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December 01, 1951 - Image 1

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..M I .ML 41P


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Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LXII, No. 58





West Orders
Red German
Act Retaliates for
Red Restrictions
BERLIN-Western officials or-
dered a total embargo on ship-
ments to Red Germany yesterday
in an attempt to force an end to
the new "little Berlin blockade,"
the United Press reported last
The report quoted an official
spokesman as saying that all legal
trade between East Mud West Ger-
many would halt at midnight un-
less the Russian-controlled Red
German regime offered last-min-
ute concessions.
September when Communist pro-
mises made it appear that normal
trade relations could be resumed,
expire at midnight.
West German officials said no
new export permits will be is-
sued until the Reds end their
restrictions on Berlin's trade.
A $100,000,000 East-West trade
agreement was signed on the
strength of the Communists' Sep-
tember promises. It never became
fully effective because of the Reds'
failure to keep their word.
FOR MORE than six months
the Reds have subjected West
Berlin to slow strangulation. They
resorted to red tape and crushing
taxes to limit the flow of manu-
factured good and mail to and
from Western Germany.
A small-scale commercial air-
lift was organized to ease the
pressure on the Communist-
surrounded city, but its 100-ton
daily capacity fell far short of
Berlin's needs.
Communist tactics delayed the
* signing of the trade agreement for
many months. It finally was sign-
ed Sept. 20, after the Reds had
promised to lift their "nuisance
Train Wreek
Injure SiX
KALAMAZOO -(P)- A crack
Michigan Central passenger train,
traveling at high speed, crashed
into a truck loaded with 7,390 gal-
lons of fuel oil and gasoline at a
crossing near here yesterday.
Six persons were injured, two
critically, in the brief but intense
inferno that followed.
* * *
FOUR. OR FIVE successive ex-
plosions covered the, truck, the
train's diesel engines and three
homes across the street with gaso-
line and flying gasoline spray.
Flames shot along the entire
length of the 10-coach train,
breaking or cracking most of
the car windows.
The train's two diesel engines
and the gasolin'e truck were badly
damaged. Railroad officials esti-
mated the damage to the diesel
engines at $1,000,000. -
Wesley Kehrier of Detroit, the
conductor, directed the passengers
to the rear and to safety through
doors of the last coaches. There
was no panic, Kehrier said.
A retired New York Central
conductor who was a passerby,
suffered a heart attack at the

scene and died enroute to Bronson
Hospital in Kalamazoo. He had re-
tired only a month ago.
Iraq May End
BAGHDAD, Iraq-(IP)-Inform-
ed sources said yesterday Iraq will
try to revise or end her treaty of
.alliance with Britain at the open-
ing of parliament today.
The British-Egyptian dispute
and the western proposal for a
Middle East defense command
have increased nationalistic pres-
sures on Premier Nuri Said's mod-
erate government.
The informants said the speech
probably will propose a new treaty
of alliance with Britain which
would provide for the Iraqi army
'to take over two British air bases.
Ford, Chrysler

Russia OK's


Unlucky Pup

U.S. Jets Bag



Four Arms Talk
Ten-Day Secret Sessions To Start
Today; Key Delegates Pessimistic
PARIS-(M)-With Russia's long awaited assent, the UN Political
Committee yesterday handed the conflicting western and Russian
disarmament plans to the big four powers for at least a start toward

some agreement.
Luis Padilla Nervo of Mexico,
will sit with delegates of the United
Cagers Open
New Season
Coach Ernie McCoy's cagemen
will start Michigan's 1951-52 bas-
ketball season rolling tonight
when they meet Central Michigan
at Mt. Pleasant in a game to dedi-
cate the Chippewas' new field
Central Michigan, on the other
hand, takes the court tonight with
a 2-0 record to its credit. They

... Wolverine Captain
* * *
opened their season with two vic-'
tories over Alma College, 56-49
and 60-57, earlier this week.
COACH McCOY plans to take
the full squad of 15 men on the
150 mile trip, but is uncertain of
his starting line-up.
Captain Jim Skala, 6'3", is
slated t. begin at one of the
forward positions and either
Milt Mead, 6'7", or John Cod-
well, 6', wil start at the other.
Dick Williams, 6'7", is ready to
resume his duties as Michigan pi-
votman this season. Mead, who is
an outstanding high jumper dur-
ing the track season, can also take
over the center position.
* * *
HOLD-OVER Doug Lawrence
will share the guard duties .with
sophomore Ray Pavichevich. Add-
ing support to the back court area
will be Don Eaddy, and Bob Topp.
McCoy is working on a re-
buildingprogram forhWolverine
basketball squads. The team is
composed of only one senior,
four juniors, and ten freshmen
and sophomores who will be
playing Big Ten basketball for
the first time this year.
Tonight the Wolverines will try
to make it five victories against no
setbacks in their competition with
See QUINTET, Page 3

the General Assembly's president,
States, Britain, France and Russia
and their advisers in secret ses-
sions starting today.
* * *
FORMING A HIGH level sub-
committee acted unanimously aft-
er Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Y. Vishinsky announced that Rus-
sia would enter such talks. But
Vishinsky lashed out once more at
the disarmament proposals of the
western Big Three in his accept-
ance. Key delegates were pessi-
mistic about the possibility of a
compromise, but they agreed the
attempt must be made.
The political C o m m i t t e e
shelved further debate on dis-
armament until the sub-com-
mittee reports.
The Political Committee had
taken all week to reach the deci-
sion yesterday. Iraq, Syria and
Pakistan proposed Monday that
the committee stop talking about
disarmament and ask the Big Four
powers, under Nervo's chairman-
ship, to tackle their plans and see
what they coul ddo.
Jessup promptly accepted. Later
Selwyn Lloyd, Britain, formally
accepted for all the three western
powers, but Vishinsky refused to
be hurried. He insisted he wanted
to hear the other delegates speak.
At the end of general debate, Vish-
insky finally said Russia recog-
nizes that differences exist.
"Nevertheless," he added, "we
are prepared to persevere in our
efforts and to take part in the
With that he sat back.
Comn mitee On
Civil Liberties
Gets Adviser
Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the
economics department will spon-
sor the campus Civil Liberties
Committee which was formed ear-
lier this week, Devra Landau, '52
Ed., chairman of the group an-
nounced yesterday.
Miss Landau reported that the
committee's constitution was be-
ing immediately submitted to the
Student Affairs Committee for ap-
The new society is dedicated to
"the preservation of academic
freedom and civil liberties," and
Miss Landau indicated that the
immediate concern was for stu-
dent rights on this and other cam-
Other officers of the group are
Joe Savin, '53A, vice-chairman;
Leonard Sandweiss, '53, secretary;
Bob, Satin, '53, treasurer; and
Meyer Zald, '53, member-at-large.

Tax Data
publicans demanded yesterday
that Attorney General J. Howard
McGrath be summoned before
House investigators to explain the
Justice Department's policy in
prosecuting tax fraud cases.
Reps. Kean of New Jersey and
Byrnes of Wisconsin also said they
want to question McGrath about
testimony given by his ousted aide,
T. Lamar Caudle.
* * *
McGRATH SAID in a statement
issued by the Justice Department
last night that he would be "de-
lighted" to appear before the
House Inquiry Committee "at any
time" the committee desires.
But McGrath said he would not
appear except at a public hearing.
McGrath said in his state-
ment: "It is my belief when I
said on Nov. 25 I would give the
committee my complete cooper-
ation and would personally di-
rect the Department's activities,
that the committee would feel
free to consult with me on all
these matters.
"I am disappointed that this has
not been done."
McGrath had said on Nov. 25
that he would give the committee
data on any past case on which
the committee had a complaint.
BOTH KEAN and Brynes are
members of a House Ways and
Means subcommittee which is dig-
ging into charges of widespread
graft, corruption and other irre-
gularities in the nation's tax col-
lecting system.
Several times during the course
of the investigation members of
the committee have expressed dis-
satisfaction with the way McGrath
has been cooperating with them.
There have also been demands
that the attorney general resign.
The committee's public hearing
was in recess yesterday as mem-
bers examined Justice Department
files bearing on rumors, as yet un-
verified, that a "fix" was on in a
tax fraud case involving two New
Yorkers, Samual Aaron and Jacob
Churchill Claims
Visit Not for Aid

Michigan Region.
T. Dentzer, will open the confer-
ence and students will be greeted
by Dean Peter A. Ostafin on be-
half of the University.
Commission sessions have been
set up to carry on work in four
groups of study including student
affairs, international affairs, edu-
cational affairs and conduct of
student government. Two Uni-
versity students, Phil Berry, '52
BAd, and Joe Savin, '53A, won
posts as chairmen of commissions
at the national conference held at
the University of Wisconsin last
Today's meetings will be de-
voted to discussing and voting
on the projects of these com-
mittees. Policy and business
will be taken up when the dele-
gates meet tomorrow.
Housing arrangements of the
representatives have been made by
the Student Legislature in more
than a dozen campus residences.
A DINNER will be held tonight,
followed by an informal get to-
gether in the League rumpus room
to give delegates a chance to get
SL has also prepared a folder
listing all social activities being
held here tonight and the visiting
delegates are being encouraged to
spend the latter part of the eve-
ning getting acquainted with the
All meetings of the regional con-
ference being held in Lane Hall
are open to any student interested
in attending.
Spring Will Stay
For Another Day
The current spring-like weather
is due to remain for at least an-
other day, according to weather
bureau predictions.
The forecast for today was for
fair and warmer weather, with
the mercury reaching a high of
58 degrees.
Long range predictions by the
weather bureau indicate that com-
paratively mild weather is in store
for most of the country during De-

ATTEMPTED MURDER--An exhausted little mongrel recovers
in an animal hospital from an attempt by two big dogs to drown
him in an icy creek in Buffalo, New York. The policeman who
rescued him termed the unusual incident "attempted murder."
NSA Regional Meeting
To BeginHere Today
More than 90 delegates representing the student legislatures of
15 Michigan colleges and universities will be on campus today and
tomorrow for the regional conference of the National Student Asso-
With official registration at 9 a.m., meetings ,will begin at 11 a.m.
in Lane Hall and continue through the afternoon, according to Stu-
dent Legislature president Len Wilcox, '52, who will preside over the
O meetings as chairman of the

As Air
Stop Airfield
UN Demands
New Requirement
Seals Deadlock
MUNSAN, Korea, Saturday, Dec.
1 OP)-Allied truce negotiators to-
day insisted on a ban on develop-
ment of Communist airfields dur-
ing a Korean armistice, as the
truce talks remained deadlocked.
Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy, chief
Allied delegate, to the Panmunjom
talks, made this clear in replying
to a charge by Gen. Nam I that
the Allies intended to "keep North
Korea in a perpetual state of
Joy declared the United Nations
command had no desire to hamper
civilian reconstruction in North
Korea during the armistice.
Brig. Gen. William P. Nuckols,
UN command spokesman, said Joy
made it clear "as far as rehabili-
tation of North Korea is concern-
ed, the Allied proposal does not
apply to anything other than air-
fields and associated facilities."
Nuckols said "associated fa-
cilities" included gasoline stor-
age dumps, rail spurs, hangars
and the extension of runways.
The spokesman said the ban did
not include reconstruction of rail-
roads, power plants, telephone and
telegraph facilities, port facilities,
cities, towns, villages and factories
not completely devoted to war pro-
NAM CHARGED that the Allied
proposal prohibiting any increase
in armed strength during an armi-
stice in effect meant that the
Communists could not reconstruct
North Korea.
The negotiators were trying
to unsnarl a deadlock over
means of supervising an armi-
stice, when and if one is signed.
The Reds insisted on withdrawal
of foreign troops from Korea by
stages, starting when an armistice
is signed, as the only acceptable
way to prevent violations of an
The Allies refused even to dis-
cuss such a scheme and insisted on
joint rear-area inspection teams
and iron-clad guarantees against
increasing troop strength on either
The session began about 11 a.m.
(9 p.m., yesterday, Ann Arbor
time). After meeting for an hour
and 35 minutes, the truce teams
recessed for lunch. They scheduled
an afternoon session for 3 p.m.
(1 a.m. today Ann Arbor time).
dray Market'
Hit as Treason
DETROIT -(I)- Sen. Homer
Ferguson (R-Mich.) questioned
yesterday whether it "doesn't ac-
tually verge on treason" for mid-
dlemen to capitalize on shortages
to multiply the cost of much-
needed steel and copper.
He put the question to a Senate
Subcommittee witness after an-

other one had told of making
$3,000,000 by buying and reselling
100,000 tons of war surplus scrap-
some of it wagon bolts unused
since the civil war era.
The Subcommittee, headed by
Sen. Blair Moody (D-Mich.),
wound up its two-day second De-
troit stand in its cross-country in-
quiry into the steel "gray market."

. . . Answers Red Charges




Top Adviser
KEY WEST, Fla.-()-Presi-
dent Truman went into a huddle
yesterday with his top intelligence
advisoraafter making public hith-
erto secret instructions to United
Nations forces to keep on fighting
in Korea until the signing of an
armistice agreement.
Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, Di-
rector of the Central Intelligence
Agency, flew down from Washing-
ton to report on developments on
the international front.
* * *
seph Short read from a report
made to the president Wednesday
by Gen. John E. Hull, Vice Chief
of Staff of the Army, based on
cables from Gen.rMatthew B.
"On November 27th the
Eighth Army issued a secret let-
ter of instructions to subordinate
commands which contained the
following statement:
"Steps will be initiated to in-
sure that every United States,
United Nations and Republic of
Korea soldier is fully cognizant
that hostilities will continue until
the s.ning of the armistice agree-
"The United States Corps and
the First ROK Corps have issued
orders containing similar instruc-
tions. The Commanding General,
Eighth Army, reports that no in-
structions have been issued from
the Eighth Army or any of his
corps headquarters as f an as he
knows to the effect that there is
any such thing as a cease fire at
this time.
"The reports in question ap-
parently emanated from battalion,
or company or possible platoon
SHORT TOOK issue again with
an Associated Press dispatch from
Seoul, reporting Wednesday that
orders from the highest source,
possibly the White House, brought
ground fighting to a complete, if
temporary halt, on that day.
Short said President Truman
had directed the declassification
of General Hull's report to re-
fute the AP story,
"This statement the Associated
Press issued is designed to con-
fuse the American people," Short
President Truman said he un-
derstood Wednesday's AP story
resulted from the intense compe-
tition for news.


Nine Enemy
Bombers Hit
Over. Korea
Little Action Seen
On Battle Front
SEOUL, Korea, Saturday, Dec.
1-(A')-U. S. Sabre Jets pounced
on 46 Red planes yesterday near
the Manchurian border and shot
down 10 in flames for the biggest
single bag of positive kills in the
Korean War.
Significantly, six of the de-
stroyed Red planes were two-en-
gined bombers and three were
single-engine f i g h t e r-bombers.
Heretofore R e d bombers over
Korea have been notably scarce.
The tenth victim was a MIG Jet.
*F * *
pilots, including a new jet ace,
said they turned the battle -into a
"rat race," filling the skies with
burning Communist planes.
Three more Red planes were
damaged. The U. S. Fifth Air
Force said all the 31 Sabres in-
volved returned safely.
There have been bigger claims
of Red planes probably panes
destroyed in a single action but
never a positive bag of 10.
The Sabres surprised a flight of
30 slower, propeller-driven Red
bombers escorted by 16 MIG-15
* * *
IN THREE other fights yester-
day, Allied planes probably des
troyed one Red plane and dam-
aged another as the Air Force
dominated the otherwise relatively
quiet Korean War.
Allied artillery fire was sten.
ped up but ground forces limit-
ed action to patrolling.
In the big air battle, fought just
south of the Yalu river mouth,
Maj. George A. Davis, of Lubbock
Tex., shot down three TU-2 bomb-
ers and the MIG Jet. Having shot
down two other MIGS last Wed-
nesday, Davis became America's
fifth jet ace, with one more than
the required bag of five.
* * *
Red bombers over North Korea
was a rare sight. Allied fliers said
they thought the formation was
on a training flight in the mistak-
en belief that U.S. jets had fin-
ished with their daily sweep of
extreme North Korea.
Thursday night. flare-dropping
planes of the Far East Air Forces
reported counting 9,200 Red trucks
rolling towadr the quiet front lines
with their lights boldly blazing.
Allied officers were hesitant to
assess the unprecedented traffic
as a Communist buildup move-
College Steel
Supply May
Be Reduced
The U. S. Commissioner of Edu-
cation has warned college presi-
dents that because of critical
shortages he may be required to
"call back" steel and other strate-
gic materials already authorized
for university and library proj-
"To continue the college, uni-
versity and library projects al-
ready under construction in the
first quarter of 1952 would require

more than 25,000 tons of steel,"
he stated in a bulletin sent to col-
lege heads and chief state school
The defense production admin-
istration has seen fit to set a limit
of 14,000 tons for colleges in the
first quarter, he said.
* * *
been officially informed of a steel
cut-back, according to Vice-Pres-

World News Roundup1
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Federal Grand Juries will convene across the
country early next year to probe underworld conditions in a follow-up
of the Senate Crime Committee's work.
This was announced yesterday by James M. McInerney, assistant
attorney general in charge of the Criminal Division of the Department
of Justice.
* * * *
PORTLAND, Ore.-Sen. Paul Douglas (D-Ill.) yesterday de-
clared himself out of next year's presidential race.
He named President Truman and Chief Justice Fred Vinson
as the Democratic party's most likely candidates.
* * * *
Michigan's general deer hunting season closed at 6 p.m. last
The gunfire toll was 13 hunters and fewer than 10,000 deer killed.
Both categories were below those of 1950, when 18 hunters were killed
and 121,000 deer slain in a similar 16-day season.
At least 14 hunters died of heart attacks and at least seven
others died in woodland accidents this year that didn't involve fire-
SAN FRANCISCO-Two transports, carrying 6,316 combat
veterans from the Korean War, will reach San Francisco Monday.
. . _ ww -_._ t l1 J. y - I A .

Stassen To Enter Minnesota Primary
nomintioncampign n Mineso

of former Gov. Harold E. Stassen
of Minnesota for the Republican
presidential nomination said yes-

nomination campaign in Minneso-
DUNN SAID at St. Paul that

sota's 25 delegates on the first
two convention ballots. Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey of New York was
nominated unanimously on the

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