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December 09, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 65) • Page Image 5

…- side play that nullified what would have been the tying goal for the Wolverines with three sec- onds remaining in the game. With the score 5-4 in Montre- al's favor, Pat Cooney, assisted by Earl Keyes…

… least bit bitter in stating, "I didn't think I was offside, but" that's what the referee called it, and that's the way it stands." Most of the other Wolverines were uncertain about the deci- sion, and…

… been played, (Continued from Page 1) It was in the midst of one of these Michigan attacks that La- zure broke away after taking a pass from Claude Dagenais. Only one Wolverine defenseman was back but…

… Lazure shot from about 15 feet out and the puck caught the upper righthand corner of the net behind Ikola. T H E WOLVERINES gamely tried to tie the count in the wan- ing minutes. Coach Vic Heyliger pulled…

… Ikola from the nets with 55 seconds remaining and put six forwards on the ice. The Wolverines were not suc- cessful with this maneuver des- pite the fact that most of the 3500 fans thought they had tied…

… Chin flicked a loose puck into the Montreal cage to make the score 2-0, Michigan. Apparently the Wolverines were victims of a letdown in the second period because of an eight minute delay brought about…

… by an injury to Ikola. The Michigan goaltender was hit in the head by the puck on a screen shot and was taken to the dressing room for repairs before the game continued. Upon his return the Wolverines

… =- Michigan, Matchefts (unassisted), 7:21; 8-Mon- treal, Bruneau (Quesnel, C. Hotte), 8:09; 9-Montreal, Lazure (Dagenais), 17:37. Penalties--none. is brightening the Wolverines' fu- ture basketball trail with…

December 12, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

… situation, is hard at work preparing for a ding-dong two game series here with the powerful Toronto Blues this week- end. The "frying pan," of course, re- fers to Friday's 9-2 Wolverine win and Saturday…

… impression to over- shadow that of Montreal. * * * NINE LETTERMEN are back from the outfit that defeated Michigan, 6-4, and lost to the Wolverines, 9-5, in two battles here last season. In addition Coach Bill…

…, and Ernie Frey, four forwards who figured promin- ently in scoring last year against the Wolverines, are also on the 1951-52 Toronto roster. The Blues, defending champions in senior Canadian college…

… drill and scrimmage yesterday in the early stages of preparation for Toronto. The Wolverines came out of the Montreal series in good shape physically, which can be attributed to the clean, fast hockey…

… Saturday night, that held up the game eight minutes, the Wolverines suffered a let down and blew a 2-0 lead. Heyliger stated he figured the injury made Ikola a bit shy on high shots, a natural reaction, but…

… all the time." Michigan had a one-period let down against Montreal and lost the game. One of the bright spots in the loss to the Carabins was the way the Wolverines battled from be- hind twice. Down 3…

… showing against a Wolver- ine outfit which has whipped him in successive years 25-3, and 16-11. The following Saturday, Jan- uary 12, will find the Wolverine matmen at Bloomington, Indi- ana, where they…

… trailing most of the way. Iowa and Northwestern will appear consecutively at Ann Ar- bor on February 9 and 16. On Feb. 23 the Wolverines will Who Launders KYER MODEL Shirts Best? LAUNDRY 4,. ERNIE FREY…

… some great stops by Mon- treal goalie Marcel Auger, 15 of them in the final period, saved the Carabins from defeat by the rampaging Wolverines. Word from trainer Carl Isaac- son is that letterman Eddie…

December 19, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE 1x urn Track Time Trials Slated For Tonight Canham To Show New Performers Coach Don Canham unveils his 1952 edition of the Wolverine

Wolverines used 11 players in their search for a winning com- bination. The starting five was made up of a freshman, two soph- omores, a junior and a senior. Therefore, three of the five play- ers were…

… dual meet at the Intramural pool. Michigan's pre-season rating as one of the top Big Ten swimming powers was given added impetus in the A.A.U. meet as Wolverine nat- ators swept to first place in every…

…. All told, this offensive combi- nation has accounted for 16 of the 34 Wolverine goals that have brought four victories in five games. Cooney was particularly effect- ive during the 4-1 and 6-4 sweep of…

Wolverines have reformed since the Michigan State debacle in which they served 33 minutes in the sin bin. This is as much as they have spent in their last four games together. * * * IN THE GOAL tending depart…

December 09, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 65) • Page Image 6

…, Michigan defeated Wisconsin in the final game of the year to gain a tie with the Badgers for the title laurel. The Wolverines led at half-time, 22-20, and in the second period held the Wisconsin five to only…

… two points for a 37-22 win. 1929-30 saw the Wolverines gar- ner six out of ten Big Ten tussles for a third place finish behind Purdue and Wisconsin. Center Bob Chapman cap- tained his team-mates to a 9…

… attempts eased the Wolverine road to vic- tory in the Indiana fracas. VEENKER'S 1930-31 charges brought home 13 wins in 17 out- ings, while finishing in a second place Big Ten deadlock with Min- nesota and…

December 16, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…'s Blues, 6-4, in the Coliseum last night. Coupled with Friday's 4-1 tri- umph, last nght's hard fought Maize and Blue victory gave the Wolverines a sweep of the weekend series and possession of the re…

…- cently revived James C. Thomp- son trophy. THE WOLVERINES iced the game with three beautiful power play tallies inside of two minutes in the final stanza while Toronto was two players short and Michi- gan…

December 20, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

… solar phenomena, those con- cerning the upper atmosphere of the earth have been the most striking to astronomers. Florida Trip To Be Planned The Wolverine club is planning to sponsor a train trip to…

…- ney and hotel accommodations will be offered at reduced rates. This is the first time that the Wolverine Cub has sponsored a trip during spring vacation. Further details will be an- nounced later. I r…

December 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…, DECEMBER 21, 1951 FOUR PAGES i 'M' Cagers Lose; Icers Top Denver Northern IL .S. of Shivers Snow, Under Sleet, Ice * * * <"> * * * Wolverines Take Early Game Lead By BOB LANDOWNE Neil Celley…

…. Then at 9:21 John Matchefts sent the Wolverines on their way with the first of his two goals. Matchefts scored on a fifteen footer from the left side after being beautifully set up by wing- man John Mc…

December 01, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…-0 record to its credit. They JIM SKALA ... Wolverine Captain * * * opened their season with two vic-' tories over Alma College, 56-49 and 60-57, earlier this week. COACH McCOY plans to take the full squad…

…- buildingprogram forhWolverine basketball squads. The team is composed of only one senior, four juniors, and ten freshmen and sophomores who will be playing Big Ten basketball for the first time this year. Tonight…

… the Wolverines will try to make it five victories against no setbacks in their competition with See QUINTET, Page 3 the General Assembly's president, States, Britain, France and Russia and their…

December 18, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…. * * * MOSSNER, from Kelsey House, S.Q., came back to win as vice- .* "s second straight of the season forI the Wolverines. *: * * BUTLER OPENED fast, leading 15-4 at the end of the first quar- ter. Michigan didn…

… to get closer than nine< points despite several sporadicr spurts, especially in the second half. As in the season's opener against Central Michigan, the WolverinesI were hampered by a poor shot average…

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