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December 16, 1951 - Image 1

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Sir ti a u
Latest Deadline in the State



1, .,


VOL. LXII, No. 71



Murphy Hold
Secret Talks
Results Will Be
Told Tomorrow
Truman held a long "highly prof-
itable" talk yesterday with U.S.
Judge Thomas F. Murphy,. his re-
puted choice to run an adminis-
tration cleanup, but delayed any
announcement of plans at least
until tomorrow.
Murphy himself, reached by re-
porters after the unusually secret
White House session, would only
say that "matters of interest to
the country" were discussed and
that he may see the President
* * *

HE WOULD NOT say whethe
he had accepted any assignmen
nor whether the talk was abo
corruption in government. Neith
would the White House, whic
x.wouldn't go beyond the "'ver;
profitable" description of the mee
But the jurist's answers t
Bde.-issue questions left open
broad inferences that he is in
on the planning, at least, of a
house-cleaning. He said he and
Charles Murphy (no relation)
White House counsel, discussedi
a "plan." And he said the an-
swer on whether he would have
to resign from the bench if he
took a housecleaning job woui
have to wait on any White
House announcement.
By the delay over the week-en
Mr. Truman missed his own dead
line for "drastic" action to swee
"wrongdoers" out of government
On, Thursday, the President ha
told reporters to look for develop
ments by the end of this week.
* *
WIDELY accepted reports had i
that a major feature of his plan
was to set up a commission, some
What along the lines of the Wa
Investigating Committee which th
President headed in the Senate
to root out officials who migh
use their posts for private ends
Mr. Truman himself made it clea
that any action in such a direc-
tion would be aimed also at pro
tection of upright officeholder
who he said are the great ma
The tax schndals hearings -o
Capitol 'Hill which set off the
White House moves were in re-
cess for a month at the minimum
shut d9wn Friday night on the
same note of conflict that has
been maintained for weeks.
New Arms
Plan Rejected
By Red Bloc
PARIS - (A) - The Soviet- blo
yesterday rejected a revised West-
ern disarmament plan drawn u
specially to meet some of Mos-
cow's demands.
The Russian bloc hinted, in-
stead, it would like to see the
Big Four Powers continue dis-
cussing arms control in secret
Polish Delegate Stefan 'Wier-
blowski disclosed t h e Soviet
bloc's position in a speech to the
Political Committee of the UN
General Assembly. He repeated
Soviet demands for immediate
prohibition of atomic bombs and
a cut one one-third in the arms
strength of the United States,
France, Britain, China and Rus-
j U.S. Ambassador Philip C. Jes-
sup, speaking for the West, made
it clear the United States, Britain
and France prefer to carry on
negotiations on arms control in a
12-nation Disarmament Commis-
"siori expected to be created by
this assembly.
He did not give a flat "no" to
suggestions by Wierblowski and
some other delegates that perhaps
fthe Big Four should continue their
arms talking, but said the West
thinks "the new commission is the
proper foriun for development of
the process."
Flyers on Strike
At NY, Miami

History Evolved
Lutheran Beliefs
(Editor's Note: The subject of today's Religious Survey ar-
ticle, Lutheranism, deals with a part of the Protestant faith which
traces its origin to the beginning of the movement. Information
and advice for this article was provided by the campus -Lutheran
Daily Associate Editor
Qdldly enough, the roots of Lutheranism do not run back to Mar-
tin Luther, but are entwined in the development of historical Chris-
The Lutherans have never regarded Luther as a saint, but only as
a man who played an important part in God's pattern of development.
When Luther nailed his 97 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in
Wittenberg he was seriously concerned with the abuses that were pre-
sent in the early 16th Century Roman Catholic Church. He did not
take the scoffing approach of Erasmus in "Praise of Folly," but sought
a positive solution. Luther's first efforts were toward reforming the
church from within. The break with the Church of Rome came only
when he found this impossible to achieve.
Luther was placing the emphasis on faith. He believed the evi-
dence for this new interpretation was to be found in the scripture.
ESSENTIALLY THE Lutheran faith is 9, Bible centered religion.
It accepts both the Old and New Testaments, believing that a unity
exists between the two. It is through this written word that man comes
to know Jesus Christ.
During the 16th Century, a religion which stressed the written
word as it appeared in the Bible was presented with many problems.
Practically all existing copies of the scriptures were in Latin. There-
fore one of the first jobs was to translate the testaments into the
The cost of printing a Bible was equal to the wages a man could
earn in a year. To circumvent this problem Luther wrote a short
tract called "The Small Catechism." It contained the ten com-
mandments, the Lord's Prayer, the Apostle's Creed and other pray-
ers and commentaries to be used in daily religious thought. This
tract holds part of the basic dogma of the Lutheran church.
Another important document in the Lutheran history is the Augs-
burg Confession. It was drawn up at the request of Charles V, of the
Holy Roman Empire, at that time a group of German states, who,
wanted a sumnary of the Lutheran faith. The Confession set forth
the points of agreement with the Roman Catholic Church, and also
pointed to the abuses and to the scriptural justification for the new
Lutheran stand on the issue.
THE LUTHERAN CONCEPTION of God is that epressed in the
Bible-that he is one in essence, yet three in person. God has manifest-
ed Himself as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit'in the work of creation,
reemption and sanctification. The Lutherans believe that the in-
spiration of the Bible and prayer would become farcical if God were
only an impersonal force, some cosmic urge, or an abstract principle.
God is a person, incorporeal but nonetheless real. He can be
known only from God's revelation of Himself in Jesus Christ,
through the scriptures.
In the eyes of the Lutheran, man is a fallen saint, not a cultured
brute. Originally man was created in the image of God to live according
to His law. But man, in the person of Adam, disobeyed God and there-
by'became a sinner. In doing this, man brought sin and death upon
himself and all his posterity.
SIN IS TRANSGRESSION of the divine law, as set forth in the
Bible. All men born into this world by a natural mode of generation
have the taint of original sin. Original sin is not an activity, but a
condition. It exists even though there is no conscious, voluntary act
of the internal or external powers of the mind or body. This condition
is the source of actual transgressions.
The Lutherans look on the matter of the universe and the
forces with which matter is endowed as products of a God's will
and intelligence. The universe was not developed by the action of
forces resident in matter.
And in turn, man was not created as a species of animal, but in
UN Withdraws Demand
For Red Cross Inspection

Music Filled the Night ...

To Be Paid
By Britain
Payments Also
To Go to Canada
LONDON-(I)-Hard-up Britain
announced yesterday she will pay
both interest and capital install-
ments, totalling 176 million dol-
lars, due Dec. 31 on her postwar
loans from the United States and
She might have claimed a waiv-
er on the interest.
Prime Minister Churchill's new
government also gave the British
pound sterling a small measure of
freedom to demonstrate its real
value in foreign money markets.
Subject to some continuing limi-
tations, the Bank of England auth-
orized private individuals to trade
British pounds for foreign money
for the first time in 12 years.
BOTH MOVES clearly were in-
tended to restore world confidence'
in Britain's wobbly economy and
weakened currency and to bolster
the British case for more military
and economic help from the United
A highly placed informant
said the government will have
to sell gold from the British-
.banked sterling area's waning
gold and dollar reserves to pay
the United States and Canada.
However, Britain has asked -for
600 million dollars in economic
help alone from the U.S. Mutual
Security Agency for the next six
months and the United States ex-
pects to be able to hand over per-
haps half that.
* * *
A BRITISH treasury announce-
ment said:
"Under the revelant agreements,
His Majesty's Government have
the right on certain conditions to
request the waiver of the interest
element of these payments, but
after a careful review of all the
circumstances they have decided
not to make such a request. 'The
payments will therefore be made
in full on the 31st of December
The interest accounts' for
$110,700,000 of the total. The-
installments are the first of 50
which Britain is due to pay
yearly until the year 2000. -
The United States will get 51
million dollars on principal and
87 million in interest; Canada will
get 14 million on principal and
$23,700,000 in interest.
The United States put out $4,-
350,000,000 and Canada $1,185,-
000,000 for Britain in 1946 when
this country was reeling under
economic shocks from World
War II.
Churchill plumped for the re-
payment Dec. 31 in spite of a con-
tinuing British economic crisis.
.The 77-year-old Prime Minister
sails for New York Dec. 29 to call
on President Truman in Washing-
ton. He wants both economic and
military help under the mutual
security program.

U.S. Loans

-Daily-Larry Wilk
Oblivious to the external iciness, Michigan couples last night dream ily enjoyed a last fling of official campus social life before the Christ-

mas vacation.

' Sweeps Toronto Series

Michigan busted open a close
hockey game with four goals in
a dramatic fist-swinging third
period to beat Toronto's Blues, 6-4,
in the Coliseum last night.
Coupled with Friday's 4-1 tri-
umph, last nght's hard fought
Maize and Blue victory gave the
Wolverines a sweep of the weekend
series and possession of the re-
cently revived James C. Thomp-
son trophy.
game with three beautiful power
play tallies inside of two minutes
in the final stanza while Toronto
was two players short and Michi-
gan one as the result of five min-
ute fighting penalties.
Alex McClellan, Michigan de-
fenseman, and Jack MacKenzie
Long, Spivak
Set for J-Hop
The bands of Johnny Long
and Charlie Spivak will provide
music for the 1953 J-Hop, it
was announced yesterday.
Both bands were close to the
top' in the poll conducted re-
cently among students, says
Robert Steinberg, '53, bands
The dance will be held from
9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. on February
8 and 9 at the Intra-Mural
Building. The theme and fur-
ther plans will be announced at
a later date.

set the 'stage for the rapid fire
clinchers by John McKennell,
John Matchefts, and Pat Cooney
(his second) with a fight just
inside the Michigan blue .line
along the boards that held up
the contest for ten. minutes.
McClellan, on his way to the
sin bin for his share in the fra-
cus, engaged Toronto's Al Fasan in
another scuffle, and from the pen-
alty box all three watched the
Wolverines calmly riddle goalie
Jack Ross from close in.
* 4 *
'THE THREE major penalties
gave the Wolverines opportunity
to- do what they had been threat-
ening from the outset of the final
period-break loose in a rash of
goals. Some sharp play by Ross in
the Toronto nets had limited Mich-
igan scoring in the third stanza
to a tenfoot shot into an open net
by Jim Haas.
Before Haas' tally, Toronto
had twice come from behind to
knot the score, after a goal by
George Chin (first period) and
Woman Dies
After Pluntge
Violet Jane Barber, 20 years old,
drowned yesterday in an appar-
ent suicide in the Huron River
near a bridge onrGeddes Road
north of Ann Arbor.
Dr. Edwin C. Ganzhorn, county
coroner, has not yet announced
the cause of her death. However
several persons claimed to have
seen Miss Barber make several
attempts and then finally jump
from the bridge into the icy river.
The sheriff's department was
then called to the scene where
they dragged the river in freezing
winds for over two hours before
she was finally discovered approx-
imately one hundred yards from
the bridge.
Miss Barber was the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Norris Barber,
who live ten miles southwest of
Adrian. She had been employod
for three years by the Farm Bu-
reau in Ann -Arbor.

a 30-footer by Cooney (second
After the quick Michigan on-
slaught the near capacity crowd
of 3,700 sat back to calmly wait
out the end of the game,but Mich-
igan goalie Willard Ikola brought
them t0their feet with 30 seconds
left when, lying on the ice, he stop-
ped a rebound with his face and
left the game with twoteeth
knocked out and two others chip-
DEFENSEMAN Haas took over
the goal tending chores and he
stopped a couple of drives without
benefit of goalie equipment, but
Gordon Bennettkilled a rebound
past Haas with fifteen seconds to
play for Toronto's last goal.
Michigan scoring for the game
was evenly divided, Pat Cooney
bagging two goals and an assist to
lead his team. Cooney's unassist-
ed second goal, during the clinch-
ing power play, was the result of
fine stickhandling by the dark-
haired sophomore left wing.
He picked up the-puck near the
right boards, threaded his way past
two Toronto defenders, and tuck-
ed the disc behind Ross, who had
been faked nearly out of his pads.
Matchefts tallied once, as did
Haas, while McKennell and Chin
each bagged a goal and an assist.
Captain Earl Keyes garnered one
Bennett, Al Conboy, Don Rope,
and Joe Kane got Toronto's goals.
FIRST PERIOD: 1-Michigan, Chin
(Keyes), 6:01.
Penalties: Toronto, Fitzhenry (trip-
ping); Michigan, Mullen (interfer-
SECOND PERIOD: 2-Toronto, Rope
(Adams, Wheldrake), 1:30; 3-Michi-
gan, Cooney (Chin, Keyes), 2:53; 4-
Toronto, Kane (Wheldrake), 18:11.
Penalties: Michigan, Heathcott"
(tripping), Heathcott (slashing).
THIRD PERIOD: 5-Michigan, Haas
(Cooney), 4:58; 6-Michigan, McKen-
nel (unassisted), 11:57; 7-Michigan,
Matchefts (McKennell, Haas), 12:48;
8-Michigan, Cooney (unassisted),
13:17; 9-Toronto, Conboy (Stephen),
16:16; l1-Toronto, Bennett (Adams,
Stephen), 19:49.
Penalties: Toronto, Fasan, MacKen-
zie (fighting); Michigan, McClellan
(fighting), all five minutes; Michi-
gan, Pelow (tripping).

.Ike' States
Allies Must
Pay Share
PARIS-(R)-Gen. Dwight D. Ei-
senhower yesterday told European
nations balking at increased mili-
tary expenditures that their se-
curity will cost a lot of money and
they must pay their share.
He made a blunt and sometimes
angry speech to the 12-nation
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion (NATO) Committee of Plan-
ners, which. has drafted a blue-,
print for bigger arms budgets
among some members to build up
Epropean defenses.
*5 * *
HIS APPEARANCE dramatical-
ly underscored the problem that
arose when some nations began re-
belling against boosting their mili-
tary spending in the fear that it
would upset civilian affairs at
The Supreme Allied Com-
mander told the NATO delegates
they would have -to rush through
the buildup of a force sufficient
to deter Russia, and only then
"can we start thinking about
lightening the defense burden."

MUNSAN, Korea, Sunday, Dec.
16-(1)-Allied negotiators today
withdrew their demand that Inter-
national Red Cross observers be
allowed into Communist war pri-
soner camps immediately.
The Allies had been asking for
the inspection as a necessary step
before prisoner of war exchange
could be discussed further.
The subcommittee discussing the
prisoner question adjourned at
1:20 p.m. after agreeing to resume
discussions at 11 a.m. tomorrow
(9 p.m. EST, today).
* *
DURING THE morning session
of the subcommittee on truce sup-
ervision the Allies bluntly came
after the Reds rejected tentative
offers designed to break the truce
Tempers appeared short at the
morning session of the subcom-
mittee on truce supervision at
Panmunjom. A second subcom-
mittee on exchange of prison-
ers adjourned until tomorrow
without even calling an after-
noon meeting.

Hsieh Fang whether he wanted to
negotiate, or if he "did not have
the authority to negotiate."
Hsieh refused to answer, but
Turner said "we await an ans-
wer" in the afternoon session.
Turner said the offer to with-
draw from the North Korean is-
lands was made in the form of a
hypothetical question.
The Reds rejected it.
Turner also proposed that the
proposed ban on a military build-
up during an armistice be changd
to read:
"There shall be no introduction
of reinforcing military forces,
equipment or material."
The Air Force officer said the
Reds also rejected this.
MEANWHILE, a falling mer-
cury that plunged the Western
Korean front temperatures to 12
above zero and snowfalls on the
Eastern front were the most signi-
ficant movements in Korea early
Both sides tried to keep warm.
The only action yesterday was

Protest Notes
To Blast Reds
WASHINGTON - A series of
sharp notes is being drafted by
the United States to Russia, Ro-
mania and Hungary rejecting Red
charges against this country and
demanding quick freedom for four
American fliers imprisoned in
Hungary, according to a United
Press report.
Three of the four notes will an-
swer Communists charges that the
United States is dropping spies
behind the Iron Curtain on a
wholesale scale.
The fourth, addressed to Hun-
gary, will display the President's
anger. The note not only demands
release of the fliers but also re-
jects assertions that they were
engaged in clandestine activities
when their C-47 transport was
forced down by Russian airmen


"By carrying on. we can reach f * *)
a point where it would be foolish Generaaettt "
for an enemy to attack," he prom--al
ised. To Go on
Eisenhower is reported aim-
.ing for 6force of some 40 divisions To
in complete readiness by the end Tmorrow,
of 1952; 60 or. more by 1954.
"Generation," student arts mag-
F aculty 'W ill , azine, will go on sale tomorrow.
Unique among college publica-
. - W . tions, the first issue of the season
Air Athletics contains student creative expres-
sion of a wide variety. A memor-
ial to Arnold Schoenberg, the in-
The Faculty Senate will meet ventor of the twelve-tone system
tomorrow to consider the present in music who died last year, in-
athletic situation at the Univer- cludes works by five student com-
It is expected that Prof. Hay- The Avery Hopwood Awards
ward Keniston's proposals to re- in creative writing were" made
vise the functions of the Board in too late last spring 'to be in-
Control of Intercollegiate Athletics eluded in "Generation" at that
will get a thorough airing, along time, so the poetry of two ma-
with other proposals designed to jor award winners, Frank 0'-
"de-emphasize" University ath- Hara and Kathleen Musser,
letics. highlights this issue. O'Hara's
works have also been published
in a number of national maga-
"The Tribute," another Hopwood
winning piece, and a short story,
s C o#"The Dowry"provide a different
style of writing for the reader.
Critical appraisals of the works
EVERY campus- fraternity with of contemporary poets F. E. Cum-
a clause, except Sigma Alpha Mu mis and Hamptona r producer-
was represented at the meetin.-. I


Clause Hoi
The house presidents of 12 fra-
ternities with bias clauses met yes-
terdav in ano dmeetinat +nofi

use President

responsible discussions within the
individual houses.
I A statement issued hy the


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