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April 13, 1987 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-04-13

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Page 2 -- The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 13, 1987

MTS users debate

'bad jokes'

(Continued from Page 1)
encouraged the organizers and
planners of the Meet Students
conference to take action on their
own to resolve the problem.
On April 1, Todd Bakal, creator
of the "bad jokes" category
permanently froze the item so that
no further entries could be made.
Doug Van Houweling, vice

provost for Information Tech-
nology, has since created an item
which outlines the University's
stance in such cases.
The item states: "Computer
conferences provide a vehicle
through which the University's
committment can be realized
because they convene a broad cross-
section of the community...

Abusive or insensitive language,
even in items with humorous
intent, could impede the com-
munity's progress and damage the
social fabric on which we all
The planners and organizers of
Meet Students have set up
alternative items for participants to
express their opinions on the

matter. Over the past two weeks
participants have engaged in a
voluminous disussion, pondering
the freedoms and limits of the
conference mechanism.
The discussion is far from over.
While the "bad jokes" item is dead,
there is nothing to prevent the birth
of a replacement. Meanwhile, the
debate rages on.

Jerigan may veto pay equity move

(Continued from Page 1)
Ward) asked City Attorney Bruce
Laidlaw whether weekends are
included in the 72 hour grace
period. According to council rules,
the 72-hour period does not include
Sundays and holidays. To override a
mayoral veto, the council must

have a majority of eight votes.
On election night, Jernigan said
he did not think he would need to
use his veto power because he plan -
ned on working with the Democrats
to reach solutions to problems.
Since Jernigan will be sworn in
at tonight's city council meeting,

he will be mayor before the 72-hour
period expires.
Jernigan said he opposes hiring
the pre-consultant, which would
cost about $8,000, because he
thinks the existing commission
should be able to handle the study
without outside help.
He said he will speak to other
Republicans about the matter before
deciding whether to veto the
Councilmember Kathy Edgren
(D-Fifth Ward) said members of the

Democratic caucus plan to get him
to change his mind.
Edgren said Jernigan is being
inconsistent, since his campaign
stressed the importance of taking
the advice of the administrators and
department heads.
She said Mayor Pierce is
planning on returning today at noon
to sign the contract with the pre-
consultant to make the resolution
official, and hopefully prevent any
veto action tonight.

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Compiled from Associated Press reports
Shultz prepares responses to,
arms control negotiations
HELSINKI, Finland - Secretary of State George Shultz met with
dozen U.S. arms control advisers yesterday to ready his response to new
Soviet overtures that might bring the Reagan administration closer to
its first arms control agreement.
Limited by President Reagan in other nuclear areas, Shultz hopes tp
clear a major obstacle to a treaty to rid Europe of medium-range mis
siles in talks opening today in Moscow.
The barrier is the presence in East Germany, Czechoslovakia and th
Soviet Union of 130 shorter-range rockets that the United States and it
North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies want the right to match.
In two speeches, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev offered to nego -
tiate a solution while the two sides complete an agreement to eliminat
their other medium-range missiles from Europe.
Archdiocese recruits priests
DETROIT - The Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit is looking t,
collar a few good men, using an advertising campaign that says: "Th
work is hard. But the rewards are infinite."
The archdiocese is launching its first major ad campaign to reverse
the trend that has seen its number of priests drop to 1,010 last year
from 1,344 in 1966, said the Rev. Gary Bueche, archiocesan vocation
The campaign includes 30-second television commercials as well as
billboard, newspaper, and magazine ads, said Annette Merritt-
Cummings, who helped develop the blitz for the NW Ayer ad agency.
"Obviously, we're going for men 18-34," she said. "We're trying to
create the awareness that this is a rewarding career or life-style."
Derailment causes evacuation
PITTSBURGH - A tanker carrying deadly chemicals was one of the
34 railroad cars that toppled off the tracks when a Conrail freight train
en route to Chicago derailed and plowed into another freight train headed
in the opposite direction Saturday afternoon.
No serious injuries had been reported by Sunday, although 14 people
were treated at hospitals for breathing problems immediately after the
People living within 2.6 miles of the accident were advised to leave
their homes immediately, but were allowed back six hours later after the
leak was plugged.
Shortly after midnight, the chemical began seeping again from the
tanker, and East End residents were awakened by wailing sirens and
police bullhorns. By daybreak approximately 16,000 people had been
UAW states contract concerns
CHICAGO - United Auto Workers union President Owen Bieber
sounded a war cry yesterday outlining the six major concerns, led by
loss of U.S. jobs, that union negotiators will bring to the bargaining
table this summer in contract talks with the nation's two top auto -
The six main concerns were job and income security; dependence of
U.S. automakers on foreign parts and labor; wage increass; early retire -
ment programs; reduction of overtime; and "increased corporate accoun -
tability" through more attractive domestic pricing policies and legis -
lation to control trade and prevent plant closings in the United States.
Bieber also demanded that the automakers "back off from pressuring
communities for tax concessions under threat Qffplant closings,"
Crook cashes in at wrong time
GARLAND, Texas (AP) - A bank teller first laughed, then had his
boss call police after a customer came up to his window trying to cas..
a check that had been stolen from the teller.
"I thought, 'This guy has the worst luck in the world." teller Jerry
Sattler said Friday.
He was working at the drive-in window of MBank Garland in this
Dallas suburb Tuesday when a man drove up and sasked him to cash a
check. It was one of Sattler's personal checks that had recently been
stolen from his brother's vehicle.
Because the man didn't have an account at the bank, Sattler asked
him for his driver's license, and the man complied.
"I started laughing," Sattler said. "And then I called my boss and she
called the police."
By the time police arrived the man had left, and police asked Sattler

if he could identify him. "I said, 'Yeah, there's no problem with that,"'
Sattler recalled, because he still had the driver's license.
The 35-year-old suspect was booked into Garland City Jail on. Friday
for investigation of forgery.
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.
Zhie Icthign Buflu
Vol. XCVII - No. 132
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One
term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and sub -
scribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times Syndicate.

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Editor in Chief................................ROB EARLE
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OPINION PAGE STAFF: Muzammil Ahmed, Tim
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Arts Editors. --...................REBECCA CHUNG
Books....................SUZANNE MISENCIK
Features.................................ALAN PAUL
Film ..................KURT SERBUS
Music.........................BETH FERTIG
Theatre...........LAUREN SCHREIBER
ARTS STAFF: V. J. Beauchap, Lisa Berkowitz,
John Casson, Marnie Criley, Karin Edelson, Kaywin

Sports Editor.........................SCOTT G. MILLER
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Lewis, Jodi Manchik, Laura Martin, Mindy Mendonsa,
Scott Metcalf Carolyn Rand, Jackie Roenburg"|Todd
Sarnovitz, Laura Schlanger, Jill Ilyse Shiner, Julie



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