up 15 points in the mile, j ossigo o usni h sa atronudrMngrSee maue
---°-NOW PLAYING-- 12 in the two-mile, and 10 in the ;bc tnyo o usni h sa feno ne aae tv esrsb
haf oaig3 fte5 onsi backstroke, Heini Kessler, breast- O'Neill for Evansville, Ind., where ther tion. But i
fTEMRE thalfettali en7ft he5soit.n toer n BbMwesninte144 American League runners-up assume tha
THE URDR 1-hes thee eent. Ifreestyle, churned to its sixth con- Thursday open drills for the open- siner is ess
41 By taking a clean sweep in the! secutive win in the fast time of 3:06. ing of the major league campaign every act p
LAUHTnmieMchgngedonnte The 400-yard freestyle relay team April 17. i will go the
1t~lWESrecords as the first team in Big of Church, Breen, Pulford. and Fries, Only the Tiger batteries are dlue supiamsedly
iT n hstoy t tun i suh aper Ialso continued their six meet win-: to report to O'Neill Thursday. The sition. But
forianc Te flmes wh sh red ng streak, scoring a winl over a remaining membeis of a tentative! anything a]:
k u° first, and ick Barnard, Parsons, goodl Ohio State squad in 3:44.2. roster of 33 players are cue March 20.' thing, for t
and Bob Thomason, who tied fori
thrd mdeupth fststppng Coach Mann is contemplating tak-. Besides O'Neill, thec advance guard hadar
thr, ae pte at-tppn ng the two relay teams to the Na- ' scheduled to entrain here tomorrow; Hence, if u
quintet. -, tional AAU's, four weeks hence, fothspigbeinldsPcercoeain
BanadMnweuhssont t Improves Al 'Denton, Art Houtteman. and Bll duis!n
Als doblebac whn h fiishd se- In the backstroke event. Coach Pierce: Catcher, Bob Swift: Infielder3
ond ehid Klle in he 80.HisMann was quite gratified to see Bob Johnny MeHale and Outfielder Hub eeta u
bluAJEO" I ~~i)NW ie was also his best for the year. Musn isIermrcic e-WleaNv ica emphatically
CRON14STORY OF 2 ENDINGS +IMno.frtyarmn lnhasc Wle.aNv ieagee who i
Commenting on the photo-finish, ond place berth. Munson has been property of Minneapolis in the Amer- dTes cmiptie
CoigTusaycahKnDoetittdmht Te proving his style all semester, and lesan Association. Walker nay be TnCnii
ANDEWSSISEIIS "ierI.R~kyNig teawithpMichigantrcktaditonitet and lat proved his worth in the big sought by the Tigers if le looks im--
AN R W IT R Ie ~ yNgt ih M ci a rc rdto ,a d1past performances."! meet. pressive in early drills.
( t's BALFtlU 'S for* Pledge Pins, Itivitaition64 ---i
,. Place Cards, Favors, and Stationery. $ - -- - __-8p .o ala iaoe etu
LOST AND FOUND! rant one black east of Rackham
Pho0ne 9533~ for f fiicet Personal Se,'t he ----*------------ - building on Huron.
'" .v t LST: Ladies Hamilton white gold, j.
C kb . . .( i idiamod setwrist watch all Mrs., WANTED.: Waiters and kitchen help 1
Li I ~ (~ IBA FOU R C ~ ~Wilson, 8869 Good food. Fraternity. Cal ud
190 t~ tl llt[,"j ,- ipson Phi Sigma Delta
~O2Soth tae FOUN k 2untan5pe. Call-Twila _
Official Jewelers To Most University (1rganzalion~s enricso, -15-13,= -- ! ROOM AND BOARD
(' ( C ) IS - ( 7 ) } .} S} ) LOST: Whoever left me a black ye] -- __
Ivet cape and took my evening coat teATOheT FODsitownloat
V-Bll ite plas cal 2322, Ee- from campus. Three meals served
lyn Luhirs. each day at the most reasonable
REWARD! For return of black ring rates in Ann Arbor , Call Mr. Van
with Pi Phi crest. Lost last semes- Pett at 2-3297 at noon or after Sh
ter between Natural Science build-; fie, o sop in at 700 S. State for
Sing and Hill St. Call Jane Springer:; details.;
s 6675.
11 . SI LOST: Black wallet, papers and ident. _------ --- - -
card. Call 2-1419. Reward. ;DRESSING TABLE for draping with
T_- -_..-. -----.__- glass top. Almost new, $6.00. White
LOST: Mexican filigreed silver brace-i rocking chair, $3.00. Blue bedside--
Ilet Saturday evening. Phone 4759.1 table, $2.00. Call 9590.
FiOUND}: Ladies' Longines wrist _ W NE
Swatch Feb. 23, Angell Hal, Call DO YOU WANT to sell a seo
IElaine 2-2541, ladies' golf clubs? Phone 9533 or '
~mp~-p r~ pr~i r~i ~ ~ r~~i Istop at Balfour's._ _
e pr m ' n nr wLOST;: Somewhere on campus, small -___

ITION of Big Ten Athlet~ic Commissioner was finally decided
kendl at a meetin- of Conference officials, and after months
for the choice. Kenneth L,.(Tug) Wilson. athletic director at I
nn University. was; given thle appointment.
n has been affiliated with the directorship of Northwestern
since 1926, and not only has his administration been a sound
ie has also been active in the National College Athletic Associa-
Olym~pic Committee affairs.
)b was tendered to Wilson after plans to draft Coach Fritz
/ichigan had gone awry. H(-, was named uinanimously by the
athletic directors and confirmed by faculty representatives, }!
is wt d a a h e h nies p oth s w y f the reasons for C risler's immediate rejection of the offer
remendous lack of miower° of the late Conference Commissioner,
1L. Griffith. The mi'. % zar," which was sometimes applied
Ten comnmissioei-'s Title, was entirely erroneous.
.y the situation has s? ood in the past, and continues to stand,
edict must be submitted to the directors and faculty before its
can be enforced. Thus, the poweir of the Western Conference
er would be mutch less than the power of the commissioners of
fthe various professional leaguesi whose voices are law.
ENTrLY, the Big Ten commisioner is a nonentity; and this fact
ae to the realization that the value and importance of this job
r's intimations that the job) lacked power and the proper
f financial remuneration, considering the work entailed,
lie Big Ten officials to think the toniic over and endeavor to
ke situation, in an effort to present Crisler with a lucrative
which would tempt the Wolve°rine mentor to accept the Con-
tmmissioner's ,fob.
r though Wilson got a raise in salary and signed at $15,000
ider a six-year term contr'act, which is one year longer than
st contract, his powers have not been increased or diminished.
leaves us i'ight where we started, and the deliberations fol-
fith's death which pertained to the t~erms and duties of the
been all for nought.
arnly reasonable to assume that the faculty advisers and
ill be reluctant to give _._.____._____----- -
oning power on various
rought to their atten _--
it is also reasonable to
I the Big Ten commis-
sentially responsible far
iassed and that to him
ecomplaints, as he is
in the responsible po-
he won't be able to do
:bout this, or any uthers
that matter', because his
wed.r to have any unity, e RE ORD

anzd understanding-, the
powers of Wilson or his
cessor should be stated
rand clearly, and such
words as Czar' and. Big
,sioner,' eliminated





ows Continuous 2 to 11:-30 P.M.

30c until 5VP.

Then 43c


%Wf v Y
Da' A QIK" I N S I

blue and red purse containing glas-
ses. Reward. Call 7379.
LOST:, A red wallet "Thursday eve-
ning. Reward for return intact;.
E Cll623.CHICA


UNIERSTYer. Apply 407 N. Ingalls or calli
dlishes. Call Mrs. Miles. Alpha Xi
31 SOTH STTE jDelta house, 24527.
KITCHEN HELPERS : 70 -cents per~
hour, board or cash. 12:15 to 2:151
or 6:15 to 8:15. Phone 6737 after ;
t TIhe Oratorical Association Presents~


Muster Showman of M\Aalayn

Color Motion

P.s t u r'

Lec tuire


I T B I --- ..I. ~ A.A __L ~ ...La~ '

1 i



Service to men o'f the Navv i is ut as iirnrtant a fnct'io~nof the



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