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April 13, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…Jreruilrna Ninety- nine years of editorialfreedom Vol. IC, - No. 133 Ann Arbor, Michigan -- Thursday, April 13, 1989 Copyright 1989, The Michigan Daily Victors visit the White House WASHINGTON (AP) - Saying "hail to the victors" and neatly sink- ing a free throw in the Rose Garden, President Bush yesterday honored the University of Michigan for winning the NCAA basketball championship. "Today America is talking, and they're talking about you ...…

April 13, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 13, 1989 Associated Press. President Bush and others watch as Rumeal Robinson reenacts his game winning free throws yesterday at the White House. Pictured from left are Coach Steve Fisher, Bush, T eam Continued from Page 1 beating Seton Hall when junior guard Rumeal Robinson sank two free throws with three seconds left in overtime for the 80-79 victory. "Today, Hail to the Victors is the numbe...…

April 13, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 13, 1989 - Page 3 Ban delays thousands of gun imports WASHINGTON - Close to I million new semiautomatic assault- style rifles could flood the United States if the Bush administration de- cides to end its suspension of such imports. Gun importers have applications to bring in 965,000 of the weapons pending at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, according to spokesperson Dick Pedersen. The import su...…

April 13, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 Men must Thursday, April 13, 1989 fight rape The Michigan Daily 4 culture By David Keiser, Danny Rosen, Jim Burg, Ilan Rubenfeld, John Ifscher and John Price They must deplorable "isolated i rather mani incidents ai - these mr We are a group of men very concerned are not ca about sexual inequality and how it is vio- ported, mo lently manifest in our society. We believe cized. It is sexual inequality - read sexism -...…

April 13, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 133) • Page Image 5

…PERSPECTIVES The Michigan Daily Thursday, April 13, 1989 Page 5 Facing the end of an amazing trip BY MICHAEL LUSTIG Fasten your seatbelts. The journey is about to end. I reserved my ticket well over four years ago, in December, 1984, and confirmed my reservation in May, 1985. During the summer of 1985, as I completed one journey, I prepared for another. I spent the summer packing my preconceived ,notions and ex- pectations about college...…

April 13, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 133) • Page Image 6

…P Page 6 - The Michigan Daily -- Thursday, April 13, 1989 CI SIFIED ADS 764-0557 FOUNU-198 Cass tecn class ring. nelievea to be owned by a football player named John. Call 769-0445. LOST - Keys on Red Swiss Army Knife at McDonalds on South U. No ?s. 764-8708. LOST - PAIR OF GLASSES at Riot on ' South U. Reward - even if damaged. 764-' 6681. LOST KEYS ON South U and Church dur- ing Monday's riot. Please call 769-5235!!! LOST: Gold Id Ring ...…

April 13, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 133) • Page Image 7

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Thursday, April 13, 1989 Page 7 'Celibidache trades fame for BY TONY SiLBER genuine because he strives for artistic integrity. He was appointed Music Director of the Munich Philhar- monic Orchestra in 1979. Before that, he was the Principal Conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic. Why roll? No one, and he's not offering his services any- way. While standard orchestras tour for up to six months with 50-plus dates,...…

April 13, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 133) • Page Image 8

…Page 8- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 13, 1989 Ambitious Song explores memory BY CHERIE CURRY L 00K into the past and you may see memories too painful to be remembered, too painful to be relived. In India's Song, we will be able to experience another's memory, and save our own for later. We will be able to relive the story as it is so beautifully written by Marguerite Duras - two faces refracting the other's image over the course of a t...…

April 13, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 133) • Page Image 9

…Softball vs. Indiana Friday, 3:30 p.m. Varsity Diamond The Michigan Daily SPORTS Football Spring Game Saturday, 1 p.m. Michigan Stadium Thursday, April 13, 1989 Page 9 Softballers split twinbill with MSU Wolverines win the clash with the Titans, 11-5 and 1-0 BY PETER ZELLEN The Wolverines split a double- header with Michigan State yes- terday, losing the first game 2-0 and winning the nightcap 7-4. In the opener, Michigan pitcher Jenny ...…

April 13, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 133) • Page Image 10

…Page 10- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 13, 1989 The art of pitching by Andrea Nelson BY PETER ZELLEN A private pitching clinic of sorts was held recently for this writer's benefit. I wanted to know more about the art of pitching in fast-pitch softball, the brand played by the team at Michigan. People seem to have the wrong idea about pitching in softball. Most know the game as slow-pitch or beer ball.' The game that the Steels Sports t...…

April 13, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 131 Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, April 13, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily MSA SCBN urges student Hijackers release 12 manager By RYAN TUTAK The Michigan Student Assembly last night unanimously passed a resolution demanding that the University administration not interfere with the Campus Broadcasting Newtork and that it allow CBN to ap- point a student general manager. "W...…

April 13, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 131) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 13, 1988 Group outlines arms research projects y DAVID SCHWARTZ if they're going to publish their "We wanted to let them know sity's Board of Regents voted to he Coalition Against Weapons views about a project, it's good that that we were publicizing information change the research guidelines last arch, a group formed to monitor they get professors to respond," Vice that would otherwise be lost in pa...…

April 13, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 131) • Page Image 3

…I Forum focuses on fighting fascism The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 13, 1988- Opening Day brings fun to festive fans Page 3 By MICAH SCHMIT Prompted by what they called brutal treatment of anti-Nazi protesters by Ann Arbor police at a rally last month, four panelists at a Monday night forum said capitalism fosters the formation and survival of fascist and racist hate groups. The forum was sponsored by the Ad Hoc Committee to Fight Fas-...…

April 13, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 131) • Page Image 4

…OPINION 'Page 4 Wednesday, April 13, 1988 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Asian-bashing is not funny - eVol. XCVIII, No. 131 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Stop the administration's repression of student radio:...…

April 13, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 131) • Page Image 5

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Wednesday, April 13, 1988 Page 5 'Laff Glossy your brains out! : " Gargoyle is coming Adrian Belew is the most well-known member of the band, but the three other Bears aren't cold porridge. Pictured from left to right are Bob Nyswonger, Rob Fetters, Belew, and Chris Arduser. Guitarist Adrian Belew Bears growls By Michael Fischer The name of his band is not Adrian Belew and the Bears. It's The Bears - and th...…

April 13, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 131) • Page Image 6

…Page 6 -The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 13, 1988 CI .SIFIED ADS 764-0557 LOST & FOUND FOUND: ACID WASHED LEVI JACKET nC Phi Psi fraternit Friday night. Has keys inside. Call Lomne@764-4868 after 1 1pm. GLORIA OSBORNE- Found your Michigan ID. Please call 769-9881. Ask for Cathy. ,LOST WED. 4/6 at Rick's--Faded Levi +Jacket/Frayed collar. Call 995-1869. ;LOST: LARGE REWARD. Pink satin case .with gamet-diamond ring + earrings, etc. 'Sentimen...…

April 13, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 131) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 13, 1988- Pague 7. STUDENT SERVICES Achieve the Score You Need with EXCEL Next class starts Saturday April 16th - Organized, Up-to-Date Materials + Comprehensive Exam Strategies - Video-taped Review of Previous LSATs Professional Instruction - Affordable Tuition 996-1500 Test Preparation 1100 SOUTH UNIVERSITY 1 1 WHAT IF YOU DON'T GET INTO THE GRAD SCHOOL OF YOUR CHOICE? Sure, thaea th a s cx But why ...…

April 13, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 131) • Page Image 8

…0 Page 8 -The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 13, 1988 Sa ferstein' s Oh, Ramona!' Oh, wow! By Linda Gardner A sporadically confusing but enthusiastic OhRamona! played to a sellout crowd at the Perfor- mance Network last weekend. This was a play for the audience and to the audience, from the moment the actors took the stage. No matter how much the characters spoke to the spectators and involved them in the production, surreality (and oft...…

April 13, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 131) • Page Image 9

…Women's Tennis vs. Michigan State Today, 3:00 p.m. East Lansing SPORTS Men's Lacrosse vs. Michigan State Tonight, 7:30 p.m. Tartan Turf . ............ ......... - - - - - --------- - The Michigan Daily Wednesday, April 13, 1988 Page 9 *Platinwiq By MIKE GILL Nice guy huh? Mitch Albom, Detroit Free Press sports columnist, best in the nation? Nah. Can't be. Nice guy? Oh come on. Does Lawrence Welk disco? Here's a guy, 29 years old, sees ...…

April 13, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 131) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 13, 1988 SPORTS OF THEMDAILY: Netters trample Michigan St. I By TAYLOR LINCOLN Despite head coach Brian Eisner's concerns about a possible letdown following last weekend's solid vic- tory over Illinois, the men's tennis team soundly defeated Michigan State yesterday. The Wolverines won the first eight matches, with the no. 1 dou- bles match pending at press-time. The Wolverines were only tested in ...…

April 13, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 131) • Page Image 11

…"THE CODE" By Kenneth Bassey The code of non-academic conduct has been passed. It appears that the representatives of our student body who most vocally opposed the implementation of this code have lost the battle for better or for worse. What will life be for Joe LSA Student with the "code" hanging over his head? Will it violate students' civil and con- stitutional rights, or will it be the solution to racial and sexual incidents that the Univ...…

April 13, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 131) • Page Image 12

…o -a c . 0 c 0~ 0 r. oE - o - 0- - r, cc 0 CL -. ran CD h- cn O p O LU C = 0 r- , CD v5 0 D t N0n p 0- 0 D o 0 rn Co ' 0O O o 0 'a 0 ' 0o y 0+ 4. r. CD' o0 0 c-I a- 0f cd' (D' 0s UQ 0 O1Q CL' c9 CDo -o =r n 0-a M 0 Cd' ~1 '0 Cd' 0 -. C#)* 0 0- 0- ~ 2o~ ~ 0- 0 0 ~ ~0 ~1 o Cd' Cd' 0 Cd' Cd' - Cd' 0 ~ 0- 0 Cd) 2 0- -~ -. '-I Cd) 0 0- < 2' 5. 0 c0 0 Cd' 0 . ) 0 0 Cd' ,. c Cd' a- 0r r0 Q1 0 0 - CD) -I 0 0 0 ' 0 0- O 0 :0 r+ CD) 0D o~ - 0...…

April 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom VOLUME XCVII - NO. 132 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN - MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1987 COPYRIGHT 1987, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ed. school dept. faces elimination Women ''harass mzen for class project By HEATHER ROSE A group of Introduction to Women's Studies students took the Diag by surprise Friday, carrying signs and yelling at male passersby. For their final project for Women's Studies 240, the nine women "wanted to mak...…

April 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2 -- The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 13, 1987 MTS users debate 'bad jokes' (Continued from Page 1) encouraged the organizers and planners of the Meet Students conference to take action on their own to resolve the problem. On April 1, Todd Bakal, creator of the "bad jokes" category permanently froze the item so that no further entries could be made. Doug Van Houweling, vice provost for Information Tech- nology, has since created ...…

April 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 13, 1987 - Poge3 Jazz for Life sponsors drive for poor kids By LAURA STERN This week is a busy one for Jazz For Life, a non-profit organization dedicated to aiding poor children. The group is sponsoring several activities this week to increase community awareness of the problem and to raise funds. Shakey Jake Woods and the Jazz for Life Crusaders held a benefit concert at Rick's American Cafe last night, a...…

April 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…I OPINION Monday, April 13, 1987 ,, Page 4 The Michigan Doily . .... U1Iie Sirbi3an 1auI Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan CIA did acid experiments Vol. XCVII, No. 132 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. A bid for science TIH STATE...…

April 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 132) • Page Image 5

…Women 's Studies goup protests catcalls (Continued from Page 1 Ass," "Hot Legs," "Big Bulge," "Bigger Bulge" and shouted similar observations at passing men. "We wanted to intimidate (men)"like they do us," said Abbatte. .,,According to Abbatte, men will farely verbally abuse a woman unless they have the support of friends for security. "This is a .evardly way to do it, but the only wdy," she said. The Women's Stdies group employed the same me...…

April 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 132) • Page Image 6

…4 Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 13, 1987 CLA SIFIED ADS 764-0557 4 LOST & FOUND FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT PERSONAL LOST: beige purse and purple wallet at Phi Sigma Kappa house Fnday nite. If found please caRIeth: 763-2672. LOST: TRI-DELT SORORITY PIN INI- TIAL KK on back. Call 764-7042. RE- WARt)!!! FOR SALE 1980 HONDA CB650-Excellent condition. Many accessories. $1000. Randy 994-5033. 86 RED HONDA SPREE 300mi. l...…

April 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 132) • Page Image 7

… CLASSIFIED ADS 764-0557 Cotinued from Previous Page HELP WANTED COONSELORS- ASSOCIATION OF IN- DEPENDENT CAMPS seeks qualified coun- selors for 75 residential children's private cilN s July and August. Contact:Association of Independent Camps 43 West 23rd Street- Sixth floor New York, NY 10010 (212) 645-6620. while you Earn this summer. Depend- stron woman needed to help profes- si disa led, woman with meals, personal some driving, central ...…

April 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 132) • Page Image 8

…4 ARTS Monday, April 13, 1987 The Michigan Daily Page 8 Snakefinger: Day in Bombay," and "Bless Me a Lepr By Matthew Smith For I Have Sinned." An avid film Overal soundtrack enthusiast, he's even finds S Phillip "Snakefinger" Lithman included a stirring rendition of Nino splatter is a guitar hero if there ever was Rota's music from 81/2- variety one. He plays guitar like nobody Snakefinger's backup band, the Sna else, with a quirky, sponta...…

April 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 132) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily -Monday, April 13, 1987-- Page9 Six mature artists grace the Rackham galleries By Charles Oestreicher Last Wednesday a B.F.A. show for six degree candidates opened at the Rackham Gallery of Art which concentrated exclusively on the fine arts, primarily painting, earthen - Fie Arts '8 Degree Shows wate and various forms of priiitmaking. There are many ab - stract and figure study pieces, but thane are no design, illustratio...…

April 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 132) • Page Image 10

…4 Baseball Doubleheader vs. Ferris State Tuesday , 1 p.m. Ray Fisher Stadium SPORTS Monday, April 13, 1987 Softball vs. Michigan State Wednesday, 3 p.m. Varsity Softball Diamond PageJO The Michigan Daily 4 'M' takes three offour from Purdue By SCOTT SHAFFER Pitching was the key this weekend as the baseball team took three out of four games from Purdue in Big Ten season-opening series played on Saturday and Sunday. Michigan upped its...…

April 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 132) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 13, 1987 - Page 11 New England captures junior By DARREN JASEY There were no miracles this time in the Junior Olympic Hockey Tournament championship game. Last year, with Herb Brooks at the helm, Team Minnesota pulled offs a miracle 11-10 overtime victory over Team Michigan after, falling behind 7-1. This year, Team New England led 6-1, and held on to beat Team Minnesota 9-2 at Yost Ice Arena Saturday night...…

April 13, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 132) • Page Image 12

…4 Page 12 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 13, 1987 biJ ....... WIT +Jl , I'. t I !f/(r j. f \ z . xe 4 'AM Mothhh, r C MEICJ/IEYS A v- 0 1 U .;; :r. Office Products has moved to a bigger and better location! p \iii I s . . , ,_ \1ti ' \ \ , " \L ' Y -,.. . _ Macauley's Ann Arbor :: ;; 4 Storewide Savifds! Prizes! And thfte best office supplies, Trips! in town! Macauley's Office Products has made the big move ...…

April 13, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

… Ninety-five Years EI rof IEditorial Freedom cl be L it 4 i3Iai1j Shucks Mixed clouds and sunshine with scattered showers in the after- noon. High in the low 60s. Vol. XCV, No. 154 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 13, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight pges Heatley promotes . 'U'police department By STACEY SHONK Women who want to improve campus safety should lobby for a state Senate bill that would make it ea...…

April 13, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 154) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 -The Michigan Dily - Saturday, April 13, 1985 Inquiring Photographer by Dan Habib SIN BRIEF "What issues would you like to see the newly-elected MSA work on?" d Compiled from Associated Press and United Press International reports I-- I I Nancy Distel, LSA freshman: "Support the "No Code" movement. Change the registration procedure so that it goes by credit rather than the juniors, sophomores, and freshmen being bunched together....…

April 13, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 154) • Page Image 3

…Apartheid must be ,protested, exile says (Continued from Page 1) tai be friends with the Nazis to persuade them." The African National Congress, for- med in 1912 as the opposition party to the South African government has *dbclared 1985 the year people will ren- der South Africa ungovernable. THE CONGRESS was granted obser- v*r status in the United Nations in 1972, when the South African government was expelled because of its official pplicy o...…

April 13, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 154) • Page Image 4

…C Page 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCV, No. 154. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board The new MSA W ITH SPRING each year at the University comes a new group of students vying for seats on the Michigan Student Assembly. And with the results of the most recent MSA elections released, it looks as though next year's assembly has th...…

April 13, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 154) • Page Image 5

…ARTS 'the Michigan Daily Saturday, April 13, 1985 Page 5 Joe' s Star' fades from Main ...doors to close for last time By Hobey Echlin OE'S STAR Lounge. The very name, J brings to mind the things that make it a veritable museum of Americana. The stained-red bar, the rich Italianate ceiling, the inviting row of Saturn- lamps, the vintage clock, the muddied red high-tops hanging on the wall. These are the images of Joe's. And af- ter a two...…

April 13, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 154) • Page Image 6

…Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Saturday, April 13, 1985 - Ll A Il I D f- 7j4-C4u4j7I a6 LOST & FOUND LOST- green spiral notebook containing important letters and addresses. 665-4512 small reward. 30A0414 FOR SALE HIGH CHAIR $15, Duncan Thyfe dining table $40, welsh baby chest and crib $80, round marblite coffee table $40. Call 750-9134 37B417 PORSCHE classic 914 convertible. Good condition, extremely reasonable $. Call Eric 996-2396 ...…

April 13, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 154) • Page Image 7

…Midwest Intercollegiate Volleyball Association Qualifying Tournament Today, 10:00 a.m. CCRB SPORTS Men's Tennis vs. Minnesota Today, 2:30 p.m. Liberty Tennis Club The Michigan Daily Saturday, April 13, 1985 Page 7 Softballers split with Hoosiers By SCOTT SHAFFER Indiana's Amy Unterbrink fired a no- hitter to give the Hoosiers a split of their doubleheader with the Wolverines. The Wolverines won the opener 8-2, but their bats went silent i...…

April 13, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 154) • Page Image 8

…Page 8'- The Michigan Daily - Saturday, April 13, 1985 Two more standouts signed by Frieder TEN STARTERS GONE FROM '84 Bo discusses changes for fall. By STEVE WISE Michigan basketball coach Bill Frieder yesterday brought two more horses into his recruiting stable for next year. Mark Hughes of Muskegon Reeths-Puffer and Mike Griffin of East Leyden High School in Franklin Park, Ill. each signed letters of intent to attend the Univer- sity. H...…

April 13, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…obody does it better See Weekend Magazine Ninety-four Years ltv E pluribu ynu Iof l2 d AIJ Cloudy, windy, and scattered showers. High of 53. Editorial Freedom Wg 9 The g Dg An Arbo Vol. XCI V-No. 155 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan -Friday, April 13 1984 Fifteen Cents Sixteen Pages Big Ten Playboy hopefuis 'op into the hutch By SUE BARTO Preppies, punkers, and one stripper showed up at a Campus Inn hotel room yester...…

April 13, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 155) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 13, 1984 Tuition tax not necessary, GEO says IN BRIEF (Continued from Page 1) interpretation of the IRS bulletin is just that - the union's interpretation, not the University's. Dan Gamble, the University's manager of compensation and staff relations, says the University was aware of the ruling, but did not interpret the document to mean that it should not count the waiver as taxable income. HE SA...…

April 13, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 155) • Page Image 3

…HAPPENINGS FRIDAY, APRIL 13 Highlight The National Student Video Festival begins tonight at 8 p.m. in the Michigan Theatre. The event is sponsored by Michigan Media. Films Cinema Two - The Graduate, 7 & 9 p.m., Aud. A., Angell Hall. Mediatrics - The Barefoot Contessa, 7 p.m., The Maltese Falcon, 9:15 p.m., Nat. Sci. Cinema Guild - Wuthering Heights, 7 & 9p.m., Lorch. AAFC - Film Parodies and Shorts, 7 & 10:20 p.m., Rocky and Bullwinkle Cartoon...…

April 13, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 155) • Page Image 4

…A OPINION Page 4 Friday, April 13, 1984 The Michigan Daily' J Hart would wean U.S. off foreign oil By Dave Kopel As the Democrats move into the second half of the nomination contest, the voters will be examining the can- didates with increasing attention and sophistication. The focus will shift from slogans and "momentum" to issues and leadership. While Gary Hart and Walter Mondale have made iiportant differences, in few areas is ...…

April 13, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 155) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 13, 1984 - Page 5 Sun heats up ice cream sales (Continued from Page 1) Liberty Streets, charges $1.10 for a three-ounce serving of Italian-style Gelato ice cream. Although the light, all-natural Gelato costs more, Costello says the customers don't mind paying extra for the high. quality and more "intense" flavor. "ONCE PEOPLE taste Gelato they usually come back for it," he says. Cafe Fiore sits less than a...…

April 13, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 155) • Page Image 6

…Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 13, 1984 ' ' -. N THE REAGAN A THEFIRST A CO NFERENCE ON DMINI RAT IN and AMENDMENT 4 NEW GOVERNMENT CONTROLS ON SPEECH, INFORMATION, AND ASSOCIATION a The Conference participants will discuss many of the controversial policies which the Reagan Administration contends are necessary to prevent information leaks and protect national security. Among the policies to be discussed are: I. Th...…

April 13, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 155) • Page Image 7

…" The Michigan Daily- Friday, April 13, 1984-- Page 7 HAPPENINGS (Continued from Page 3) Human Sexuality Office - Lesbian Parenting Conference, Donna Hut- chins, 9 a.m., Michigan Union. Russian and E. European Studies - "The Search for Identity in Modern Ukranian Literature," Assya Humesky 3 p.m., MLB Lee. Rm. 1. Orthodox Christian Fellowship "Faith of Orthodox Christians Prosecuted in the USSR: An example and an Inspiration for American O...…

April 13, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 155) • Page Image 8

…ARTS Page 8 Friday, April 13, 1984 The Michigan Dairy 'Moscow'invades America By Byron Bull L IKE ALL PAUL MAZURSKY films, Moscow on The Hudson is loosely plotted, and more than a little clutzy at times. But it's also his funniest and most complete film since Next Stop Greenwich Village. It's an un- sophisticated play on the emotions similar in vein to a Frank Capra film, so good natured and humorous one can't help but be charmed and even...…

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